Beware of JUICE IT UP at Orlando Premium Outlets!!!!

Thanks for the info. I will not eat at that restaurant. I do not care what others say. I worked in the service industry for 18 years and let me tell you I had to stand for everything b/c the customer is always right. I have seen managers give back the price of a whole Thanksgiving dinner as well as a new dinner when customers brought back a clean turkey carcass. I have seen people bring in empty lobster shells and say how bad they taste only to be given double the money back!! There is no excuse for the way Birdgettesmom was treated and if the server was having a bad day then too bad. To call a customer a liar is NOT in the vocabulary of a service person. Obviously the customers who made such outrageous claims about turkeys and lobsters were not totally truthful but we smiled and gave them more than they DEMANDED (and we knew them to be untruthful since they were regulars).

I once saw a woman complain b/c SHE spilled bleach on her leather gloves b/c the cap was loose!! She said the cashier should tighten the cap when she rang it up!!!!! What did we do...we gave her 75.00 she claimed she had paid for her gloves.

Thanks for posting we need more people to tell us both good AND bad experiences.
tlbwriter said:
No, you're not the lone dissenter. I can't imagine boycotting a restaurant just because one employee gave you a bad experience. It would be different if management refused to make it right, but you didn't give them a chance. These kinds of things happen all the time, but don't blow it out of proportion. I avoid businesses based on patterns, not isolated incidents.

I agree.

This is definitely the type of customer most managers fear because they DO NOT complain. A manager cannot service a customer unless they know. Then, these customers go on to tell each of their friends.

While I don't condone the manager's behavior, I feel badly for any business that has their name slandered without being given an opportunity to remedy a situation.
I don't buy the excuse "just a bad day" or they made " a mistake". This was a manager who was rude, ignored the customer flat out the first time and accused the the customer of lying to boot. There are just WAY too many good places in Orlando for us to bother going here. I just don't need treatment like that. For me, it's the principal of the thing. I've stopped using pharmacies, going to grocery stores etc when I get treatment like this. If they don't lose money over this, oh well (no biggie to me), but I'd rather avoid this type of customer service. Thanks for the head's up.
I feel badly for any business that has their name slandered without being given an opportunity to remedy a situation.
This was the MANAGER who treated the customer like this ? Why should the OP be put through this aggrivation and abuse (verbally accused of lying ??) for a $3 sandwich. I think the manager represented the store, made their bed.........
I had a bad experience with Best Buy recently. Asked to speak to the store nowhere.....asked to speak to the main HQ's and still got nowhere (after sitting on hold for about 8 min) but a weak "sorry". I hung up the phone after 20 min wonderng why I even bothered. The customer service I received will result in loss of my business. Sure it's no big deal to them, but it's principal with me. I gave them 2 chances to make due on their wrong doing (which they admitted to) and all I did was waste 20+ min of my life. Life is too short for this stuff.
MiaSRN62 said:
Life is too short for this stuff.
Yep, that is my feeling.

MiaSRN62 said:
I don't buy the excuse "just a bad day" or they made " a mistake". This was a manager who was rude, ignored the customer flat out the first time and accused the the customer of lying to boot.

We didn't know this was the manager in the original posting..that was told to us later when asked why she didn't ask to speak to the manager. I assume she asked to speak to the manager and found out that way, since it doesn't say manager on their name least it didn't on Monday. I wasn't there, so I have no idea just how badly this escalated. I'd have liked to hear two sides of the story. The server made a mistake, and didn't remember that she had ordered two meals and paid for them separately, according to the OP. The OP placed two orders, and I read it to say when the second order came, she told her she was missing something from the first. These places usually have a ton of people ordering...I saw it as a mistake. The OP said first she wasn't a liar, (before the person said she was..and did she actually are a liar, or did she say, no, you didn't order that..or is that the same? It was after the OP said she wasn't a liar that she then said the woman in charge said she was lying. Stuff quickly gets out of hand when an argument starts. She walked away before settling the problem, without her meal or or money, so we don't know how this would have played out. Perhaps this would have played out differently if she hadn't immediately said she had no need to lie. And I'm sure the women was then put on the defensive (after all, I don't know of anyone who want's to admit they made a mistake if they didn't think they did). Perhaps if she just said, oh, I'm sorry, you are mistaken, let me show you my receipt, things might have played out differently. Perhaps the blank stare was the server replaying in her mind what just happened..or maybe she didn't understand English any more than a lot of the maids at Disney. I wasn't there, so I couldn't hear the tone or the argument.
I sometimes make mistakes, and I assume others do. Are you saying that everyone on these boards are always is the best, sweetest moods, and treat each other with the most respect at all times? If so, why do posts get locked? Why no more debate board? Why couldn't this just be one of those things, where someone comes on the board and says, I ran into a crabby person at the mall, other than that my trip was great. A beware in the title made me think something really bad had happened..not that a server forgot a sandwich.
And no, the customer is not always right. Deal with eBay for a'll be cured of that thought.
I sometimes make mistakes, and I assume others do. Are you saying that everyone on these boards are always is the best, sweetest moods, and treat each other with the most respect at all times?
I totally agree with you here. No, people can be rude. I feel this incident was a little more than a "mistake" though ? It overstepped boundaries in my book. If they apologized to the OP and said, "oh, let me check the receipt again" (or something similar) it would be a totally different scenario. But when it's a company that wants my business and they feel they can treat customers like this, I just figure there's a dozen others like them that are willing to treat customers better and more deserving of my $. If someone on these boards is rude, I can ignore them as well. ;)
MiaSRN62 said:
I feel this incident was a little more than a "mistake" though ?
I don't know, because I wasn't there to hear the whole thing. Maybe she thought the OP wasn't giving her a chance..I really don't know. As far as I know, she just had a family of 10 come up and give her a hard time..or maybe her coworker didn't show up, or maybe her hubby lost his job, or she spoke very little English. Or maybe she is just a rude person. But we go to the Juice place, and so far, we've been happy. I like to give people more than one chance, or at the least see how it would play out. By walking away, it didn't get an ending.
By walking away, it didn't get an ending.
Well, I suppose everyone handles situations differently. But I'm not sure I would have wasted any more of my precious vacation time over $3 either. Sometimes, it's just not worth the stress. I'm sure people still will frequent Best Buy and be happy too---but after what I experienced, I won't be back. But I respect what you have to say. I think each person will interpret what happened from what the OP reported and individually make their own conclusions.
I appreciate the heads up from the OP, and I'm certainly going to avoid Juice It Up. Everyone has bad days- it doesn't excuse what the manager did. I would NEVER be able to treat someone that way in my line of business and have it be excused because I was having a bad day. I'm a little surprised by how much the OP is being jumped on here.
I think posting the incident is fine, but actively encouraging people to avoid the place entirely is a bit much. Just seems a shame that there are people ready to avoid this business based on hearsay.
Just seems a shame that there are people ready to avoid this business based on hearsay.
I thought about this and with all due respect I have no reason to doubt the OP and her recounting of the facts. Think about ALL the advice (good and bad) given here on these boards and other internet message boards. If we say all advice given here is just simply hearsay, then why do we even bother to read the DIS. I feel people post and read on these boards to gain insight, help, advice, information etc. Like when we read people's TR's on dining, resort experience, what crowds are like in the summer, etc, etc. I know when I post my experiences (good and bad) here, I do it so that maybe it might help someone----and I have gained alot of very beneficial information from others as well.
What motive would the OP have to discourage people to avoid Juice It Up ? I just simply find her statements more believable than unbelievable. But everyone is free to draw their own conclusions from any information given anywhere here on the DIS.
I don't doubt the OP at all, but I just find it sad that people are ready to write this establishment off based on one person's incident.
I don't doubt the OP at all, but I just find it sad that people are ready to write this establishment off based on one person's incident.
I can certainly understand your point Epcotfan. But sometimes all it takes is one incident. I had one isolated bad experience with a large pharmacy chain several years ago. I had just returned from the pediatrician's office where my dd (then about 5-6 years old) had an horrible ear infection, strep and a very high fever. I had noone to watch her so I had to bring her to the pharmacy to get the antibiotic prescription filled. It was crowded. I pleaded with the pharmacist there to "please" try and expedite the filling of the medication as my dd was so sick (she was actually burning up with fever and crying in the store). The pharmacist (very coldly) stated that there were others ahead of me and I would have to return in 2-3 hours, adding she couldn't put me in front of others (some were there with just routine refills) !!! I mean, all she had to do was mix up some medicine. This impacted me so much that I've sworn off this chain ever since. All it took was one incident for me. Now granted, this was a health issue, but I could give other examples as well. I guess it's just that some people see things differently. When there are so many other places to get drinks/food (or medicine or whatever) out there, why subject oneself to a place where you perceive they don't value the customer ?

From my perspective, I feel why chance this type of experience when there are tons of other really nice and customer friendly establishments in the Orlando area ? Granted, I'd bet if I went to Juice It Up I wouldn't have any type of problem, but I guess I figure why chance it based on the pretty rude treatment the OP received. If you believe the OP, the manager sure didn't sound like anyone who was trying to attract or retain customers, that's for sure ? Like I said before, my vacation time is valuable to us. I read these boards for helpful advice/suggestions etc to help facilitate a better vacation experience. But I can def see your point as well.
epcotfan said:
I don't doubt the OP at all, but I just find it sad that people are ready to write this establishment off based on one person's incident.
I agree. It's not like this incident caused undue hardship, or an expensive night to be ruined at Disney. Sounds like it was a 5 minute blip on a day. I'm disappointed that people don't see that we are only seeing one side, and that we have no idea what happened that morning to the server..just ready to wash a business down the drain..or at least hoping it will go down the drain. This place always has a line, which if this was normal behavior, I can't imagine why it would. It's a shame there can be no forgiveness of what might be an isolated incident. Not everyone is perfect, and if you want to believe it or not, not everyone's day runs perfectly smooth, and while rudeness is never right, I'm not going to judge this person, having no idea what went before this incident.

Rude CM's are always posted on this board..and you don't see people saying.."hey, beware of Disney..boycot them!". It's reported and then you can do with the info what you want. In this case, we're being told to beware of the establishment...a place that might be used to feed several worker's children. So say "we" were able to make it go under (isn't going to happen), would that be something to be proud of, because of one incident?

As soem of you know, our room was robbed at Disney, and although the first person we talked to said to claim it under our homeowners with very little sympathy (with the deductible, no point in that), we went to the next person up, and did get back what we lost. So rather than turn everyone off from this place, perhaps the OP should go to the next higher step. I certainly won't tell anyone to not go to Disney because of what happened to us. It was one bad employee out of thousands. I'm assuming it's not an everyday thing.
After reading most of the posts I feel that the OP is justified. IF you do not want to take the advice that is your choice. Frankly, I have taken much advice from people on these boards and most of it was right on the money.

A business can advertise all they want but that is just some glossy ad agency trying to deliver the goods. The true test of any business is word of mouth. I do not think word of mouth is hearsay when it comes to things like this. I for one am thrilled that we have this type of info. Those that do not want to heed the advice, well this is a free country and you have every right to ignore it. It would be smart if businesses did consider the effect of the internet in today's world b/c word of mouth is no longer 10 people it is now 50,000 people. Had it been me I would have found out if Juice It Up was a chain and complained to the highest person in the chain of command. It is NOT 3.00 it is the principle!
Bella the Ball 360 said:
Frankly, I have taken much advice from people on these boards and most of it was right on the money.
So if ONE person told you they had a rude CM at Disney and to beware of the place, you would not go back? You wouldn't give any thought to it being a one time incident? Interesting. I have always had good experiences at the Juice that's what I have to go by. I wasn't there to hear both sides (tone of voices, etc), so I'll be back again. I believe in two sides of a story..and try to be understanding..since I know not everyone has a perfect life, and sometimes it may show when it shouldn't. Without follow-up, the 2-3 people who may not go back, will not have any affect on this place anyway, so it really doesn't matter. I'm only posting at all, because I'm just surprised at people's responses to this. This was a one time incident (I've never seen a complaint about this place and many people on these boards have prob been there..we have several times), and people are ready to boycott. I find this really interesting, and just shows that you may only get one chance in life, to affect someone, so I guess you better make sure you are always perfect, no matter what may have gone on in your life that day.
So if ONE person told you they had a rude CM at Disney and to beware of the place, you would not go back? You wouldn't give any thought to it being a one time incident? Interesting. I have always had good experiences at the Juice that's what I have to go by.
I agree we all have to go with our gut Rick. I sit and think what if this was my child or mom who the manager at Juice It Up treated like this and I KNOW this would make me not go back. I have a feeling that if Juice It Up were the only place to get something to drink in a 5 mile radius, I'd probably patron there. But if there are other places close by that I know won't treat customers the way the OP was treated, then that's where I'm going personally. A place like Juice is a dime a dozen and this is why I feel I can make this decision and take my business to a nearby competitor. WDW, otoh, is one of a kind so I think I'd be a little more judicial if I heard something isolated about a rude CM. There are literally thousands of CM's at WDW, while this store at the outlet mall is quite the contrary. For me, this impacts my decision. And particularily, that this was a manager at the juice place sinks it home with me. I know if a WDW CM manager talked or treated me the way this one did to the OP I would follow it up with a complaint. After all, I'm spending a whole lot more $$ at WDW.

It's a personal decision as to whether any of us use anyone's suggestions/advice/experience here on the boards. But I know I come here to listen/learn from other's experience (as well as share my own). If I didn't heed advice that I deemed reasonable or believable here, then why waste my time with the DIS ? It's seems pretty split here on this thread as to who would use the company and who wouldn't and that's fine. This is the beauty of free choice. We're able to listen to what people have to say here, digest/analyze it if we wish, and then draw our own conclusions. :flower:
I just like to know of situations like the one the OP was in and take it with a grain of salt.

I keep it in my mind and if I was to ever be there and want to try the place, I would be very careful of my receipt and make sure I got everything I ordered and I might think, maybe we should go somewhere else.

I won't swear off this place but I will be cautious.
PhotobearSam said:
I keep it in my mind and if I was to ever be there and want to try the place, I would be very careful of my receipt and make sure I got everything I ordered and I might think, maybe we should go somewhere else.

I won't swear off this place but I will be cautious.
Great attitude..IMO, that's just the reaction I would be cautious. But to boycott it because of one incident, when I've had many a positive there? Nope.
people like this are sooo dumb dont they know when they provide bad service a person tells at least 10 people and then those people tell 10 people
with the internet now its like hi ill 10 friends that i talk to everyday and then ill tell my 60,000 friends in the DIS
hi talk about hurting your business
sorry she was such a loser people like that stink
DMRICK as I stated in the rest of my post it is a free country and you can and should do what you feel EITHER way. As for the Disney anology, if a CM was rude then I WOULD find the person's superior and bring it to his/her attention. IN this case the OP did speak to the manager. In addition, Disney does not need to earn our business. They have earned their "ears" by reputation over the past 50 years. There is NOT a lot of competition for them ,on the opposite side of the argument, Juice IT Up does not have that luxury!! There is a huge amount of competition for their niche and the consumer's dollar. Employees in the service industry do need to be "perfect" if they want repeat business!! I guess I should amened this to say employess do not need to be perfect BUT management DOES.


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