Baby it's cold outside! A shiver me timbers February birthday trip. Updated 24/02


May 28, 2011

Hellooo everyone!

We stayed at the Cheyenne from the 8th to the 11th of Feb for my 22nd birthday... and it was bloomin chilly!

I won't bore you with loads of background but get straight to the juicy bits. And hopefully I'll finish before the end of the world takes place... unlike my wdw trip report that is still going five months later :rolleyes:

I went with my bf of five years (eek :scared1:) And we've never been to Disneyland Paris before. We've been to wdw twice although not onsite so this was our first Disney hotel!

This is us:


Don't get used to me looking like though because I can tell you that on this trip I looked alot like a very cold oompa lumpa with rudolphs nose.

On with the show!


We left at 6:30am for St Pancras, Daniel's works in London and offered to drop us off on the way :goodvibes We went into Kings Cross by accident and freaked out when they couldn't find our booking :laughing: All I can say is, it was early and I almost never get up that early :surfweb:

I went into Le Pain Quotidien for a couple of croissants to take on the train, and had a very uneventful journey into Lille were we stopped for an hour and a half. The train station was like a walk in fridge, so we went into an Irish cafe and got cofee. Then it was time to board our second train. Another uneventful ride later and we arrived at Disneyland Paris!! I was doing this :cheer2:

We hopped on a bus over to the Cheyenne, it was about 2pm so I checked in and our room was ready!! And it was so close to the reception which was a big bonus. I took pictures of the room later.

My bf finally realised how cold we were going to be and layered up. Then we got back on the bus, had a nose around the village and made our way to the parks for the first time!



How mad is he not to be wearing a scarf?! :confused3

We sighed with jealousy as we walked under the beautiful Disneyland hotel. And got our first look at the castle!


Which was a tiny bit spoiled by the big old tents. I can't wait to go back and see the castle without the tents, but it was still lovely when you went around the tents.




We went to see the dragon.



The effects in there are amazing!! We went up into the shops and out into Fantasyland. We went on Snow White and got our first Disney hot chocolate... yum!

We wandered around Adventureland taking it all in and drinking our hot chocolate and ended up at Indiana Jones and were pleasantly surprised by the ride. Fast but fun.




And then we wandered over to Phantom Manor which looked amazing from the outside. Love the queue area aswell.

This turned out to be my fave ride... which might possibly be because it was inside :rolleyes:


Thunder Mountain looked great especially with the half frozen lake.



The park was closing so we made our way out and decided to find something to eat in the village.

Thank you for reading! Hope you enjoy :goodvibes

Thanks! I was excited to use my new "proper" camera that was a crimbo present. Although I still don't know what most of the buttons do :rolleyes:

Ah I thought all your pictures looked very high quality! I would love a proper camera x

We got to the village and looked for somewhere for dinner. I'm not sure why we chose rainforest cafe I think we were just so cold we made a snap decision.

We got a lovely seat near the fish tank and was just nice to get warm and watch the fishes.

Hate this picture, it seriously looks like I have a snout but for the trip reports sake I will post it.


And Daniel will freak it I post this... but I'm going to anyway. What you don't know can't hurt you I hope :rolleyes1



We got holiday fever and decided to order whatever we wanted although I picked from the set menu.



The fish had hynoptic tendancies...


First cocktail of the trip


I can't remember what this was but it was yummy!

This was a starter for two and it was about €20, which is just riculous imo.


It was nice but that could have been the fact that we were both so cold and starving hungry, it was basically fried potato and dip, and some fresh veg and chese.

My main:


This looks good in the picture but the steak was really chewy even though it was rare. The onion rings were quite nice.

Daniel had curry:


Which also looked really nice in the picture but was the bland curry I've ever tasted. We both agreed it hardly tasted of anything at all, ever so slightly coconutty and that's about it.

Dessert was a bit better but needed to be hotter.


Daniel had mango with coconut ice cream,


Overall we were a bit dissapointed. This meal was so expensive and so average! I liked the buffet at the Cheyenne better! Next time we'll be going to Annettes, but at least we full up and warm.

We headed back to the Cheyenne and I took some pictures before we made too much of a mess.




Yes, that my 23 year old bf sleeping in bunk bed!



It wasn't luxurious but it was nice room and good enough for us, I'd definately stay at the Cheyenne again.

Daniel fell asleep like straight away, so I left him to his bunk bed and went to hire a hair dryer because I'd forgotten mine. I went down to the lobby got a hair dryer and made reservations for a Cafe Mickey breakfast on my bday.

I wandered around and looked in the gift shop but I didn't take any pictures because it was too darn cold. I went back to the room, snuggled up in bed and watched Disney uk. I got seriously addicted to the suite life with Zak and Cody on this holiday!

I got up about 7 (love how easy it is to get up the first day of a holiday) and showered and got dressed and then I dragged Daniels sleepy butt out of bed and we went down to breakfast.

It was about 8:30 by that time but the breakfast buffet was pretty manageable. We found a table quickly and got everything we wanted (although there were no spoons for a while). I loved the buffet, especially the hot drinks. Hot chocolate and pan au chocolat... what more can a girl want. We had a bit of everything, and it was all yummy. I happen to love tinned fruit so it wasn't a problem for me.



My pastries were on Daniels plate by the way, their not all his!

It's not a quiet breakfast at the Cheyenne, there are a lot of noisy children running about... but it is Disney and didn't really bother us. It wasn't the mayhem that I expected. There is another room that no one seemed to use, to the left as you come out of the buffet part, it was really quiet in there if your looking for a bit of peace :thumbsup2


The next table made up about 20 roles to take into the park! No kidding, they must have filled a rucksack with them :laughing:

We finished our yummy breakfast and headed to the Studio's. We got there about half hour early but they let us in although the rides weren't open yet. We wandered around for a while taking the park in.




I love the little sprinkling of snow everywhere... so pretty :cloud9:


We were freezing our five layers of socks off though and couldn't wait for crush to open.



We got in the queue for crush....



But it was broken!! :scared1:

So we went on TOT and RNRC instead. When we got back to Crush the wait was about 25 minutes so we got in the queue. We were really wishing the queue was inside, I hadn't realised the boots I had on were going to be so cold but the cold went right through the bottoms and no matter how many pairs of socks I had on I couldn't feel my feet! Pretty soon we got to the inside bit of the queue and I had a nosy round.



We liked it but thought it was a bit too short. Blink and you miss it. It is a fun ride though with some lovely art.

Next we headed to toy story land. My bf loved the design with the fairy lights... you really feel like your a tiny person in a great big toy story world.



We went on parachute drop which is a fun ride and did TOT again.

The basement of TOT is my favourite part.


After that I couldn't take the feet pain anymore. I though I'd get frostbite in my toes if I didn't change my shoes, and I don't think I was being dramatic, it was that cold.

We got a bus back to the Cheyenne quickly so I could change my shoes, we warmed up a bit in the room and headed to Disneyland Park.

Sounds like a great trip. I know what you mean about cold feet. When we went Dec 2010 in the snow I had as many socks on as I could fit in my boots and my feet were still cold :confused3
Sounds like you had a fab time, and I know what you mean about the cold feet - DD couldn't walk her poor feet were so cold, and she had tights, thermal socks and heavy boots on! Felt so bad for her!
Really enjoying your report :thumbsup2

Glad your enjoying!

Sounds like a great trip. I know what you mean about cold feet. When we went Dec 2010 in the snow I had as many socks on as I could fit in my boots and my feet were still cold :confused3

I know! My feet were quite toastie in my uggs, but anything else and they froze. So it was uggs all the way after that.

Sounds like you had a fab time, and I know what you mean about the cold feet - DD couldn't walk her poor feet were so cold, and she had tights, thermal socks and heavy boots on! Felt so bad for her!

Aw bless her! It's not nice when you feel like your toes will drop off any second.
how cold it was? Looking at how your BF is dressed it doesn't look THIS cold :rotfl:

Loving your photos - bright and colorful :thumbsup2
By this time it was about 2pm and we were feeling peckish so stopped at Casey's for a couple of the biggest hot dogs I have ever seen. There wasn't any seating in there so we took it across the street to Victorias, which was always empty and really nice inside.


So yummy, I ate the whole thing.


The infamous DLP hot choc...


And even though that hot dog was huge I had to have a mickey brioche.


In case anyone wants to know whats inside...


mmmmmmmm calorieees.

This is the lovely little seating area that was always empty and that we always referred to as 'our' spot afterwards. It had a lovely view of the castle.



We headed to Discoveryland afterwards, look how frozen this fountain was...


And admire the tents...



I didn't get my out very much after that because it was too freezing and we going on rides and stuff.

We did buzz and space (which bumps my head like crazy!) then we walked round to Fantasyland but I don't think we went on anything. We went on pirates and had a nose around adventureland (so well themed!), then we ended up at Thunder Mountain but the 30 mins. We had a stroke of genius and decided to get fast passes which we could use in 30 mins and go and get our free hot chocolates in the meantime. So nice to sit with a hot choc for half an hour rather then standing in the cold!

Daniel got bored and decided to amuse himself taking pictures of me. Look at my hair! This is what happens when your putting an hat on and off all day.



And this is what happens when your grumpy and cold.


If he ever reads this I have a feeling I will be in alot of trouble :rolleyes1

Thunder Mountain was great! Definately preferred it to the wdw one, there's more of a story to it.

Then we did my favourite again Phantom Mannor.



Afterwards we headed over to see the parade, but we were so nippy standing still for ages seemed like a nightmare. Never fear we had a cunning plan!

how cold it was? Looking at how your BF is dressed it doesn't look THIS cold :rotfl:

Loving your photos - bright and colorful :thumbsup2

I know, he is a nightmare. I did get him to wear a scarf the next day but it took a half hour lecture to get to that point. He did have lots of layers on though so that was something. But yes, he is mad.
my DH is just the same. I don't bother anymore. If he wants to be sick it's his problem and it won't be an excuse :rotfl:
Loving the updates!
LOL at your BF grumpy cold pictures!
What a shame about Rain forest Cafe though :(!
Loving the updates!
LOL at your BF grumpy cold pictures!
What a shame about Rain forest Cafe though :(!

I know, if I went back I'd probably just have a burger and dessert... but then I could get the same thing at Annettes for less, so I'd probably just go there :confused3

So it was time for the parade but we were too chilly. So we decided we'd watch it from our little spot in Victoria's restaurant. I could just about hear the music and it was warm, so it was good enough for us!

The pictures aren't great so I'll just post a few.

View from the spot...










I thought the floats were amazing. When the last one went past we walked down main street behind the parade and I got a closer look.






After that we wandered out of the park, admiring the DLH and wishing we were staying there. We were both :surfweb: so went back to hotel to watch Zak and Cody :rolleyes1 and have a little nap before dinner.



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