"Beat the Heat" Show

not the same..

it's the humidity in orlando that kills you....sure lots of place have non-stop 95+ weather....but not as many have non-stop 100% humidity....that's what makes it so difficult....the humidity....
and while lots of places get high humidity in the summer, 100% is what separates the men from the boys....

it's the humidity that makes it so unpleasant.....

I guess I am used to it, the humidity of Orlando doesn't faze me a bit. I do have to let my camera get used to it though. When I leave my nice, cool hotel room in the a.m., and pull out my camera, the lens promptly fogs up, causing my first pictures to be hazy. Hmmm...maybe all WDW pictures of me should be taken as we leave the hotel....I may look younger.:rotfl:

What gets to me more than the humidity is the bright sun. As long as I'm in the shade, I'm good. I can't stand being right in the hot sun. Dh calls me a vampire. Believe me, I have all the shady seats to each parade mapped out, and I get there very early!
OK - I, too, will say that nothing is worse than being in NYC in August when it goes over 100 degrees. You can feel the heat rising through the sidewalk from the trains running below. You have all those cars, busses, trucks giving off extra heat and no breeze. I think the only ride that I dread getting on during the summer would be Dumbo at MK....I stand there for 5 minutes and feel like I need to head back to the hotel to change. Now getting into your car here in Florida after a long day at the park :scared1: I really hate those first few minutes and I have window shades in the front windshield and the side windows!

I guess we all have different tolerance levels....my husband likes the house at 77, me, I am happy at 79. He starts melting in March here in Florida, while the beginning of August is when I start to feel like I am not leaving my home to go out in the heat.
After being in sweat shirts and jeans for 2 years in a row in December, summer is looking good to me. The last two years we were there for xmas break the weather was awful.

I SO agree! I have gone every December and every summer for quite a few years now. I enjoy the summer heat much more than the winter cold and it is so much easier to pack for!
I've been in August, and yes it's HOT...but if you are prepared, you will be ok. We got those things that you wet and let freeze...to wrap around your neck...it helped, and we make lots of stops for water....and took ice cream breaks.
I agree that summer in Orlando is HOT!! But there are ways to cool off and do the parks- and still have a GREAT time!
We have 4 members in our family that are bound to the school schedule. If we want to be together we go in the summer. We don't run around like crazy, we drink lots of water, we go to the parks in the evening when the sun is down and the temperature is cooler.
there is no way i prefer being at WDW in the summer...no way....it is unpleasant...no other way to describe it...

my nicest recent visit to WDW was a few years back in november when it was really cold - had to wear a warm jacket, closed shoes....
that was THE nicest visit in the parks i've had in years....we stayed from rope drop in the morning until lights out at night and enjoyed every single second....

i would much much much rather have warm jacket weather than sweltering in the heat and humidity weather.....blech.....
So, is the third week of June better than middle of July or is it all the same temp and crowd wise?
i've been thinking about this....

my very first visit to WDW was way back in 1974 - a freshman year college road trip..
we camped in a little pup tent in fort wilderness...
about as open to the elements as you can get..
yet i don't remember being bothered by the heat that year....
presumably, the weather would be very memorable when you're in a little pup tent.....

so a number of possible explanations:
1. it's gotten hotter in orlando over the past 40 years.....
2. my tolerance for heat has decreased with age....
3. it was unusually pleasant weather that year...
4. after so many years - 37 to be exact - only the good times remain in my memory :)
5. all of the above

it's probably all of the above....
though probably 2 is a big factor....in my old age (55), no doubt i'm a lot less tolerant of heat/humidity than i was at age 18.....
We went last summer 8/21-8/28. There were 2-3 days that were too hot to do anything. We ate an early lunch in air conditioning and went to the pool. The rest of the trip was hot but manageable. We had daily afternoon thunderstorms which curtailed our pool usage. One thing that was great was crowd levels. Many popular rides (Space Mountain comes to mind) were walk-ons. We had one rainy day in MK where we got so much done because everyone left! It was great!!!
We're returning this year 8/28-9/3. We're planning a (mostly) non-park day in the middle and a lot of pool time. We may even try a waterpark for the 1st time. My kids are lucky enough to go frequently (1-2 times per year) so we all know that we'll be back if we miss some headliners.
Our house in NY is not air conditioned. We have 2 portable units. By August we're miserable at home! The humidity may be worse in Orlando than here but at least the indoor spaces all have a/c!!! :lmao:

i was there at the same time Kate (and where are you this year??? we need you to organize a meet!!!)..
i thought i was going to melt last year....

You know how much I'd love to! Unfortunately I am going back to University in September to start my teacher training, and I am saving every single penny I can so I can afford to go.

I had such a great time at that meet though, I was so pleased it turned out well!
I have been traveling down to the world from New England in July/Aug for the past 40 years. My parents were teachers and now I am a teacher so the schedule is forced on us. Many of you will comment that I am crazy (in a polite way), but I have come to enjoy the heat and humity. Two years ago I came down during Feb break had a nice trip but it just did not seem right with out the heat.

Play it smart in Aug, take breaks, drink WATER! and take time to enjoy the shows/attractions that are in AC.
I have been traveling down to the world from New England in July/Aug for the past 40 years. My parents were teachers and now I am a teacher so the schedule is forced on us. Many of you will comment that I am crazy (in a polite way), but I have come to enjoy the heat and humity. Two years ago I came down during Feb break had a nice trip but it just did not seem right with out the heat. Play it smart in Aug, take breaks, drink WATER! and take time to enjoy the shows/attractions that are in AC.

ITA!! I was there in December his last year, and I just didn't like it, it wasn't at all the same! I was actually kinda cranky about it to be honest...it was so backward, lol! I do feel like the heat is a part of the whole trip experience for me. But maybe we're just a little nutty :rotfl:

The birds have to use potholders to pull worms out of the ground.

The trees are whistling for the dogs...

The best parking place is determined by shade instead of distance.

Hot water now comes out of both taps.

You can make sun tea instantly.

You learn that a seat belt buckle makes a pretty good branding iron.

The temperature drops below 95 and you feel a little chilly.

You discover that in July it only takes 2 fingers to steer your car.

You discover that you can get sunburned through your car window.

You actually burn your hand opening the car door.

You break into a sweat the instant you step outside at 7:30 a.m.

Your biggest bicycle wreck fear is, 'What if I get knocked out and end up lying on the pavement and cook to death?'

You realize that asphalt has a liquid state.

The potatoes cook underground, so all you have to do is pull one out and add butter, salt and pepper.

Farmers are feeding their chickens crushed ice to keep them from laying boiled eggs.

The cows are giving evaporated milk.

Ah, what a place to call home.

I still contend that the NYC subway car without air conditioning at noon in August is worse. And smellier.
I have been traveling down to the world from New England in July/Aug for the past 40 years. My parents were teachers and now I am a teacher so the schedule is forced on us. Many of you will comment that I am crazy (in a polite way), but I have come to enjoy the heat and humidity. Two years ago I came down during Feb break had a nice trip but it just did not seem right with out the heat.

Play it smart in Aug, take breaks, drink WATER! and take time to enjoy the shows/attractions that are in AC.

I'm also a teacher, and so far I have only visited WDW during the summer months. One of these years, I'm going to head down during winter break (and brave those crowds :scared:), but I'm fully expecting to be thrown by the different kind of weather. So many of my routines are dictated by avoiding the heat!
You know how much I'd love to! Unfortunately I am going back to University in September to start my teacher training, and I am saving every single penny I can so I can afford to go.

I had such a great time at that meet though, I was so pleased it turned out well!

it was so much fun Kate!!!! really well done!!


The birds have to use potholders to pull worms out of the ground.

The trees are whistling for the dogs...

The best parking place is determined by shade instead of distance.

Hot water now comes out of both taps.

You can make sun tea instantly.

You learn that a seat belt buckle makes a pretty good branding iron.

The temperature drops below 95 and you feel a little chilly.

You discover that in July it only takes 2 fingers to steer your car.

You discover that you can get sunburned through your car window.

You actually burn your hand opening the car door.

You break into a sweat the instant you step outside at 7:30 a.m.

Your biggest bicycle wreck fear is, 'What if I get knocked out and end up lying on the pavement and cook to death?'

You realize that asphalt has a liquid state.

The potatoes cook underground, so all you have to do is pull one out and add butter, salt and pepper.

Farmers are feeding their chickens crushed ice to keep them from laying boiled eggs.

The cows are giving evaporated milk.

Ah, what a place to call home.


actually, that's a perfect description of summer where we live....exactly right...

i had to walk a couple blocks from the parking lot this evening and i nearly sweated to death....i think my problem is age....it never bothered me as much when i was younger (like 2 years ago)....
It comes down to people reacting differently to the heat and humidity.

Some seem to almost thrive off of it, others find it all but immobilizing, while still others don't seem to give it a thought one way or another.

My birthday is in mid-August, and growing up that was always the time that my Mom and I went. While I have memories of it being warm, I have no recollections of being miserable from the heat in anyway.

But, I truly believe that FL has grown warmer, (and I'm quite certain I've grown older ;) ) and these days the parks are off limits between the months of June through mid-October.

Plus, my type II diabetes has kicked in, and *nothing* throws off the old glucose levels like getting "over heated" in the parks. (I actually passed out cold waiting for the monorail once - and that was the end of Summertime in the parks for me.)
Honestly, after spending last week touring DC in the record breaking heat there, I don't want to vacation anywhere in the summertime ever again. It was unbearable.
Going down in September.... and FREAKING OUT about the heat. DH isn't worried, of course.

We're planning on hitting the parks early (like... every day has early EMH- weird!!), carrying umbrellas to keep the sun off (DH used to live in Japan and said that the women over there do it all the time- we'll get weird looks... oh who cares :confused3 :lmao:), using those hand-held fan things, bringing washcloths to wipe ourselves down with cold water, and DRINKDRINKDRINK water until we don't want to look at water ever again.

It's going to be a great time :thumbsup2

:rotfl: :faint:
Going down in September.... and FREAKING OUT about the heat. DH isn't worried, of course.

We're planning on hitting the parks early (like... every day has early EMH- weird!!), carrying umbrellas to keep the sun off (DH used to live in Japan and said that the women over there do it all the time- we'll get weird looks... oh who cares :confused3 :lmao

:rotfl: :faint:

We saw lots of people carrying umbrellas in Hawaii, which makes sense because they get a lot of tourism from Japan. When we were i Hawaii, my SIL, who was living there, carried one, so I took my turn carrying it some to keep the kids shaded and I found it cumbersome. Also, it may be tricky in crowds. But if it works for you, and there is enough space in the crowd, and ou are not blocking anyone during a parade, don't worry about getting looks.


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