Anyone in WDW now?? Whats the weather like??


DIS Veteran
Dec 12, 2002
Can you tell me what to expect weatherwise?? Do you wear shorts during the day but need jacket at night?? I need help knowing what to pack. 5 days till we're on Main Street, :bounce: :Pinkbounc !!!!!!
I am here now...the weather is perfect IMHO, shorts during the day, can get a bit warm in the afternoon, not too bad though. I have seen people with jackets on in the evenings, but I didnt feel like they were neccessary AT ALL!!! Guess it justs depends on how warm or cold natured you are!!!
Have a great trip!!!
We are!!!
Weekend is expected to be nice, nice, nice and then Monday the temperature is forecast to drop. The remainder of the week is expected to be cooler and some rain expected.

Actually, I'm finding tonight a bit chilly. If I were in the park, I'd be needing a sweatshirt or something of that sort.
your sig says you are from NY I guess everywhere up there is COLD in October. I wear shorts all day even early morning. I suspect that you would be comfortable with not much more than a sweatshirt. It is not cold even by locals standard.
Thanks so much for the info. It was 50 degrees and damp here today brrrr. We're hoping to swim.
I know you mentioned rain, BUT when we were down in august, we had crazy rain every day for 3 weeks (almost). and where told that it had been raining way more than usual. Has this gotten better? Back to normal?

Thanks, MKY princess:


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