August 28, 2004 "LOST AT SEA" Cruise

Carol - that ventriloquist with the tennis ball was really a riot! Did you happen to catch his adult show? I laughed till I cried!

-Mary Rose
Mary Rose, yes I did! I was hysterical! I kept seeing that guy that he grabbed from the audience for the rest of the days on the cruise and I kept saying hey so and so ( forgot his name).
Mary Rose, yes I did! I was hysterical! I kept seeing that guy that he grabbed from the audience for the rest of the days on the cruise and I kept saying hey so and so ( forgot his name).
Carol - I think his name was Peter. Me & DH are just talking about his dummy jumping up and down in excitement while he made "Peter" talk. My face hurt after that show.

-Mary Rose
Originally posted by O'BWV
Carol - I think his name was Peter. Me & DH are just talking about his dummy jumping up and down in excitement while he made "Peter" talk. My face hurt after that show.

-Mary Rose

I think you're right about the name because I remember it being one of the Brady Bunch boys' names. LOL
It was ! I kept seeing him throughout the ship and I would say "Peter, how is it going"? He would say - HI! He became a celebrity!! LOL
Good Friday Morning to Everyone!!! Countdown to Friday nite smoothie toast to our group with Bailey's. I can't wait for 5PM.

Doreen is doing better I talked to her this am and she has a DR.S appt this am. I am sure she will be on the boards later today.

I am going down to Portsmouth, VA tomorrow to see the Disney Wonder that is in drydock for two weeks. I am still wondering if they will let me spend Saturday and Sunday on board all by myself in the WED suite. I wonder if that suite has a smoothie maker. Maybe should make a request that all the rooms have smoothie makers!!!

I saw the 97 Week Countdown!!!Zippitydoda!!!!!!!

Have a Magical day!!!!:wave2:

Have a great trip down to see the Wonder. Take pictures lots of pictures and post them so we can all see what is going on.

It took me 3.5 hrs to catch up on this thread. See I go away for a few days and I loose a few friends,(they come back) , the name changes.. tempers get settled.. Cindy finds a new job and LYN thinks Karen can post her pictures of the WONDER,,lol now who is the one who is confused,,,lol...

Glad I found all you guys here. Stan,, keep getting stronger..

Thank you everyone for the well wishes. The prayers are helping. I really missed talking to you all..
I can try for a AC trip.. never been there. Money is so tight esp after a few days in the hospital. Meds are so $$$ without coverage too.:crazy: I dont gamble.. but are we doing diner or what?????
Jaclyn and Taryn can babysit,,lol split the cost, Now, do I need to bring a surge protector and power cord so all of Atlantic City doenst go BLACKwith a power surge from SMOOTHIE MAKERS,,lol ROTFL.., ( sounds like another Helen Readdy song).

Ginny prayers to your family in memory of your brother.( just a side bar.... they had to add that you were the OLDER sister,,lol) us 40 yr old have to stick together...

Yes the CURSE of AUG 28th lives on.... but we do survive...
Hi Karen! Tell the Wonder that we all say "Hi" :teeth: That was so great being able to see it when we docked at Port Everglades. Have a fun time tomorrow taking pictures! :)

Doreen: I'm so happy to see you post again today. I hope you continue to improve. And don't worry about your spelling! :cool:

Ginny D: That'd be great if you're on the same cruise as us in 2006 ::yes:: Tell Andy we said Hi!
TERRY Stan received your card today and was truly touched by your thoughtfulness. He laughed, too. I loved the lime green color! Thank you so much.

DOREEN How awesome to see a post from you. I am so glad you are home. Post away without a thought for spelling or word selection. We will know what you mean and are just glad to hear from you.

KAREN Have a great trip to see the Wonder. You are so lucky!

Lyn - Great picture of your "guys". I almost didn't recognize Matt with the lots of dark hair LOL!

Darlene - How's Stan been feeling lately?

-Mary Rose
Originally posted by O'BWV
Lyn - Great picture of your "guys". I almost didn't recognize Matt with the lots of dark hair LOL!

Darlene - How's Stan been feeling lately?

-Mary Rose

I just posted over on the 8/19 thread. Stan is doing better each day. He is still finding it hard to be comfortable and he moves around alot more than I think he should. A friend of mine brought over a delicious home-cooked meal tonight and he ate better than he has been. His lack of appetite had me concerned. Now I'm wondering if it was my cooking!!!!

Darlene, he is using the food as an excuse to go back to the ship and enjoy the restaurants now.. Gald he is doing better. I am actually sitting upright without sunglasses on and the blinds opened today. I am planning on going to Jaclyns football game today and Marty will have to drive. Dont trust the reaction time yet!!
Karen is going to VIRGINIA Beach today with our Nephew today and then take him to Busch Gardens HOLLOWSCREAM!!. It scared the pants of me last year.
They do a great job decorating down there.

Talk to you all later.
I will keep my breast covererd..

Doreen - Out and About today! Good for you. Enjoy the game and hope you are having as nice a day weatherwise as we are. Sandy has a soccer game and I'm not sure Stan feels up to going. He wouldn't miss her game otherwise.

It's a beautiful day in my neighborhood today.

Katie says hi and misses all of the kids.

Doreen you know we all love to eat, so of course we will have diner. I have enough $$$ to gamble for maybe 1/2 an hour, so I will be able to hang with you for the rest of the weekend

Hi Everyone:

There are all kinds of places to eat in A/C, Hard Rock, Rain Forest, Planet Hollywood, buffets, etc. I sure that between our eating and talking there won't be much time to spend money gambling.

Lyn and Ginny - Stan received your cards today. He really enjoyed them. I don't think he knows what to make of all the attention he is getting, especially from you all. Thank you so much for brightening his day. And Lyn, I teared up when I saw the card for me. How thoughtful was that!

Stan made it to Sandy's game and the coach gave him a special seat on the bench. It was a pretty day and her team won. All in all a very good day.

It was a great day to be out today,, and my daughter's team won as well. She is a chearleader. Stan, everyday will get better and better.
Thank you as well for my card.. it was here waiting for me when we got home. ::yes:: Made me smile :teeth:
We went to eat after the game since it was over 1.5 miles away ,, I proceded to get sick.. thus getting Marty more worried.. And there comes Daniel into the PIZZA HUT woman's bathroom.. needless to say,, I think they lost business today,,lol:sad2:

Cindy will we get a row of rooms somewhere? I have never been there before. I will have the kids with me for dinners and shopping ,,, and Jaclyn will watch them all in a room for us adult to see entertainment for awhile... What dy are we talking and how $$$$ is the room. Rememer we are poor, But I am seriously thinking of going.. What about Veterans weekend,, is in any less $$$$ then the holiday time?? just ideas. I am going through FRIENDS withdrawel... can you tell.
:grouphug: I miss you guys..



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