August 16th Western

Originally posted by Maleficent59
Hint: what do you treat at your place of work? (In fact, it's from Moffitt). ;) How about it could be benign or malignant?

Beautiful pic of a toucan, BTW! Travis: your 2 cents is great!

Ah ha! I get it now!

Tumor Days -------> Two more Days!

Pretty tricky! I did notice the Moffitt address for the picture! :)

It sure was neat talking to you tonight, what a surprise!!!

We just got back from picking DD up from "The Pirates of the Caribbean." She said it was a good movie, just a lot of blood!!! She said, she even screamed a few times. I believe that. A cricket jumped on her foot the other night, and she screamed like there was no tomorrow. LOL!!!

Here's wishing everyone on the 8-16 cruise a MAGICal time and smooth sailing!!!
Yeah we leave tomorrow (well later today) I'm so excited! Ah never packed yet so I'll do it tomorrow (you know) I guess. I'm going to bed see you guys later today.
Hi Andy and Hazel! It was great to talk to you too! Your excitement is contagious. We'll try to leave the Magic in good order for you Captain Verandah Commandah Underpants! :cool:

I probably won't have time to post tomorrow. I wish you all safe journeys. We'll see you on the Magic!

Best, Sarah
CGBatch: thanks for your email! You're still up at 4am your time?! (yeah, it's the "mom" in me). ;) See you Saturday!
One Day!!! And a special look at a "MAGICal" ship, for that "ONE DAY LEFT!!!" Have a BLAST Everyone!!!


One MAGICal Ship!!!
CAN YOU BELIEVE IT ????:bounce:
1 DAY !!!

This will be my last post before the cruise, a couple of hours here at work, some last minute packing this afternoon, DD soccer game tonight, then a good night sleep:p (yeah right)
and leaving friday morning for the Radisson...
I just want to thank everyone form this thread, seems like time went a little faster reading and writing on this board.
I've learn a lot of things from you past cruisers; THANK YOU!

For a familly of first time cruisers it's very helpfull. It will help make this MAGICal vacation even more MAGICal. We want to make the most out of every SECOND on that beautiful ship.

A special Thank you to Jason and everyone who helped on that great August 16th web site.

Me, Stéphane, my darling wife Line and our wonderful daughter Danyka are looking forward to have the privilege of meeting each and every one of you !!! To shake hand with every one of you and have a drink with every one of..............well maybe a drink per familly will be good :p

I have to work now:mad: so for some it's see you tomorrow at the Radisson, and for the rest of you it's going to be saturday
on board the MAGIC !!!
Have a safe and problem free trip everyone

Steff ;)
Originally posted by Buzz638
1 DAY !!!

I just want to thank everyone form this thread, seems like time went a little faster reading and writing on this board.
I've learn a lot of things from you past cruisers; THANK YOU!

Me, Stéphane, my darling wife Line and our wonderful daughter Danyka are looking forward to have the privilege of meeting each and every one of you !!! To shake hand with every one of you and have a drink with every one of..............well maybe a drink per familly will be good

I have to work now so for some it's see you tomorrow at the Radisson, and for the rest of you it's going to be saturday
on board the MAGIC !!!
Have a safe and problem free trip everyone



Couldn't have said it better myself! You have a safe trip on your way down here as well and we'll see ya real soon!

Originally posted by Verandah Man
One Day!!! And a special look at a "MAGICal" ship, for that "ONE DAY LEFT!!!" Have a BLAST Everyone!!!

One MAGICal Ship!!!


We must think alike! I was going to post a picture of the Magic too!!! Then again, I figured I wouldn't be the only one to think of this!

I want to say thanks for joining us in counting down. The pics you have selected have been hilarious. (Perhaps providing us with a glimpse into your humorous and fun-loving personality!)
we will be leaving today to sleep at my aunts house. Frida y see some who will be at the raddison. saturday see everyone there i can't wait

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
As my DD said, (the little stinker got here before I did, lol) we are leaving in a few minutes for my sisters house in Charlotte.

I am so looking forward to meeting you all! For the Radisson group, does 8pm around the pool sound ok? I'll check back tonight at my sister's house.

Oh, we will be easy to spot. My son's friend said I remind him of the farmer's wife in the movie "Babe" (lol!) and my DH kind of looks like Santa :p .

See you soon!
ONE DAY!!! It was suggested, that since you are down to one day I should not have put the Magic in my post, but I should have put:



So, here it is!!!
Well, I understand the reasoning...

BUT, I have to say, I like the Magic better! :D
Originally posted by ThreeCircles
Well, I understand the reasoning...

BUT, I have to say, I like the Magic better! :D

Yeah I agree and speaking of 1 we should leave in about 1 hour!
I can't believe that we will all be finally meeting on Saturday. How great it is going to be to put faces with all the names. Everyone have a safe trip to the port and I will see you on board.

What a mess here on the east coast. We lost power for about 1/2 hour all of NYC is out plus most other major cities in the north east. I will be so glad when we take off tomorrow morning. I hope this doesn't mess up the flight schedule for tomorrow.:confused:

See everyone very, very, very soon.:bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc
We have power at our house, but areas around us don't. We don't have any water.:(
Well, I hope that all of our August 16th Magic Cruisers flying out of the areas affected by the power outages don't encounter too much difficulty on their trip southward.

We'll be thinking and hoping the best for you all!

<a href="">The August 16th Disney Cruise List</a>
It's 4:20 am and we are leaving in 25 minutes for the airport. Our flight has already been delayed 2 hours.
Our flight has already been delayed 2 hours.

Yet, another good reason the fly in the day before your cruise, if at all possible!!!!!

Wishing everyone a safe journey!!!!!


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