anyone here do WW without meetings or online?

Thanks for the welcome back - I do remember you! It's nice to run into some old familar "faces" around here.

You've done so well! Do you use the etools or do it all on your own? I just ordered the points tracker calculator and the dining guide and the food points guide from the ww shop. I also just finished my food journal for Saturday. I like to stay one day ahead and know where I'm spending my points. Plus, I feel like once I write down what I'm eating and I'm at my point limit for the day then there's no extra eating. It's been working so far.

I look forward to getting to know everyone!
Thanks for the welcome back - I do remember you! It's nice to run into some old familar "faces" around here.

You've done so well! Do you use the etools or do it all on your own? I just ordered the points tracker calculator and the dining guide and the food points guide from the ww shop. I also just finished my food journal for Saturday. I like to stay one day ahead and know where I'm spending my points. Plus, I feel like once I write down what I'm eating and I'm at my point limit for the day then there's no extra eating. It's been working so far.

I look forward to getting to know everyone!
I just use a points calculator (I have 2 - one in my purse and one in my kitchen). I just eat 20-22 points, I don't calculate extra for excersice. It is pretty simple, it has gotten to the pointthat I know the points value of most things off the top of my head so I don't use too much beyond my calculators.
Today is my DDs birthday party and we are going to lunch at the Japanese Steakhouse- just me, DD (12) and her 3 friends. I may just order some tuna sushi- that is nice and low on points.
Good morning everyone! :wave2: And welcome ZerasPride!

Well, I've been very *easy* on myself this week. I haven't journaled, or honestly counted points. However, I have kept away from the candy which is a major victory in itself! :cheer2:

I have a dreaded wiegh-in tomorrow morning at the gym - at least it's simply a weight, not a body fat composition :eek: (that's 2 weeks from tomorrow...). SO - if I've basically maintained I'll be quite satisfied since I know I haven't been putting forth the effort to plan & eat to LOSE. I'll let you all know tomorrow what happens...:scared:

Now that we've changed the clocks and the sun is going to set here in the middle of the afternoon (4:42 today! :crazy2: ) I just don't know what I'm going to do with myself! I hate the dark days....:sad2: for whatever reason it makes me want to eat!

Patience and persistance everyone! (and can I add "perspective"? Because I really don't want to think about what I'd be like if I wasn't trying to be healthier AT ALL! :scared1: )
Good evening everyone! Just wanted to share my scale victory with you all. I have lost a total of (drum roll please) 9.4 pounds my first week of weight watchers!!! Yay me!! I am so excited. :)

I have had a great first week even though I have been feeling lousy from this head cold I picked up from my wonderful nieces. It has been pretty easy for me to adapt to the points system and I just love it, especially the recipe builder. I love taking a family favorite and entering it into the system, making a few tweaks and knowing the points value for a dinner. Did I mention that I love this program? Well I do! I'm looking forward to week 2 and have already journaled my food for Monday.

TenThousandVolts - I ordered the points caculator and am looking forward to it coming hopefully soon. I Love being able to decide for myself if a food is "worth" the points. Really makes me think veggies and fruit first! :)

Snow - Thanks for the welcome! I know exactly what you mean about the sun setting so soon. If I didn't have healthy living on my mind, I think I would go out of my mind! I hate when you get up in the dark and come home from work in the dark too. We have a trip planned to Disney in January that we just decided to postpone until May so now I won't even have my mid-winter escape but now that I have found WW and you guys, I'm sure I'll be alright!

I hope everyone has a wonderful OP day tomorrow!
Good evening everyone! Just wanted to share my scale victory with you all. I have lost a total of (drum roll please) 9.4 pounds my first week of weight watchers!!! Yay me!! I am so excited. :)

:jumping1: AWESOME! I'm so proud of you! :jumping1:
Go Lisa :cheer2: That is awesome! Almost 10 pounds!!!
Today I am working on planning my menus for the week and I will go shopping and pick up lots of raw veggies for snacking. Have a great day everyone!
Thanks for the congrats on my weight loss. I almost can't believe you can lose weight AND eat the foods you love. Strange concept for me, a gal who is used to losing weight by deprivation. This program really sets you free. You just concentrate on quality instead of quantity.

Speaking of veggies - I can't believe I have homemade spinach dip and cut up carrots, celebry and red bell peppers for my snack this afternoon. And this of my own free will! I was a former veggie hater but now they are not so bad tasting. Especially the carrots, they are crunchy and sweet and oh so tasty. Who would have thought I'd be saying this! Ha!

Have a great day everyone!!!
Hi Everyone!

Well, after no loss at my official weigh-in Friday, I'm down 1.5 so far (and determined to hold onto it!). I'm doing my "official" weigh in Wednesday morning, because I'll be out of town for business until Sunday afternoon.

I'm taking my workout clothes, so I have great plans. I just hope I manage at least one workout. The hotel has a gym, but you never know how that will go. I am taking a test at the end of the conference I am attending, so I'm going to have to work on the nervous (and in a hotel room by myself eating). I'll have to soothe myself another way! Anyway, I'm 1 lb. from my original 10 lb. goal, so I'm hoping fervently to get there before I go away. I think that would be a great boost to keeping the eating to a dull roar. They are providing breakfast and lunch, so I'll plan on Kashi bars and fruit for breakfast, eat the rubber chicken lunch, and try for a sensible dinner. I'm hoping there's an Applebee's nearby, but with my luck there won't be anything and I'll have to eat room service, not exactly known for low fat/ow calorie options...

Zera -- Wow! That is a phenomenal first week! You should be jumping up and down!:cheer2: Welcome!

Volts -- Good luck with the veggies. I am going to miss mine this week...they really fill me up.:upsidedow

Snow -- I agree, we all need perspective. Without the big picture, it's so easy to give up the other two!:goodvibes

Ok, so I hope to post Wednesday before I leave, and sometime Monday. In between, everybody hang in there, and remember:

Patience, Persistence and Perspective!:grouphug:
Hi Maria,

Thanks for the support. I am so excited about doing this well on the program. It sounds like you have a full week ahead. You can do it and be strong. Traveling sure can put a dent in your healthy eating habits but you seem to have it all under control. I'm sure you'll be at your 10 pound goal when you weigh in on Wednesday!
Ok- I have zero point cabbage soup simmering on the stove- that should help me get through the day. I really need to be strict during the weekdays this month because the next 3 weekends are going to be hard:
This coming weekend: Trip to NYC with the family
Next weekend: Trip to Cancun with DH
Following weekend: Thanksgiving

I think the trip to NYC will be the easiest- I am really worried about Cancun.

Now I have another problem, I am supposed to do a webinar training in 5 minutes and I have a bad case of the hiccups- I hope they go away by then. I may have to ask my participants if we can push it back 15 minutes- how embarrasing.
Here it is, as promised. The results of my weigh-in this morning. I maintained. Exactly, to the 10th of a pound! ;) As I have said, my head just hasn't been in the right place as of late, so maintaining is a victory for me. :goodvibes

BUT....the other *result* of my weigh-in is a handy dandy calendar page that I must hang on my fridge and write down all my "bad choices" every day! :eek: This little accountability/tattle tale sheet has to be handed in every Monday at my weigh-in. :headache: My whole family knows what it is, and why it's there, so no one is going to let me get away with anything! :scared: I feel like a little I earn a gold star today or not?

So far, I have nothing to "confess" to. I've been good all day. And now, I'm going to make myself a cup of green tea and fold some laundry. :rolleyes1

TenThousand & Worfiedoodles...enjoy your trips responsibly! You can do it, I know you can. And when you return, you just pick right up where you left off! 2 with no "tattle tale" entries on my calendar! :thumbsup2

Of course, that doesn't necessarily mean I've stayed within my alloted points, just means that my food choices were at least healthy ones. :rolleyes:
Snow - great job on maintaining your weight and I like that idea of the tattle tale calendar. I might have to set up one for myself one of these days!

I can hardly wait for my WI on Sunday morning. I'm wearing a skirt and mock turtleneck today that was extremely tight on me two weeks ago. Not that it's loose or anything but it sure does fit better. I'm hoping for a 1.5 pound loss this week.
Weighed in this morning- I maintained. Oh well- it could be worse. I will try harder next week. Good luck to everyone.
I'm reporting in. I have lost a total of 10.6 pounds in two weeks! I am very happy with my progress and know I won't continue to lose at this rate but it was great to jumpstart my weight loss this way. I'm hoping to be able consistently to lose about 2 pounds per week. I can't wait to get to my 10% goal!
I'm reporting in. I have lost a total of 10.6 pounds in two weeks!!

That's awesome! :woohoo: Congrats to you!

TenThousand....maintaining is not always a bad thing. :hug: Hang in there - we can get thru this. The way I see it, if I can survive the holiday season without gaining, then I've emerged victorious! :goodvibes

So. Remember that "tattle tale" calendar that I told you all about? Well, I handed it in to my trainer today. It wasn't *really* awful (except a major binge on Saturday night, that we already knew was coming.. :rolleyes1 ). She looked at it, then upped the ante on me! :eek: Next week I have to hand in my calendar AND my journal (which I've been avoiding...) :scared: If I don't, there will be *consequences*..:scared1:

Time to get my butt in gear and keep honest track of what I put in my mouth...have a healthy Monday everyone!
Snow - first thanks for the congrats! I'm really happy with the results so far. Second, your tattle tale calendar sounds hysterical. It does sound like it's keeping you honest though. Are you following flex or core? If you're following flex, how do you handle any overages you might have if you binge? I'm just curious. It hasn't been a problem for me thus far, I think part of the problem with me binging before was that I always felt like I'd better eat whatever it is because I won't be able to eat it ever again when I start a new diet. I don't feel this way with WW because I can truly have anything I "budget" my points for. Just curious since I'm a newbie but I'm sure I'll be facing the binge monster sooner or later.
Snow - Are you following flex or core? If you're following flex, how do you handle any overages you might have if you binge? I'm just curious.

Well, I'm on the flex plan. And "flex" it is for me! :goodvibes I don't really follow the plan exactly. I take my daily points (19), add my average daily exercise points (5). Then I divide up my weekly flex points (5 per day) my target points each day is 29. That's ALOT of points! When I am "on-plan" as I should be, it's very managable. I don't usually "bank" any extra points for binges, because I don't find myself in those uncontrolled situations very often. So, if I have an extra glass of wine, or a dessert of some kind I enjoy it, and move on (and maybe run an extra mile the next day to make up for my choices :headache: )

It works for me...well, that is when I'm paying attention to what I'm actually eating....I't not the junk food that's my issue - the problem for me is I love food, and I love to cook. And I find it really easy to make too many selections of good, quality healthy food each day.:sad2: and at the end of the day, excess calories are excess calories - no matter what kind of food they came from.:sad2:
Oh, wow! You only get 19 points. You must be really tiny. I can't imagine getting to a point when I have so few per day. I re-took the points quizz yesterday since the computer prompted me to after I recorded my loss and I went down 2 points from 28 to 26 and I was freaking out a little bit. I'm fine now that I have gone through for the week and realized with my daily AP's I'm going to be just fine and of course it helps to have the weekly FPs too.

Thanks for all the advice and insight into the program. You are the best!

All I have to say this morning is....

chocolate-peanut butter cup hot fudge sundae. :scared1:

that and....several extra miles on the treadmill this a.m. :headache: what WAS I thinking???? :confused3

here's to a happy, healthy weekend for everyone!!!


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