Best Compliments ever received

I write novels and this play
This is my favorite review that I ever received. It was for my play, Written for You.
Sadly he only gave me three of five stars.

If Larry David wrote a script for a Kafkaesque play to be produced by Woody Allen and starring the cast from Office Space… it might look something like this.

Joseph Cognard the true source of this original and darkly comedic short play fills his work with wicked dialogue and a cast of existentially challenged players. Bob has written a book and has forced his work on all of his friends and co-workers, and his therapist, but no one can bring themselves to read the thing. The book not being read is a running joke but Cognard uses Absurdist Theater and magical realism to further enhance this entertaining short work.

Unique and funny.
This sounds amazing and right up my alley 😁 I would be so interested in seeing it. Congratulations 👏
The best compliment for me is about my kids. Occasionally someone will tell me that I have great kids or have raised good people. That means the most to me as I feel like I mostly devoted myself to doing just that.
Raising good people is an amazing gift you have given the world. Thank you 😊 Good job!
I know a beautiful person who does hospice and I tell them the same. Their soul is filled with light.
Truly a self-less vocation and not something anybody just stumbles into. I can only wish my work was so meaningful and impactful on others.
I am a pediatric nurse, and a teenage sibling of one of my patients once told me - “You are inspiring me to be a nurse - I just love your attitude and how you talk to my sister “ 🥰


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