Best prevention for blisters??


Sep 13, 2000
Help!! I need suggestions on ways to prevent blisters on my toes prior to our trip Dec. 2. The past two years I have developed huge blisters on my last three toes of each foot from all of the walking we do. I read somewhere about "blister tape", but our pharmacy could not find anything, except Blister Block. The blister block instructions say to never cut the pads. That won't work. I had a runner suggest that I wear two pairs of socks (with the closest one to skin turned inside out) and this would help eliminate the friction. That sounds awfully hot and restricting. Does anyone have any good suggestions or remedies? I would sure love to enjoy this trip without hobbling around for a week.

1. Carry extra socks so you can change... we also keep wet wipes in the back pack... help clean and cool your feet.
2. Anti-perspirant. Helps keep feet from sweating.
3. Mole-skin.... my toes blister as well, so I am going to tape my toes with moleskin BEFORE I get a blister this time.

Hope these help.
All of the above are great tips but I must say the spray deoderant is the best one of them all. I buy suave baby powder scent. I spray each foot thoroughly before I put on my 100% cotton socks. It feels squishy at first but you get used ot it. I've been to WDW twice doing this and did not even get a hot spot on my feet let alone a blister. It really works! Some people have said vaseline works in the same way but that sounds too slimey to me.....
I always have a problem with blisters, too. I've found a few things that seem to help alot - I always spray my feet with deoderant or a powdered foot spray, I wear Peds socks with a little extra padding in the sole, and I use the BandAid Blister Block strips on spots that are especially prone to get blisters. I found the Peds socks at WalMart and they came in different thicknesses so you can choose whichever would be most comfy for you. Altho I haven't seen any lately, the Blister Block strips did come in smaller sizes because I have used them on my toes before. Hope this helps.:)
Well, I always get blisters it seems, and I have tried many things. This past trip wearing Tevas and Nike Straprunner II's seemed to help prevent them until the end of the trip. Spray antiperspirant deodorent is good too. They use this in the military. Alternating several types of footwear helps by rotating any hot spots.

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
After doing some research, I chose to try Thorlo socks this year. In previous years I had blisters and extremely sore feet. I would have preferred sandals, but didn't feel like spending the $$ for Tevas quite yet. These socks really worked. No blisters at all. And, even though my feet still got a bit sore...they didn't hurt the next morning as in previous years.
Here's one that works for my wife, who starts getting blister real fast:

Switch shoes during the trip. She always packs two pairs of shoes now and changes if she starts to feel a blister starting. The pressure points seem to change with the shoe change and it works for her.
Best cure is prevention.

Good shoes are important. So is conditioning.
The right socks may be the best bet. Coolmax socks are great. (It's a fabric, not a brand name.) I bought some and tried them out and they are heaven. They tend to be expensive but I found some at Walmart for $3/pair. The ultimate is double-layered coolmax. They're marketed at distance runners and may be overkill for walking around the parks, but if you're having problems they may be worth the price. Thorlo uses their own custom fabric which may be just as good or better. A large sporting goods store should have a good selection; stores that sell running shoes should also carry some.
I can attest to the antiperspirant working. One day I did not spray my feet and started to get blisters. The next few days I did and the blisters never fully developed.

Cyn:bounce: :bounce:
Just bring along an old pair of sneakers and an old pair of sandals that are REALLY comfortable and broken in. Alternate these and you should prevent the problem.
This is all good advice, but for me, it just doesn't work.

I did a combination of spray deoderant, Thorlo socks, good tennies, switching shoes & preventative Blister Blocker, and I *still* ended up with blisters on my toes in September. I did only have 3, though, which *is* an all-time low for me (my all-time high is 12! -- Dh seriously tried to talk me into getting a wheelchair, I was in so much pain and looked so goofy walking!). So they do help, I guess. Experiment -- see what works for you! :)
OUCH! My feet hurt thinking about it!

I tend to get blisters only on my heels (wide feet, narrow heels, no shoe fits quite right!) so. . . I am trying clogs this year! I've broken them in and they are Hush Puppies, what do you think? I also had a pair of really chunky heeled sandles this summer that I wore nearly everyday and my feet never hurt! maybe the chunky heels gave better support than my sneaks??

never heard of the anti perspirant thing. have to try that.

have a great visit. lots of breaks and sit down restaurants, leave the commando tour people home?? <grin>

12 days and counting!
I work as a waitress and sometimes work 10 to 12 hours a couple of days a week and NOTHING compares to trekking aound the parks. After very badly blistered feet a couple of trips ago I swear by my Tevas. I really broke them in at home so they were very comfy before the trip and I always have lots of moleskin with me. I cut several size patches and keep them right in my fanny pack so I always have them with me. So far with this strategy I have not had one blister. The sneakers just are not real comfortable for me and in the warmer months just way too hot. Good luck....keep looking for your perfect recipe for comfy feet!!
Everyone above has great suggestions, but the single most important one for me is to change shoes and socks often. I take 2 pairs of GOOD walking/athletic shoes. I sometimes even change in the middle of the day when we go back to the room. Also wearing socks that breath (like cotton) is very important. Shoes that breath help too. If you can get a good pair of leather walkers that have the fabric inserts, they are the best!


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