Becoming Lean, Mean, Endurace Event Machines in 2008

Bill - Thank you for starting this new thread and breathing old life into our weightloss thread and goals :thumbsup2

I'm ready to start back on track tomorrow. I managed to get rid of a bunch of junk and load up on much healthier eating options. Rather than going hard core and then quitting again after a short time, I plan to work on eating healthier and getting in some sort of exercise in several times a week.

Looking forward to "loosing" with all of you!!!!!!:goodvibes
Hi Lynnda and Sandy!!

I am so ready to start but my lungs did not like the leap from the warm Florida weather to the Cold Ohio Winter...why exactly was I complaining when it was only 65 in Florida?

Yesterday I had chest x-rays the doctor was relieved but surprised that I ONLY have bronchitis and not I figure I am out of the exercising circuit until Feb. 1 when I will begin my training for my next half...

My hubby and I are going to do the Flying Pig Half marathon which is on May 4 - my goal is to lose 20 pounds in my training...then I will train for the Air Force Half Marathon in September with another goal of 20 pounds for that training period and then lose 10 more as I train for either the Disney half or full...depending on my in-laws and if they decide to go with us...
Good Morning:

Well, the weekend went pretty good, considering I did not expect it to be perfect. Made, I think, some good choices, and I avoided any major pig outs, binges.

This week, I plan on eating "cleaner." I am not a nutritionist or dietician, but to me this means trying to eat primarily good/complex carbs, including increasing my normal vegetable intake, try to minimize refined carbs (sugar and "enriched" flours), avoid hydrogynated oils (processed foods) and reduce saturated fat consumption (but, hey, a man's got to have his red meat). My theory is the key is shopping around the outside of the grocery store (produce, meats, seafood and diary) and minimize the processed stuff in the aisles.

For now I am also thinking of eating "clean" at least during the week and just smart/controlled on weekends. In time, I'll try to do it always, barring special occassions, like WDW.

Another thing is that to make this a life style change, I do not intend to deprive myself of things I really like on occassion. The key will be teaching myself moderation and control.

Today I broke (I mean tipped) the scale at 400+ lbs. Goal number one -- get my weight to start with a "3".
You are right on with assessment of eating clean, Bill. It also includes roasted, broiled, steamed and grilled! If you can lay your hands on it, resonably priced, bison would be a great choice for your red meat! It is the lowest in fat of anything!

For your fruits and veggies, make sure you have red, green, yellow, and orange, every week! It's more interesting and better nutrition!:banana:

And do be sure and treat yourself! That keeps the deprivation thing from attacking you! And if you find a reasonably tasty alternative, don't be afraid to use it. I love "diet" fudgesicles in summer. They are only 70 calories and feel absolutely sinful! :love:

I am still avoiding white foods. I am moving and preparing my training schedule. I WILL lose 10 lbs by April 27! I promise me! (teehee). I have decided to try and train for a marathon and see if it's even doable.

I am swimming along nicely! :fish:
Today's goals:

1. Drink the water, drink the water, drink the water
2. Move 45 min - either by video, or at the gym
3. Minimize snacks - use fruits and veggies as snack.
4. Grocery List - include whole wheat items, like wasi crackers, pasta, soup

One step at a time. Thank you Bill for working on your goals, and pushing me to be realistic, and not stick my head in the sand! I am overwhelmed with my number, and I have to work on 2#s a week... I cant get beyond that yet!
Whoo-hoo, everyone! It sounds like we're off to a great start. I went to the gym today and it was sooo crowded because of the MLK, Jr. holiday. Looks like all the resolutioners are still at it in my area--that's good, because I get motivated by others' progress. One of the things I like about this thread it that we're all working on other goals beyond weight loss: lifestyle changes, eating cleaner, the next race, faster times, improving our general health, and building community. It's these kinds of things that will help us achieve our goals in the long run (sorry, couldn't resist the pun).

I love your goals, Sandy, and your #1 is always my number one. I have a hard time with that, for whatever reason. (Okay, I know the reason, I prefer soda & coffee.) I love that both you, Bill, and Minnie are helping me be focus on moderation and realistic goals. I'll have to check out the other thread.

Bill I love your self-assessment. Good for you for making good choices & focusing on lifestyle changes. I also like the idea of eating clean--it's another mantra I can adopt, I think. (For exercise, I use "Man up." As in "Shut Up and Man Up, Debra!) I think the 2 pounds = 2 seconds Cindy provided will help too, although I might have to lose my entire self to set a respectable time! :rotfl: Steff, I'm also trying to avoid white foods. But boy, do I love that rice and potatoes, not to mention ice cream. Maybe I'll try that fudgesicle.

Like you Beth, I'm trying to re-reach my goal weight, but I'm impressed that you've already scheduled another half-marathon. I'm working on becoming a runner, so it'll be good to keep up to date with news of your races. Julia & Nicks Mom--that's a great plan, interspersing weight-loss with your races as motivation. You made me laugh out loud when you said your plans will depend on your ILs. That's so true, isn't it? My ILs came with us for the Disney Marathon weekend, and everything was thrown off-kilter (which we didn't even get to see).

As for myself, I stepped on the scale this morning and it said I was down 3 pounds from last Monday. Now I know that that loss wasn't even remotely possible, so I can only assume that my weight was fluctuating quite a bit after the Goofy, that I weighed myself at two different times of the day (which I did), etc. I have no real sense of any progress I made, or did not make, this last week.

Anyway, I did the next best thing. I pulled out that sheet of paper from January 2006, when I was just going into maintenance mode--and that quite a few pounds less than I am now. I kept the record to help remind me where I want to be, where i feel most comfortable. It's been too long since I looked at it, which is too bad because it not only lists my goal weight, but the record of how long it took to get there, & my body measurements. Then I pulled out the tape measure. As you might guess....:rolleyes1

So I'm glad a have a bunch of different instruments by which to assess my progress--my weight and measurements, of course, but also my running program, dietary choices, and those precious Disney medals! :thumbsup2
Weight loss is difficult, plain and simple. We all have different methods to get that done, but boy is it hard!!! I admire everyone here, that they have the desire to improve their lives.

I follow a low carb plan. I started my weight loss in May 2005 with a weight loss physician. I went from 231 pounds to 160 pounds. I will NEVER be a thin/skinny body, but 160 was a good weight for me. My goal has always been 150, but really had a hard time getting there.

The year 2007 was my marathon training year. Marathon training is not possible on a low carb diet (I found out the hard way). So I increased my carb intake and in the process of training, went up to 187 pounds. Now, I am in the endeavor to lose again! I want to be a 150, but will settle for 160!!!

I have been eating well (40g carbs a day) and have lost 6 pounds since Jan 1st. I have more energy, and able to run without feeling like crap! It's all good! Low carb always makes me feel great. I will continue to low carb even through 1/2 marathon training. I can live with's when I was running 14 to 20 miles at a time that low carb interferes.

My next 1/2 marathon is in Lehigh Valley (Allentown PA) hosted by Runner's World. I would like to PR that one, since it was my first 1/2 marathon in 2006.

Me too! Me too! :thumbsup2

Big Vic For those of you who don't know me, I am on high blood pressure meds and have been warned about my climbing blood sugar. I lost 23 pounds recently and got my bloood sugar just inside the "normal" zone, but I'm still at least 60 pounds overweight (and I'm talking "normal" weight -- not Twiggy weight).

I'd love to be held accountable here -- and to post my progress while encouraging others.

And with all that, she flies like the wind....AND even did the Dopey this year!

Wendy, I have seen you and 60 pounds sounds like a bit much, but I certainly hear you, girl. I think you and I must both be cursed with a totally
crappy metabolism. According to the charts, I am well within the obese range. Losing about 30 pounds will put me in the merely overweight category. I try and I try, but nothing seems to work. Very frustrating when I know I am out there working my butt off.
My low carb is 10g carbs per meal (if you don't use them, you lose them) and a snack for 10g carbs per day.

I am told that this is somewhere between Atkins (20g a day) and South Beach (which is alot more).

Beth--Those look like the numbers/carbs breakdown suggested in Protien Power.

One thing for those thinking about the low/controlled carb route, when calculating carbs, fiber is deducted by some from the carb count. The reason is that the purpose of reducing carbs is to not trigger an insulin response, as insulin helps to quickly store carbs as fat. Fiber is not "digested" and, as such, does not trigger an insulin response. Thus, it is not counted as part of the carb intake.
Ok, so just as I was about to convince myself I could "skip" my 40 minutes on the TM today, I saw this thread...

Bill -- you know I'm with you! We're going to do this together, with all this WISH power, we are going to be floatin' like helium balloons!:rotfl2:

Thanks for the push I needed to get moving today. I did 8 loads of laundry, and I was going to give myself a pass...that's one of my issues -- I make excuses like that all the time.

Off I go to change and hit the TM, I'm not going outside when it's 8 w/the wind chill!:scared1:

and South Beach (which is alot more)./QUOTE]

About 3 years ago I was a South Beach devotee. I lost a lot of weight and felt great! Then I injured my back and my eating/exercising went out the window and I gained everything I lost back plus some.

It's a great program. The problem is turning it into a WOL instead of just another diet... Something I'm obviously not very good at :guilty:
Good answer Beth! So, now my question is: Do you count the carbs in fruits and vegetables? How about legumes, corn, peas, and other starchy vegetables or do you just count "grain" foods?
Good afternoon "Lean Meaners!"

I made it out to the patio/gym this afternoon. Haven't slung iron in quite a while, so I took it easy, dropped the poundage, and reintroduced myself to the process. The plan is to stay consistent with this, and running.

I believe my feet have healed up enough to allow me to run tomorrow.

Been cleaning up the diet also. This is my biggest problem as I do pretty good during the week and then blow it on the weekends. Guess we'll need to work on that too.

Y'all take care and keep up the great work!

Ok, so just as I was about to convince myself I could "skip" my 40 minutes on the TM today, I saw this thread...

Thanks for the push I needed to get moving today. I did 8 loads of laundry, and I was going to give myself a pass...that's one of my issues -- I make excuses like that all the time.



I'm right there with you. I did laundry this morning and thought about the cold and thought, hey, it's frigid outside, I could just do the pilates... and then I saw all the WISHers here getting it done, and I didn't want to get kicked off the team my first week! So I went to the gym and told myself only half an hour... then I got there and did 50 minutes--but only 2.5 miles (it was my second workout day).

This is a great place to stay motivated!

I'd like to add that it's hard for me sometimes to force myself to exercise because I'm not overweight--it is just too easy to think that that's enough--until I get on the $%^& treadmill and find it hard to go very far or very fast. My grandmother died of heart disease among other things--a great reminder that it doesn't matter what shape the body is if the heart isn't in good shape! A big thank you to all here who are so supportive in my quest to become healthy!
Tonight I wore my marathon shirt up to church wehere i work in the religious ed program...

one woman's husband did the full and then another woman was SO impressed - she has always thought about a half and I think I might have talked her into it!! It was cool to have the high I felt when people said way to go at Disney!!

I am going to try to follow the diabetic diet

here are some plans
1500 Calorie Diabetic Diet
1800 Calorie Diabetic Diet
2000 Calorie Diabetic Diet

this is a calculator to determine how many calories you should eat a day
calorie calculator

I have successfully lost 30 pounds on this diet in a 3 month period and i find that it is plenty of food...the trick is learning proportions and staying disciplined!
Since I made the really insane decision to go Goofy next year, I am going to need the entire duration to properly prepare. That means more mileage & the occasional back-to-back long runs.

I recovered from last weekend slowly (I think the 4 miles worth of calf cramps did that), but since then I have logged about 37 miles. I did 10.5 yesterday & 9.8 today. I am concentrating on proper hydration, keeping the electrolytes in balance & finding a Marathon strategy that works for me. I'm Hoping to be between 4:30 - 5:00 in a marathon next month. We'll see.

Tomorrow I rest (duh!). I will do some cross training on my bike on Wednesday, a shorter run on Thursday & am running in a 5k race in town on Saturday.

I'm getting to the point where I feel somewhat guilty if I don't get the miles in. That's a Good Thing, right?

I still do not eat very well (Actually, I eat VERY well, just not enough of the good stuff). I'm trying to cut back on meats, & to celebrate this, we went to Outback tonight. Go figure. Also foods with processed sweetener, no sugared drinks, etc., etc. It's actually been MONTHS since I've had a Snickers Bar. I'll warn you - - do NOT come near me with one. Prepare to defend yourself. It Will Not Be Pretty......... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

You folks all keep me going. Every one of you is an inspiration.

P.S. - a REALLY cool thing happened at the JimB. household a couple of days ago. My DW, who likes exercise about as much as a case of Throat Cancer, said to me that maybe she will run in the Family 5K next year. After picking my jaw up off of the floor, I calmly said "that would be really cool, I'll do it with you". Soooo, next week - to the running store to get my chickadee a good pair of running shoes. What you all have done for me may be rubbing off onto her. Neat, huh?
Hey everyone!! Congrats on all the good starts!!!

Okay... so, I am doing pretty well... I have been eating well... and I feel myself "in the zone" You all know what I mean... the place where you don't make the excuse.. you just do it.... so far... that has applied to the eating portion... now I just have to get the exercise part down.... that is where I find so many excuses!! I just have to make the time..... I am out of my house on a general day from 8 am to 11pm.... I have to figure out a way to make sure I get up earlier...UGH... I am sooooo not liking that idea!!! But..> I WILL find a way to make it work!!! Thanks for the inspiration.... :)


Steffwalks, Yes I count all my carbs. I do count "net" carbs (after subtracting the fiber count) from all foods. I am carefully eating some fruit, but not much. Mostly 'carb conscious' canned fruit (peaches, pears) in small amounts and fresh berries (blueberries, strawberries). You really can't have alot, but I do get some everyday.

I have to be careful with dairy also. I am using the low carb milk (Carb Countdown) to make hot chocolate once in awhile. I use low carb cottage cheese (usually with the fruit). The brand with the fewest carbs is Friendship brand I found at my local Giant, which is 3 carbs for 1/2 cup.

I use Dreamfields pasta, which is a WONDERFUL low carb pasta. My whole family eats it, b/c it really tastes like regular pasta.

I order great low carb bread and bagels online from which has a whole lot of products other than bread.

I have followed many plans before (Weight Watchers, etc) and low carb has been my savior. I have never been as successful as I have on low carb. I did gain some, but every other time I gained ALL my weight back plus more. I have to defend the plan alot, but on it I feel wonderful! More energy, no mood swings, no sugar highs and's all good. It can be a hard WOL sometimes, but I find it easy to go back on after I fallen off the 'wagon'.

I do recognize that it's not the plan for dh can't do it at all, and he didn't feel good on it. I hope everyone the best of luck, which ever plan you decide on!



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