Benadryl for Motion Sickness?




I just got off the phone with my daughters' pediatrian. I called to ask her what motion sickness medications would be safe for my twins to take. She recommended Benadryl. She said that the girls, who are 5 years old are too young to take Dramine or Bonine. I've never really heard of taking cold medication to combat seasickness. Has anyone given Benadryl to their kids this way? My youngest ones gets a little carsick, but only in a traffic jam with stop and go traffic. That's the only thing that gives her motion sickness. She goes on all theme park rides with no problems. Her favorite rides are the ones that spin - like Cat in the Hat at IOA. We rode it 4 times straight (no lines) and she had no problems.
There is a children's chewable dramamine that is safe for kids ages 2 and above. I only give it to my daughter on SMALL boats, though (such as catamaran excursions) and even then she doesn't always need it. She is not prone to motion sickness.

Unless the seas are unusually rough I wouldn't give anything to your daughters, it sounds like they will be fine. :) Both dramamine and benadryl can make kids sleepy, and you'd hate for them to sleep through the cruise.

Good luck! :)
My husband is a physician, and he takes liquid Benedryl when he has motion sickness.. Dramamine is an antihistamine, that's why Benedryl works. Trust your pediatrician.. we travel with liquid Benedryl for our 4 yr old...and my husband takes a "swig" when he needs it! Alot cheaper than Dramamine too! Make sure it's the liquid for the kids and ask your pediatrician the dose before you go...
Hope you don't have to use it much!
My nieghbor just gave me "Sea-Band" wristbands for my DD who is 7 and very prone to motion sickness. They are rather stylish in bright green/orange. I am taking along some children's dramamine just in case but I am hoping these will do the trick.

I always have given my DD a 1/2 a dose of benedryl an hour before taking off in a plane. This was recommended by an ER DR in the ER Room the year my DD (at 2yrs old) got sick with hoof in mouth for our entire vacation in which she almost had to be hospitalized. The reason: the germs and bacteria (which is rampant on airplanes) can settle in the fluid which gathers in the child's ear when flying (the ear popping thing). This is why infants and small children are very suseptable to ear infections after they fly. The benedryl drys out the ear canals thus less chance for bacteria to settle there. The added benefit is she sleeps the whole trip. If you child is sensitive (hyper) to Benedryl the "1/2 dose" instead of full should take care that.
You should also talk to your pediatrition about two other possible remedies that are not pharmacuetical in nature. One is SeaBands (which worked great for me BUT aggravated my carpal tunnel problems) and the other is ginger tablets. I wouldn't give the second to you child without talking to the MD first, but the SeaBands are a great solution which doesn't need medical approval (unless your child suffers from diabetes or a circulation problem--then I'd check w/ the MD first)

DH and I usually take chlorpheniramine or brompheniramine for sea-sickness. They are the least sedating anti-histamines available OTC. The 'chlor-' is available in 4, 8 and 12 hour formulations and since we always have some on hand for allergic reactions, we don't need to bother packing extra medication.
My son gets car sick all the time, we got him sea bands and dramamine chewables for our first cruise and forgot them after the first day. On the big cruise ship he has no problem. It is only the constant bumping motion of a car or a whale watch small boat that effects him. Your kids may not need a thing!
I used Sea Bands one night when it was a little rough, other than that I was fine. My DD5 didn't have any seasickness, but I did buy her a pair of Sea Bands to bring along in Jan just in case.
My pediatrician has always suggested Benadryl for car sickness, and I routinely give it to my 8 year old daughter before a long ride, as she will surely get sick. She has been on 2 cruises both 7 day and 4 day, and absolutely no problems with motion sickness.


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