Becoming a Better Sarah ~ 2015 Journal (The End)

Progress Update: 9/21

Monday: No exercise; 90 Minutes Sarah Time (nap)

Tuesday: No exercise; 20 minutes Sarah Time (coffee/reading)
I’ve been sitting here for a little bit trying to come up with an excuse for why I didn’t get any exercise in on Monday or Tuesday. But there is no excuse. Running was not an option these days, and I couldn’t get on my computer (most of my non-running exercise is online videos). But that’s not an excuse.
When I was falling asleep while reading on Monday, instead of taking a nap (which I had not originally planned to do), I could have gone out for a walk to wake myself up a bit.
Tuesday I was back on the computer by 8:30 PM and didn’t have to leave the house until 9:20ish, which gave me plenty of time for a 20-30 minute video. But I wasted that time.
At the end of the day, I don’t want to beat myself up too much because I can’t change the past. But I do need to learn for the future. There will always be days when I can’t get on the computer. That’s just the nature of my life. I need to create an easy-to-implement plan for days when I can’t get on the computer. And I need to do it ASAP.

Wednesday: 15 minutes Cross Training (Low-Impact Kickboxing); 15 minutes Sarah Time (exercise); early-week weigh-in up (a lot)
Due to the lingering knee issue, I didn’t want to overdo myself, so I figured I’d take it easy on the cross training and limit it to 15 minutes. I managed to find a low-impact kickboxing video, so I did that. It still hurt my knee.
I didn’t get to said exercise until after 11:30 and I really could have skipped it, but I decided that I needed some time to take care of myself after a long, stressful day, so I decided to get in my 15 minutes of Sarah time and do some exercise.

Thursday: 31 minutes running+ 21 minutes warm up/cool down (walking) + 3 minutes stretching + 19 minutes low-intensity walking; Sarah Time (watching TV)
Run Recap: 2.61 miles in 31:06 minutes (11’54” pace)
This was the run that probably shouldn’t have been (although my doctor did say I’m okay to run). My first doctor's appointment for my knee was this afternoon, but it wasn’t too bad in the morning, so I went out. My knee was actually okay and this was a pretty unremarkable run. The only note I wrote down was that it was never an easy run, but never impossible either.

Friday: 27 minutes Cross Training (Pilates); 40 minutes Sarah Time (reading); Weigh-in @ up 1 lb (back to 9/1 weight)
This was scheduled as a run day, but when I woke up, I made the executive decision to cancel the run and go back to sleep for an hour. I haven’t been sleeping so well this week, and between that and my knee, I decided that sleep was a better idea. I know that some people (including myself at times) may question this decision, but it is what it is.
Weigh in was not great, but not as bad as it could have been. With everything I had going on this week, eating well was the last thing on my mind … which is a problem. Yet another thing I need to work on.

Saturday: 30 minutes low-intensity video; 40 minutes Sarah Time (reading)

Sunday: 79 minutes running + 25 minutes warm up/cool down (walking) + 3 minutes stretching; 60 minutes Sarah Time (watching TV)
Run Recap: 6.40 miles in 1:19:03 hours (12’22” pace)
Nutrition choice for this run was Apple Cinnamon Flavored Hammer Gel. I didn’t like the taste/texture and I don’t think it gave me any energy boost. So this is probably not something I’d try again.

It was also a pretty rough run overall. Not sure why, but I really just couldn’t get myself into a good rhythm. But I made it past my goal of 6.25 miles, so even if I didn’t feel great, I’m still running okay, which is good.


Other Comments:
Skipping Friday’s run makes it a little harder for me to reach my 50 mile goal for the month. My plan is to add 0.25 miles to each run to make it up. If I can do that successfully, I should still hit goal. But I’m not entirely sure.
I’m not sure if skipping my Friday run was a good idea. But I know that it doesn’t have to prevent me from reaching my goal, and that’s a great realization for me to have.

Sarah's Funny of the Week: (aka one of the only companies that makes running skirts that cover the knee) sent out a $10 off code last week, so I decided to buy a skirt. There was only one knee-length skirt that was on sale (their regular price for these skirts is $70, and even with the $10 off that’s too much for me). The problem is, we couldn’t figure out what I could use it for costume-wise. I generally DisneyBound my runDisney races, and I don’t know what character I could do with this skirt.
Because that’s how I decide how to buy running clothing now. Whether or not I can make a DisneyBound for a runDisney race.
(And yes, I did buy the skirt anyway … I needed a new running skirt)
Please tell us what color your skirt is so that we can chime in with disneybound suggestions!

I will applaud you for the 6.25 mile run...that pace is really good too for that run! I understand the beating yourself up over two days of taking off, so I am super proud of you for tackling over 6 miles. HIGH FIVE!
Please tell us what color your skirt is so that we can chime in with disneybound suggestions!
So, this is the skirt: (sorry for the huge picture and bad photoshopping, I stole it from their website)

It's hard because it's multicolored. So I'd have to find something with a multicolored or rainbow theme.

I will applaud you for the 6.25 mile run...that pace is really good too for that run! I understand the beating yourself up over two days of taking off, so I am super proud of you for tackling over 6 miles. HIGH FIVE!

I think that with the weather starting to cool off a drop, my long run paces are getting better, which is nice. My goal for my next long run is 6.5 miles, and I'm hoping I can do it at a similar pace!
Sarah, the first couple things that entered my brain for your skirt was "It's a Small World" least the Disneyland version which is more colorful on the outside than WDW. Then I thought of the "Imagination" Pavillion..the old version with all the cool fun stuff in it from the 80's/90's. And the final thing I thought of was that those are basically all the princess colors mashed find a t-shirt with like every princess on it. I'll keep thinking!
Sarah, the first couple things that entered my brain for your skirt was "It's a Small World" least the Disneyland version which is more colorful on the outside than WDW. Then I thought of the "Imagination" Pavillion..the old version with all the cool fun stuff in it from the 80's/90's. And the final thing I thought of was that those are basically all the princess colors mashed find a t-shirt with like every princess on it. I'll keep thinking!

Those are all awesome ideas! Keep them coming!
The only idea I had thought of was getting a Kermit the Frog shirt and doing "Rainbow Connection" ... but my sister is a big Kermit person and I didn't want to steal her favorite frog.
Oh, also these colors are VERY Dumbo...I bet you could find a cute Dumbo themed shirt in yellow or blue to match. Maybe one with actual Dumbo ride vehicles on it.
These could also go very Tiki Room vibe if you wore the right shirt with birds on it and a flower in your hair and a some rainbow leis.

Sorry for the idea brain is on a role.
Actually the simplest thing we have over-looked. The Fab Five is basically all your primary colors. Especially if you also include Daisy. Thinking finding a Fab Five shirt in a color to match will be super easy.

Ok I am done for now :)
You could do Pocahantas...Paint with all the colors of the wind! Am I stretching with that one?
Ok, one more. This one actually would be good if you don't mind running with wings. The Disney fairies are basically a rainbow (see attached.)


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You could do Pocahantas...Paint with all the colors of the wind! Am I stretching with that one?

I was thinking that also but then I wasn't sure if people would get it. Pocahontas doesn't seem to be highly popular at Disney World.
Plus, apparently nobody makes Pocahontas running shirts so I'd have to wear a cotton shirt with a running base layer underneath (although when the weather gets cooler I should be able to start running in cotton shirts again).

Ok, one more. This one actually would be good if you don't mind running with wings. The Disney fairies are basically a rainbow (see attached.)

Eh. Don't get me started on Fairies/"Nice" Tinkerbell. To me the only fairy is the mean Tinker Bell from Peter Pan who kept messing with Wendy. I love Tink.
Knee Mini-Update
I just (a few hours ago) got back from the orthopedist, and here’s the story:
No structural damage (not even arthritis, which I was about 98% sure I had). It’s plain old patellofemoral pain (aka runner’s knee), caused by quadriceps weakness. Recommended treatment is physical therapy, with an emphasis on getting some at-home exercises that will allow me to continue to manage the condition long after the PT prescription expires.

The fact that it’s nothing serious is good news. But I feel kinda stupid having gone to the doctor over something this small.

Anyway … I guess its good news. Next step is finding a PT that’s convenient for me (and my insurance will pay for … that’s the harder part). The doctor gave me some places to go, now I just have to do the research.

Glad to hear it is not a major injury! Don't feel stupid for going to the Dr. for that. I have gone for lesser reasons. When something isn't feeling right that use for running I like to find a easy solution and fix it sooner than it get real bad and have a major issue. Sounds like this is something you can train through while adding some workouts to increase muscle strength to fix the problem. Good luck with the PT, I went for a foot issue that got me to the starting line for my last marathon.
Glad to hear it is not a major injury! Don't feel stupid for going to the Dr. for that. I have gone for lesser reasons. When something isn't feeling right that use for running I like to find a easy solution and fix it sooner than it get real bad and have a major issue. Sounds like this is something you can train through while adding some workouts to increase muscle strength to fix the problem. Good luck with the PT, I went for a foot issue that got me to the starting line for my last marathon.

I'm one of those people who doesn't like to go to the doctor in general, so going for something that's an "easy" fix definitely makes me feel like I shouldn't have gone at all. But I know that the PT and exercises will help me a lot.
Progress Update: 9/27
Monday: 17 minutes Cross Training (Barre) + 19 minutes low-intensity walking; 15 Minutes Sarah Time (computer time)

Tuesday: 35 minutes running + 25 minutes warm up/cool down (walking) + 5 minutes stretching; 15 minutes Sarah Time (walking home from run)
Run Recap: 3.13 miles in 35:01 minutes (11’11” pace)
My goal for this run was 30 minutes + 0.25 miles (it makes sense in my head), but when I saw my pace halfway through and realized that would be around 2.9 miles, I decided to just go for 3 miles … and once I hit 3 miles, I decided to go for 5K.
So, 5K is now an easy short run that I can do on days when I’m not sure why I’m out of bed. I guess that’s a good thing.
(Most of) my cool down/walk home from run was my Sarah Time because I had a lot going on and I really appreciated having that time to walk home and not think about anything.

Wednesday: Rest Day; 15 minutes Sarah Time (Sleep!)
My mom woke me up at 7:15. I could have gotten up then, gotten dressed, and been on time (or early) for synagogue services. But instead, I decided to sleep in for another 15 minutes and be a little late for services (I’m always late for morning services, it’s not at all a big deal, and I did end up getting there earlier than usual) because I knew it would be a long day and I would appreciate the extra sleep. Even though I ended up getting an unplanned 30 minute nap later in the day … still a great decision.

Thursday: 51 minutes running + 25 minutes warm up/cool down (walking ) + 4 minutes stretching; 15 minutes Sarah Time (organizing)
Run Recap: 4.21 miles in 51:01 minutes (12’08” pace)
Because the day before was a fast day and I probably wasn’t totally properly rehydrated, I decided to use my long run intervals (3:1) for this medium run. Goal was 4 miles, maybe 4.25 if I felt okay. I woke up tired, so I decided to aim for long run pace (12:15-12:45) instead of pushing myself a little. I was actually a little faster than that because I was feeling pretty good (which is also why I was able to make it almost to 4.25). Always a good thing to be feeling good even when I don’t think I will be.
My Sarah Time was spending 15 minutes before breakfast organizing my to-do list and planning out my day. I know it doesn’t sound like fun, but I like organizing, and it makes my life so much easier when I have everything all planned out.

Friday: 10 minutes Cross Training (Cardio Kickboxing) + 20 minutes PT Exercises + 40 minutes PT Stretches; 20 minutes Sarah Time (reading); Weigh-in @ Down 2 lb!
This was my first day of PT. It was okay – not bad, but it didn’t blow me away or anything. I know that any progress or improvement will be slow, so I’m not that surprised that I wasn’t blown away. My PT was okay (he’s a Yankees fan, which is always an important plus in my book), but I liked the assistant more (I don’t know if she was a PT, a PTA, or what). I have 4 more appointments set up, and some exercises and stretches to do in between sessions.

Saturday: 35 minutes PT Exercises + 45 minute PT Stretches; 45 minutes Sarah Time (sewing)
Now that I’ve got homework from PT, my exercise schedule is officially shot to hell. As is my regular schedule. Because, naturally, I have a free hour-plus every day for this crap … oh wait, I don’t. Maybe I’ll get used to the disruption in my schedule, but right now … I think I’d rather have the knee pain. Yeah, I know, that's a bad attitude, but I'm a little frustrated.

Sunday: 82 minutes running + 17 minutes warm up/cool down (walking) + 15 minutes stretching + 15 minutes PT Stretches; 15 minutes Sarah Time (computer time)
Run Recap: 6.81 miles in 1:22:00 hours (12’00” pace)
Goal for this run was 6.5 miles. Usually when I have a distance goal, I stop at the end of the run interval (so I go a little past the distance goal). I reached 6.5 a little less than halfway through my run interval, and by the time I finished that interval, I was up to 6.6 miles, so I decided to just go for 6.75. I did that plus more and it felt fine. I am glad that I did it, but I don’t think I will again. I’ve always said that I want to do my runs based on time, not distance, because if I go by distance I will push myself too hard to make it there faster. I think I did that somewhat today, and while it didn’t end up being a problem, it could have. So I think I’m going back to running by time. I think I’m going to start with 79 minutes next week (which is what I had scheduled until I started this whole “go by distance” thing) and I’ll increase from there.

Less than a 5K away from my September Running Goal! And 2/3rds of the way to my weight loss goal!

Other Comments:
Over the next two weeks, my schedule is a little weird … and all of my PT sessions are early morning sessions on run days. I like the idea of early morning sessions because it doesn’t kill my entire day, but I have to decide whether to move my runs to later in the day or try to squeeze them in on other days. My options right now are running Wednesday and Friday after PT, or Tuesday night at 9PM on the treadmill and Thursday morning. (Or possibly Wednesday after PT and then Thursday AM, but I’m not wild about that idea). Not sure which is the best option. All I know is that this PT thing is more schedule-consuming than I thought it would be.

Sarah's Funny of the Week:
My PT saw my shoes (I was wearing my old Asics) and asked if I run in those shoes – and he said I should get new shoes every 3 months.
I said no, I have other running shoes, and I have about 100 miles on them.
His response: “how do you know that?”
He did not seem to grasp that I can track exactly how many miles are on my shoes. I explained it, and it seemed like he’d never heard of the idea before.
Hey Sarah! I've not commented in a while but I've been keeping up with your posts.

I finally watched Big Hero 6 and YES baymax is AMAZING!

How is your knee doing? So is it a personal trainer you have now? I think you'd said on my journal you went to you doctor first right? I went to physio for my first bad injury was what I thought to be a knee injury but turned out to be an issue with the muscles in my quad. Being injured is so frustrating!

The skirt you got is so colorful, perfect for a Disney run!

Still loving the graphics, you’re almost there for September. How is your week looking so far? Best of luck with it.
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How is your knee doing? So is it a personal trainer you have now? I think you'd said on my journal you went to you doctor first right? I went to physio for my first bad injury was what I thought to be a knee injury but turned out to be an issue with the muscles in my quad. Being injured is so frustrating!

I just realized this is a little confusing.
In my world, PT = physical therapist (what you would call a physiotherapist ... in the US we like to rename things). I saw my GP and then an orthopedic doctor, and the orthopedist sent me to physical therapy. Everyone seems to agree that it's a muscle issue. I just want it to be fixed.

Still loving the graphics, you’re almost there for September. How is your week looking so far? Best of luck with it.

Thanks. I may or may not make it to my goal ... I haven't had a chance to run since Sunday, and it's supposed to rain tomorrow, so we'll see. I don't like to count treadmill runs towards my monthly mileage, but I might just do a treadmill run if that's the only way to get in the run.
October Goals

As always, let’s start by recapping my September Goals:

(Just fyi, this graphic is named “Full August 2015” on my computer. Apparently it took me until September 30th to realize that it’s not August)

Weight Loss Goal: 0/3 lbs – Not my best month. I was close, but I made a lot of bad decisions in the last 3-4 days of the month.

Lifestyle Goal: Some days it was a stretch … aka I took something I was doing anyway and made it Sarah Time. So it was kinda cheating, but I made it.
Running Goal: 50.08/50 miles – I just barely made it! I skipped one run and ended up pushing myself too far for the rest of the month, so this goal was definitely too high. But I’m glad I set & met it anyway.

And now, on to my October Goals:

I don’t know if it’s really reflected in my progress updates here, but I’ve been stressing myself out a lot recently trying to reach my goals. It’s not good. So I’m taking October off from goals. I will continue to watch what I eat and try to lose weight. I will continue to run three times per week. I will continue to post my progress updates every week. But no goals for October. I’m going to focus on each day, each meal, and each run, and not on an overall monthly goal. We’ll see where that gets me at the end of October, but I’m hoping that it helps me do well without being stressed out about it.

Happy October, people! Feel free to share your September/October goals - I love hearing about how my readers are doing!
I love your little charts! I think I maybe was in a similar place as you this month in that I didn't have specific goals, just was trying to get through all my races. So now I need to decide what goals are for October. Probably treadmill OR cross train twice a week and do a long run on the weekend outdoors. Maybe try to run 4-5 miles more often. That seems do-able.
I've also been trying really hard to pack my lunch more often.

And by the way nice job on 50 miles this month. I did less than 30 so big props to you for the hard work!!!


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