

DIS Veteran
Jul 21, 2017
So what backpack do you love to carry in the parks and why?? I always carry my black under armour backpack and love it but it’s a fairly big bag (think school size backpack) and has a lot of little zip pockets which I always unzip before going through security but it’s still a hassle at times. My kids are getting older so I don’t need something as large as when they were younger.

I’m looking for something a teeny bit smaller, offers me side pockets for our reusable bottles and can be worn by me or my husband so a cutesy loungefly Disney bag would be ok for me, my husband, not so much.

We typically carry sunblock, a small makeup bag, hats/ears, snacks, portable charger, ponchos and my small wallet. Stuff we may buy or lanyards may end up in there but I don’t need a full size backpack anymore. If it can be breathable and not a really dark color that would be a benefit too. Any suggestions? No crossbody, I don’t care for that style.
I realize this is not what your question is but would you consider a crossbody instead?
Sounds like you don't take much to the parks and as you said you don't need a big backpack.
I used to be a backpack person but after using a crossbody I fell in love.
You could get like a nylon plain colored one from Amazon which shouldn't be too "cutesy" for a manly man to wear lol.
my SO brings his northface backpack which i'm sure is very similar to the one you are describing. he has so much empty space that we felt it was a little unnecessary to bring with us to the parks that i have started to travel with a much smaller option that works perfectly for us. It doesn't have side pouches which is the only downfall (but i'm sure you can find one that does) and it's just big enough to fit a poncho, phone chargers/cords, wallets, sunglasses/cases, a few snacks, etc. google "small backpacks" and you will quite literally see what i'm talking about!! it is more girly though!


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