B&P's VR 11/10/2012 UK/AAP/UKDP Day 1 Arrival & Epcot 6/10

Hey Bethie,

I'm so sorry about your Mum. :hug:

Love your ring, it's beautiful and it goes wonderfully with your other rings. Your Grandmothers ring is lovely to, so nice that you get to wear it.

Your tears of joy packets are so cute, love them.

I know we've talked about this, but I am sorry about your mom. :hug: Love you so much, Bethie!

Your ring is gorgeous (and I love your sparkly nails.) I like how it looks with your "old" ring. Your grandma's ring is also gorgeous. And the tissues are so cute! <3
Hi Bethie! Sorry about your sadness over your mom. I know that must be very difficult. Sending lots of hugs your way. I hope you're feeling better this week.

Your ring is so pretty and I really love how it fits with the others. Very nice. I look forward to more updates soon. xoxo.
Im so sorry to hear about your mom. The first anniversary of my grandfather
Passing was last week and it was much. Harder than I expected, and he had been 91 years old and lived a long and happy life!

Thank you so much. Sorry to hear about your grandfather. :hug:

So sorry you had a tough time lately. It must be difficult having lost your mom at the age you did. Glad you are recovering from the ache of the reminder.

Good luck with the DIY's this weekend. I look forward to seeing them. I thought the tears of joy pkts you originally did where very nice, but must admit these new ones I like even better.

Thanks! Definitely feeling better now. I really do like when the calendar switches to February.

I much prefer the new Tears of Joy. I am so happy they are done. I have finally started crossing some items off the list. :cool1:

e will be at Disney at the same time. What resort are you staying at? Maybe we will see each other.

Just realized I never answered this. :confused3 Right now we are planning on staying at SSR. But, we are considering trying to switch to BWV or BLT if possible.

Forgive me, I have slight memory issues. Are you doing a DP? If so which day? I know you mentioned UK pubside. We are having our DP there on Saturday the 10th.

We are going to be at BCV from 11/6-11/17, so if you are at BW then there is definitely a chance! Good luck on switching.

We are doing a DP! We are having ours on the 10th too!!! We are going to be right below you, since we are UK Lochside. That is gong to be cool. We will definitely have to meet up then. :woohoo:

I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. (((hugs)))

How beautiful that you get to wear your grandmother's ring. I love your new ring, it is so sparkley. It looks great with your other rings too.

I lived in Stoughton MA, it is south of Boston. My H grew up in NY just near West Point.

The tears of joy packets are so cute!

Good luck finishing the newsletter, I put stuff off too and then kick myself for waiting so long.

Thanks Jillian! I appreciate the support. :hug:

I do love wearing my great-grandmother's ring. She died when I was 5 or 6, but I do remember her clearly. My grandmother offered me the ring when I was 13, so I was very happy that she held on to it for me. I do love all 4 of them now!

Definitely know where Stoughton is. Also know where West Point (lovely area) is since I lived about an hour south in Rockland County for a couple years as a kid. It's a Small World. :rotfl:

I really love the new version. Once I got our logo, I knew that was how I wanted them to look. They were very easy to put together too, which helped.

Newsletter is finished and mailed. :banana::banana: I am suddenly on a roll and knocking stuff off the list. I am really happy about this. How much stuff do you have left, since you are getting so close?

So sorry about your mom :hug:

The ring looks so pretty! I really love the pink :)

Thank you Becky! :hug: I really do appreciate all the support I have gotten.

I love the pink too! Well, all pink, really. So glad I decided to go that route. It is so me. :love:

Hey Bethie,

I'm so sorry about your Mum. :hug:

Love your ring, it's beautiful and it goes wonderfully with your other rings. Your Grandmothers ring is lovely to, so nice that you get to wear it.

Your tears of joy packets are so cute, love them.


Thank you, Ruth, for your kind words and the :hug:.

I think the rings look great together too. I am very lucky to have such a wonderful heirloom to wear with it.

I love looking at all the packets now that they are done. Thanks for all the love. :cutie:

I know we've talked about this, but I am sorry about your mom. :hug: Love you so much, Bethie!

Your ring is gorgeous (and I love your sparkly nails.) I like how it looks with your "old" ring. Your grandma's ring is also gorgeous. And the tissues are so cute! <3

Jackie, Thank you so much! We both deserved to have our parents with us longer than they were. Love you so much, too!! :hug::hug:

Thanks for the compliments on the rings and the tissues. I am really excited about both of them.

Hi Bethie! Sorry about your sadness over your mom. I know that must be very difficult. Sending lots of hugs your way. I hope you're feeling better this week.

Your ring is so pretty and I really love how it fits with the others. Very nice. I look forward to more updates soon. xoxo.


Thanks for the kind words. I am feeling much better this week. :hug:

I love my ring and I am really glad that lots of other ladies love it too!

More updates are coming up!! Happier ones too!
I can't believe we are going to have our DP's the same night...right below/above each other. there will only be about a dozen of us. So, we shouldn't be too loud. ;)
I can't believe we are going to have our DP's the same night...right below/above each other. there will only be about a dozen of us. So, we shouldn't be too loud. ;)


This is going to be a great time! We will definitely be the loud group, I think. :lmao: We are usually a lot of fun though.

Hello darling!!! :lmao:

I just wanted to drop in and say I'm definitely still reading along. I just normally read everyone's updates on my breaks at work...then I don't get a chance to comment.

Soooo.. I'm glad you were able to get so many projects accomplished. You make me feel lazy!!! :laughing:

And I wear my grandmother's wedding band. My mom gave it to me a couple of months ago and told me not to tell my other sisters. I really didn't give her a choice though. I kind of just put it on my finger and left it at that!! :rotfl:
Hey Bethie,

Sorry to hear about your mum. sending a cuddle over the pond! :hug:

On a weddingy note - Your tears of joy packets are beautiful. How long did they take you!? :) Good job!

Your rings are beautiful too! I love your grandmothers one too! :) But the pink stone one is very very lovely!

Keep your chin up and happy planning!


This is going to be a great time! We will definitely be the loud group, I think. :lmao: We are usually a lot of fun though.


:lmao: This is too funny! I really hope we bump into each other. I have only actually met one other person from the disboards. BTW, I am leaning toward the MS Isadora Ann. HUGE thank you for the suggestion. I haven't seen it in person, but if a halter can be added and I can get it other than white. I am very interested in how I will look in it. BUT I will not be wearing it in WDW so we won't bump into each other wearing the same dress. ;) I'm still hesitant it may be too formal for what I have planned. But I love it.

Are you working on DIY this weekend, or watching the Pats?

I am loving reading your PJ!
Hello darling!!! :lmao:

I just wanted to drop in and say I'm definitely still reading along. I just normally read everyone's updates on my breaks at work...then I don't get a chance to comment.

Soooo.. I'm glad you were able to get so many projects accomplished. You make me feel lazy!!! :laughing:

And I wear my grandmother's wedding band. My mom gave it to me a couple of months ago and told me not to tell my other sisters. I really didn't give her a choice though. I kind of just put it on my finger and left it at that!! :rotfl:

Hello, darling!!!! :wave:

I am so happy to know that so many people are still following along with me. I am bad at that too, I read the updates and then forget to comment on all of them later.

Thanks. I feel like I am finally being productive. I really don't want to and can't afford to, sanity wise, to delay some of these projects. I have the time, just get them done! Your wedding was beautiful, definitely no slacking there!

Love that you have your grandmother's ring too. I think it's funny that Mom told you not to tell. :lmao: Like, they won't ask someday??? I like that you didn't give her a choice. That's awesome!

Do we get a new HIMYM this week? I miss it!

Hey Bethie,

Sorry to hear about your mum. sending a cuddle over the pond! :hug:

On a weddingy note - Your tears of joy packets are beautiful. How long did they take you!? :) Good job!

Your rings are beautiful too! I love your grandmothers one too! :) But the pink stone one is very very lovely!

Keep your chin up and happy planning!


Thanks Faye. The cuddle is much appreciated, especially from across the pond. :hug:

The tears of joy only took a few hours when it was all done. Here is the link to project wedding that I got them from. Thank you for the compliments.


I found the envelopes on ebay. Used an Avery print to the edge oval label and printed those out at home. I used tissues from travel packs, 2 per envelope. They take some patience getting them fit in just right, but the more you do the easier they go.

Thank you for the comments on the rings. I love, love, love the pink sapphire! Glad I randomly asked at my local jeweler. :cutie:

Chin is up much more than the last couple of weeks and I am really getting into the planning now. Thanks again!

:lmao: This is too funny! I really hope we bump into each other. I have only actually met one other person from the disboards. BTW, I am leaning toward the MS Isadora Ann. HUGE thank you for the suggestion. I haven't seen it in person, but if a halter can be added and I can get it other than white. I am very interested in how I will look in it. BUT I will not be wearing it in WDW so we won't bump into each other wearing the same dress. ;) I'm still hesitant it may be too formal for what I have planned. But I love it.

Are you working on DIY this weekend, or watching the Pats?

I am loving reading your PJ!

I am sure with our DPs right next to each, we will definitely see each other. I have only met one person as well. I was lucky enough to notice that Justine (donald&daisy) in line for the boat from DHS to Epcot in November. It made for a great boat ride.

Good luck with the Isadora Ann. It is a lovely dress. I can't wait to wear mine.

I did do some DIY stuff this weekend and will do some more during the game. I am lifelong NY Jets fan, so this is worst possible match up for me, but Paul and I have an arrangement, so I will be rooting for the Pats for him. Are you watching today?

I will post the stuff shortly!

Thanks for following along!
I will most defiantly be watching the game today. sorry, but am a big Pats fan. I don't mind missing a game, but watch when I can. I am glad you are going to be rooting for the Pats. Good luck with the DIY stuff today!
Well, we are sitting here killing time waiting for the Super Bowl to finally get here. If you live in a participating city, and are not a fan of the team, it is torture (and I love football!). Can't wait for this to be over. I am rooting for the Pats, though, because that was part of my marriage agreement. Paul has cashed in on that alot. :lmao:

The food is all ready (chili dip, buffalo chicken tenders, beef nachos and chipotle potato skins) and I figured this was the best time to update my pj.

First, I wanted to thank everyone again for your much appreciated words of support regarding the last few weeks. I am feeling much better and just wanted to give everyone a :grouphug:.

I have had a really productive week. Lots of projects done and crossed off the list as well as some travel stuff.

The first project that I finished was the long-delayed second newsletter. Part of the delay was software related. I had upgraded my print shop software and it was so bad that I had to go back to the old version. Once I did, I banged it out.

Here are the four pages. Sorry they are so big, but they get really distorted if I resize them.





I had them professionally printed and while they were expensive to do, I really wanted them to look this, so I paid for it.



Here are the envelopes with the labels I did.


They were $1.10 to mail, which worked out great. I was able to use the 65 cent wedding cake stamp and a Pixar stamp to mail them. They all went out on Friday morning!!!! :banana::dance3::yay::woohoo:

I also finished the Tears of Joy packets and FINALLY printed out our Hidden Mickey brochures. :banana::yay:

I crossed another item off of the big list today too. I don't know why I am fascinated with this, but I am thrilled that we have a private bathroom at AAP and don't have to share with the rest of the park. :yay: For our beloved privated bathrooms, I decided to do amenity baskets. I found a wedding blog that really nice ones and a framed poem to go with it. Well, I finished the poems and put them in the frames.



I sent Amanda the basket liners to embroider for us, so as soon as I get those back, I will post them. I will get all the stuff to fill them over the summer and repost when they are totally done. For now, I am just happy to cross the poem off the list.

Amanda also embroidered some totes and handkerchiefs for our fairy godchildren. Can't wait to see them!

I finally was able to get photo of the cool boutinere that I want to have made for Paul (as a Pats version though, Jets for my family).


I have asked Shelley at Impressions to try to do it for us. I figure the team logo, a football, a goalpost kinda thing. I will let you know what we come up with.

Alright, off to heat up dinner and watch the game! I may work on another project tonight, but not sure.

Have a great week everyone! :hug::love:
-I laughed out loud. Rooting for the Pats is part of your marriage agreement?! You guys are so cute.
-Your food sounded amazzzinnnggg.
-Your newsletter is lovely, and incredibly detailed. I love your venue overview most of all. (Yup, I read it all.)
-OH! I have a story for you! So, last year, on the first day of class, one of my professors told us this story. She used to work at Jack’s (the record store in NJ) when she was in high school, and she was working Christmas Eve. It was really busy, and she was usually helpful to customers, but she was just in kind of a Mood. She had a long line of people, and then someone came up and tried to get her to let him check out before everyone else. Without looking up, she yelled “Excuse me, you’re just going to have to WAIT like everyone else!” A moment later, she heard her boss come running: “How can I help you, Mr. Springsteen?!?!?!?!?!” …Needless to say, she was thisclose to getting fired. Ha! I thought you’d like that.
-Your bathroom frames are even pretty. This is going to be such an awesome event.
Great job on the poem! I also love the sports bouts. Oh btw, send my condolences to Paul. tough loss. But IMO great win for the Giants. clean game, competitive. all round good football plays. Just stinking outcome. :( I know my DH is in a bit of a funk. As for me, I'm just going to miss football til the fall. BUT for now, I can have my spirits lifted by your PJ.
Your newsletter looks great. BUT, I didn't know they have added a marathon & childrens network event. Plus, I had forgotten it is Jersey week. Oh, well.
I love the newsletter :) And the stamps! So cute.

What a cute poem. It looks adorable inside the frames. Great idea.

Ha! That bout is going to be awesome. I can't wait to see how it comes out. My dad is a die-hard Pats fan. He's very sad about how the game went last night.
-I laughed out loud. Rooting for the Pats is part of your marriage agreement?! You guys are so cute.
-Your food sounded amazzzinnnggg.
-Your newsletter is lovely, and incredibly detailed. I love your venue overview most of all. (Yup, I read it all.)
-OH! I have a story for you! So, last year, on the first day of class, one of my professors told us this story. She used to work at Jack’s (the record store in NJ) when she was in high school, and she was working Christmas Eve. It was really busy, and she was usually helpful to customers, but she was just in kind of a Mood. She had a long line of people, and then someone came up and tried to get her to let him check out before everyone else. Without looking up, she yelled “Excuse me, you’re just going to have to WAIT like everyone else!” A moment later, she heard her boss come running: “How can I help you, Mr. Springsteen?!?!?!?!?!” …Needless to say, she was thisclose to getting fired. Ha! I thought you’d like that.
-Your bathroom frames are even pretty. This is going to be such an awesome event.

* We do have an arrangement when it comes to football that we established when we were dating. Since our teams play each twice a year, anything we say to each other, about each other, or about the other team DO NOT count against us. The agreement goes farther for the post season. Once your team has been eliminated, you root for the other team. This used to count for hockey, until I really became a Bruins fan. We root for each other's baseball teams since they are in different leagues. :) Thanks. We think it is cute too. :lovestruc
* Thanks! All the food was delicious! It was all weight watchers recipes too. I didn't exactly count my points, but figured that even if I over indulged it would be too bad.
* Glad you like the newsletter. They were a labor of love. I have already started to get some questions. :rolleyes1 Don't ask questions, people, just make reservations!
* OMG!!! The minute you mentioned Jack's, I knew where this was going. Jack's is well known amongst Bruce fans. Fabulous story though!!!
* I love the bathroom frames too! I am debating adding some sparkles to them, but having decided yet. Thoughts? I can't wait for the stuff to come from Amanda and put it all together. Thanks for your kind words. I hope our guests have fun.

Great job on the poem! I also love the sports bouts. Oh btw, send my condolences to Paul. tough loss. But IMO great win for the Giants. clean game, competitive. all round good football plays. Just stinking outcome. :( I know my DH is in a bit of a funk. As for me, I'm just going to miss football til the fall. BUT for now, I can have my spirits lifted by your PJ.
Your newsletter looks great. BUT, I didn't know they have added a marathon & childrens network event. Plus, I had forgotten it is Jersey week. Oh, well.

* Thanks for the compliments on the poem. I really like it.
* The sports bouts are on hold seeing as how Paul really doesn't care to see anything Patriots right now. If the Jets and Pats play our VR weekend, these will be back in the mix. :thumbsup2 We are still doing Jets and Pats for the cake topper though.
* I hope I can keep you entertainted till the fall. That's alot of pressure! :scared1:
* Glad you like the newsletter. I am so happy they are done! Yeah, there really is alot going on that week. I tried to scare my guests a bit because of it. I hope they book early!

I love the newsletter :) And the stamps! So cute.

What a cute poem. It looks adorable inside the frames. Great idea.

Ha! That bout is going to be awesome. I can't wait to see how it comes out. My dad is a die-hard Pats fan. He's very sad about how the game went last night.

Thanks Jillian! You are getting so close to your VR. You must be getting excited! Sorry that Dad is sad. Paul is bouncing back, but it hasn't been pretty around here.
Quick update.

I have been continuing my push to get the DIY projects done. Just today, I printed two-thirds of the Epcot passports for the welcome folders. I have already changed 3 toners tonight!! Shockingly, I seem to go through a lot of pink toner. :lmao:

I have also assembled most of the door hangers. I need Paul to cute more of the silver card stock (he is SOOOO much better at it than me), so that part should be done this weekend. Then, he will be in charge of the Mickey punches. Hopefully, that goes well and we don't have to make too many extra. :thumbsup2

I have decided there is a big problem with hosting 5 events that need food served. The problem is that I have to pick what to serve! I have been stressing over what to do for our tasting too. I think I have narrowed it down and hopefully will post it soon.

I have also done 3 travel related items.
* Booked the rental car for our PS trip.
* Booked the rental car from the Dolphin for the two days before the VR, so that we can run errands easily.
*I also switched our free night from our last night to our first night, which I moved up a night as well. I will do another post about that one too!

Have a great end of the week! As always, thanks for reading!
Hey Bethie,

We caught the Superbowl, they showed it live over here too! First time I've ever watched it.

Your bathroom frames are gorgeous!

Love the news letters, I sat and re-read them over again because they're just wonderful.

You're getting soo much acomplished and it all looks fab! xx
I love all of your projects! Your newsletters really came out great, very professional looking. I hope you enjoyed the super bowl, even though the Pats lost. I won't lie though - my family of Giants fans was very happy with the outcome ;) Football is not really my sport but I'm glad the Giants won because if they lost it would be miserable to be around some of my family members!


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