Are there any movie-themes or characters which you'd like to see more of in WDW?

WDWfan uk

<font color=red>.... but you can call me Shirley :
Aug 21, 1999
.............. I always wanted an Aladdin coaster based on a magic carpet ride through the Cave Of Wonders........ okay, there is a carpet ride there now, but not quite as I'd imagined it!!!

..I'd like to see a ride based on Hercules....... rather like Journey To Atlantis in Sea World perhaps?

What d'yall think :) ?
Yes Shirley, agree about Aladdin, except I always wanted a 'Star Tours' like ride throught he streets of Agrabah:)

And something based on Sleeping Beauty.....:)
Hi Shirley,

I'd love to see more of Snow White and the seven Dwarfs, i know there already is a ride but i'd love to see a water ride or a (tameish) coaster and we could all ride on Dopey, Grumpy,Doc, Sneezy,Happy,Bashful,Sleepy and not forgetting the Wicked Queen and Snow White herself.

I think that would be a blast as i just love all the older Disney movies.

Luv Audrey
DS would love something with 101 Dalmations
Anything to do with Little mermaid for me :)
I'd love to see more Bug's Life characters

That film still has me laughing out loud!

I'd like to see something based on Toy Story - preferably with the Green Army Men ;)
I was watching Monsters Inc. at the cinema a few weeks ago and when Mike and Sully go through the back to the "Door" chamber, I instantly thought "Now theres a potential ride in the making". It would have to be a coaster for it to work well, and preferably in the dark with doors that you crash through to open up a new scene/country/bedroom. Seeing how Disney are reluctant to build too many coasters I can't see this happening which is a great shame.

Oh welll...there is always hope.
That's a really great idea Dave!! :D I sense another e-mail campaign coming on.......

I want more Sleeping Beauty!!! They had a dark ride planned for WDW, but then they built Snow White instead. A Sleeping Beauty dark ride would be brilliant though. :)

- Suzi
I'd like to see a Mary Poppins ride. It could have characters on the ceiling, riding carousel horses round a track, up on the rooftops, or even a pavement art section.

<font face="arial" size="2"color="#0000FF"><i><b>Best wishes,</i></b></font>
<font face="Calisto" size="4" color="#0000FF"><i><b>Frederick</b></i></font>
<font face="arial" size="1"color="#0000FF"><i><b>I'd love to change the world,
but I don't know what to do!
(Alvin Lee 1971), </i></b></font>


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