Becoming Lean, Mean, Endurace Event Machines in 2008

Just checking in to say that I am back from vacation and ALMOST caught up with work. I won't be reading any posts that I missed over the last 2-3 weeks, so please let me know if any life-altering events occurred to anyone so I can offer my appropriate condolences or congratulations.

Nancy and I seriously tried to be very good about eating and exercising while on the cruise. We were both blown away by the amount of food that some people manage to pack away and still remain slim. One of life's little inequities, I guess. Now that the vacation is over I am back to healthy eating and of course, training for the full marathon. I have all my long and not-so-long walks scheduled from now until taper. I already missed my first one, but it was only a 5-miler and I was having back "issues" so i decided to forego it. So from this point on, things will be serious....less than 20 weeks to go before the big event!
Mornin' friends.
Kira...Yep, the monorail is a good thing. This will be our first trip w/o our kiddos and we're very excited (and a little melancholy). I thought that with it just being the two of us, we could sit in a couple of cozy chairs by the fire and have a drink. Even better, I just checked our airfare this morning and it dropped on SW to $99 each way. Hooray!!!! Are you planning any special dinners since it's just the 2 of you?
Panda...It only takes one and that lucky person is getting you all to him/herself. I know you'll get more as the word gets out.
Beth....You go girl! Three 1/2's in a month? You deserve :yay: :cheer2: :yay: !!!! It sounds like you were a fun, party, running girl in Virgina Beach. I need you to run with me.
Lisa...What? a glass of water every time I blow my nose?:scared1: I think I'd drown! I keep having those sneezing episodes where I sneeze like 6 times in a row! My allergies are bad this year. And you said it.......
:cheer2: It's FRIDAY!!!!!:cheer2:
Everybody else....:wave: :wave: :wave:

I said it up above to Kira, but if you're flying SW in Jan., check your flights. My flights dropped by $40 each way today.:yay: :yay: It's a very good day.
I understood the meaning of a being a true cross country fan yesterday. I, and 3 of the boys, stood in the stinging rain to watch my oldest run in his first Xc race for high school. The hurricanes have made their way into the Midwest. It's been wet here. Today is 6 miles for me on the TM as it's raining again. I actually like the rainy, fall-like days. I seem to get alot accomplished around the house. Take care all and stay strong.:hug:
Yes folks, that means I am running 3 1/2 marathons this month with two of them back to back weekends

Haircut, I think you should be going to the doctor to see if your head is screwed on straight! :lmao: LOL, have good races Beth! :cheer2:

Wait, I just re-read and now understand it's three - half marathons. For a minute I thought it said three and a half marathons. Even I wouldn't attempt that! Er, well maybe :rolleyes1
Hi Everyone,

Tracey: What a great Mom you are standing in the rain to watch the XC meet. How did he do? Good luck with the TM.

Beth: Yup, you're addicted. Good going for signing up for 2 more 1/2s. Good luck to you. I'm glad you were able to have such a good time in VA Beach despite your cold.

Jeanne: Welcome back. Nice job on trying to be good with eating and exercise.

Lisa: I hear you about the weather. It's been hotter in Sept than it was in Aug. Very weird weather this year. Good luck with your long run in the rain. Glad the toenail looks good.

Howard: Hope you enjoy your rest day.

Amy: Hope the storms leave you alone. Hopefully they won't interrupt your vacation.

Mike: Hope you had a good rest day.

I ran an easy 5 1/2 yesterday, the first run since my race. My knees were a bit achy and my ankle was tight. I stretched the ankle and that helped. I switched to new shoes today and that helped.

My run today was AWFUL one of the worst runs I've ever had. My plan was to warm up with an easy mile then do 6 miles at 10K pace. I got the warm up mile done and the first tempo mile then slowly just felt worse and worse. I felt tired and my legs felt heavy. As much as I tried to push the pace I just couldn't move faster. I felt like I would never get home. I couldn't stop to walk because I too had an appt for a haircut and I was running out of time. I made it in the house with 9 minutes for a shower and to grab a bite to eat before I had to leave. I'm not sure what the problem was, I'm going to go with dehydration and just drink a few gallons of water this weekend. I moved my 18 mile long run to Monday since I didn't have time for it today and I don't want to do it tomorrow since it's supposed to rain, and it's my wedding anniv so we're going furniture shopping as a date. Sunday my DH will be at the Pats' game so I'll have all the kids. I'm hoping a long slow run not worrying about pace is what I need right now.

Have a great weekend,
Happy Friday Lean Meaners!

Got my C25K in yesterday (I did have to take a couple of minute walk breaks due to some horrible side stitches) I never get those so I'm not sure what's going on. Also got in a couple miles walking with DD tonight. Hoping to get in 3-4 miles tomorrow.

Beth :woohoo: for all your 1/2's. I am contemplating doing back to back 1/2's in March (Gasparilla 1/2 in Tampa and the Princess).

:wave: and :hug: to everyone! Miss seeing your posts, Debra!!

We're just keeping an eye on Ike here. With each update, the track gets pushed westward. :scared1: I hope to get all of our vacation packing done this weekend in case we have to head out a day or so early.

Have a good weekend everyone!
Amy :-)drinking1 continuing to practice for beer laps at EPCOT)
Beth - Yay! You may be crazy, but I'm glad I'll get to meet you at the Philly Distance Run. Don't forget to check out that thread - we are doing a meet on Saturday 9/20.

Cindy - Sorry about your stonker run. They do happen - I think sometimes there's just no explanation. I'm sure it will be better for you on Sunday.

Lisa - Don't worry too much - I'm really good about hydrating, and I've been eating pretty well, just less than usual! Let's see if I can keep that up now that I'm feeling OK again.:cool1:

As for me - I'm back! I felt better today, and did a really, really easy 3 miles. I am going to sit tomorrow out as Hanna blows through, and then do a LR on Sunday. Not yet sure of the mileage. I missed my 6 mile run last week, and I am supposed to do 8 this week, so I may split the difference and do 7.

It felt really good to get out there again, although I am looking forward to the cooler weather.

P.S. I need a new ticker, but it's making me sad to delete the old one.
Hi everyone! I went to the gym this morning hit the treadmill since Hanna :headache: is visiting us here all day today and into tonight. The treadmill just ate me up and spit me out. I had shin splints by mile 1 and had to pause it several times to stretch out. I managed 3 miles at an 8:55 pace and called it quits.

I came home, I took two Aleve and hit the streets. It was raining, but not too bad when I started out. The shin splints weren't even a issue outside where I normally run. :goodvibes I had 7 miles on the schedule for today and 17 for tomorrow :sad2: . Since I had three already done, I went out to finish the balance of the miles. I wound up running 6 instead of 4. I figured that I would just turn my 17 for tomorrow into a 15 which sounds a bit nicer and friendlier than 17. :roll: 90% of my run outside was in moderate rain and in some areas sustained winds. However, it was a warm rain. Unfortunately, it was hot and 100% humid. The air was like a wet wool blanket draped over my lungs.

So, with the combined runs, I ran:

Miles: 9
Time: 1:20:06
Pace: 8:54


The rest of today will be relaxation and recouperating for tomorrow's LR.

Have a great night!


Hi everyone, just a quick post to say I survived my run today. Since I did two extra miles yesterday, I deducted them from my total today. So I ran 15 today. It felt like a Looooooooooooooonnnnnnnggggggggg way.

Miles: 15
Time: 2:35:55
Pace: 10:23

13:55 - walking
15:24 - walking
15:00 - walking - cool down

Have a great week!


Good morning meaners. This thread kind of dies over the weekend doesn't it?? Good thing the boys are around to perform CPR once in awhile!!

Howard: :thumbsup2 I have to say WTG on knowing when it is time to take a break on those really long runs. You are still faster than me during my 9 with no walking!!!

Mike: What can I say...:worship: to you too. And 10 pounds lost??? I was ecstatic with 3 pounds lost over my 9 mile run!!! :eek:

Kira: I hope you are really feeling well today and got in those miles. I am VERY snarky when I miss a run and if I am sick as well......well.....:furious: :duck:

Amy: For the side stitches, what works for me is being very conscious of breathing in and out on my left foot strike. Believe it or not, it really works. Apparently if you breathe on your right foot strike, your diaphragm compresses your liver and it becomes not very happy....Another instance that gave me a really bad side stitch was lack of proper fueling and over abundance of water. :rolleyes1 Looks like Ike will miss FL entirely!!! My mom has been watching as she has a place in Zephryhills.

Cindy: Bad runs just happen. I sometimes set out for a tempo and it ends up being a slow run. You have to go with what your body tells you most of the tmie. That being said, next time this happens, try pushing yourself out of your comfort zone a little and see how it really feels. I am sometimes feeling so tired in my brain that it translates to the rest of me. It is not that I cannot run faster, I just cannot convince myself that I want to. It is kind of like running the half or the full, your body CAN do it, you just have to talk to the person upstairs!!! :rolleyes:

Jeanne: Glad you had a great cruise.

Stacey: One glass of water for every FIVE times you blow your nose. Gosh, I would be waaaaaaaay over hydrated if I drank everytime I blew my nose! :scared1: You lose more water than you think during allergy season, between the nose blowing, the drying effects of antihistamines and the watery eyes.

Everyone else: Hi from way up here!!!

From the Great North Woods, I did get my 9 in as planned. Hanna only sprinkled on me a little (DH said it was done and the sun was coming out :mad: ) I finished in 1:35:14. Funny to see that Howard finished his in 1:20:06 and that takes off a whole 2 minutes from the mpm time. It kind of puts things in perspective as far as how much pushing yourself really pays off. Not that I will EVER be able to push myself that fast!!!!! Today is the official start of training for Hollis. I like the 4 week training plan as I don't get burned out and stressed out with making sure I get those many miles in. I start out with 28 miles in a week and just progress up to 30. It now turns into fewer longer runs so I have to plan accordingly. I have my DS birthday (#7) on Thursday (yes he was born on THE day of), my nephews #7 birthday on Saturday and DH turns 40 on Monday. Phew, lots of partying in one weekend!!! :goodvibes

Today is a XT day so it is bike and strength. I need to get somewhere to pick up some lawn chairs as ours seem to have not survived the summer so well. :cool2: Actually it was about their 8th summer so it is time. I also need to finish cleaning up the pool (blow up type) from the lawn so it dries and I have a "party" area. DH decided this weekend that he would invite lots of people to his 40th party on Friday night.....:confused3 The boys are having a combined party on Saturday...:sad2: I am now turning from my packing list to the party list. Anyone have a great appetizer that they want to share????

Have a great day meaners and live it to the utmost!!! :flower3:
Morning Lean Meaners!

Jeanne welcome back from your cruise! :wave:

To all of our speed demons :worship: :worship: :worship:

Lisa Thanks for your thoughts on the side stitches. I will definitely pay closer attention to my breathing. Zephyrhills is not far from me at all! I hope Cuba tears Ike apart so no one gets hit with it! And have fun with all the celebrations!! :dance3:

:grouphug: and :wave: to everyone!

Did a 2.5 mile run last night in 31 minutes, which is by no means super fast, but is a training PR for me. I am really hoping to be able to do about 5 miles in an hour. I went back to intervals. I was enjoying the longer runs of the last weeks of C25K, but my weight loss was better in the weeks when I was doing intervals in the earlier weeks of the program. IDK if this really makes a difference but I think it might. Also did 100 crunches.

Not much else going on here. Got alot done over the weekend towards packing for our trip. Found some great deals on men's swim suits at Kohl's. They had speedos (regular swim trunks, not the band aid kind!) for $4.80!!!
Also found DD some nike sport like sandals and light up little mermaid sandals for 5.00 each. I also noticed at target that they had runningskirts for 13.00. I will probably go back and get one. It seemed like they had all the colors on sale.

Got some video of DD walking this weekend. She holds her hands out in front of her like a mummy. So stinkin' cute. None of our family knows she's walking yet, we hope to surprise everyone at the beach house.

Hope everyone has a good day! :)
Hey everyone, I'm back--and only two weeks after my projected return date. :rolleyes: It's a long and boring story, but here are the highlights.

The Life
  • I DID get offered the job, for more pay than I expected but far less stability. It looks like it's a semester-by-semester gig, not an academic year, and the dean told me that after the first year I was "on my own" in terms of employment. (Nice. And I'd thought I'd moved out of my parents' house at 17.)
  • I literally signed my contract 10 minutes before I walked into my first class and filled out payroll a few days after that.
  • It turns out the department I'm working in is very low on the academic food chain. As in guppy status. Not that I thought I was swimming with the sharks or anything.
  • And the film classes within the department are even lower in priority, despite student interest. The classroom in which I show film has no sound system to speak of and uses a small projector system. Of course, I'm expected to supply my own films (DVDs), which with my taste I assumed I would. (I'm offering students extra credit if they go see Spike and Mike's Sick and Twisted Animation festival....)
  • My chair, who does love film, is all but absent (I'm actually teaching her classes) and the department administrative assistant is on medical leave until September 15th. This means I'm negotiating a new university without departmental assistance.
  • Because I signed my contract so late I didn't have a university email address until last Friday. No big deal, EXCEPT students can't contact me. And I can't access voice mail. Or get a library card. Or post a website with assignments. And here's the kicker...I couldn't log onto my office computer OR bring my own computer and use their wireless without being officially affiliated with the university. That meant I could use a computer except for word processing and the like. And my new institution doesn't support the technology I use for film. So I've spent my work time and home time adjusting my teaching and resources--I've been redoing a lot of the class prep I did before the semester started.
  • And no email meant I couldn't log into the computer in my classroom to show films. What does a film class look like with films, you may ask? Oh, a lot like a large-class lecture. BORING! (Even though I like to think I'm entertaining, I'm not that entertaining.)

Most importantly, no access to my work computer meant I had to re-do all my semester prep when I wasn't at the university. AND I couldn't even DIS when I was at work. :headache: I don't mind being told I can't DIS when I'm at work, but if I can't work when I'm at work too...

So I've been a cranky, cranky girl. Stress headaches, a new schedule where my working out has been sporadic (kept up with the running, but little else), and without you, my beloved WISHers. I'd come home, work, and then be too agitated to stay on the computer. I'm sure I'll remember the good times I've had in the last few weeks....eventually.

Okay, rant over. The good news is that I'm seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Not really, but since I'm going to be behind the 8 ball all this semester anyway, I might as well return to the WISH fold, right?

Now off to read some of your posts and respond...
Debra -- I am so sorry for your tale of woe! We have missed you and are thrilled to see you return to the fold! :grouphug:

I'm just glad you're back before the new tv season starts -- what would we do without your insightful analysis of what is worth watching?! popcorn::

I am officially back to chatting in two, count 'em two days! I'm almost done with my busy period, and I can almost smell that DISing time! :rotfl2:

Maria :upsidedow
I can't catch up with everything, which just goes to show me how wonderfully active you all are and how much I enjoy our interactions!

Kira: It's great to see you here! I loved reading about how you're reassessing your status as to who's the "athletic one" in your family. It reminds me a lot of me and DOOD--and me and my brother growing up. Congrats on your PR! And for losing a pound while at WDW and another after! Glad you're feeling better and hope that Hanna passes quietly.

Jeff: Congrats to Hawaii on the Little League championship. And congrats to you too, on you DL race. No, I haven't read about it yet, except for your brief posting, or watched the video, but know that I DID think of you on the big day. Congratulations on doing so well, and for getting to meet lots of folks. I'm sure you were a superstar at the meets. (If for no other reason than you're really photogenic.) As for the Nike 5K...just when you think you were out, they pull you back in...:lmao:

Howard: It looks like your training is coming along nicely. You're getting in lots of weekly miles, I see. Wow! You're doing a great job watching the hip flexor, too. I'm sorry to hear that Hanna had you on the TM and you experienced shin splints. Ugh. I hate those. But you keep getting those LRs in, even with some walking. I hope you're pleased with your progress?

Maria: Oh, Maria, I'm so, so sorry about Gecko, and for having your hopes raised. :hug: I know how hard that is, losing a beloved pet and family member. He was well loved and lived a wonderful life with you, I know. I hope you'll share some pictures and memories of Gecko with us, sometime.

And I hope it's not inappropriate to say this in the same post, but congratulations on your weight loss. Your October goal sounds like a good plan.

Cindy: It looks like you're doing a great job with SparkPeople and nutrition planning. For low-fat, protein options have you tried veggie/soy products? Congratulations on your Covered Bridges 1/2...I know you're a disappointed, but I hope you find solace in your strong first 10 miles. And it sounds like you worked through the side stitch to finish strong, too. (And under 2 hours!) Is this a race you'd do again? It sounds like you're going through a bit of a rough running stretch. :hug:

Lisa: It sounds like you've been busy, busy busy. Sometimes I can't believe how much stuff you manage to get done in an average day. (Makes me think I live my life in slo-mo.) So sorry to hear about the blisters and toenail. Would it help if I said you make your feet sound more than semi-gorgeous? You did great on the Human Race and I think your race walking time was fabulous! Your Labor Day weekend sounded like so much fun, (rogue) frog races and all! Applefest sounds like even more fun, what with the WISHer convention in town.

Vic: Tell us about your Human Race, too! Did you feel part of something big? I wanted to do it, but did a local 5K on Monday instead. (My first, and I learned I don't know how to race a 5K.)

Tracy: More running just to run? I love you! How's the start of school working out for the boys--and how are YOU coping? It sounds like your oldest has his XC groupies earning their reputations. Congratulations on your weight loss. That Mike, he's a smart one.... How are your allergies doing--it's rough this time of year, I think.

AmyK: Big :hug: on getting laid off--I missed the backstory, but I'm glad you and your family have a plan. From the sounds of it, it's probably best that you leave before a co-irker has an untimely demise! (Yep, I've volunteering to take him out for you--and not via email. Talk is good....but I want to fulfill my fantasy of being a high-powered "fixer.") You're doing very well with your running, and overcoming injuries. Your 2.5 in 31 minutes is just great! I'm happy you can see your progress, too. Are you looking forward to your RftC? I've got my fingers crossed for you with regards to Ike.

Beth: I'm sorry to hear you've been sick, overwhelmed at work, and missing Nancy. But it's good to hear you've managed to have a good running race, despite being sick, in that time. You're like a poster child for running! Your description when you refocus your priorities on finishing and then becoming the party girl made me want to be on the sidelines, cheering you on! Then you go and sign up for back-to-back 1/2s! It must be for that party scene, huh? :rolleyes1

Julie: Is jumping off the wagon anything like jumping through hoops, which is what I've been doing? I hear that jumping is good for the cardiovascular system, if that's of any comfort. When I'm struggling I do what you do--lots of wagons leave the wagon train and I try to find the running one first. How's that going?

Dave: The Total Fitness plan (project?) is so danged cool! I can't think of a better person to motivate and inspire others. (But spare time--do you have any of that?? ;) ) Congratulations on becoming a teaher and mentor in an official capacity. "Snark Bite"--bwa ha ha ha!

Mike: Your training is as consistent as ever! What kind of volunteer stories do you have to share with us?

Stacie: How was Vero Beach?

Jeanne: Welcome back! You were missed, so you'll have to make it up to us with some of your witty stories.

As for me: Well, you read it above, folks. Bah on work. It's interfering with my fun.
Good Evening Lean Meaners! :wave:

Debra Glad to "see" you back on here! I hope things settle down a bit in the work department AND most importantly that you get to DIS as much as you would like to. Luckily I am still employed (for the moment), but the layoff is imminent. I fully expect to come back from TOT weekend and not have a job. But there is talk about add-on funding, so who knows. :confused3

Said coirker almost met his untimely demise today, when he started complaining about his 8% body fat, and wanting to have plastic surgery to get rid of his non existent love handles. This is a guy who lifts weights for 2 hours at the gym practically every day and I guess is in pretty good shape (although he doesn't do much cardio).

Looking very forward to my RfTC and have recently decided to double up on races that weekend. I will do my local race saturday and the WDW one on Sunday. :woohoo: It is such a good cause, I can't pass it up.

For me today: I did a bit of walking on the TM with incline, about 2 miles. I had planned on also doing pilates, but DD had a meltdown so that took priority. The problem is, now that she can walk, she wants to walk everywhere, and sometimes that just isn't possible.:scared1:

I hope to get in another interval run tomorrow.

Have a good night!!:)
Good morning Meaners!! :goodvibes

Debra: Nice to have you back with us. Now, nowhere in your description of what has been happening in your life did I see where you had made ToT plans.....:confused:

So, yesterday on the radio, I heard that Americans are sleeping less and less all the time and my take on that was that they needed to get more exercise because I have NO trouble sleeping whatsoever!! :laughing: I would like to get everyone else's take on this sleeping issue.

Now, granted, my days are fuller than a lot of people's are but, I am up at 4 a.m. and showered, breakfasted and on the computer to "work" by 5 a.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday I work 7 hour days and Sunday I work a 4 hour day making my mere 32 hours a week of work also. After work, I run, bike, etcetera for at most an hour. Two days a week I lift weights. I am done my day and ready for bed by 8 p.m. and usually in bed and asleep by 9 p.m. giving me a total of 7 hours of sleep. I would much rather have 8 but this is the life I have right now. On my day's off (Wednesday and Saturday) I am still up and moving by 5 in the morning :sad2: I know, how silly but habit is habit. So, how much sleep do the rest of you get? :confused3 I am an 8 hour of sleep girl living on 7 hours! Whew, I am tired just typing it out!!

Have a great day everyone and make sure to get some exercise in that counts today. We are working toward a Lean Mean nation here and just because we are the leaders of the nation does not mean we can just sit back and dictate, we have to teach by example. Set a good example today!!!! :yay:
Sure is nice to see Debra back, I bet she is a heck of a professor. The students learn all kinds of new words and ways of looking at the world.

Lisa, your bright smiling post every morning is a joy. I feel like I've found a lost sister up there in the north woods, we are so much alike.

I have been busy the last week with putting together my site. It will probably be the first of the year before it's finished. I have been having fun with my first blog also. I'm very computer stupid so this is a long project. Like the Scare Crow in the Wizard of Oz, "If I only had a brain".

Is everyone ready for ToT??????

Have an awesome day dear friends.

Happy Panda


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