babies at the park



I have lived here (Orlando) my entire life and been to Disney more thimes than I can remember, and I have one piece of advice for everyone out there coming to Disney- don't bring babies. Wait until your youngest child is 3 years old. They can't remember anything and more people look miserable with their babies than any other group in the park.
Sorry to disagree with you.
You have to plan your days more with infants/toddlers than with older children. We have gone with our children when they were 6mths old and 3 yrs old (the 6mths old was a great age because I could put sunscreen on him and he sat in the stroller without complaint)

We also went when they were 2 1/2 and 5 and they had a great time.

Did we take more breaks with them, of course, especially when my youngest was 6mths old and we went in September and it was HOT. They are now 4 1/2 and 7 and they do great at the parks. They are used to traveling, being on planes and just going.
I'm with josierac on this one. Certainly you need to be aware of and accomodate the needs of your party, whether they are young children, elderly, disabled whatever, and not make everyone miserable. But if the doctors approve, and you pace yourself appropriately, and take necessary precautions, it can work out fine. There's no bright line rule for these things.

Everyone has a different situation--what if you have children of different ages, and you don't want to make your older children wait until they are much older?

Or our situation, which is that we are taking our (then) 2yo son next year with his 72 yo grandparents. Although my parents are in good health, you just don't know how many more of those opportunities you will get....
:) I must also disagree. We went for Labor day when my son was 9 mos. and we had a great time. We enjoy the resort and have been taking our nephew on our trips since he was 1 1/2. I think it's better because it forces us to slow down and take more breaks during the day. Also, the baby changing locations at the parks are great. My wife was able to change my son in a large comfortable room and then nurse him in a private room. They also provide high chairs and a vidoe room. It was a great place to cool off during the september heat.

My son will be 1 on Dec 18 and we will be there for the week to celebrate the occasion.:)
I think taking babies works for some people, but for me - no thanks! I get cranky enough on my own without listening to a hot and tired baby cry. I waited until DS was a little older, and I'm glad I did.

That said, I think great memories can be made for the parents. The baby won't remember, but the parents will.
My son has been to Disney when he was:
-6 mos
-1 year
-18 months
-2 years
-29 months
-31 months
-33 months
-and will be goiong in 23 more days when he is 3.

Each time was GREAT and he was able to experience more and more each time down. Disney is great FAMILY entertainment. There is somehting for EVERYONE.
I've been twice with 12 month olds and would not have traded the expierences for anything. We packed plenty of patience and had a wonderful time. Sorry....i think you got this one wrong.
cranky enough on my own without listening to a hot and tired baby cry

The key here is not waiting till the baby gets hot, tired, opr any other way miserable. When they need a break, you give it to 'em!

It drives me nutz to see people pushing their kids (they can be much older than 3 even) to the point of melt down. If you sit back and people watch for a while- you can spot the families were the kids need to go back to the hotel for a break but the grown-ups havent recognized it and are still pushing ahead. Those poor folks should head your advice.
Isnt this on the list of things we cant talk about on the Community Board? LOL!

I would disagree too though. Our oldest DS went at 15 months, and our youngest went at 8 months, and 20 months. We had no problem all 3 of these times, everyone, including the young ones had a ball, and we made memories that will last a lifetime. And my now 22 month old does remember! He makes me take out the photo album just about every day to go over the pictures. He can even read the word "Disney". Sure he wont remember the details when he grows up, but he wont remember anything. Should we just leave him in the house staring at a wall for the first 3 years of life since he wont remember it? I dont think so!

Tell me these arent priceless.

<img src=>

<img src=>

I wouldnt have missed out on these magical memories for anything! :)
Those are great pictures CamColt!

My DD was in Disney Parks when she was:
-- 4 months old at WDW
-- 11 months old at WDW
-- 14 months old at Tokyo Disneyland
-- 15 months old at WDW
-- 20 months old at Disneyland
-- 23 months old at WDW
-- 26 months old at WDW
-- and she will be 28 months on our next trip

Not go to Disney parks? Leave her home? No way!

BTW, Matissegirl ... welcome to DIS! Even if I don't agree with you on this one ;).
I agree that every child is different and that it is really the parents' sense of the child's needs that make or break a trip. I will never forget watching a parent yank on a toddler's arms and yell at him. The child was crying. I'm sure he was hot and tired. The parent was telling the child that he had spent good money on their trip and that he was going to enjoy or else! I really wanted to give the guy a piece of my mind. All the money in the world isn't worth it if you have to scream at your children. It's their vacation also. This is a situation where the parents should have left the kids at home!
We live 3 hrs away (in S FL) and just got back three weeks ago with our son(age4). It was his first time and I really regret not taking him earlier. He was a pretty cranky little guy, though, so I guess you have to go by how much you and your baby can handle! Even now, we had to take a mid-day break, go out again around 5 and have to get back to the hotel by 8 with him. One day we pushed it (at MK). We left at almost 3pm with him asleep in the stroller in the pouring rain!!! Poor thing!!! It worked out OK , though, because he slept for a couple of hours and we got to stay out a little later that night and got to see TOD!! We had such a blast are going back in Jan and May. I would definitely take a baby (not when it's hot, though) and just take it easy and try not to do too much . Just relax and enjoy those little ones!!! They grow up too fast !!!
If you're going to give yourself or another child the Disney experience, then bring the baby if you need to. If you're going to give your baby the Disney experience, don't bother spending so much money. They don't get much out of it. I brought my daughter when she was 11 months old (husband had a conference there) and she seemed to like a few things, but didn't seem awed or anything and it was difficult. However, I wasn't miserable. I learned to love the baby stations and spent a lot of time in them. Maddie was on antibiotics for ear infections at the time and I had a lot of dirty diapers to do. Plus, the adjacent 1st Aid stations would refrigerate her medicine for me.

Maddie is 5 now. We went in June with Maddie and 2 1/2 year old son. 2 1/2 year old really enjoyed it and continues to talk about it now, 6 months later.
We just came back 5 days ago from 8 days at WDW with our 15 month old and had a blast. And she did too!!! B/c of our trip she know says, "mouse" "bear" and "duck" No, she will not remember her trip in years to come, but we have precious photos that we will share with her and mommy and daddy have fantastic memories of her expressions of delight at meeting the characters and riding "It's a small world." I guess we have a baby that is full of energy b/c she always wanted to be out and about. We timed everything to her schedule and it worked out beautifully. We travelled with friends who had a two year old and they had a successful trip also!

This is DD at Mexico in Epcot

This is DD playing around with Pooh and Eeyore.
I have always found this to be an interesting debate, and have traveled to WDW with children at 5 mos, 8 mos, 14 mos, 2.5 yr, 3, 3.5, 4 and 4.5. These were all trips of at least a week and all went off without a hitch. I can't see "depriving" my oldest just because she's got a baby brother. You just have to take it easy. I have three points I'd like to bring up that have been bothering me for some time. (Mostly due to prying in-laws wondering out loud if I'm crazy for wanting to got to WDW 2x a year)
First, where there are babies, there is crying. Everyone always says I've never seen more crying babies than at WDW. OK folks, babies cry, they cry when they are hungry, tired, messy (they also cry at home in their nice cozy cribs). Just because you pass a crying baby doesn't mean it's being tortured. I'm sure if you hung around long enough you would find it's needs attended to. Secondly, this whole thing about 'they're not going to remember anything'....huh? You don't think they'll remember a happy childhood and quality family time? Perhaps babies should be banished from ever going to sit on Santas lap, zoos, restaurants, carnivals, etc because they won't remember. All of these things are a learning experience for babies and frankly, my son is so much happier when we are out and about in a stimulating environment. Thirdly, they are basically free at WDW, so why not bring them, I mean cost really isn't an issue.
I'll get off my soap box now...ahhhh I feel so much better.
Now to the original poster...If I lived in Orlando, you can bet I would go to WDW with my daughter alone on occassion and have a wonderful time, but for most of us who live a distance away, thats not feasible. I just wouldn't feel right leaving a one year old with grandma for a week. I also agree that if the heat/sun index is dangerously high that baby needs to stay out of the mid day sun. I have always traveled during cooler periods. I thank you for bringing up the topic.
OK - gotta weigh in on this, too.

Took one son when he was 5 mo and one when he was almost 6 mo. Took one to DL when he was just over 1.

Not a bit of trouble. I fed my babeis BEFORE they were hungry and whenever I had a chance almost! I was a breastfeeding mom and found there were LOTS of places I could do this. When it was nearing time to eat, we went to a show and sat in the back. We were there each time in Feb, so the heat really was not a problem and crowds were manageable. It was actually EASIER with the babies than a toddler because the babies were happy to be in their stroller with no desire to get out. We made a few trips to the baby stations, but did nto spend too much time there. Now, lugging bottles with me would have been a problem possibly - know I would have needed baby stations then. With shorter park hours that time of year, we seldom took breaks going back to the resort. Babies would sleep in their strollers from home.

I will admit, I had babies used to going places - especially my last one. They were all pretty good natured babies, too - not criers. One had a reflux problem, but we had very little problem with that while at Disney. I think becuase I seldom, if ever laid him down for a nap right after eating.

If you have a cranky baby - I might not recommend taking him or her. If you have a pretty easy and happy baby - go for it by all means. You also need to be a relaxed mom. If you are a nervous mom - do not take the baby.
Originally posted by Matissegirl
I have lived here (Orlando) my entire life and been to Disney more thimes than I can remember, and I have one piece of advice for everyone out there coming to Disney- don't bring babies. Wait until your youngest child is 3 years old. They can't remember anything and more people look miserable with their babies than any other group in the park.
Pleas don't tell my DD that she doesn't remember her trip. She was 2 1/2 and still talks about it 20 months later. She had even started asking about the rides she saw DS and I ride that she was too little for and can't wit to ride them on our next trip. She keeps talking about all the things she wants do do at WDW with her cousin.
BTW we were never miserable.
I think it really depends on how often you will be going to WDW. Not everyone goes several times a year. If it is a one time trip wait until the children are older.
Kate-n-Sam: my sentiments exactly!!!

We took our DD when she was 2 1/2. We were going primarily for ourselves and our 8-year-old; I had no idea how my volatile, emotional 2-year-old would react! As it turned out, I think she had more fun than her big sister! It took her awhile to warm up to the rides and figure out what it was all about but once she got into the swing of things she absolutely loved it. We went in May of 2000 and she still talks about it every day, asking me when we can go back! My answer: when Ashleigh (her baby sister) is 2!



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