Babysitting for a 3 month old?


DIS Veteran
Aug 18, 2000
I know that most people will think that we are crazy, but we are planning on taking our 3 month old on a trip to Disney in February 2003. We understand that there are limits to what we will be able to do. However, this will be our first trip taking my family down and we want to do Victoria & Alberts one night. Does anyone know if Disney offers babysitting for infants that young? We are trying to find out what our options are. If we can't get a babysitter, than we will just pass on V&A's.
In-room sitters will take care of infants. Disney doesn't employ any of the in-room sitters, but there are several available in the area.
I am in the same boat and actually HAD considered doing the Chefs table and bring baby along. I was the OP poster of this aweful thread on the restaurant board...big mistake.

Several disers have used inroom sitters and were very comfortable with them...I am still waffling ion the possiblity.
I know this will not be popular but bring your baby..... unless the baby is fussy at 3 months they sleep 20 hours a day!! And after a day in the parks they will be tired. They can ride all but 6-7 rides in all the parks! If your worries about V&A try anouther one but never feel pressured by the masses to do something you do not feel ok with. I have heard that the in room sitters are great but if you breastfeed the baby will eat and sleep all meal I would bring the carseat so you could rock the baby softly to sleep(wear a loose fitting nice shirt and bring a thin blanket) P.S. I have brought a 2mo and 3 sibs just last year and we are at Ohanna's, Brown Derby, CM, CP,CRT, and many others..... She was fine. Have a great trip!:D
PS Dis or Bust..... Do what makes you feel the most Joy! I know that that other thread was very ugly and I hope you were not too hurt by it. And I hope you know that you are the Mom and you make the choices!!!:D :D


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