Are you sending your kids to school next month?

That's a shame. Have they talked about the reasoning for that at all? Basically the only people ahead of teachers in my state were healthcare workers and the elderly in communal living facilities. Right now, the vaccination effort is almost entirely focused on those 65 and up and teachers/school staff, and even in parts of the state like where I live, where the rollout is not going particularly well, a significant and growing number of teachers have had their first doses.

They are focused on age first in WA state. People over 50 in high risk critical areas like teaching will go in the next phase. Just being a teacher doesn’t qualify anyone.
Have they talked about the reasoning for that at all? Basically the only people ahead of teachers in my state were healthcare workers and the elderly in communal living facilities.
My state has not prioritized teachers - or any profession other than patient-facing healthcare workers in phase 1a. Then we did skilled nursing then senior facilities. The roll-out now is age-bands starting with age 75+ and next week opens to age 70+. The next group after that will be 65+.

Reasoning: to prevent deaths and save lives. Based on data in our state for the first 9-10 months of the pandemic, some 95% of deaths and 90% of hospitalizations were people age 65+. Those most vulnerable to the worst outcome are prioritized for vaccination. We’ve had hybrid school since September with very little infection and no deaths - therefore teachers are not in the priority bucket.
My state has not prioritized teachers - or any profession other than patient-facing healthcare workers in phase 1a. Then we did skilled nursing then senior facilities. The roll-out now is age-bands starting with age 75+ and next week opens to age 70+. The next group after that will be 65+.

Reasoning: to prevent deaths and save lives. Based on data in our state for the first 9-10 months of the pandemic, some 95% of deaths and 90% of hospitalizations were people age 65+. Those most vulnerable to the worst outcome are prioritized for vaccination. We’ve had hybrid school since September with very little infection and no deaths - therefore teachers are not in the priority bucket.

Our data was similar - 75% of deaths have been among 70+, half of those in nursing homes and other senior facilities. So those people were the top priority (1A), along with health care workers. But after those groups, the priority is now split between those with elevated but not super-high risk of serious illness or death and those with lower probability of serious illness but high risk of catching/spreading the virus. So phase 1B is 65+ and teachers and first responders outside of the healthcare field, and 1C will be younger adults with preexisting health issues along with additional categories of public-facing workers. We moved to phase 1B about a month ago, and the organized efforts to vaccinate teachers really got rolling in the last two weeks.
After being totally remote since this started (our school offered a remote option while the in school kids have ping ponged back and forth) we made the jump back to in person on Monday.

My son was back for four days until Friday and all the kids were sent remote again due to positive cases in his class. Oh the irony! 😂 We leave the bubble and then bam, covid exposure.

We're still going to hang on for the ride and stay in person after their class quarantine ends and they can go back. I'm getting tested (showing some symptoms today unfortunately.. hoping it's just allergies!) but wow just had to share. So ironic. And my son's school has been meticulous with their protocols too! Sounds like someone sent their kiddo to school sick from the info we were given.

Stay healthy y'all! This is definitely frustrating.
This is the way I feel. We ended up getting letters last year about how much time our 1st grader was missing due to vacations and illnesses. For the rest of his schooling I will be ignoring those letters after the Charlie Fox of a school year this year. At least he gets to go back full time starting Thursday.
This exactly. Makes me feel like a chump for working our vacation schedule around the school calendar. Not anymore. If they think that it's reasonable to close the schools at the drop of a hat and hold my kids out of school for a year or more while kids in just about every other state are back to near normal, then they can certainly work around my family and whatever whims we might have going forward.

And if the teacher's union EVER goes on strike again, they can be sure my kids will cross the picket line. The unions are the only ones spreading the fear that it can't be made safe - against just about every expert there is. Nope - they've burned that bridge.

I am shocked at how many of you are saying teachers are not being bumped to the front of the line. On top of everything else in CA, teachers were moved to the front of the line right after emergency care personnel and assisted living FROM THE START! AND...we are still not back in person and the unions are fighting HS going back at all. Alternate universe...
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After being totally remote since this started (our school offered a remote option while the in school kids have ping ponged back and forth) we made the jump back to in person on Monday.

My son was back for four days until Friday and all the kids were sent remote again due to positive cases in his class. Oh the irony! 😂 We leave the bubble and then bam, covid exposure.

We're still going to hang on for the ride and stay in person after their class quarantine ends and they can go back. I'm getting tested (showing some symptoms today unfortunately.. hoping it's just allergies!) but wow just had to share. So ironic. And my son's school has been meticulous with their protocols too! Sounds like someone sent their kiddo to school sick from the info we were given.

Stay healthy y'all! This is definitely frustrating.
Four days - so the cases originated outside the school. Not to minimize, should certainly take it seriously, but chances are you are fine. In fact, chances are much better you had more exposure on your last trip to the grocery store.
Four days - so the cases originated outside the school. Not to minimize, should certainly take it seriously, but chances are you are fine. In fact, chances are much better you had more exposure on your last trip to the grocery store.

The schools have been open for three weeks. We made the switch after they'd already be open from remote. Unfortunately, the entire 5th grade for switched online- not just my son's class. We're bummed- hopefully they can go back soon.
Not to minimize, should certainly take it seriously, but chances are you are fine. In fact, chances are much better you had more exposure on your last trip to the grocery store.

We get our groceries delivered so I don't go inside stores. Unfortunately, if I test positive (which after running fevers all night I'm guessing I will) I know it'll be from this. But honestly seeing my son so happy being with kids his own age... even if they only made it four days... was just so refreshing. Parents are just in tough situations right now.

Unfortunately, so many parents here are letting their kids get together outside of school with no masks and then they bring it to school. There's no way it could have spread between the classes at school because they keep them entirely separated. Sigh, frustrating!
This exactly. Makes me feel like a chump for working our vacation schedule around the school calendar. Not anymore. If they think that it's reasonable to close the schools at the drop of a hat and hold my kids out of school for a year or more while kids in just about every other state are back to near normal, then they can certainly work around my family and whatever whims we might have going forward.

I hope that's an element of this situation that the schools choose to maintain. We've traveled a bit this winter - we always do when my middle child is home from college - and it has been so nice to have my 7th grader log on to the classroom portal, see what was done that day, and keep up whether she's in school or not. She also missed a fair bit of time in the fall with allergy symptoms I'd ordinarily have made her tough out, and again, it was really nice that when she was too congested for all-day masking but not really feeling sick, she could go online and see what work was being done rather than going back when she felt better to get a heap of make-up work. I don't expect that teachers will continue to post full lessons or classroom videos when things get closer to normal, but just posting "read pages 482 to 493 and complete chapter review" would make it a lot easier on families when their kids miss school for any reason. And since we have a very permissive vacation policy, it would make sense to keep that element of distance learning now that the teachers have mastered the tech anyway.
I hope that's an element of this situation that the schools choose to maintain. We've traveled a bit this winter - we always do when my middle child is home from college - and it has been so nice to have my 7th grader log on to the classroom portal, see what was done that day, and keep up whether she's in school or not. She also missed a fair bit of time in the fall with allergy symptoms I'd ordinarily have made her tough out, and again, it was really nice that when she was too congested for all-day masking but not really feeling sick, she could go online and see what work was being done rather than going back when she felt better to get a heap of make-up work. I don't expect that teachers will continue to post full lessons or classroom videos when things get closer to normal, but just posting "read pages 482 to 493 and complete chapter review" would make it a lot easier on families when their kids miss school for any reason. And since we have a very permissive vacation policy, it would make sense to keep that element of distance learning now that the teachers have mastered the tech anyway.
As much as we HATE Canvas (the software our district is using to do all things remote learning), it does have that advantage; the parents do have some access to the kids' assignments and they can see what is being taught.

Let's be really honest about remote learning; it fails to engage kids attention AT ALL. My DD15 logs in and 15 minutes later she'd be hard pressed to even tell you what class she is "attending". Not her fault entirely; it is incredibly dull. My DS18 figured out the game a long time ago, AS HAS JUST ABOUT EVERY KID WHO IS "SUCCEEDING" - it is very, very easy to cheat. You show me a kid who is keeping up with the assignments and is doing well on the exams and I promise you, that kid has access to all the assignments beforehand - ALL OF THEM. We pointed this out to our DD's counselor and the school superintendent and they just shrugged. Sorry, but that's the fault of the system and the teacher; there is a way to keep that content off of the internet, but the system they have set up makes it very difficult for them to do that. It doesn't mean the teacher shouldn't be putting in that effort though. As for the kids; it's like doping in sports. If everyone is doing it, and you can't keep up, what are you supposed to do?
I am shocked at how many of you are saying teachers are not being bumped to the front of the line. On top of everything else in CA, teachers were moved to the front of the line right after emergency care personnel and assisted living FROM THE START! AND...we are still not back in person and the unions are fighting HS going back at all. Alternate universe...

Where in California can a teacher get a vaccine right now? So far, they've allowed health care workers, those living in facilities and people 75 and up. They recently moved on to people 65 and up and are still working through that phase. Teachers have not been allowed to be vaccinated yet, but will be whenever the next phase opens. I have my letter from my district, stating that I work in a school setting and am eligible to be vaccinated under phase 1b. This phase has not opened yet. I will jump in and try to get my appointment as soon as I'm eligible, but it hasn't been an option yet.
Where in California can a teacher get a vaccine right now? So far, they've allowed health care workers, those living in facilities and people 75 and up. They recently moved on to people 65 and up and are still working through that phase. Teachers have not been allowed to be vaccinated yet, but will be whenever the next phase opens. I have my letter from my district, stating that I work in a school setting and am eligible to be vaccinated under phase 1b. This phase has not opened yet. I will jump in and try to get my appointment as soon as I'm eligible, but it hasn't been an option yet.
Long Beach. I know teachers here that have already gotten the 2nd shot. We have our own health department though, and they have not gotten nearly the shots they were promised (that old story).
Long Beach. I know teachers here that have already gotten the 2nd shot. We have our own health department though, and they have not gotten nearly the shots they were promised (that old story).
Interesting. Perhaps it’s regional. The Bay Area counties have not opened vaccines for educators yet.
Due to explosion of cases at neighboring high school, they are closed all this week and back to remote learning. Ours is still a go. 2nd day in-person tomorrow. Fingers-crossed it's still just 1 case at our high school.
Interesting. Perhaps it’s regional. The Bay Area counties have not opened vaccines for educators yet. down about 1/2 way, "A Look at Long Beach". BUT...not so fast. Long Beach is being held up nation-wide (note: this is a NY Times article) as the great example of how vaccinations should be handled but there are a number of questionable things;
  • CSULB (the University) is being prioritized and are getting shots, even though they have already committed to staying virtual only until Fall - and they can't wait for the vaccine?
  • LBUSD (K-12) schools are being prioritized, but they have only received about 10% of the shots they need to vaccinate everyone
  • Meanwhile, Seniors cannot get vaccination appointments. My DM76 lives across the street from the convention center where they are doing vaccinations - she had to go to the vaccine center about 20 miles away in Downey (LA County). That's been really common.
  • Those with political connections, like say, a 35 yo mayor and his entire staff, got vaccines, practically before everyone else. The reason? They are considered "staff essential to the vaccine rollout". If they were administering the shots I might believe that, but no - they are just rolling up sleeves and getting shots to "promote confidence in the vaccine". Yeah, right.
We had no choice but to find a alternative education for our 7th grader because our district is not even discussing returning to in person learning full time. The hybrid schedule they have been on since August is a absolute nightmare because the teachers always have a class of kids with them, even when your kid is at home, so they are unavailable for questions or support until the next day your child is in person.

I did extensive research and applied for 2 cyber charter schools and one of them had a spot for her and she is a month in and thriving. The teachers are attentive, engaging and professional. The support from the staff is beyond anything I have ever experienced in any school. Yes, it does require a good bit of support from myself and my husband for some projects but she’s our youngest and the only child in school so it works for us.

If your child is struggling or your frustrated with your schooling situation, do research on the options available in your state. My mind was blown at the options in Pennsylvania. Something better may be out there for your family.
I hope schools open soon by us. Been virtual since December. I am more nervous number will go up and we shutdown vs us getting sick with Covid. I Closing schools IMO helped bring numbers down. Our county reports cases daily and What I’ve noticed is that the majority of the cases are from schools and daycares. Though schools are closed we have a “emergency“ daycar/school care for single working parents. And the majority of new cases by us the past few months are all from these type of places and nursing homes. Which is frustrating because you’d figure they have that all figured out by now. They do have concepts and tons of mitigation and still cases in schools and homes.
Let's be really honest about remote learning; it fails to engage kids attention AT ALL.

I disagree with this. My 8th and 9th grader have been remote all year. Our choice. Both kids have been engaged with class. My 9th grader's teachers have told me in conferences about how engaged he has been. I do have to stay on top of him with homework but that has been the case since he was in 5th grade so nothing new. My 8th grader has exceled more with being home then at school. She has no drama to deal with to distract her. Both have learned the same amount as they would in school. I am not saying that this works for everyone because I know it does not but that there are kids that are engaged and paying attention to what is happening in there class even though they are remote.

You show me a kid who is keeping up with the assignments and is doing well on the exams and I promise you, that kid has access to all the assignments beforehand - ALL OF THEM

This does not happen here. My kids do not have access to work ahead of time. They get the work as the kids in school get it. They are in the same classes as the kids in school just online. My DD has had 100% in Math both quarters this year and has had none of the work early. She is getting all A's and maybe 1 B. DS is getting all A's and B's and does great on tests. He gets none of his work early. They both do great on test because they study and do the work that is given to them. They have changed none of their school habits either with being home except for eating when they want. They have 10 minutes between classes so they have time to grab a snack.


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