Badges we all need...


DIS Cast Member
Dec 8, 2004
Wouldn't it be great to have a shiny metal badge in a black leather wallet, like the police?

Now imagine this--you're in the mall and your child has a giant meltdown and other moms are looking at you with that "DO SOMETHING" glare. You quickly whip out your badge and say, "Stand back! I'm a trained Special Needs Mom and I have the situation under control."

Or you're at a play date and your child has done something totally inappropriate, but very special needs. You can feel the other moms staring at you and thinking your child needs a good swat on the behind. You grab your trusty badge and say, "Luckily, I know how to handle a special child and I can redirect him!"

Or this--You are sitting at the kitchen table,watching your child's eyes glaze over as he blankly stares at material he has mastered before. You gently lay your badge on the table and softly say, "It's okay. I love you and I am a pro at this. I know you & this material better than anyone, and we will get through this together."

I think this would be a great item and lots of moms would want one. we could have home parties, like Tupperware, to sell badges. Of course,we would have to play those sily games at the party. But ours would be Name That Tantrum, Pick Your Obsession, Worst Extended-Family Reaction, The Most Uniformed Professinal You Have Paid Money To See, and Headache of the Week.

Believe me, there are days when I could use a badge...

--Excerpted from the Special Needs BB at <>

Cathy--mom to John,18 (bipolar, with learning disabilities, college-bound this fall) Eleni, 12 (perfectly normal 7th grade cutie, with a penchant for gerbils and oboe music), and Christian,10 (autism, MR, visual & hearing impairment, seizures and all around amazing kid!)
That's a great idea. Thanks for making me smile today. :flower:
Believe me, I could have used the badge today at Wal-mart. I was on a mission to buy DD two new pairs of shoes for school this fall. DD HATES clothes/shoes shopping. No meltdowns, just a very frustrated mother (me)!

But goods news...we left Wal-mart with two pairs of new shoes. We won't have to go to the shoe dept. until next summer. Hip hip hooray!!
I sure could use a badge like that! LOL!

I think I know how a mother ape must feel. Y'know, they always have these kids clinging and climbing all over them and they just sit there, those Ape moms, with a resigned/pained/and yet oddly pleased look on their faces? That's how I feel daily...

Sara *Typing with young DS clinging to knee squalling about something or other while older DS is running around like an elephant complaining he can't find his special orange shorts to wear with his new Power rangers T-shirt and can't we hurry up and go to the mall now to buy his PR costume and how much longer is until we go back to WDW (in less than a week) and can he finally buy that monorail toy and where are his shorts???*
riu girl said:
Believe me, I could have used the badge today at Wal-mart. I was on a mission to buy DD two new pairs of shoes for school this fall. DD HATES clothes/shoes shopping. No meltdowns, just a very frustrated mother (me)!

But goods news...we left Wal-mart with two pairs of new shoes. We won't have to go to the shoe dept. until next summer. Hip hip hooray!!

Woo Hoo!

Know what I used to do?
1)Place boys in cart at WalMart..
2)Head for toys/books/electronics/movies
3)Let them pick something they could look at while I sped the cart towards shoes...
4)Purchased 2, sometimes 3 or 4 pairs of shoes/kid...(and usually the movie or book they were happily, peacefully looking at;))
5)brought it all home, and tried the stuff on at their leisure - and mine
6)Can everyone say "Keep your receipt"!...back went whatever didn't work.

What is it with shoes that makes shopping for them with kids soooooo difficult?? I love shoe shopping!! LOL!

Sorry for the thread hijack:) Just had to celebrate with riugirl:):)

I won the Biggest Pile of Poop badge! My DS18 was supposed to be watching DS10 while I went to the Doctor to see about my knee(torn ACL last week--is there a badge for that? It hurts...) I suspect DS18 fell asleep and let DS10 do whatever he wanted, which turned out to be pooping in his pants and painting with it. :eek: When I got home the whole house reeked and DS10 left a muddy trail from the kitchen to the bathroom, where I stripped him off and hosed him down. DS18 has since made himself scarce. :rolleyes2 Probably a good thing...
Oh I could definatly use one of those badges!!Especially earlier today when we were in Burger King(only restaurant around my dr's office,I have a nasty ear infection and had to take the kids,and we had to walk!! :crazy2: ) earlier today.Ds was screaming his head off in the bathroom,because he is afraid of the toilet flushing(I never flush with him in there,but dd and I had to go and I could not leave him alone,I had dd push his stroller out so I could flush).Everyone was staring when we walked out,like I had hurt my baby.It would have been nice to flash a badge :rotfl2: .Sometimes I think of buying a shirt for him that says "I'm autistic.What's your excuse?"


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