Are your kids going on the 6/24 Pirate Cruise ?


been there, done that, TRYING to go back
Feb 16, 2000
I just signed up my 2 kids for the Pirate Cruise on Mon, 6/24.
My kids are 7 and 10.
Any other kids around their ages ?

If your kids were on a cruise in the past - what was the average age ?

I am hoping the cruise is not made up of 4 and 5 year olds.
Too babyish for my kids.
... and will be going again at the end of April. The kids we saw boarding the day he did it had an average age of about 7-8, I think. There were a couple of older ones and a couple of younger ones, our DH was young for the group. The oldest kids seemed to all be with younger siblings.

I think many people prefer kids to start grade school before doing this event. Some parents of pre-schoolers may get too nervous about their little ones getting on a boat without Mom or Dad. (DS ran for that boat and never looked back! We didn't worry about him at all, as the CM's that went with were all certified lifeguards, and we had seriously slathered him with sunblock to prevent the most likely hazard. Six months later he still guards his "treasure" and talks about how cool it was to go out on a boat w/o Mom & Dad; just kids!)

my 10 year old son will be going on this cruise either 6/24 or 6/27. i am calling tomorrow, didn't get a chance to call today. he is going by himself. i have posed this question on the dis boards earlier this the 10 year old too old?.......and no one said he was. sounds like a great time. i'll let ya know if he gets on the 6/24 cruise.

littleducks mom - I hope your 10 year old son gets on the Pirate cruise.
My 10 year old was excited at first untill the WDW resservationist asked if my kids
were potty trained. He was afraid he would be on a boat with babies.
My daughter who will be 7 (6/22 birthday) will also be on the boat.

I hope you'll be at the GF docks with us at 9:45 am.

Good luck with the ressies.

good news! i called this morning and my 10 yo will be on the 6/24 cruise. the cm said that the cruise was almost full. glad i called. now i hope it just doesnt rain on this morning. guess we'll see you at the gf marina.
email me if you wanna introduce each others ten year olds thru email before the trip....that might be kind of a neat thing to do. the boys could look forward to meeting each other and be penpals of sorts before the cruise.

Littleducks Mom - please read your private mail box at this site. I left you some info on my son and
an e-mail address. My son would love to have a pen-pal from MO. We're in NY.
Thanks :)
Where do I find info about this Pirate Cruise? We will be there May 25-30 and
I know my son would LOVE to do this! Thanks
babysaysKickey - MAKE your PS NOW !
The cruise only holds 10 kids ages 4 (potty trained) - ten years old

more info on this web-site...

Call the disney dining # to get a ressie.
offered on Mon, Wed (starting in April) and Thursdays.
$24.95/child $15 non-refundable cancellation fee
need a credit card to reserve a space for your child.
10 am to noon.
Be at GF dock/marina at 9:45 am

The cruise fills up fast. The 120 day mark for June 24 was Sunday, 2/24/02

littleducks Mom got one of the last spots for the June 24th cruise.

I hope your son finds a spot on one of the cruises that week.

Have fun :)


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