Anyone hang clothes or towels on a clothesline?

For the time being, the deck railings work but one of my sheets blew off the other day and was laying in the grass >:( . I know what some of you mean about the towels not being fluffy when hanging them outside, doesn't really bother me. I think I'll attach a hook to one corner of my house and then place a pole on the other side of the deck. My boys just installed a wooden privacy fence in our yard so they'll be able to set the post correctly. That will probably be my kid's project around the yard next month, they'll be a little surprised :oops::laundy:

Try buying a set of beach towel/chair clips; those will probably be large enough to work on your deck rails, and later you can use them for their intended purpose. You can find them this time of year at the usual places, like Target & WalMart.
we use the metal railing pool fence for the thicker clothes...we have a square collapsible clothesline.....I use it to hang everything but towels and sheets. I pay the utility I am heat miser when it comes to drying clothes, even sort wash by ability to dry in different time zones....yeah I know....we live in arizonia and never change our time zone. .
Love my clothesline in the summer! The ropes are on pulleys so I stand on my deck and push or pull the lines out over the yard. We never had a dryer when I was kid, so year-round my mom dried clothes either outside on the line or on drying racks inside.
Nope. There is way too much dust and pollen blowing around outdoors most of the year here, so no drying outside. We drape pool towels over our railing that goes upstairs and have various hooks around on doors to hang things like wet swimsuits. I air dry clothes by hanging on hangers and putting up in door frames.
I have always hung our clothes out to dry (minus undies, LOL). We live in a wooded rural area and I string the line from 2 big trees. I love the smell of fresh sheets and clothes. I also like to iron. I don't know why I like to iron, but there it is. I should have run a laundry instead of being a RN, LOL>
I have always hung our clothes out to dry (minus undies, LOL). We live in a wooded rural area and I string the line from 2 big trees. I love the smell of fresh sheets and clothes. I also like to iron. I don't know why I like to iron, but there it is. I should have run a laundry instead of being a RN, LOL>

I'm an ironer too!!!! My 22 yr old son also irons, he was explaining to his girlfriend the other day when to use the starch spray :rotfl2:. Definitely my kid!
Here in Australia it is almost unconstitutional to not have a backyard clothesline! The only thing I don’t tend to line dry is bath towels as my husband likes them really fluffy and soft, so into the dryer they go.

Theres nothing better then sun / air dried freshly ironed clothes in my opinion.
I had to for a few weeks in the summer many years ago when our dryer broke and DH had to order a part for it. I hated it. Number one, our line is out in the middle of an orchard next to our house, so anyone driving by can see what's hanging, but it was the dead of summer and about 100 degrees out, I hated how much work it was to hang it all up. I'd get so gross and sweaty. Plus, even using fabric softener, the clothes would be stiff once dried. I have a drying rack now in my bedroom for stuff that can't be dried, but I always use the dryer with my dryer balls now.
Nope, never had one. Clothes come out the dryer ready to be put away. Something my grandmother would have done back in the days when clothes dryers weren't that common.
Just got the laundry off the clothes line that I have strung in our lania. Tried outside and too many bugs.
We have the umbrella style clothes line which I bought off of Amazon. I love to hang most clothes / sheets out to dry in the fresh air. Even jeans dry in about 10 minutes on a sunny dry day. Cant beat that and I love that its free as opposed to paying for the electricity. The pole with the clothes line on it comes right out of the holder (which is buried in concrete) and the mower can go right over it. I also don't dry towels on the line due to the stiffness it causes. Some of my cardigans do better in the dryer too. Honestly, I don't use the clothes line as often as I could but when days are slow and the weather is good I enjoy it very much.


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