"Are you done with that?!" A photo heavy, gluttonous, Jan 2012 Trip Report! NEW PG32


DIS Veteran
Aug 31, 2008
Hello! Hello! My name is Karen, for those of you that have accidentally missed any of my Disney ramblings here, usually in the PRE-trip report section! :rolleyes1

My PTR (or the most recent one!) you can find here: "Reach for the sky!" We're finally getting there in January 2012!!!

Before that, there was the "Neverending PTR" and if you have no life and time to read until your eyes bleed, the link is in my PTR above.

Bottom line is that we went to Disney in 2009 with our IL's and have been trying to get back ever since! It was a roller coaster and at times I thought we would never get there...but we did! We made it to Walt Disney World from January 28th through February 4th! It was as magical as I dreamed, but more on that in a bit! :lovestruc

If you don't like rambling and run-on sentences, you may want to try another TR, as I have a knack for it! :laughing: I am going to try and take my time and savor it, as the last TR I did I went too fast and had it finished within a few days! Not this time, my friends. Have no fear, it will also be VERY picture heavy! I'm a photographer and although I didn't get to spend a ton of time taking photos this trip or rent the lens I wanted, I did get over 2400 shots and will have a VERY difficult time not posting nearly all of them! :thumbsup2

So, without further rambling (at least for the moment!) here is our intro:

Karen- That's me! :p (38 for another month) I'm mother to three amazing kids that I homeschool, I'm a photographer, a runner, own my own petsitting business, and adore Disney. First trip was just my dd and I in 2008, as an adult, and I was hooked! It's the only place I really feel like I can be myself, enjoy, and let everything else go. I'm a planner extraordinaire, which can be not so good when the rest of my family wants to go with the flow, but I did REALLY well! LOVE LOVE LOVE the rides, all of them, but EE, RcRc, PP, and HM are my top fav's. Not many pics of me alone on this trip, I'm usually behind the camera! Here I am with Savannah (my dd) on the left, and her bff, Leslee, that came with us, on the right!


Rey-The love of my life and person that makes me laugh daily. We're celebrating 20 years and he not only tolerates my Disney obsession, but joins in the fun! He loves Epcot, could skip AK all together, and will ride things but prefers to shop! I know, strange! :laughing: Favorite country would be Germany, since he was born and lived there for the first 3 years of his life. Who else do you know that can pull off a chicken hat?!?!?


Dylan-Our 17 year old son. Computer genius and drummer, he goes to Disney for the food. :p He's not a thrill rider, in fact, he doesn't really care for most of the rides, but enjoys watching people and loves all the different TS restaurants. Free dining worked well for him! ;) He got a hat in Japan (which he's studying right now) and drum sticks in the UK, he was pretty happy with those souvenirs!


Dallas-Our 16 year old son. Dallas is a guitar player and budding chef! He LOVED some of our TS meals, especially the ones where we sat near the chefs and he could watch them. He likes thrill rides and proclaimed that he loved Epcot and the "vibe" there. Here he is poolside at Pop, waiting for our room to be ready. This was the ONLY day he would be wearing a sweatshirt!


Savannah-Our youngest at 11, Savannah is the spunk of the bunch! She loves Disney, but loves her pets more, so she struggled a few times this trip with missing them. She loves all rides and although Splash used to be her favorite, this trip it was EE and RnRc! Her BFF got to come along, so that made it even more fun!


Leslee-Savannah's bff and one of my closest friend's daughters. It was Leslee's first trip and I'm lucky to have such a good friend to lend me her daughter for a week! Leslee's favorite ride was Test Track, I lost count of how many times they rode it! Stitch is her favorite character and she got to meet him twice!


So there you have the Cast of Characters! It was hard to decide on the title, it could have been a number of things about our car troubles, getting lost even with signs to lead the way, and scratch and sniff shirts! ;) You'll hear all about that and more, I even had a classic Disney-meltdown at one point! Good times! :laughing:


As I mentioned, there will be millions of photos, and TONS of food pics. The family got to the point that when they were served, they would all just sit there and wait for me to pull out the camera and take a pictures of all their dishes! :lmao:

Of course, it was a free-for-all with my eating (I normally eat raw vegan b/c of allergies & health) and hence the name of the TR...my family almost always shared with me, but they may have occasionally gotten tired of me drooling over whatever it was they were eating and asking if they were done yet so I could finish it off! ;)

2009 Trip Report Link: *~*~OFFFFFFFFFFF with their heads!!!!!! Oct. 19-27th 2009 TR~*~*
Of COURSE I'm here! Can't wait to follow along with your TR and hear about how wonderful your trip was! Still bummed we missed you guys just barely by a day though.
Of COURSE I'm here! Can't wait to follow along with your TR and hear about how wonderful your trip was! Still bummed we missed you guys just barely by a day though.

I doubt we could have found each other anyway! It was SO much busier than I thought it would be, but more on THAT later too! ;)
I'm here! We were down 1/21-1/28. :) Can't wait to read all about your trip, it sounds like you are a fun bunch!
I'm here! I am still having a hard time caring about pics and your TR because I need my Karenfix! After I see you tomorrow and hear about the highlights first hand I'm sure I'll feel better and ready to read more. ;)
I'm here! I am still having a hard time caring about pics and your TR because I need my Karenfix! After I see you tomorrow and hear about the highlights first hand I'm sure I'll feel better and ready to read more. ;)

What if I don't tell you anything tomorrow and make you wait like everyone else?!?!? :rolleyes1


BTW, I think our PTR is going to get some action b/c I'm ready to plan again! How many days have I been home? Not even 2? :rolleyes:
I was checking my iPhone for responses on my TR (we were there 26th thru 31st, and your title lured me in.
I was checking my iPhone for responses on my TR (we were there 26th thru 31st, and your title lured me in.

Ooooh, where is your TR?!?!? I want to read it, I'm very interested in other people's experiences at the same time! :woohoo: (off to search for it!)
Joining in !!! Please say there is food porn !!! Looking forward to reading about your trip.
we were there in Jan too - what were your dates? we were there Jan 16, 17, and 20 (we were in Tampa and not in the parks the other days). I love the tie dye shirts too!!
Can't wait to read it Karen!

and I love, Love, LOVE the tie dye's! :thumbsup2

Thanks Nancy! We had fun making them! I'm glad one of my Goddesses is reading! ;)

Joining in !!! Please say there is food porn !!! Looking forward to reading about your trip.

Oh yes, there is TONS of food porn! Rey was walking by the computer this afternoon when I was reading another TR and he said "so you aren't the only one that takes pictures of all the food?!?!?" :laughing:

we were there in Jan too - what were your dates? we were there Jan 16, 17, and 20 (we were in Tampa and not in the parks the other days). I love the tie dye shirts too!!

I forgot to put that in my intro, I'll have to go add that! We were there from Jan. 28th to Feb. 4th! :goodvibes


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