Are you good or bad at....?

I am a poet,...not a mechanic...still have to clean the special high power oil filter on the ford focus, yes, wife son souped up a focus

sewing on buttons?
Yep....with the new wardrobe handed to me by brother in law...stained? canned..I was looking for my stained hospital shirt for last week...wife said it was stained and I threw it away....I am relatively new to the skill of getting stains out of my life

Letting go of old soles?....they are so comfortable.......
bad....if they fit and are comfortable, I wear them until they fall apart

yes,...a very joint affair...I am in charge of the utily bill and dryer does not shut off, so I ams always pulling the clothes out when dry, bringing them into trailers and then taking my wife folded pile to their proper we do laundry together.

turning off lights that are not needed to be on?
good.....constantly doing it because DH is not good at it

keeping the inside of your car clean?
my car is clean but wife van not so much...I had to clean out her glove box to restructure new registration...mail over a year old, fast food wrappers, recipts. My car is used for goodwill shopping in the afternoon, so no fast food or mail checking.

turning on the porch light?
We only turn it on when expecting someone, otherwise it stays off

cleaning an oven?
had to be...made a mess of fruit ash in oregon on the bottom from blackberry cobbler...wanted had to clean the oven...being a good steward of sisters home...she said she would have rather the cobbler then a clean oven...but i told her that berries were still plentiful....then the ash began to fall long before she returned from alaska

cleaning ash out of the fire pit?
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Yes...I had a strong contribution to our our living room...all of the furniture was my choice but the leather couch...paid bucks but wife got a good deal...but I do not approve of any of the wall art in our front room. But I do get to put the border pottery on display and sand paintings. and everyone wants the wolf wife did better than me. In oregon, my antique partners were pro I had their influence.

taking advantage of space in pantry?
I am great at managing any kind of space.....spacial relations is a strong suit of mine

picking out a comfortable mattress?
bad....beause once you get home....coulld I have made a better decision on a comfortable we use standard trailer trash mattress..stuff more padding on top.

good or bad at quoting Godfather movie.....example..."going to the mattresses "


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