"Are you really taking a picture of a trashcan?!?"- An August 2010 TR *U/D 1/16*

After we got the message that our room was ready, we drove over to Kidani. We parked the car in the Timon section and rode the elevator up to our room- 7516:


(I love the lights that line the hallways at Kidani, I think they're really cool!)


(Our door)

I loved the room the second we walked in! It was such an incredible upgrade to last years all-star music (not that that was a BAD hotel, just not as incredible as Kidani Village!) After getting settled a little, I took some pictures:


(The livingroom with the pull out sofa and sleeper chair)


(Casey's and my bathroom)


(The kitchen {I know the pictures looks a little funny but my parents said no face pictures and this was the only picture of the kitchen I took!})


(The master bedroom)


(The shower in my parents' bathroom. I never got to use it but I love the way it looks!)


(Another view of the living room)




(A few of the Animal Carvings found in the room. The elephant is my favorite)


(The dining area)


(Our balcony-- I spent a lot of time there)



(Our veiw. it was such a beautiful day!)


(An example of some of the amazing veiws of animals we got. We learned later from someone working at the hotel that this was a mom giraffe and a "teenage" giraffe {not a baby but not full grown})

We still had a little free-time before we had to get ready for our 6:30 reservations in DTD (you'll find out where later;)) so we decided to head down to the pool.


I can't even describe how much I love this pool! It was always warm (but refreshing) and never to crowded. It was open 24 hours and had two hot tubs and an awesome waterslide :lovestruc

After about 20 minutes at the pool, we went back up to our room to shower and get ready for dinner and..... La Nouba!!! :woohoo:
Wow! I LOVE that room!! I think I like the lion carving the best though. I love the Lion King. Can't wait to see where you ate! :goodvibes
The room was probably one of my favorite things about this trip, it was just so beautiful and comfortable!

I'll probably update and finish day one tomorrow! stay tuned :goodvibes


There are so many things I love about your place. I don't even know where to begin.

I love that you noticed all the little carvings around the room. Way to appreciate Disney! *high five*

My jaw dropped when you described the pool. 24 hrs with 2 hot tubs??? Ohhhh, I wanna stay theeeeeeeeere!!!
I'm here! How did I not know you had a TR already started, I have no idea!
Oh.My.Gosh. Y'alls room is AMAZING!
I'm hoping to stay at AKL (I know it's not the same thing as Kidani, but you know, they're close) for my 16th birthday trip :D


There are so many things I love about your place. I don't even know where to begin.

I love that you noticed all the little carvings around the room. Way to appreciate Disney! *high five*

My jaw dropped when you described the pool. 24 hrs with 2 hot tubs??? Ohhhh, I wanna stay theeeeeeeeere!!!
Haha, it really was great, without a doubt the best hotel I've ever stayed at! It was really cool how they had little references to the lion king all over the hotel, I loved finding them all! And the pool was fantastic!

I'm here! How did I not know you had a TR already started, I have no idea!
Oh.My.Gosh. Y'alls room is AMAZING!
I'm hoping to stay at AKL (I know it's not the same thing as Kidani, but you know, they're close) for my 16th birthday trip :D
:welcome:Hey Sara! Great to have you reading! I honestly can't say it enough, it's ridiculous how much I love that place :rotfl2: The regular lodge (from what we saw on a "night in the future") was amazing also! After seeing your pictures from the GF I'm not sure I'd be able to go somewhere else, that's another beautiful hotel! All the Disney hotels are sooo nice!

I'm in! Love your TR so far and can't wait for more!! popcorn::
First and foremost of course::welcome:! I'll hopefully be finishing day one in..... roughly five minutes after I get some apple juice (yum!) :lmao:
After showers and a few other minor details of getting ready, we left the hotel for Downtown Disney!


Ok sorry, I just HAD to post this picture :lmao: this is the dress I wore that night. it's my absolute favorite and I had to squeeze it in here somehow! anyhoo, moving on!!!

We parked at the west side and walked over to our Dinner-destination. Where you ask?


Wolfgang Puck's (Express). I love cooking shows and have always really enjoyed his. For this trip, Casey and I both picked two restaurants and the whole family picked one restaurant. Well I just had to go with Wolfgang's! Plus, I love Sushi, and WPE had gotten some really good reviews for theirs! A few pictures from inside:



I love the whole decor of this place, it's very fun and colorful!

We were immedietly seated and met our server, Buc. Now's when some bad stuff happened. My sister and my mom both have celiac and can't eat gluten. Unlike every other place in WDW, Buc wasn't very accomodating to the gluten free needs. He wouldn't ask the chefs any questions involving the celiac, just what he knew. Might I also add, you can't order the sushi in Express! thank you for letting me down Birnbaum guides :headache: Still, we managed to enjoy ourselves, and all had good food!!! I had the "Pennette Chicken Alfredo"


It was soooo good! I ate the whole thing and would absolutly order it again!

We decided to pass up dessert at Puck's to do something else I'd been hoping to try: The Ghiradelli Soda Fountain!


Since we were running a little short on time before La Nouba, I got "Ghiradelli milk chocolate ice cream on a homemade chocolate covered waffle cone" to go. Now I love any ice cream but this..... :cloud9: soo special!

We quickly made our way back to the West side. Yes, we walked all the way across DTD to the marketplace to go back to the same exact spot just for ice cream. But believe me, it was SO worth it!We got there pretty quick though


We had bought our tickets way in advance, so we made our way into the theater. We were front and center in row G!

Before the show starts, they have the two clowns doing silly things with audience participation. This included making someone hold about ten big boxes stacked one on top of the other. Who should they choose except the woman sitting directly behind me! The boxes kept leaning and came very close to falling right on my head. Luckily, they caught them just in time. It was really funny. A few minutes later, the actual show started.

Including the hotel, this was without a doubt the best thing about our vacation. It was just so incredible! All the acts were very cool and the perfect length of time so you wouldn't get bored or anything. It was very funny and just amazing! I'd 100% recommend it to anyone!

Once the show was over, we were going to go back to our hotel... until my parents realized they hadn't bought coffee for the morning. So we drove all the way over to publix... to find it had closed about two minutes earlier. So we went to target.... also closed. Gas station conveiance store? Didn"t have it? An hour later, we ran out of ideas and decided to just get the free coffee in the mickey mugs. (Why didn't we think of that in the first place?!? Still it was fun to drive around Orlando at night with the top down!

We went back to Kidani, up to our room and went to bed (after brushing our teeth of course ;))

Coming up next: Our first day, Epcot!!!
Your dress is SO cute! I love it! Where'd you get it?
I want to see La Nouba really bad! It sounds really cool and fun
Okay, I'm coming along for the ride. You're doing a great job so far! :thumbsup2 We'll be heading to Disney in October and staying at AKL for part of our stay. Sounds like you had a great trip!
Im here... a little bit late for my liking but i liked the title. Im 14 so it will be interesting to read about another teenagers viewpoint on disney. I hope you dont mind me asking but... Why no faces in the pictures?
popcorn:: subscribing!

I'm hoping to stay at Kidani village for the first night of our honeymoon next June so I love all your photos of the resort! :goodvibes

I wish I'd written TRs when I was your age (i'm 25 now, lol!)

Btw did you spot the hidden mickey in that big mosaic wall at Wolfgang Puck's?! I think it's on the top right.. little black circles make the famous mouse-shape :goodvibes

Emma princess:

Your dress is SO cute! I love it! Where'd you get it?
I want to see La Nouba really bad! It sounds really cool and fun
:laughing:Thank you, it's my favorite! I got it at Macy's. Normally there's nothing I like there but every once in a while I get a great find and that dress was it! La Nouba was great too, like nothing I've ever seen before!

Okay, I'm coming along for the ride. You're doing a great job so far! :thumbsup2 We'll be heading to Disney in October and staying at AKL for part of our stay. Sounds like you had a great trip!
:welcome: and Thank you! You'll love AKL, it's great! Very beautiful and everyone working there is very nice.

Im here... a little bit late for my liking but i liked the title. Im 14 so it will be interesting to read about another teenagers viewpoint on disney. I hope you dont mind me asking but... Why no faces in the pictures?
:welcome:!!! My parents simply don't feel comfortable with us posting pictures of our faces. Personally, I don't think it really matters but I'ts follow their rules or no TR :headache:

I can't believe I just found this till now, I love your tr:)

can't wait to hear more!
:welcome: I'll be doing an update today!

popcorn:: subscribing!

I'm hoping to stay at Kidani village for the first night of our honeymoon next June so I love all your photos of the resort! :goodvibes

I wish I'd written TRs when I was your age (i'm 25 now, lol!)

Btw did you spot the hidden mickey in that big mosaic wall at Wolfgang Puck's?! I think it's on the top right.. little black circles make the famous mouse-shape :goodvibes

Emma princess:

:welcome: I hope you'll be able to stay there! I wasn't sure about doing a TR at my age, but I'm really loving it, it's a lot of fun!
I hadn't seen the hidden mickey! I bought the hidden mickeys book a few days later and I looove looking for all of them it's a good way to pass the time while in long lines!
First of all, I just want to apologize for how long a wait there is between updates. Between school starting and dance, thing have been a little crazy! Please bear (bare?) with me! Moving on...

Day 2, part one: Epcot!

Today was our first day in the parks! we quickly got up and ready to go!

To start off the morning, we went over to the rental place to drop off the car. Bye bye convertable =( We got a bus to Epcot, and were on our way!

We arrived in about 20 minutes. I was soooo Excited! we got quickly through bag checks and ticket booths and were SERIOUSLY IN EPCOT!!! Pictures:




(I love this picture, I thought it was quite artsy of me!)

We knew the wait for Soarin' was always super long and it's one of our favorites, so we went straight to the land to get some fastpasses:



After getting those, we went of to the Innoventions pavillion to try something Casey and I had been looking forward to for a long time:



Basically, you get to build you own roller coaster, bobsled or jet track. The wait was short, so we went on! The most extreme is jet, but we decided to try Roller Coaster. It was a lot of fun to build it (we called it the "Thunderhawk") but the actual ride was... eh. It didn't really feel like we were doing much, just looking at a screen and moving back and forth every once in a while, though the "sum of our thrill" was 343. Hopefully on our next trip, we'll get a chance to try the jet level to see if it's any different.

After Sum of all Thrills, we went over to Test Track:


The wait time said 20 minutes so of course we had to take advantage of it! Bad idea...

We waited closer to an hour! It was our longest wait of the whole trip! Still, we all really love Test Track, so it was worth it!

We tehn walked right next door to Mission:Space. I was nervous about this one, but I decided to at least try the Green version, so we got four fastpasses. We decided to go the The Seas with Nemo and friends.

It was a walk-on! I love that ride, I think it's so cute and very well done! I love "riding the current", I think that looks so cool!

After Nemo, we were pretty hungry, so we decided to go to lunch at Sunshine Seasons. On the way, we passed the Jammitors but only stayed for a minute because we were starving! We quickly got over to the land


I got Mongolian beef with white rice and lo mein. It was pretty good! The one thing I didn't enjoy about lunch was the boy sitting next to us. He was at least 16, but he acted like a two year old. Screaming, banging stuff, whining, knocking things over, it was just ridiculous! Luckily, they left about halfway through our lunch so we had a little time where it was (mostly) quiet.

The wait for Living with the land was short (as always) so we went on that. This was our first time and I was surprised at how much I enjoyed it! I loved the part at the beginning, and I thought the whole thing was very cool and interesting.

After Living with the land, it was time to use our Soarin' fastpasses. This ride never gets old!!! I could ride it 200 times in a row and never get bored! If only the line wasn't always so long... sigh...

It was time for Captain EO! Now my mom and dad hate Michael Jackson, but Casey and I love him, so we did this one alone. I loved the music, but it was very confusing and (I'll be honest) pretty pointless. Still, it was something we wanted to try, and I'm really happy we did!

After EO, we went over to something else I'd been dying to go to: Club Cool! Unfortunetly, Casey and my mom weren't able to get a gluten-free info, so they had to skip this one. Let me say, some foreign sodas are DISGUSTING, especially the beverly from Italy. It was like inhaling helium or gas. Soo gross!

We went over to Mission:Space to use our fastpasses. My mom and I chose green and dad and casey went on orange. i was the pilot! We didn't really worry about pressing any buttons though, we just sat back and enjoyed the ride! I thought it was really cool and not bad at all! Next time I'll deffinetly be doing orange.

We were getting pretty tired, so it was time to head back. Until we realized we skipped Spaceship Earth! Of course we had to go on this one, and theres never a line, so on we went!

We got on in seconds. While choosing the language, my mom and dad chose french! It kinda ruined the ride for them, but it was still really funny!

Instead of going on again, we decided we'd just come back when we went to the world showcase in a few days.

We quickly got a bus back to Kidani and were on our way home!
I just found your TR and I'm loving it:lovestruc.Our family is also DISNEY CRAZY!!!My daughters are 11 and 8 and this will be there 13th WDW trip:lmao: This is my 2yr.old sons3rd trip:rotfl2: My 11yr old is writting a PTR right now And will start her TR when we get back!!!Keep it coming:banana:

Here a link to her PTR!!!
I just found your TR and I'm loving it:lovestruc.Our family is also DISNEY CRAZY!!!My daughters are 11 and 8 and this will be there 13th WDW trip:lmao: This is my 2yr.old sons3rd trip:rotfl2: My 11yr old is writting a PTR right now And will start her TR when we get back!!!Keep it coming:banana:

Here a link to her PTR!!!

13 trips in 11(or less) years, and to add to that you live 819 miles away???:scared1::scared1::scared1:. How do you do it?
Ok, you're going to die when you read about my report and find out just how CLOSE we were, omg.

We stood there to watch the Jammitors too! From the timing, it sounds like it was around the time we were there too. OMG. Life isn't fair, you know?

Also, Andrew LIKES the Beverly. Yes...it's true.....my DBF likes the Beverly....*le sigh*
I just found your TR and I'm loving it:lovestruc.Our family is also DISNEY CRAZY!!!My daughters are 11 and 8 and this will be there 13th WDW trip:lmao: This is my 2yr.old sons3rd trip:rotfl2: My 11yr old is writting a PTR right now And will start her TR when we get back!!!Keep it coming:banana:

Here a link to her PTR!!!
:welcome: Actaully I'd come across your daughters PTR a few weeks ago! I'd lost it since so I'll deffinetly be joinging for good as soon as I get a chance! When is you trip?

Ok, you're going to die when you read about my report and find out just how CLOSE we were, omg.

We stood there to watch the Jammitors too! From the timing, it sounds like it was around the time we were there too. OMG. Life isn't fair, you know?

Also, Andrew LIKES the Beverly. Yes...it's true.....my DBF likes the Beverly....*le sigh*
Life is absolutly not fair!!! I can't wait to hear about your night on the twentieth, we were so sure we'd come across you guys!

WHAAAAT?!? No offense to him, but eeeewww haha I spit it out! Did you try it/ like it?
13 trips in 11(or less) years, and to add to that you live 819 miles away???:scared1::scared1::scared1:. How do you do it?

Were on the road alot!!!:lmao:Oh yeah and were ALWAYS on a STRICT BUDGET!!!!:scared1: Plus we took 2 trips a year until the girls got in school so now were down to just one:headache:


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