Anyone watch "John & Kate plus 8" on TLC?

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<font color=red>Any dream will do...<br><font colo
May 6, 2003
I've been watching this the past couple weeks, and I'm wondering if anyone else is, too?

Is it me, or is Kate waaaaay too controling? Last nights episode, she seems to be getting worse. In the interview segments, she was actually telling John that he wasn't talking right, he should put what he was saying in a differant way to save time! And that scene at the toy store, wow, was she out of line! Yes, having 8 kids, she should be cut some slack but to me, it's getting a little out of hand.

I am impressed with her grocery shoping, though! $150 a week is great! That didn't seem to include diapers or other baby stuff, just food, but still it's a great job she's doing!
I would think with 2 6yo's and 6 2yo's you would need to be controlling. I don't know how she does it. You'd find me in the funny farm:rotfl:
I refuse to watch. This is the woman who said society OWED them (as in GIVE me a stroller, GIVE me diapers) because society allows fertility treatments to exist.
I would have smacked her by now if she were my wife!! good lord! I give him a lot of credit for not blowing up at her!!

The kids are adorable tho.
I have no desire to watch yet another TV special on big families. Apparently anybody with more than four children gets their own series these days!
I'm shocked that she only spends $150 a week on groceries! I spend $100 a week for just the two of us.
I feel sorry for that husband! She is really controlling. I know families with eight kids and their moms are not that controlling. Organized, yes, but not controlling.

Anyone else think it was poor planning to try to take all of the kids at one time to christmas shop? How about four at a time?

My big thing with her is that she just doesn't seem to be having fun with the kids, ever. I know having a family that size is a huge task but she just never seems happy; that's got to be hard on the kids in some way.

I do agree with a previous poster, though. I too would be in the loony bin!
She says she spends $150 but she spent $250 that week that they taped her. So not $150 a week. I know she tried to say that she bulk buys stuff and that might be true but still it wasn't $150 or even close.

I would imagine she is beyond stressed and I'll cut her some slack. But yeah she had a freak out. (remember though they are editing this show- maybe she is not only a control freak) I think she has to be on top of things with all those kids. They seemed to do a lot of shopping-but I guess it was Christmas time? I only saw this one episode I don't think I'll watch again. It made me nervous.
I love this show!!! I think Kate is hysterical - and Jon is extremely patient. I'm not going to judge them by what we see on the TV show - if it were just watching them change diapers and feed babies, it wouldn't be interesting. I remember the shows about the Dilley sextuplets - it was always more interesting when they talked about and showed their discipline system, or discussed what special needs some of their kids had. Even the Duggars are more interesting because of the sometimes controversial way they are assumed to be raising their children.

Kate is a control freak, though, isn't she? But I think she is very funny and that they probably have a very strong and loving relationship outside of being parents of 8.

I didn't hear her talk about being owed anything - was that on a previous show? I thought I had seen them all. I'm glad they got some free stuff - I know there are always people who grumble (some have already responded to this thread) but those kinds of things are usually the result of a generous church family or of a business (like Kate's grocery store) getting some publicity out of it. And I expect that the TV channel people have discovered just how lucrative these kinds of shows can be, so if the family gets some money out of the exposure I say good for them!! Nobody is losing anything on the broadcast level, I don't think.

Those children are just adorable - I love watching them!!
I am hooked on this show.

I CANNOT BELIEVE THE SIZE OF HER STOMACH in the opening scenes!!!!!

Monday nights are big ones for me - 1st Little People and then John & Kate.
She says she spends $150 but she spent $250 that week that they taped her. So not $150 a week. I know she tried to say that she bulk buys stuff and that might be true but still it wasn't $150 or even close.

I would imagine she is beyond stressed and I'll cut her some slack. But yeah she had a freak out. (remember though they are editing this show- maybe she is not only a control freak) I think she has to be on top of things with all those kids. They seemed to do a lot of shopping-but I guess it was Christmas time? I only saw this one episode I don't think I'll watch again. It made me nervous.

It was $250 before coupons and rain checks, she only paid about $170, and that was only because she stocked up on bread that was on sale.

It's not just having 8 kids, but 2 six year olds and 6 two year olds. Much differant than having 8 kids in a range of ages!

I do give her tons of credit, I'd be :crazy: by now. But I think the stress might be getting to her. Her husband is a saint! :angel:
I think she has to be on top of things with all those kids.

I agree. I think that after spending her day with all those kids, she treats her husband the same way and doesn't even realize it.
I get the vibe that she doesn't seem very happy either.
I think her husband has the hardest job in that house.
It was $250 before coupons and rain checks, she only paid about $170, and that was only because she stocked up on bread that was on sale.

It's not just having 8 kids, but 2 six year olds and 6 two year olds. Much differant than having 8 kids in a range of ages!

I do give her tons of credit, I'd be :crazy: by now. But I think the stress might be getting to her. Her husband is a saint! :angel:

No I think it was $250 and it was $225 after coupons. It was definately in the $200's. That is what caught my attention but then again I have 4 children so my attention isn't so strong))
Oh wait I remember she said "I saved $14 this week" and that is why I was like "big deal" But again no way no how could I do it. My 4 are plenty!
She says she spends $150 but she spent $250 that week that they taped her. So not $150 a week. I know she tried to say that she bulk buys stuff and that might be true but still it wasn't $150 or even close.

I would imagine she is beyond stressed and I'll cut her some slack. But yeah she had a freak out. (remember though they are editing this show- maybe she is not only a control freak) I think she has to be on top of things with all those kids. They seemed to do a lot of shopping-but I guess it was Christmas time? I only saw this one episode I don't think I'll watch again. It made me nervous.

She did say that it averages out to $150 a week. Some weeks it is more than 150 other weeks less but usually averages to $150.
She did say that it averages out to $150 a week. Some weeks it is more than 150 other weeks less but usually averages to $150.

I heard that but thought then why not show us a week where she spends $100 or less. Hard to imagine she averages that when she went so over it the week they are taping her?
I like that they can to laugh at themselves but damn, in the moment, she can be a real shrew.
This family lives in my area. So, it is funny to see all the local landmarks show up on television.

Kate is a bit of a control freak. And I don't think Jon knows if he is coming or going half the time. But, they do provide a loving home for those kids. And they are absolutely adorable. Especially the twins.
I heard that but thought then why not show us a week where she spends $100 or less. Hard to imagine she averages that when she went so over it the week they are taping her?

LOL who cares? She said it aversages $150 a week, I don't think she would be lying about it.

The show makes me chuckle. Kate is a huge control freak, she sort of reminds me of my mother, except she only had three kids LOL.

I feel sorry for her husband a lot since she yells at him all the time! Their kids are just adorable though and seem so smart for being 2 year olds..premature ones at that!
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