Becky and Jeff- 2/8/10 BW Croquet Lawn/LSS/UK Lochside- TR- Update 8/8 dessert party

Oooh! The tea photos look like so much fun!
OK if I wasn't sold before I an totally sold now!
I am sooo taking my mom over to tea or so help me! :lmao:

The disks for our engagement session are on the mail today too! :banana:
Ohh Tea sounds fun. It's totally on my list to try. I wish we could have fir it in to the wedding, but it just didn't work.

Your sneak peeks are great too! Can't wait to read more!
Oooh! The tea photos look like so much fun!
OK if I wasn't sold before I an totally sold now!
I am sooo taking my mom over to tea or so help me! :lmao:

The disks for our engagement session are on the mail today too! :banana:

You totally need to do tea! It was amazing!
I can't wait for photos!!!

Ohh Tea sounds fun. It's totally on my list to try. I wish we could have fir it in to the wedding, but it just didn't work.

Your sneak peeks are great too! Can't wait to read more!

Tea was super fun!
Sunday, February 7th, 2010 Part Three- Bridal Shower

I had known for a few weeks that Krystin was putting together a Bridal Shower for me, but I had no idea that she had gotten my friend Jackie to host it at her house. She had arranged for all of my female relatives to be picked up from their hotels by people. She hadn't realized that she had invited my MIL though! My mom gave Krystin her e-mail address and Krystin invited everyone through an e-vite.

It was a great evening, even though A) Krystin and Oni got lost bringing all of my family members to the party because they were following Oni's GPS and it had them get on a toll road and took them over 45 minutes to arrive. and B) My mom mentioned that I probably needed to know when my hair and make-up was going to be done so I knew when to wake up after which I obsessively checked my phone for new e-mail and stressed that Patricia wasn't going to show up!

My friend Aubrey baked her little heart out and Jackie's kitchen table was covered in baked goods in addition to the cookies favor bags Krystin had made the night before. I felt so bad that I was really full from the tea still.

Here are a few pics in which you can kind of see the food. My aunt took these. You can also see that I really should have ironed on that transfer higher up on the shirt :-( oh well



Krystin and I trying some tiramisu cake while talking to Jackie.


these decorations cracked me up!

Once everyone had arrived we all gathered around and played a game Jackie made. She had e-mailed Jeff and asked him a bunch of questions and put them on little pieces of paper in a basket and everyone took turns asking me one. If I got it wrong I had to put a piece of bubble gum in my mouth, this was Krystin's idea for a punishment.


Jackie explaining the game


My MIL asking the first question and my mom reading hers.


showing all the empty gum wrappers


I can't fit anymore in my mouth! (I guess I don't know Jeff very well :rotfl:)

finally they let me spit out the gum and we finished up all the questions haha

then it was on to presents. Krystin decided on a lingerie theme, which was a tad embarrassing. My mom got me a gift card the Victoria's Secret from her and from my grandma, so that wasn't too bad.

First gift though was from Joan, my mom's old roommate

she just bought me a tank top from DTD lol


Jeff's mom printed up some family recipes and gave them to me. Krystin had wanted everyone to fill out a card with a recipe on it, but they got left at Jackie's and I haven't gotten them yet.


My aunt got me some really cute Bride underpants! I was really happy. Erin washed them for me when we got back to the room so I could wear them to the wedding.


I couldn't figure out how this apron worked when I took it out of the box so I just tossed it on my head lol


really cute PJs from Erin and Oni


someone had found a really cute Cinderella themed Bachelorette card that no one had seen before, so Jackie modeled it


bridal survival kit, it really came in handy, I believe we used the scissors for something.

We wrapped everything up pretty soon after the presents. Jackie's husband came home and reminded us that there was this big important football game on so we flipped the TV over to the game to see that the Saints had won.
My mom, Krystin, and I piled into my car and drove all my gifts back to my place and picked up a few things I forgot. Jeff was home from watching the Super Bowl at the Boardwalk so I got to see him one last time before heading off to the Boardwalk and catching some ZZZzzzs

I decided to set my alarm for 7am to be on the safe side. Krystin and I decided to shack up and Erin took the fold out sofa.

Up Next: The Big Day!
The tea looked amazing!

I love the presents at the shower. Very cute. And nothing too risqué ;)
Tea looks like so much fun! yay!

what a great Bachelorette party! I actually just bought the same nightgown you got as a present for my honeymoon! (the blue one with the bow)
Hehe Becky you are so much fun!! I might be heading back down to Orlando in May for work...we really have to meet up this time (my fault, I know!). I love all the pics so far and am a teensy bit jealous you are getting your CD already!! Can't wait to see them!

Everything looks fantastic! You look like you had so much fun! I really am going back and forth on a Grand Floridian Tea, I've been before and loved it. AND THE PREVIEW PICS LOOK AWESOME

I cannot wait to see more :)
I always love seeing shots from ladies' teas, I know I had a blast at mine too. We had been once before and really enjoyed it, so were excited to share it with more people at the wedding. We had the same menu too, I love all the little sandwiches and of course the pastries! Those darn windows always give everyone a glow. I have thought about whether or not I could fix mine in Photoshop, but am not savy enough using it to figure it out :goodvibes

How great that your friends threw you a shower. I would have probably been embarassed a little too:upsidedow My cousin stuck a red pair of undies inside an the box with my griddle at one of my showers and my grandma kept asking what it was, lol :rotfl:

I forgot your wedding was the day after the Super Bowl, glad to hear the guys got to watch the game still. I can't wait to hear about the wedding day! :bride:
The tea looked amazing!

I love the presents at the shower. Very cute. And nothing too risqué ;)

Thanks! Yes, I was happy that the gifts were pretty tame lol

Tea looks like so much fun! yay!

what a great Bachelorette party! I actually just bought the same nightgown you got as a present for my honeymoon! (the blue one with the bow)

I loved that nightgown! I brought it with me on our mini-moon after the wedding. Jeff thought it was cute too!

Hehe Becky you are so much fun!! I might be heading back down to Orlando in May for work...we really have to meet up this time (my fault, I know!). I love all the pics so far and am a teensy bit jealous you are getting your CD already!! Can't wait to see them!

Thanks! Aww, don't be too jealous, it hasn't actually arrived yet :-( Oh well.
No worries about not meeting up. Hopefully we can plan something for May then!


Everything looks fantastic! You look like you had so much fun! I really am going back and forth on a Grand Floridian Tea, I've been before and loved it. AND THE PREVIEW PICS LOOK AWESOME

I cannot wait to see more :)

Thanks Ashley! More coming up in a minute. Still waiting on pro pics though.

I always love seeing shots from ladies' teas, I know I had a blast at mine too. We had been once before and really enjoyed it, so were excited to share it with more people at the wedding. We had the same menu too, I love all the little sandwiches and of course the pastries! Those darn windows always give everyone a glow. I have thought about whether or not I could fix mine in Photoshop, but am not savy enough using it to figure it out :goodvibes

How great that your friends threw you a shower. I would have probably been embarassed a little too:upsidedow My cousin stuck a red pair of undies inside an the box with my griddle at one of my showers and my grandma kept asking what it was, lol :rotfl:

I forgot your wedding was the day after the Super Bowl, glad to hear the guys got to watch the game still. I can't wait to hear about the wedding day! :bride:

LOL at your grandma and the red undies! That was something I was envisioning happening at my shower when I found out the theme.
I wish we had taken the group photo with my camera, I think it would have had less of a heavenly glow around us, I figured my moms camera was easier for the server to use though.
Part one of the wedding day coming up!
Monday, February 8th, 2010 - Part One: Getting Ready

My alarm went off a little after 7am. I hopped in the shower and while I was there Patricia called and Krystin answered my phone. Apparently she lives pretty close by and as soon as her husband read my e-mail confirming times for the day he sent her off to the Boardwalk. No sooner had I tossed on some clothes then She arrived with all her lovely cases of supplies. She sent me off to dry my hair while she unpacked and set up.




Once she was ready she came in to the bathroom and ended up drying my hair herself while I sat on one of her cases lol

Then we moved out into the living room while she curled my hair.




almost done with the curls



At some point my mom came by. She kept going back and forth to her room on the other side of the building. She went and got me some oatmeal even though I had already had a donut and some OJ.

I sat on the couch and watched Krystin get her hair done. She, Erin, and Patricia got together while I had been drying my hair and decided on a style they liked for the two of them using the headband I got them. Neither of them knew they were getting their hair and makeup done so Krystin was very confused when Erin started asking her about styles lol



they weren't sure where to put the headband so they moved over in front of the mirror to test its placement.


Krystin's hair is done!

Now is about the time my mom made me oatmeal. She kinda made it explode lol
Krystin grabbed my camera and documented it



Now Erin is done too! None of us realized beforehand how similar their hair is!

At some point Krystin ran over to Jeff's parents room and gave him the rings and the cold feet socks I made him.

Then it was time to get my makeup done. Somehow I had totally forgotten that one of the reasons I chose Patricia was for the airbrush makeup, so I was extra excited when it was time to have it done. We all chatted with her about it and how hard it is to clean the little nozzle lol
She was tons of fun to talk to the whole time. She was very excited about the super bowl the night before since she is from New Orleans.


Then she finished up my hair






I took a bunch of pictures while my mom had her hair done, Here's my favorite

it just makes me smile

Then all of a sudden the floral arrived! I had totally forgotten! They rolled into the room and pulled out the two pinwheels and then took out my bouquet. The lady asked if I liked the length of the beads hanging off and we decided to cut some off.



As soon as they left the room phone rang and my mom answered.
It was an awkward conversation consisting of the front desk person thinking she was me (she asked for Ms. so-and-so and that was both her and I lol ) and then my mom being confused because she didn't know our photographers name was Becka and she thought they were trying to tell her I was calling from the lobby lol ! Anyway, I got on the phone and told Becka what room we were in. (side note: I got back to my office a week later and found she had called my office phone twice to let me know she was on her way! oh well, worked out in the end)

Becka and Nate arrived and Krystin told Nate where to go to get to Jeff. I had a minor freak out when I realized we didn't have the boutonnieres and called my dad to have him ask Carol when he saw her in the lobby. I think at this point we were running behind a bit. We were supposed to be in the lobby at 11am for photos and I think it was about 10:20 or so at this point.

It had been a really relaxed morning, and I was really surprised that so much time had passed already! I could not believe it had been 3 hours since I got up! It was about to get a lot less relaxed, but in a good way.

I'm going to stop for now, as I still don't have my pro pics and I think they would really help out the rest of the story.

I will however add in some fun photos my dad took from his balcony of our ceremony being setup

This was at 9:15am

and this is half an hour later




hmm I think those are the same people who dropped off my bouquet, come to think of it!

More to come when I get more pics!
Your hair and makeup looked lovely! I just had my trial with patricia on thursday and I loved how nice and funny she was! And she does amazing hair and makeup!
Hahaha! Loved your bachelorette party!
I wish I had had one myself, well I sorta did, my friends took me out on the town the day before I left Spain to come live with my soon to be DH way back when. But we didn't have any fun games! ;)

The presents all look lovely!

I haven't gotten my CD yet, I am sorta relieved to know you haven't gotten yours either, because that means it isn't lost somewhere in mail space. I can't to see more pics though!

Patricia is so awesome, I can't wait to see her again! She did an amazing job with your hair. When she asked me where I had heard from her I mentioned you!

Your girls looked beautiful as well! The flower headbands worked out perfectly!

It is so cool you could see them setting up your ceremony.

I think I will need a couple of people with me to keep me calm the morning of our VR, I am going to be so excited and nervous. Sure I have been married to the man of my dreams for 10 years but that doesn't mean a thing when you are in love :rotfl:

Can't wait to hear/see more!

Edit: Just got my disc in the mail Woot!
I'm really glad I choose to go with Patricia. You look gorgeous!! And how awesome that your dad was able to watch them set up the ceremony site. That is really neat. I can't wait to see more!
I love how you were able to get a lot of shots that morning of people getting ready. That is one thing I hated about a 9 am Epcot ceremony, we were rushing around like crazy and didn't get to enjoy the time.

Do you have a picture of the cold feet socks you had for Jeff? I think you showed them before, but I can't seem to remember.

How cool that your dad was able to get pictures of the set-up happening, I love those kinds of things to use in a scrapbook.

So, any word on how long until you get the CD, can't wait to see everything :cool1:
Becky those pics look amazing! I'm so glad to hear Patricia worked out for you! Your hair really did look so gorgeous!

Can't wait to see more! So excited for your honeymoon cruise too only 9 days to go YIKES you must be getting so excited!
Aww Becky everything looked beautiful! I LOVED your hair!!! And it's funny that you forgot about the flowers too...made me giggle!
Your hair and makeup looked lovely! I just had my trial with patricia on thursday and I loved how nice and funny she was! And she does amazing hair and makeup!

Thanks! Isn't she the best? :thumbsup2

Hahaha! Loved your bachelorette party!
I wish I had had one myself, well I sorta did, my friends took me out on the town the day before I left Spain to come live with my soon to be DH way back when. But we didn't have any fun games! ;)

The presents all look lovely!

I haven't gotten my CD yet, I am sorta relieved to know you haven't gotten yours either, because that means it isn't lost somewhere in mail space. I can't to see more pics though!

Patricia is so awesome, I can't wait to see her again! She did an amazing job with your hair. When she asked me where I had heard from her I mentioned you!

Your girls looked beautiful as well! The flower headbands worked out perfectly!

It is so cool you could see them setting up your ceremony.

I think I will need a couple of people with me to keep me calm the morning of our VR, I am going to be so excited and nervous. Sure I have been married to the man of my dreams for 10 years but that doesn't mean a thing when you are in love :rotfl:

Can't wait to hear/see more!

Edit: Just got my disc in the mail Woot!

Thanks! I'm glad you liked Patricia and thanks for mentioning me :goodvibes I just said the disboards in general because we were talking about how she isn't on the DFTW vendor list and since I'm a CM she didn't think I'd be on the dis I guess haha.
Glad you got your CD! I'm still waiting. I e-mailed Becka yesterday because I hadn't gotten the link to the online photos yet either. She had to do some tech support with the website but I was finally able to view the photos online. I looove them and can't wait to share!!

I'm really glad I choose to go with Patricia. You look gorgeous!! And how awesome that your dad was able to watch them set up the ceremony site. That is really neat. I can't wait to see more!

Thanks! I can't wait to share more, soon I promise!

I love how you were able to get a lot of shots that morning of people getting ready. That is one thing I hated about a 9 am Epcot ceremony, we were rushing around like crazy and didn't get to enjoy the time.

Do you have a picture of the cold feet socks you had for Jeff? I think you showed them before, but I can't seem to remember.

How cool that your dad was able to get pictures of the set-up happening, I love those kinds of things to use in a scrapbook.

So, any word on how long until you get the CD, can't wait to see everything :cool1:

I think a noon ceremony ended up being the best. I know I could never get up early enough for the 9am ceremony and I don't know how Sam did it not having hers until 5pm that day!
I don't think I have a picture of the socks other than the one I already posted, I'll look.
I got 50 free prints at CVS the other day so I can start my scrapbook. Next step is making a book with all the pro-pics. yey!

Becky those pics look amazing! I'm so glad to hear Patricia worked out for you! Your hair really did look so gorgeous!

Can't wait to see more! So excited for your honeymoon cruise too only 9 days to go YIKES you must be getting so excited!

Thanks! We are super excited about the cruise. Jeff is so ready to escape the Spring Break crowd that has descended upon us!

Aww Becky everything looked beautiful! I LOVED your hair!!! And it's funny that you forgot about the flowers too...made me giggle!

Thanks! haha I know, we are crazy flower forgetting brides! :rotfl2:
Great update! You look so calm and relaxed the morning of!

You must be getting super excited about your cruise! I can't wait for mine, but wish I was going on yours instead!!!

Can't wait to read more!
Great update! You look so calm and relaxed the morning of!

You must be getting super excited about your cruise! I can't wait for mine, but wish I was going on yours instead!!!

Can't wait to read more!

Thanks Stacey! We are super excited about the cruise. We are starting to pack today :cool1:


So I really wanted to finish this before we go on our cruise next week, but I still haven't gotten my CD of pictures yet. I'm tempted to skip over the ceremony and go on to the reception since I have all those pics!

Anyway my pro-pics are online now! Here is the link

Studio 222


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