Back from Vegas trip and just wanted to let you know...


DIS Veteran
Sep 19, 2000
we had a good time, but decided Vegas ain't no Disneyworld!;) By last saturday, dh said he'd rather be at WDW! Guess he's hooked too! Loved the lights and the hotels and did find out the dry heat is much better than the heat and humidity in the midwest!

We went because a friend of dh's got married at the Flamingo. I must say I was really impressed with the wedding and the minister did a wonderful ceremony. What I really found funny/interesting was all of the women walking around in wedding gowns waiting to head to the chapel. Really made me wonder if they do weddings on the hour!:D

Anyways, fun to get away, but think I'll start the WDW fund!;)
We love Vegas too, but it doesn't compare to WDW. ;) Dh usually spends his afternoons in the sportsbook and I spend mine at the pool! LOL :D
Welcome back. Vegas is fun but different from WDW. I'd love to go again some day. :)
Actually Bizzibee & I are looking at going to Vegas. We aren't sure what place we want to stay at but we do want to stay on the strip. We are trying to see what kind of prices there are. The problem with us is that it is of course in US$ and we are Canadian.
DH, DD and I will be heading to Vegas on August 18th, staying at the Flamingo! We're going with good friends...I know we will have a great time! Pooh93...any tips? I'm looking for reasonable places to eat that have "normal" food. Not crazy about buffets. Anything interesting you saw? Shows? Comedy clubs? We're seeing Sinbad on night, other than that, we're pretty much winging it. Oh, BTW, welcome home!:D
Glad to hear you made it back safe and sound.:Pinkbounc
What I really found funny/interesting was all of the women walking around in wedding gowns waiting to head to the chapel. Really made me wonder if they do weddings on the hour!
I heard some places do that in Vegas.:p Whenever we used to go to Gatlinburg, TN, I thought the same thing. (I've heard Gatlinburg is known as the wedding place of the South.)

Welcome back.:wave:
Sharon....We stayed at the Flamingo the first night and then moved to the Marriott Suites! I really liked the Flamingo and wished we could have stayed there the whole time, but his friends were paying for the room! Marriott was really nice too, but was down by the convention center and major, major walking involved! You'll be right in the heart of things! All the good shows we wanted to see were either sold out or performers were on vacation. The Flamingo had a couple decent restaurants that were sit down. It also had a nice pool area. I loved the Venetian, it is beautiful particularly at night. In their courtyard area there are a couple people that play music and it was nice to take a load off my feet and sit and listen for a while.

Treasure Island has a 5 minute outside Pirate fight which is neat, but get there early to stand in a good spot, Mirage has the Volcano that goes off and it's okay, but I'm like..."that's it?:rolleyes: The Bellagio has the water show at night (seen in Ocean's 11)That is pretty neat! Go to the Rio (by taxi) at night. They have a little free show that is on the Mardi Gras theme and there are floats on the ceiling. I thought that was pretty much fun.

Just be prepared to walk! Take good tennis shoes! Be prepared to be hounded by people wanting you to listen to time share things too! We did one and got $40 though. (had never done that before) Take your own bottled water if you can pack a few! I got tired of paying 2.50-3.00 for a small bottle. I thought that was worse than WDW...guess cause it's in the desert.

I'm sure you'll have a great time! If nothing else just walking around seeing the different casinos, hotels and lights will keep you entertained!!:) :)
Welcome Back, Laurie!!

I'm enjoying the info from your thread as we're "toying" with not going to WDW next June and going to Vegas instead with my brother and family. I have a feeling Disney will end up winning, tho!;)

My boys will be 16 and 14 next June.....what are your opinions on boys liking Vegas over Disney???
Hi Kitty! I will say Vegas has come a long way in catering to families. They have built roller coasters (I think NY, NY is the best one, according to one of the 22 year olds with us), but be prepared to pay about $10 a ride. I did a search on for Las Vegas Teen activities and found this link. You might check it out for ideas.

They would probably have a good time, but after about 3 days, I could seem them getting a little bored. IMO. Or as long as you keep shelling out the dollars, it would probably be okay! Lol;) :)
Thanks for the link! We are going to Vegas next weekend and my family is letting me plan the trip as it is supposed to be a belated 16th birthday present, sort of, for me. :D


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