Benny Hinn

I love Benny Hill but have never heard of Benny Hinn...
Well he is here at the arena today and man the crowd outside is getting larger :eek:
I have watched his program on the Christian network here in Michigan a few times. He seems very sincere in his dedication to the Lord. Somehow, after all the TV scandels from a few years back I find it hard to watch some of these telecasts, but the music is very nice.
Are you one who believes in the laying on of hands that he does?
He does say the power that heals the audience members is not his... that he is just God's instrument. I won't pass judgement on him. None of us can know for sure I guess.
His hairstyle always makes me laugh.
I've seen him and his comb over on tv. I don't think he's supposed to crack me up, but he does.
Please don't judge what you haven't experienced yourself.....I used to feel the same way as many of you seem to feel, but to each his own I guess.
I have good friends who have followed him for years. I personally do not watch him, but respect the choice of my friends who do.


P.T. Barnum.......
He's pretty slick. Smacks people upside the head and says "you are healed". He has a pretty big following but I'm not inclined to donate money anywhere other than my own church.:p
His hair & appearance crack me up to
When he hits people on the forehead &
says take the faith or whatever & they fall over
I just die laughing
sorry not meaning to offend
but I don't buy it
Each of us has to decide what he or she really believes. Do we believe in the Sovereign Lordship of God the Creator? Meaning, that part of Gods nature is that He is incapable of lying? Do we believe in His Son Jesus Christ? Do we believe as Jesus said “Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father in Me?”(John 14:10) Do we believe, therefore, Jesus is incapable of lying? If we believe all of the above things then Jesus said “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father”(John 14:12). If all of the above is believed, then why is it so hard to accept what Mr. Hinn does? How do you discern whether a man, who claims to be doing the will of God, is actually doing the will of God without using the Word of God?

Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English soverain, from Middle French, from Old French, from (assumed) Vulgar Latin superanus, from Latin super over, above -- more at OVER
Date: 14th century
Variant(s): also sovran
1 a : superlative in quality : EXCELLENT b : of the most exalted kind : SUPREME c : having generalized curative powers d : of an unqualified nature : UNMITIGATED e : having undisputed ascendancy : PARAMOUNT
2 a : possessed of supreme power b : unlimited in extent : ABSOLUTE c : enjoying autonomy : INDEPENDENT
3 : relating to, characteristic of, or befitting a sovereign
synonym see FREE
- adverb


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