BE's Never Ending TR -- That kind of ... Ended? Or did it?

Well, since October is just around the corner and I will be going to my first Halloween Party at Disneyland exactly one week from today I have decided to change my 'theme' a little bit and now instead of Snow White, my signature and avatar shall all remain a salute to the Evil Queen!


Thanks Kim! Finishing the 5K as strongly as I did made me feel like I'll be ready to take on the Tinker Bell in January. Then I got out for a run today, lol. I've fallen a little behind in the training program (trying to follow Jeff Galloway's again) and it was brutal!! But getting out that door is half of the battle, right? I still have lots of time I just need to keep up with it. And I'm sure I'll surprise myself when I'm engulfed in all of the festivities like I as with the 5K.


Laurie, I really wish I knew what was wrong with people. To feeling entitled to special treatment because of whatever your disability could be and acting horrible to everyone around you is just ... I wish I had words for it! It doesn't excuse you from being a decent human being and it's not a get out of jail free card. I really wish I had opened my big fat mouth to tell them off but that would be decidedly un-Disney of me and I probably shouldn't do anything to get me kicked out of the Park. You know what the whole situation reminded me of just a little bit? When we went to see World of Color back in March and that woman just would not sit down. She was just as annoying but at least she had the tact not to gripe and yell at everyone around her and we had a valid point in asking her to sit down. She was supposed to sit down. And now in this situation, we were supposed to stand up.

As for the people who try to squeeze their bodies and families where they don't belong (fit), I learned my lesson about it long before but my mother said yes before I could get anything in. And this woman who came up to us actually asked if we could scoot over. We had been strategically taking up space on the bench and she still had the guts to ask. With all that going on I was kind of regretting the decision not to camp out for Fantasmic with a big old blanket and then just stick to the fireworks from there. We waited for 3 hours or so to get our view and it was just frustrating. But I finally got to see Tinkerbell and Dumbo fly for the first time ever, and shared a great moment with my mother so I don't want to ask for any more than that.
I am with you guys. I so don't understand the "entitled" attitude of people. Especially in what is the happiest place on earth. I say take a break and just be happy.
I do the same thing, lol. Totally get it. I try to though. I know what it's like to feel like you're telling a story to yourself. I've been so focused on getting this done before I leave again I haven't had much time for anything else!
Yeah I noticed. I logged on today and it was like two pages more. There are just days I can't get a thought worthy of sharing. There has been so much going on here.
:lmao: That gal at WoC.....I forgot about her......if you wanna stand to see all the low stuff.....feel free to take up standing space with the rest of us......otherwise glue your tush to the seat & quit annoying all of us behind :thumbsup2

I told the CM he needed a cattle prod to keep her from doing that....he thought that was a good idea (either that or a tazer) :rotfl2:
Sounds good to me! I'll work at it a few days and post it either Wednesday on my day off or Saturday before I go to work. Because then it's literally just me going to work, sleep, and then hitting the road!! Let me know if you have any photos you want me to include in it. By the way, the PPH reservation has officially been amended to include you.

Yeah!!! Happy we get a night at PPH!!!

I don't have any specific pictures... you could probably grab one from my October TR for a Halloween photo of me.
I always love life just more some days than others.:lmao:

Michele, don't we all?

:lmao: That gal at WoC.....I forgot about her......if you wanna stand to see all the low stuff.....feel free to take up standing space with the rest of us......otherwise glue your tush to the seat & quit annoying all of us behind :thumbsup2

I told the CM he needed a cattle prod to keep her from doing that....he thought that was a good idea (either that or a tazer) :rotfl2:

Laurie, did you really? She was so frustrating. How many times does someone need to be told to sit down before they get the hint (by a CM not by a grouchy idiot)? It's really frustrating how many people think they are superior to everyone else for whatever reason. Goodness.

Yeah!!! Happy we get a night at PPH!!!

I don't have any specific pictures... you could probably grab one from my October TR for a Halloween photo of me.

Paula, exciting, huh? It'll be my first time stepping foot in that hotel, period. And it will officially mean I have stayed at every single resort hotel. And I'll take a look and find a photo to grab.

Love it so far Jessica!!

Kaitlin, but it's done silly. At least there is another one to come. And soon.
Yes, I was talking with the CM after he had to tell her the 2nd time....I suggested a cattle prod....he laughed & thought it was a good idea. The 3rd, 4th, 5th time I upped the ante to tazer....... :lmao: Everytime she stood up & he started to head that way, I got to watch the eye roll......cracked me up!!
It's kind of nice to know the CM was annoyed with her as well. :lmao:

Grr. I'm trying to get my next PTR prepped and I am having the darnedest time coming up with a title for it!
You'd better not be teasing me, miss Sherry! They better be for the 3rd or you shall suffer my wrath! :furious:

:rotfl2:I don't want you to run after me, shouting, "You'll rue the day!!!" (With the fist waving wildly in the air, of course!)

Yes, indeed - we have tickets for 10/3!!!:banana::banana::cool1::cheer2:
I may have to do that just for the heck of it, now that you mention it. But yay! Now, remember, no hiding from me. Get it? Got it? Good. ;)
Well folks, have you missed me? ;) It has been an awfully long time since my last Trip Report, after all. Well, there's no time to waste so let's get this show on the road!


The Plot Thickens

I finally got my shot at experiencing Halloween at Disneyland for the first time last year as my late birthday present to myself but I only got to taste half of the fun. I was still too chicken in those days to enjoy some of the good stuff (like Space Mountain Ghost Galaxy) and Mickey's Halloween Party dates started after my departure date so I was left without the full experience. I had originally been hoping to swing another October trip with some friends and family. If ever there was a time to plan another trip it was now, as a first-time AP holder. I did want to get my mileage out of that thing, for what it was worth. But sadly it wasn't long before we all had to dash our hopes and forget about any possible plans we could have made. Life happens.

But so do great opportunities, and mine came from a fellow DIS'er and friend, Paula (smile4stamps). She's another member of our chit-chat crew over on the community board, a DIS-Diva in training (I believe we'll be roommates for next years trip), and an all-around great person. While in the planning stages of her own October vacation she got in touch with me and asked if I would be interested in joining her for a few days, provided I wasn't flat broke after my birthday blowout and could get the days off work. You just don't say no to an offer like that: a chance to go on the trip you didn't think you could do, and the chance to spend time with a friend. Needless to say, after getting the time off approved from my boss, I said yes!

Cast of Characters

Me, your host - Jessica, Jazz, Belle Ella, or whatever new nickname you'd like to come up with.


My partner in crime - Paula, smile4stamps.

Keep an eye out for a few other Special Guest Stars when the final report starts coming in because there are sure to be a few.

The Tale is Set

Our dates differ a tiny little bit because I could only swing so many days off from work, but I'll be joining Paula at the Quality Inn on Manchester Avenue at some time on Sunday (depending on what time I decide to leave from home) where we will be staying until Tuesday, which is when this vacation was supposed to end for the both of us. That is, until I found out from work that I had an extra day off and couldn't stop myself from going on a late birthday splurge: I booked myself one night at the Paradise Pier Hotel using money I had originally intended to spend on a new Dooney & Bourke bag that I never actually got because nothing was calling out to me at the time. After talking about it with Paula, she was able to change her plans to leave that day and so she'll stay there with me and we'll carpool back home to the Bay Area on Wednesday instead.

Sounds like a plan to me, but of course that's not all!

We have tickets to Mickey's Halloween Party on Monday, October 3rd! I think this is what I'm most excited about. Dressing up in costume and trick-or-treating through Disneyland along with all of the other fun stuff going on just sounds to good to be true to me. And you had better believe I am dressing up. If you haven't already heard mention of my costume I'm going to be evil for the moment and leave you in suspense. You'll just have to wait and see it.


Well, I'll spare you any more details. I leave in 3 1/2 days and this is the only time I have free to pack. So I must be off and I hope you'll be joining me for this Ghoulishly Glorious Trip Report!​


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