Arizona/Utah May 2016 Trip Report: Completed 5/26/17

Day 7 - Moab/last full adventure day

While we were looking forward to the activities scheduled for today, we were also sad that it was our last full day on our adventure. This last morning was on-your-own time; but during our long drive to Moab, Casey threw out some options that she would need to pre-book if we were interested. One was a tour on an ATV, and the other was horseback riding. I've done the latter, and it didn't really appeal to me. My husband hadn't ever been, but he wasn't interested either. The ATV ride did get our interest so we put our names down for single rider vehicles. The mother-daughter duo also signed up; they chose a double-seated vehicle. The family decided on horseback riding. The grandparents hung out at the pool.

We met the gentleman who was going to shuttle us to the area where we would be riding. He had our vehicles attached to the van on a trailer. When we got to our destination, he gave us instructions on how to operate our different vehicles and how to properly wear our helmets. If this is offered during your trip and you choose the single vehicle, you must wear long pants. I had mine slightly rolled as they were long and baggy, but I had to roll them down because I could feel the heat from the vehicle on my legs. Bandanas from Monument Valley also got reused here.

I had my camera and my cell phone, and I brought my backpack in case I needed a jacket. I thought I was all set with my camera, but the battery was dead. Ugh. I wish I had pictures to capture the beauty we saw on this ride. I kept pointing at things and exclaiming my excitement, but no one could hear me. We stopped for a break at the summit, took some photos, and then started our trip back to the van. A couple of additional housekeeping items: if you need to relieve yourself, you can wander off at the summit and find a private spot (my husband had to do this), the single ATVs are heavy to steer around corners, and there's a lot of red dust that kicks up. When we got back to Red Cliffs, we were covered in red dust. Here are some photos from this ride:


Me in my KSC t-shirt again



Having a nice film of red dirt on us, we had time to clean up before our barbeque lunch out back at Red Cliffs. We headed to the back, got our food, and grabbed seats near our tour friends. This was pretty much all you cared to eat, and the food variety was delicious. This is where I had the BEST cookie. Their chocolate chocolate chip cookie tasted like a brownie. I might have taken a few cookies to bring back to our room.

As we were eating, we noticed some rafts pulling up nearby. The people in the rafts headed over to the pavilion where we were seated and joined us for lunch. There was plenty of room and food for everyone. We didn't interact with them, but based on the number of people who arrived I was glad we got there earlier.

With lunch done, we all headed back to our rooms to get ready for rafting. Now that my husband had conquered his heights fear, he was really nervous about rafting. He does not swim. I reassured him that he would be wearing a life vest for that just-in-case scenario, but I don't think it put him at ease.

For rafting, we put on sunscreen. I should say, I put on sunscreen on all exposed areas. My husband, who is pretty fair, did not. I wore a tankini top with a long-sleeved UV protection shirt over it and board shorts. My husband wore his hat, a long-sleeved UV protection shirt, and swim trunks. I had on waterproof Keen's, and he had on sneakers with no socks. He wears glasses, and I had sunglasses so we wore eyeglass neck straps to keep them on our bodies.

We met up with our group and one of the rafting guides; we all got on the bus to be taken to the spot where we would launch into the Colorado River. There were a few other employees from the rafting center there to help with vests. We had two rafts for our group. Casey started out with the family, and our little group of 4 went in the other. Since my husband was pretty nervous, our guide Ryan told him he could sit in the middle. The rest of us sat on the edges. The rapids were pretty mild, and we only had to group paddle one time. Ryan did most of the work. He was awesome. It was nice to talk to another Seinfeld fan! I felt like he had a pulse on exactly what I wanted out of this trip. I was so relaxed. Until he put me to work.

Ryan asked the daughter if she was interested in taking the paddles from the guide's seat. She was, and she gave it a try. He then asked me after a bit if I wanted to do it, and I absolutely said yes. He helped me get the rhythm down and then took my seat while I paddled. And paddled. I honestly think I paddled for longer than anyone expected. At this point Casey had already joined our boat, and she got this picture of me working:


However, this next photo is one of my favorite pictures from our entire trip. While Casey was in the raft with the family, they sent the grandfather into the river; this is what was left:


We headed back to the bus for our short ride back to Red Cliffs. We took showers (and finished getting the rest of the red dirt off), put on our "nicer" clothes, and headed over to the Red Cliffs Winery. Oh, I forgot to mention that they have a winery on premises. It's a separate building set closer to the road. Since this was junior adventure time and Casey was whisking away the triplets, ABD provided the adults with a wine and cheese tasting. I'm not much of a drinker, but this was lovely. The 8 of us all sat together and chatted, an opportunity that didn't really present itself prior to this moment. We went over our experiences during this trip and had some really good laughs. Love these people!

Eventually, Casey brought the kids back upstairs. We then headed to the restaurant in the lodge and had a patio to ourselves. We had a buffet dinner (steak, chicken) for our farewell dinner, and it was delicious. I believe that they also provided a couple of alcoholic beverages, but I didn't partake (husband did). We went around the table and shared what our favorite thing was about the trip. The grandmother, who was seated next to me, got so overwhelmed with emotion she started to cry happy tears. During dinner we were treated to a singing cowboy, who came with us after dinner to the outdoor fire pit near the lunch pavilion. He eventually departed, and then the family group headed back to their rooms, leaving just Casey and the 4 of us. I thought I had never seen such an amazing night sky when we were in Sedona, but I was unprepared for the one in Moab. Wow. That's all I've got. You must see it for yourself.

After dinner my husband and the mother-daughter duo checked out the movie museum downstairs in the lodge. I headed back to our room to start packing up. Sometimes at the end of a vacation you feel like you are ready to go home. Not us. We did not want it to end; but, sadly, it was coming to a close.
My 8 year old would love to go to that dinosaur park! It sounds like it was a deviation from the itinerary. Is it something that could be done during on your own time if the adventure guide doesn't include it?

You would probably have to find a way to get there. It's not a huge park, but it was fascinating. The trail is one part of it. There are also indoor areas, which was good because it was getting warm outside. My husband was afraid of getting sunburned so we sought out all of the outdoor shady spots.
Day 8 - Departure Day

Our dreaded departure day. Don't make us leave!!!! We're going to stretch this last breakfast out as long as we can!

During our trip, I received an email from United that our flight from Grand Junction was now leaving at 11:30 am instead of 1:00 pm. Casey had planned on leaving Red Cliffs a little later until we dropped that bit of information on her the day before leaving. GJT is a small regional airport (not as small as Lynchburg) so she wasn't too concerned about security lines. We left the lodge at around 8:15 am. There was a little bit of traffic on the way, but it was mostly open road. We were let off the bus first in case there was a security line and said our goodbyes to Casey and Courtney and the rest of our group. No sad tears--only happy memories.

We breezed right through security and found seats near our gate, which happened to be near the restroom and food service. The rest of our group caught up to us so I stood around chatting with the other women. When it was boarding time for us, we hugged goodbye and wished each other safe travels.

Since our flight was departing earlier from GJT, we had a longer layover in DEN. We took turns walking around until it was time to board our final flight. We arrived in EWR after 11:30 pm, waited for our luggage, took the shuttle to our car, and got home at around 1:30 am.

I will have final thoughts on this trip but will post as a separate entry. Thank you for taking the time to read this report! I think my biggest reason for not doing a trip report is that I'm not comfortable sharing photos online with virtual strangers, but I think having the visuals helps others. I know that all of your photos have helped me.
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We are very interested in the ATV tour. What time in the morning did you do this?

It was early--maybe 8 am-ish. We were out for a few hours and back by 11:30 am to clean up for lunch. If offered, your guide(s) will provide pricing at the time they present the option. The cost for the double was about the same as our two singles, and there are larger ones to accommodate a bigger family. The bigger vehicles looked like fun, and it allowed a passenger to take photos while another person did the driving.
Thank you very much for sharing! I understand not feeling comfortable sharing photos. Your photos were fantastic though and made me want to do this trip even more!
Thank you for this report. We leave soon and this is extremely helpful. The great time you had comes through! May you have many years of good health and travel!
I heard from Casey today. She said that someone on one of her adventures mentioned that they had heard about her on the Disboards, and she said it sounded like it came from my husband and me. (It was all complimentary.) Did we really help someone?

That was me! I don't remember specifically how it came up but I told Casey that I had seen the start of a trip report from last year where she was the only guide. She seemed somewhat aware of these boards but hadn't read any trip reports where she was a guide. I sent her the link to this report and said I hadn't read it all because I didn't want spoilers but that everything I'd read so far was positive. I showed her a picture of you from this thread and she immediately remembered your names and said you were great.

Our Adventure ended today and I plan to reply to posts here when I get a chance and when I get back to my laptop.

Thanks for taking the time write a trip report. I really enjoyed it and the pictures were great! Congratulations on your weight loss - amazing. I know how proud and happy you must have been to be able to participate in all those physical activities. You are an inspiration!
Thank you so much for taking the time to share your beautiful photos, your story and your vacation memories! I have really enjoyed this trip report. We are looking at this trip as a possible ABD or copying the itinerary and doing it on our own. I will be interested to read your final thoughts.
Great trip report! I appreciate the photos a lot. I was showing my DW the photos of your trip, particularly Moab, and telling her this trip is a must do! Absolutely gorgeous!
I have loved this trip report! Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts and yourself with us on this adventure!!! Seriously - love it!!
Thank you very much for sharing! I understand not feeling comfortable sharing photos. Your photos were fantastic though and made me want to do this trip even more!

Thanks! Some of the photos were obviously taken by Casey, but I do love to take pictures.

Thank you for this report. We leave soon and this is extremely helpful. The great time you had comes through! May you have many years of good health and travel!

Thank you for those kind words!

That was me! I don't remember specifically how it came up but I told Casey that I had seen the start of a trip report from last year where she was the only guide. She seemed somewhat aware of these boards but hadn't read any trip reports where she was a guide. I sent her the link to this report and said I hadn't read it all because I didn't want spoilers but that everything I'd read so far was positive. I showed her a picture of you from this thread and she immediately remembered your names and said you were great.

Our Adventure ended today and I plan to reply to posts here when I get a chance and when I get back to my laptop.

Uh oh....Hi Casey (if you're reading!) LOL!!! I'm glad that you will come back and help because I know the itinerary has changed a little from last year. A fresh experience would be so helpful for this year's adventurers.


Thanks for taking the time write a trip report. I really enjoyed it and the pictures were great! Congratulations on your weight loss - amazing. I know how proud and happy you must have been to be able to participate in all those physical activities. You are an inspiration!

Thanks so much! I am a continual work in progress in all aspects. As I've told others, be your own inspiration!

I have loved this trip report! Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts and yourself with us on this adventure!!! Seriously - love it!!

Thank you!

Great trip report! I appreciate the photos a lot. I was showing my DW the photos of your trip, particularly Moab, and telling her this trip is a must do! Absolutely gorgeous!

I take this as a high compliment from someone who has used ABD to travel around the world. I live vicariously through you and your family (among many others here).
Thanks so much for your report! It was wonderful and I can't wait to book this trip for 2019. Congrats on beating cancer and your weight loss. Wishing you many more awesome adventures!!!
It was early--maybe 8 am-ish. We were out for a few hours and back by 11:30 am to clean up for lunch. If offered, your guide(s) will provide pricing at the time they present the option. The cost for the double was about the same as our two singles, and there are larger ones to accommodate a bigger family. The bigger vehicles looked like fun, and it allowed a passenger to take photos while another person did the driving.

Thank you. We would have to do double because I don't really trust my 13 year old to drive... Not sure about my 15 year old probably not for him too. They don't have any experience driving these.

Thank you for writing this trip report. I feel like I am very prepared for our trip in July. I am so excited.
I was on the 5/17-5/24 adults-only adventure and there were 38 of us. Almost everyone was a married couple and many were recently retired. I was the only solo adventurer and I'm not retired but I wasn't the youngest.

We had our arrival dinner in an open location, and it did get a bit chilly.

We had dinner inside in what appears to be the same general location because it was chilly. There had been a big storm that brought snow to the Rockies and Denver around the time we left Phoenix and caused the temperatures where we were to be quite a bit colder than average. I also heard that there was snow at the Grand Canyon in the days before we arrived and that the weather in Moab was cold and rainy the week or so before we were there. When I was in Phoenix the day before the adventure started I heard on the news that it was 17 degrees below normal (in the 70's rather than the 90's) and that they were expecting it to be back in the 100's by this past Monday. We had good weather, though cool. It rained our two nights in Sedona but I was back in my room by the time the rain started and by morning there was no sign of it. Sedona had the coldest weather but I believe that was due to timing of the aforementioned storm and not necessarily what you'd expect.
After the jeep tour we were given the option to go back to the resort or walk around in Sedona a bit. We collect a magnet from every location we visit so we had a mission. The entire group opted to go into town.

After our jeep tour we had lunch at the Barking Frog. It was a buffet with chicken and salads. It was fine. There were a lot more buffets than I'd had on other adventures (both in Italy). The buffets usually had one or two meats and a few salads.

Most people in our group (including me) opted not to go into town.

Later that evening we were treated to stargazing on the tennis courts. We got to see the international space station and a satellite go by, and we had great telescopic views of some of the planets.

I don't recall if stargazing was offered, but I was tired after having gotten up for the sunrise hike and having a cocktail and wine with dinner. However, we did see the international space station and a satellite at Red Cliffs Lodge.


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