Beggars are getting bold!

It is a Liberal Democrat policy in the UK to get the homeless shelter and support they need to lead a life - and to rebuild it. Especially veterans, who fought for Queen and Country only to return home to be shunned. What a disgrace :(
It is or at least used to be law in the UK to get a roof over everybody's heads, often via B&Bs. I don't know if that law still survives.
It's one of those situations that I hope I never find out. I've never used an illegal drug, not even pot, I'll drink a beer, glass of wine, or a drink but I don't use drugs. I've just often wondered was it actually addictive or is it the feeling that one wants to replicate.
Say if someone slipped something in my drink or injected me without my knowing. Could I become addicted? Or would I continually try to replicate the feeling?
I hope I never find out.
I know plenty of people that do drugs, and witnessing them is enough to keep me straight.

Have you ever had a sedated medical procedure? Surgery, endoscopy, colonoscopy, tooth extraction? Then you've likely had an addictive drug like Valium, xanax ativan, fentanyl, morphine, dilaudid, etc. Are you addicted after one or two exposures? No, of course not. Addicts are chasing the high the first few times.

After awhile, you do become physically addicted. Your brain stops making "feel good chemicals" , so you feel absolutely awful. on a numbers scale, Let's say feeling normal is a 0, getting high the first few times brings you to a 10, and you come back down to a 0. After awhile, the high only gets you to a 7 or 8, and when you come down it's more like a -3. Long term, you need the drugs just to get to a 0, and when you come down, it's a -10. Because the drugs fill up the feel good receptors, your brain says "Hey, we're oversupplied, time to furlough this factory for a bit".

Nobody takes that first hit thinking "you know, I'd like to become an addict and destroy my life"
Have you ever had a sedated medical procedure? Surgery, endoscopy, colonoscopy, tooth extraction? Then you've likely had an addictive drug like Valium, xanax ativan, fentanyl, morphine, dilaudid, etc. Are you addicted after one or two exposures? No, of course not. Addicts are chasing the high the first few times.

After awhile, you do become physically addicted. Your brain stops making "feel good chemicals" , so you feel absolutely awful. on a numbers scale, Let's say feeling normal is a 0, getting high the first few times brings you to a 10, and you come back down to a 0. After awhile, the high only gets you to a 7 or 8, and when you come down it's more like a -3. Long term, you need the drugs just to get to a 0, and when you come down, it's a -10. Because the drugs fill up the feel good receptors, your brain says "Hey, we're oversupplied, time to furlough this factory for a bit".

Nobody takes that first hit thinking "you know, I'd like to become an addict and destroy my life"

I'm not a fan of benzos. My Grandmother was prescribed them recklessly decades ago and died addicted to them. Ich.
I have several students who are homeless. They and their families shower at our school. Some of us send home extra food so they can eat over the weekend. We have a "crisis" interventionist who helps parents keep their homes. When a child has no idea where they're going to sleep that night or if they're going to have food to eat outside of school, learning is not always the first thing on their minds.

This popped up on my FB today:
Back when I took the bus I always saw the same people and gave them a little cash and I came across a woman recently that needed a ride felt bad I could not help her but was on a strict time line that day I hope she found someone
The best thing you can give them besides maybe taking them into your home and letting them live with you is a ride to the homeless shelter. That's were they belong. Not standing on street corning, urinating on the sides of the road and sleeping in door ways of commercial building. Thats not whats best for them. You seem to think I don't care. I think I care more than most on this thread. I want the best for them. So please help them all you can. It takes real time and real money to help the down trodden. Not a buck.

Unfortunately here in Maine there aren't enough shelters to house the homeless. Many live in small tent villages (including young children) until the state comes in and cleans them up and sends them on their way. Also, years ago Maine closed a large mental health care facility and many of its mentally ill patients ended up homeless on the streets of Portland.
DH just came home from the grocery store. He said a woman approached his car and asked for money to buy food. He handed her a $5 bill and she thanked him. He began to roll his car window up when she abruptly stopped him and said, "Hey wait! I need 35 cents more to pay the tax on my sandwich with the $5 you gave me". DH laughed and said someone else would have to pay her tax and drove away. This floors me that someone would ask for *more* money from a total stranger. Oh well...:confused3
Aren't we already paying her share of taxes ;) How ungrateful of a woman was she, your husband was very generous in giving her anything - just when you think you've seen/heard it all someone like this woman comes along.

Last summer while vacationing in the USVI my children and I were dining at an outdoor table and two young girls approached our table with a clipboard, they couldn't have been more than 8 or 9. They were asking for money so that their family could take a trip to another island to visit relatives and their clipboard was so that you could write your name and address down (which I did not do), I gave them $2 because after that I only had $20s. They hit a few tables before the management chased them away but I was really shocked to see that. I felt really bad for those poor children for many different reasons.
I clearly stated what I have done and still do.
Aside from the holiday donations mentioned earlier, do you know what portion of your charity donations are actually spent on the charity, vs 'operating costs'? A dollar handed to a beggar guides them a dollar. The same dollar donated to charity might give them 95¢ in services. Might just get them 20¢.
Aside from the holiday donations mentioned earlier, do you know what portion of your charity donations are actually spent on the charity, vs 'operating costs'? A dollar handed to a beggar guides them a dollar. The same dollar donated to charity might give them 95¢ in services. Might just get them 20¢.
Unless of course, your company has matching donations.

Then your $1 might be $2. And with operating expenses, it might come down to $1.60

Or you could give to a charity that gives even more and the $2 mean $1.90

When I give to an organization, I know exactly where that money is going. When I give to a person? I have no idea. Heck, I don't even know if that person is in need.
Aside from the holiday donations mentioned earlier, do you know what portion of your charity donations are actually spent on the charity, vs 'operating costs'? A dollar handed to a beggar guides them a dollar. The same dollar donated to charity might give them 95¢ in services. Might just get them 20¢.
I do, yes. Lol. But maybe I'll take yours and others advice and start handing out dollar bills instead. Every day that I drive past the UCF area in Orlando I see the same 3 young healthy looking men standing on that dangerous corner with signs. They take turns working the different red lights. It's very hazirdous for drivers and pedestrians. They are there because it's profitable to them. People that work with the homeless do not want people giving them money. There are others areas of Orlando I see the same people day in day out. Usually young white males. Some have resorted knocking on the car windows and demanding money. It's not right and the police should do whatever it takes to get these people off the roads.
Aside from the holiday donations mentioned earlier, do you know what portion of your charity donations are actually spent on the charity, vs 'operating costs'? A dollar handed to a beggar guides them a dollar. The same dollar donated to charity might give them 95¢ in services. Might just get them 20¢.

But it does NOT help them buy a fifth, and 8 ball, or a dime bag.

Also, the charities are usually able to stretch that dollar a lot further than the average joe. They get huge discounts from suppliers, so that $1.00 buys more than it would at Sav a Lot or Walmart.
I have several students who are homeless. They and their families shower at our school. Some of us send home extra food so they can eat over the weekend. We have a "crisis" interventionist who helps parents keep their homes. When a child has no idea where they're going to sleep that night or if they're going to have food to eat outside of school, learning is not always the first thing on their minds.

This popped up on my FB today:

After watching I googled them to find out a little more, what a wonderful thing they do.
There are many, many homeless children in the Orlando area. Many would be surprised at the number. Homeless can include living in motels but still are considered homeless. It's a very sad situation for those children.
Sometimes I just give and leave it to a higher being to sort it out. I hate to be scammed as much as the next guy but sometimes they get the old heart strings. I have bought food or some gas when asked. At least I know where it is being spent.
Just a month or two ago, my husband and son and I stopped at a Wendy's for dinner. We ate inside and saw a homeless man come in with all belongings. We saw him in the corner when we drove in so he must have been taking a break. We got up and left and were stopped at the stoplight waiting to turn. Then we see the homeless guy come running out of the restaurant toward us. He's waving my wallet that I left on the seat next to me! I was so grateful to him and neither my husband or I had any cash to give him, so we drove to the ATM and got him $20 and drove back to give it to him. I wish I would've had more to give him, because he saved me from the headache of having to replace my license, credit cards, etc. but we were so grateful! My husband introduced our 9 year old son to him and told our son to always remember this and always do the right thing just like this gentleman.
There are many, many homeless children in the Orlando area. Many would be surprised at the number. Homeless can include living in motels but still are considered homeless. It's a very sad situation for those children.
Those families who live with relatives because they have no place of their own, or "couch surf" from one house to another looking for a place to sleep are all considered homeless. Not sure if it is all states, but in ours if a family doesn't have their own personal home address they are considered homeless. We, as a school, cannot and should not refuse admission into the school because they don't have their own address. We also have to provide transportation, even if the shelter, house, hotel, or wherever they are staying is not in our district, by law we still must provide transportation to our school. This is to protect the child and his or her education. It gives them at least one consistency in their lives.
I think it's important to do your due dilligence when giving your money, time etc away. I think making a general statement that I never give and I always give may not be genuine. When presented with with the opportunity to give I look at the context of the situation. Example, I see the same guy with a sign "trying to move to -----" for a year now. I'm done giving. Saw a homeless man in Venice yesterday who was blind. It was truly the saddest thing I have ever seen. I gave everyday I saw him while there. So I think it is disingenuous to make a blanket statement that some don't care and others do. I have to believe that most people look at each individual situation in its context and experiences , then move forward with them individually as whether to give or not.
Aren't we already paying her share of taxes ;) How ungrateful of a woman was she, your husband was very generous in giving her anything - just when you think you've seen/heard it all someone like this woman comes along.

Last summer while vacationing in the USVI my children and I were dining at an outdoor table and two young girls approached our table with a clipboard, they couldn't have been more than 8 or 9. They were asking for money so that their family could take a trip to another island to visit relatives and their clipboard was so that you could write your name and address down (which I did not do), I gave them $2 because after that I only had $20s. They hit a few tables before the management chased them away but I was really shocked to see that. I felt really bad for those poor children for many different reasons.

I'm not entirrely sure why you felt bad for them- because management chased them away? More than likely, management chased them away because they were scammers. The clipboard scam is prevalent in Europe and elsewhere. They don't have family they're trying to visit- if you signed the clipboard, they demand a random amount of money they claim you "pledged". It's funny (although horrible) to watch tourists fall for it.
Aside from the holiday donations mentioned earlier, do you know what portion of your charity donations are actually spent on the charity, vs 'operating costs'? A dollar handed to a beggar guides them a dollar. The same dollar donated to charity might give them 95¢ in services. Might just get them 20¢.

I vett my charities pretty closely, so I don't feel like I have to vett individual charity issues. Its something everything should do. The major charities I support locally are run by an almost all volunteer board, like the president is paid only, with fantastic local impact AND transparency. I wish more people looked into the charities they support to get the most of their money, and also so that the community, local, national, global communities get the most too:)


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