APRIL 2022 W.I.S.H. - Springing into healthy living

I have heard about this approach before and it is certainly true for me, out of sight out of mind. But in going thru the clearing exercise last month I also found that sometimes in sight is out of mind as well, like I'd had a cat scratching pad hanging from the bathroom door knob the entire 12 years I've lived here and no cat that has lived here with me has ever used it.

I'm not sure yet what I can do to keep getting out to walk front and center in my mind, but I sure do need to do so... and I need to get started this week, so that I have momentum going when I get to the ocean/beach next week.

Here's a picture from Saturday, it really was that gorgeous.

Man, it has been a rough year so far. I haven't ever participated in one of these threads, so I figure now is a good time to start!

I'm tracking calories in My Fitness Pal. I have it sent to one lb per week weight loss, and so far it's quite manageable. I don't know why I keep falling off the wagon.

In April my goals are:

1) Track my calories daily
2) Don't let one lapse become a 'we'll start over next week'
3) Start daily meditation of 15 minutes
4) Either go walking or do in-home QiGong or Tai Chi most days

We shall see. May the Force be with us all.
@piglet1979- how is your daughter feeling?

She is hanging in there. The weekend seemed to be good and then today has been rough. She is not sleeping much and thoughts seem to be getting worse. She is home from school today. We think it is the anxiety meds that is causing at least some of it. She is very calm and is acting normal and is talking to us. I do have her glued to my hip though. I talked to the pediatrician about this and they want her to stay on the meds until her appointment on Wednesday. Thank you for asking.
Man, it has been a rough year so far. I haven't ever participated in one of these threads, so I figure now is a good time to start!

I'm tracking calories in My Fitness Pal. I have it sent to one lb per week weight loss, and so far it's quite manageable. I don't know why I keep falling off the wagon.

In April my goals are:

1) Track my calories daily
2) Don't let one lapse become a 'we'll start over next week'
3) Start daily meditation of 15 minutes
4) Either go walking or do in-home QiGong or Tai Chi most days

We shall see. May the Force be with us all.
Welcome to the group!
Our treadmill is in the living room too. I don’t really like the location aesthetically, but we use it more because of where it is.

I keep junk out of the house as much as possible, and most of the time, that hasn’t been difficult now that DH came over from the dark side, stopped (mostly) sabotaging me, and joined NOOM. Although he did buy Oreos yesterday because they were limited edition.

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Man, it has been a rough year so far. I haven't ever participated in one of these threads, so I figure now is a good time to start!

I'm tracking calories in My Fitness Pal. I have it sent to one lb per week weight loss, and so far it's quite manageable. I don't know why I keep falling off the wagon.

In April my goals are:

1) Track my calories daily
2) Don't let one lapse become a 'we'll start over next week'
3) Start daily meditation of 15 minutes
4) Either go walking or do in-home QiGong or Tai Chi most days

We shall see. May the Force be with us all.

I was thinking about motivation today and how I'd lost it but could keep up my momentum and hopefully get it back soon! Plodding along in my routine is good.

We do put "treats" in the cabinet so they are out of sight. I try to put healthy items front and center in the fridge so they're what I see when I open the door.
Topic Tuesday ~

Yesterday we talked about arranging our environments to support healthy goals. Today let's talk about how we name those goals, and whether that makes them easier or harder to pursue. (references - same book as yesterday - link)

A lot of advice nowadays encourages measurable goals - like losing x pounds by a certain date. But what happens when you get there? Do you go back to unhealthy habits after the goal is met?

Concrete goals are great for daily habits - "I will walk on the treadmill for at least 15 minutes before I do the dishes" is very specific, clear to check off the list, and it ties the new habit to an already existing one (which is another great strategy!)

But these kind of specific names don't necessarily work for bigger life changes. - "I want to be a person who takes care of my body" may create a longer-lasting effect than "I want to lose 10 pounds" because it is an identity-based habit rather than an outcome-based one.

The small daily habits you use to achieve those goals are the same - choose mostly healthy foods and exercise most days, but in the identity-based habit, those choices come from who you are, and move outward. The weight loss still happens, but it is a natural result of, rather than the driving force of, the change.

Do you agree?...disagree?...have tried this?...plan to try this?
Topic Tuesday
This is interesting to contemplate. I know that for my brain (and lack of executive functioning that I can readily rely on) I have to slice to do's/goals down in to very small pieces, else overwhelm can kick in and I don't even get started. I generally do better if I have a date attached to the goal, like 'accomplish this before vacation in two months', but as noted will tend to slack off when that goal/date is reached.

The long term vision of being someone who takes care of their body, being someone who is healthy and vibrant and can do fun things, is so important and I really haven't been doing that. I need to get back to doing my daily affirmations, and will create some around health.
Topic Tuesday ~

Yesterday we talked about arranging our environments to support healthy goals. Today let's talk about how we name those goals, and whether that makes them easier or harder to pursue. (references - same book as yesterday - link)

A lot of advice nowadays encourages measurable goals - like losing x pounds by a certain date. But what happens when you get there? Do you go back to unhealthy habits after the goal is met?

Concrete goals are great for daily habits - "I will walk on the treadmill for at least 15 minutes before I do the dishes" is very specific, clear to check off the list, and it ties the new habit to an already existing one (which is another great strategy!)

But these kind of specific names don't necessarily work for bigger life changes. - "I want to be a person who takes care of my body" may create a longer-lasting effect than "I want to lose 10 pounds" because it is an identity-based habit rather than an outcome-based one.

The small daily habits you use to achieve those goals are the same - choose mostly healthy foods and exercise most days, but in the identity-based habit, those choices come from who you are, and move outward. The weight loss still happens, but it is a natural result of, rather than the driving force of, the change.

Do you agree?...disagree?...have tried this?...plan to try this?
That's really deep.

I agree, and I think I have scratched the surface, but I would like to explore that idea more intensively.
What an interesting way of thinking about weight loss. For me, I think that would take a lot of re-programming my brain. If I really deep down thought I was so super, I would be taking better care of myself. But working on that would certainly be worthwhile! No more self sabotage.
Woowhoo was able to be on the phone during my dad's oncologist appointment yesterday. She is suggesting a watch and monitor approach regarding the small tumor he had removed a few weeks back. She expects things to be largely status quo for at least the next few months.
Woohoo... I'm back in the office for the first time in two years? It is all weirdly familiar. So far everything has gone smoothly, I remembered to pack everything except my sandwich for lunch, when I got to the auto shop to drop off the car the guy was there so I could talk to him, and he had owned the same make/model/year as my car and agreed that they are awesome little cars. The bus pulled up shortly after I got to the bus stop, I had to stop in at the security office in the downtown store and pick up my badge and it was still there (after two months) and works. I am now sitting at a desk in the office and one of my co-workers just came in as well.
Happy Whoohooo Wednesday friends!!!

Whooohoooo my husband got a job offer yesterday for a position he interviewed for last month!! I’m so happy for him! Lots of good perks with the job and a more stable company! Oh and it’s a promotion too ☺️

He starts the first week of May!
WooHoo that the scale was down a pound this morning from the last time I checked.

WooHoo for a good afternoon watching my friend's kids today. (They even liked the coloring pages I brought.)

And WooHoo for my brother and SIL, who found a new house to rent!
It's Thankful Thursday!

This quote speaks to me because I know people who get overwhelmed by what's going wrong in the world, and I feel like it drains their hope that future things will go right.

But when you really notice the goods things (no matter how small or mundane) I feel like it helps break that cycle. It's so important to remember that even though the bad things exist too, they don't cancel out the good things.

What are you thankful for today?


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