April 2012: NY & Orlando - Take 2

Last day at work today, which is always a great feeling. DD has packed her bag tonight, she has homework still to do and a test on Monday.

We will be cleaning the house for the hose sitter, and organising all the paperwork. I did the wake in the middle of the night thing last night, panicked that I had not got the passports out yet. :confused3

Yay!! Good luck for the test on Monday for your DD!
:banana::banana: So this time tomorrow we will be at the ariport getting ready for check in .

I have just booked a taxi to pick us up at 3.30am :eek: for our bus to Sydney.
All we have left to do today is finish typing the house instructions for the house sitter and clean the house.

I purchased the 30 day Delta lounge pass yesterday - they have a shower at LAX, so we should have time to freshen up and eat before moving to the next flight.

DD went off to school wearing Mickey Mouse ears today.

My blog will be my TR, though I will come back and add extra Disney tidbits in here when we get back.

Thanks for all the well-wishes and advice - I have really appreciated the support :hug:
i'm sure your trip will be amazing, and can't wait to read your TR.

so happy for you that you're about to depart. i love that last day just before you leave.. so much anticipation :)
Currently sitting at International departures, it has been a long morning with the taxi picking us at 3.20am. DD has a cold, and has not been able to keep any food down - pharmacist has given her a travel sickness tablet that will make her drowsy and told her to not eat for another 8 hours. itis going to be a long flight.
Oh Toy Story! :sad1:

Well hopefully it means she will be over it by the time you get there! And hopefully the medication will mean she can have a good long sleep on the plane.

Hope she feels better soon, good luck with the flight!
so sorry to hear about your troubles.

hopefully your dd can sleep on the plane and will be feeling better asap.

hope the rest of your trip goes perfectly!!
Hi, It is our last day in NY and we finally made it to Ellen's for brunch. We have had a great time and are not ready to leave. I will get back to my blog, the Internet is so slow it takes forever to upload any images. Tomorrow we head to Universal.
Well our visit to Universal studios has not been what I expected - I woke up on Monday not feeling too great. Arrived at Portofino Bay Hotel just after 1pm, and I fell asleep. We made it to the parks around 3.30pm, explored Harry Potter world and ate at The Three Broomsticks before returning to the hotel - where I went straight back to bed with flu-like symptons

I spent all of Tuesday sleeping while DH and DD explored Islands of Adventures and today they went to Universal Studios in the morning before going back too IOA this afternoon. I am feeling a bit better today (I have managed to stay awake for 7 hours) - hoping to go to IOA in the morning.
Well tomorrow is our last Disney day :sad1: We have had a great time, done a lot of things we did not get to do on trip number 1, and eaten way too much food.

DD just sat outside and watched Tangled at the resorts 'moonlight cinema' while we started packing - we have an early start on Saturday.

The crowds at WDW have been better than NY, we have also had some cold weather (we wore jeans and jumpers to Fantasmic). I will get back to blog writing when we get back.
Well tomorrow is our last Disney day :sad1: We have had a great time, done a lot of things we did not get to do on trip number 1, and eaten way too much food.

DD just sat outside and watched Tangled at the resorts 'moonlight cinema' while we started packing - we have an early start on Saturday.

The crowds at WDW have been better than NY, we have also had some cold weather (we wore jeans and jumpers to Fantasmic). I will get back to blog writing when we get back.

I have loved your New York stories! I have taken notes on the places you ate, hope we can try some of them.

And I'm looking forward to hearing about your time in Disney! Hope the flight home is quick:goodvibes
We arrived home yesterday after our 40 hours in transit, we were all asleep before 8pm last night!

Our house looks like Christmas with packages everywhere, but we are sorting through it all. I will start catching up with blog posts tomorrow - I need to move all the photos on to the main computer.

We did go out and buy Beauty and the Beast today before it goes back in the vault (the ads in the USA had the date as 30 April), our older DD has taken 'her' copy to Sydney and younger DD is desperate to watch it.

We had a great time, and managed to fit a lot of things into our WDW visit that we did not do last time - we also have some new favourite places to eat.


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