
Not gonna happen. It gets brought up mainly because Apple has a HUGE war chest and no one know what Apple is going to use it for. But as others have said, Disney would not make any sense for Apple as an acquisition. Yes, it would give them some content, but the rest of it is not anything Apple would have any care to get into. So, not concerned..... because it will never happen.

There are other companies that COULD buy Disney which would be a bigger concern to me. Years ago, I would have been concerned about Comcast, but they took a different tact and have been sitting back and enjoying trouncing Disney's parks at every turn, purchased Dreamworks, NBC/Universal, etc, so I doubt they could anymore with the anti-trust lawsuits.

Verizon could be a possibility if someone was looking to pick up Disney at a discount with all of it's problems. They would have to be insane, but if they wanted to get into an all out street fight with Comcast and AT&T, a purchase of Disney would catapult them into a comparable position with their 2 major competitors (on one side they have NBC/Universal, and on the other they have HBO/MAX and Time Warner and Verizon has nothing to combat either). Im also not sure they could afford it, and it would be a huge leap for them.
Apple insider John Gruber, and frequent WDW visitor, has finally weighed in...

"I do not think Apple has any interest in buying Disney. Apple frequently acquires small companies — on average, about once per month. Many of these acquisitions are so quiet they get no press coverage whatsoever, which is how Apple likes it. When acquisitions are noted, the company has a boilerplate response: “Apple buys smaller technology companies from time to time, and we generally do not discuss our purpose or plans.” They’d need a longer statement if they bought Disney."

TL;DR: It's not happening. DOA.
i do not see apple buying disney, but it is possible in the future if disney + fail's to make money off subscribers.
Amazon took years and years to make even $1 profit. But they... and its investors... stuck with it and look where they are now. If Disney+ takes the long game instead of short term profit, such as buying more and more libraries as licenses expire or perhaps expanding their customer base to additional areas generally underserved, who is to say what will happen or if the long game pans out? The question is whether or not you would take the risk.
Honestly, I wish someone would make this a sticky so that we could put it to bed once and for all, because someone seems to feel the need to resurrect this rumor about every 2 months or so.

That dog won't hunt.
People love rumors now more than ever before since they can spread in real time over the globe. Name the subject and people either invent or maintain said rumors. They eat it up like candy.

In any case, Disney is also pushing a discounted streaming package, including disney+, over ala carte. Sounds like cable coming back.
I can almost promise Apple doesn't want to be in the "parks business". Some segments of Disney Corp may be interesting, but not parks.


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