August W.I.S.H.Thread: Awesome August

Woohoo-my friends arrive tomorrow for 5 days. Can’t wait. We usually get together in the fall and summer for a week, but of course that’s been on hold for two years.

Woohoo the oppressive heat is over so have enjoyed my evening walks.

The school district where I worked for 20 years started today and I admit to a little “woohoo, I’m retired!” this morning!
I have also been very emotional. Worried about my daughter, stressed about school and optional masking, stressed about school in general, all the transitions, etc. it’s helpful to hear I’m not alone. We’ll get through this, but the support of this group is amazing. Thanks all!!!

I have been the same. This group has been a great help for me in keeping it together.

I am about to lose my mind.

Traditionally, we can get into school to set up our classrooms about a week before school opens. Some teachers manage to get in earlier. Well, first I was promised Monday...yesterday. Then I was promised Wednesday as a maybe, but definitely Thursday. Now Friday is a maybe.

School starts on MONDAY.

My dear husband has been requesting days off, then taking them back for the past week. His boss is NOT thrilled. I NEED him to move and arrange my furniture because of my very bad back. If we cannot do this together on Friday, I will be on my own next week in between the convocation, meetings, and trainings (all B.S. total waste of time). We are lucky if we get a half hour here and there to ourselves.

I am trying so hard not to freak out, but I am afraid that I am already there. :headache::mad:

That is ridiculous. I used to go in with my mom and help her set up her room. You need that time. Hang in there.
I have a few woohoo's today.

1. DD had her appointment with the sports medicine doctor. No real news that we didn't already know but more definitives. It will take her a bit longer to heal then others because of her anxiety, history of head aches and her eye issues. But on her side is that this is her first one. The doctor told us that she needs to walk for at least 30 minutes a day, can go and watch her team play and can kick the ball around (lightly) in the back yard. She told us that DD needs to have a set bed time between 9-10 and wants her to get 10-12 hours of sleep a night. This will be rough as she is not my sleeper. The scheduled bed was coming anyways this weekend as school starts next week. The worst restriction is the phone on 20 minutes 3x a day. Yesterday we got a bunch of art stuff for her to do.

2. I had my appointment with the dermatologist yesterday. They are fighting my insurance to get my new medicine approved. They denied it once. We got into talking about everything they are denying so my sinus issues came up. She thinks this is related to my eczema and that this medicine would help. I cried when I left the office. Between the constant itching and the sinus headaches and knowing this one med might make it all better had me a bit emotional. Now lets hope they can get it approved. Right now they I have to go in every 3 weeks for them to give me one of the samples that they have of it. It is a shot so not something they can give me to take home. They will train me once I am approved to give them to myself at home.

3. Insurance approved DD's third ER visit for what we all thought was an appendicitis. This has been a weight off my shoulders. Still fighting the one that has been rejected.

4. I have an awesome boss. I talked with him today about all the appointments and school stuff and how stressed I am about missing work and all the other stuff going on. He told me to stop worrying about it. I have PTO for a reason and I have a ton of it. As long as he knows what I am doing and my staff knows what is going on he is fine with it. I just need to make sure nothing falls behind so if I can't get something done I need to delegate it or let him know. He has no clue how much this helped today. I just about cried in his office but I held it together.

5. I got a raise!

6. We had a work retreat at the zoo on Monday. I love the zoo. We did a scavenger hunt and my group won. I went through our whole zoo in less then an hour and our zoo is very hilly. My legs hurt today. I had another person in my group that knew the zoo too and a team that put up with the 2 of us. There were a few questions and I had them done before we left the pavilion. One of the questions is what zoo did our elephant Willy come from. No brainer here. It combines my love of Disney and the zoo. He came from Animal Kingdom. This was a perfect day for am and what I needed.
Having a supportive boss makes such a difference-and being able to talk to him and relieve some of your stress must feel good.
Glad your daughter’s health issues are resolving themselves. I often had students recovering from concussions come to the library so they could work at their own pace as they recovered.
Woohoo-my friends arrive tomorrow for 5 days. Can’t wait. We usually get together in the fall and summer for a week, but of course that’s been on hold for two years.

Woohoo the oppressive heat is over so have enjoyed my evening walks.

The school district where I worked for 20 years started today and I admit to a little “woohoo, I’m retired!” this morning!
How wonderful to have a reunion with friends!
I have a few woohoo's today.

1. DD had her appointment with the sports medicine doctor. No real news that we didn't already know but more definitives. It will take her a bit longer to heal then others because of her anxiety, history of head aches and her eye issues. But on her side is that this is her first one. The doctor told us that she needs to walk for at least 30 minutes a day, can go and watch her team play and can kick the ball around (lightly) in the back yard. She told us that DD needs to have a set bed time between 9-10 and wants her to get 10-12 hours of sleep a night. This will be rough as she is not my sleeper. The scheduled bed was coming anyways this weekend as school starts next week. The worst restriction is the phone on 20 minutes 3x a day. Yesterday we got a bunch of art stuff for her to do.

2. I had my appointment with the dermatologist yesterday. They are fighting my insurance to get my new medicine approved. They denied it once. We got into talking about everything they are denying so my sinus issues came up. She thinks this is related to my eczema and that this medicine would help. I cried when I left the office. Between the constant itching and the sinus headaches and knowing this one med might make it all better had me a bit emotional. Now lets hope they can get it approved. Right now they I have to go in every 3 weeks for them to give me one of the samples that they have of it. It is a shot so not something they can give me to take home. They will train me once I am approved to give them to myself at home.

3. Insurance approved DD's third ER visit for what we all thought was an appendicitis. This has been a weight off my shoulders. Still fighting the one that has been rejected.

4. I have an awesome boss. I talked with him today about all the appointments and school stuff and how stressed I am about missing work and all the other stuff going on. He told me to stop worrying about it. I have PTO for a reason and I have a ton of it. As long as he knows what I am doing and my staff knows what is going on he is fine with it. I just need to make sure nothing falls behind so if I can't get something done I need to delegate it or let him know. He has no clue how much this helped today. I just about cried in his office but I held it together.

5. I got a raise!

6. We had a work retreat at the zoo on Monday. I love the zoo. We did a scavenger hunt and my group won. I went through our whole zoo in less then an hour and our zoo is very hilly. My legs hurt today. I had another person in my group that knew the zoo too and a team that put up with the 2 of us. There were a few questions and I had them done before we left the pavilion. One of the questions is what zoo did our elephant Willy come from. No brainer here. It combines my love of Disney and the zoo. He came from Animal Kingdom. This was a perfect day for am and what I needed.
It's great to see things getting better!
I woke up in the middle of the night with a shooting pain in my head. After 30 minutes of not being able to fall back to sleep, I took Tylenol. It didn't do much, but I can't take Advil on an empty stomach. Over an hour later, it at least took the edge off so I could sleep. This morning it was really bad, so I took Advil with breakfast. It worked. Later it came back, and I took Tylenol, because my stomach reacts to Advil if I take too much. I will take it with dinner. I know that this splitting headache is all stress. The last time it was this bad, I had to get acupuncture for 6 weeks to make it go away. I need to get a grip and calm down. The next several weeks will be stress-filled, and I need to manage it better.
I have a few woohoo's today.

1. DD had her appointment with the sports medicine doctor. No real news that we didn't already know but more definitives. It will take her a bit longer to heal then others because of her anxiety, history of head aches and her eye issues. But on her side is that this is her first one. The doctor told us that she needs to walk for at least 30 minutes a day, can go and watch her team play and can kick the ball around (lightly) in the back yard. She told us that DD needs to have a set bed time between 9-10 and wants her to get 10-12 hours of sleep a night. This will be rough as she is not my sleeper. The scheduled bed was coming anyways this weekend as school starts next week. The worst restriction is the phone on 20 minutes 3x a day. Yesterday we got a bunch of art stuff for her to do.

2. I had my appointment with the dermatologist yesterday. They are fighting my insurance to get my new medicine approved. They denied it once. We got into talking about everything they are denying so my sinus issues came up. She thinks this is related to my eczema and that this medicine would help. I cried when I left the office. Between the constant itching and the sinus headaches and knowing this one med might make it all better had me a bit emotional. Now lets hope they can get it approved. Right now they I have to go in every 3 weeks for them to give me one of the samples that they have of it. It is a shot so not something they can give me to take home. They will train me once I am approved to give them to myself at home.

3. Insurance approved DD's third ER visit for what we all thought was an appendicitis. This has been a weight off my shoulders. Still fighting the one that has been rejected.

4. I have an awesome boss. I talked with him today about all the appointments and school stuff and how stressed I am about missing work and all the other stuff going on. He told me to stop worrying about it. I have PTO for a reason and I have a ton of it. As long as he knows what I am doing and my staff knows what is going on he is fine with it. I just need to make sure nothing falls behind so if I can't get something done I need to delegate it or let him know. He has no clue how much this helped today. I just about cried in his office but I held it together.

5. I got a raise!

6. We had a work retreat at the zoo on Monday. I love the zoo. We did a scavenger hunt and my group won. I went through our whole zoo in less then an hour and our zoo is very hilly. My legs hurt today. I had another person in my group that knew the zoo too and a team that put up with the 2 of us. There were a few questions and I had them done before we left the pavilion. One of the questions is what zoo did our elephant Willy come from. No brainer here. It combines my love of Disney and the zoo. He came from Animal Kingdom. This was a perfect day for am and what I needed.
I’m so glad you had so many woohoos! And that zoo scavenger hunt sounds so fun and a perfect activity for you! ❤️
I woke up in the middle of the night with a shooting pain in my head. After 30 minutes of not being able to fall back to sleep, I took Tylenol. It didn't do much, but I can't take Advil on an empty stomach. Over an hour later, it at least took the edge off so I could sleep. This morning it was really bad, so I took Advil with breakfast. It worked. Later it came back, and I took Tylenol, because my stomach reacts to Advil if I take too much. I will take it with dinner. I know that this splitting headache is all stress. The last time it was this bad, I had to get acupuncture for 6 weeks to make it go away. I need to get a grip and calm down. The next several weeks will be stress-filled, and I need to manage it better.
Woohoo - after shoving things into shelves and in the closet, I have gotten my classroom mostly organized the way I want it. If you recall, last year we moved back into our newly renovated school. But due to social distancing requirements, I was put into a smaller room because of my small class size. A third grade class was in my kindergarten room. So at the end of the year, I had to move again, back into my larger kindergarten classroom. But it was a team effort and rushed, so everything was sort of shoved into cabinets and shelves. But now it’s more organized.

Woohoo - It sounds like we might be starting with masks now. Yesterday I was token that our county’s health department changed their recommendation to everyone in school should wear a mask. This makes me feel better since they took away social distancing and most classrooms have class sizes over 25. Not to mention, a vaccine hasn’t been approved yet for elementary age kids. It’s not that I like wearing a mask. But I feel like we are keeping the unvaccinated (and even vaccinated) safe by wearing them.
Today I am thankful that I got to catch up with some fellow teachers yesterday.
I am also thankful that most of our open positions have been filled.

When my twins were toddlers and throwing tantrums, I noticed that they would take turns. And I would be thankful they weren’t both going thru them at the same time. Now that they are older, I’m noticing a similar pattern. During the pandemic, they both had times when they broke down in different ways. But at least they weren’t at the same time. It allowed me to focus on helping one at a time. Today I am again thankful. Preseason sports started Monday. My daughter has been in a funk since Monday. She isn’t enjoying field hockey any more (or at least right now). I think it’s due to all the running and the coaches being a little more strict during tryouts. On the other hand, my son had a great golf tryout, made the varsity team, got a team logo golf bag (they didn’t have enough for him to have one last year) and he’s just super excited! My daughter was even excited for him.
Today I am thankful that I got to catch up with some fellow teachers yesterday.
I am also thankful that most of our open positions have been filled.

When my twins were toddlers and throwing tantrums, I noticed that they would take turns. And I would be thankful they weren’t both going thru them at the same time. Now that they are older, I’m noticing a similar pattern. During the pandemic, they both had times when they broke down in different ways. But at least they weren’t at the same time. It allowed me to focus on helping one at a time. Today I am again thankful. Preseason sports started Monday. My daughter has been in a funk since Monday. She isn’t enjoying field hockey any more (or at least right now). I think it’s due to all the running and the coaches being a little more strict during tryouts. On the other hand, my son had a great golf tryout, made the varsity team, got a team logo golf bag (they didn’t have enough for him to have one last year) and he’s just super excited! My daughter was even excited for him.
That is exciting! The kids that broke my heart were the ones that could never find their “group” in HS-sports, or music, theater, newspaper, yearbook, environmental, etc. There were so many opportunities but some kids just never found their place. And I love the taking turns with a crisis! Definitely easier on everyone!
Thankful for my friends being able to visit this year. We were getting together for the occasional lunch or breakfast, but when there’s eight of us you never felt like we talked enough even after a couple hours. Only four were able to come, but looking forward to lots of talking and laughing. They were a joy to work with and now a big part of my retirement life.


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