Beware of Poachers and Look at the Little Gorillas! 3 trips in 1. NEW TR started 8/31/19**

I’m so excited for you! We will soak in the heat and never complain because of the cold winter we have endured and will probably have again:rotfl:
Thank you! It's been sooo long since I've been back :sad2: Yes we will! And I cannot wait to be sweating in 90 degree temps :laughing:

I am so glad I made this work, our flight is expensive but worth it in my opinion to get out of this cold. It is crazy here, still only in the teens, yuck! We might get over 30 this weekend. I hope so!
Definitely worth it! Ugh, it's been so cold here too, 10 currently :faint: That Florida sun will feel so nice!
Successful morning in TSL! Shame about the Mike and Sulley M&G! I'm hoping it won't be too long for us while we are there but I'm not keeping my hopes up lol
I don't like coconut either but I am FOR SURE trying this thing in May!
This bar is the bomb, very good!

Noooo, those rude little aliens! Glad your sister enjoyed her ride on SDD, and wow you guys made good use of time in the AM!
I was happy to get TSL conquered before 10am! I’m glad D rode SDD, she really liked it!

Your March plans sound just like mine. I have FPs booked and 2 ADRs as well. It's nice to go kind of free and easy!
I’m digging our plans, it will be fun, I know it will be busy so I’m not stressing over it. I just hope more than anything it is HOT out!!

Lyft is a great service. I will be putting it to good use as I am offsite for the first time. Only 5 days to go!!
Yay! I’m so happy for you, here is to safe and fun travels! Have a wonderful trip

Love the pictures!!
Thank you, I do not tire of meet and greets!
Thank you! It's been sooo long since I've been back :sad2: Yes we will! And I cannot wait to be sweating in 90 degree temps :laughing:
Definitely worth it! Ugh, it's been so cold here too, 10 currently :faint: That Florida sun will feel so nice!
I can’t believe it but we are getting more snow this weekend, yuck!

Successful morning in TSL! Shame about the Mike and Sulley M&G! I'm hoping it won't be too long for us while we are there but I'm not keeping my hopes up lol
I was happy with our success in TSL but bummed about Mike and Sully!

Getting close to your next trip!

Sounds like a fun morning! Sorry you couldn't meet Mike & Sully
I’m getting excited for our trip, I sure hope it is nice and hot there! I plan on being in line early for Mike and Sully in a couple weeks!

We are staying at AKL so I am paying close attention to your trip report! I've never stayed there.
We loved it there, the atmosphere is amazing! It is a little further out but I didn’t mind that, there are so many pluses to the resort! I hope you love it!
I can’t believe it but we are getting more snow this weekend, yuck!
Ugh! This winter just needs to END! I just looked at my phone to see how soon I need to start my car... it's 4 degrees out. FOUR! :headache: Are you getting the awful temperatures on top of the snow? At least the snow has been staying away here... for the most part anyway... :rolleyes:
Ugh! This winter just needs to END! I just looked at my phone to see how soon I need to start my car... it's 4 degrees out. FOUR! :headache: Are you getting the awful temperatures on top of the snow? At least the snow has been staying away here... for the most part anyway... :rolleyes:
4 is so cold for March and you all! It is 15 here, so much warmer:rotfl:It is suppose to be in the 30’s this weekend so the snow will be wet and heavy, yuck! I’m glad I don’t have anything planned this weekend. I will be a homebody and watch Disney movies and read up on the Dis and update my trip! Have a wonderful weekend, hope it warms up soon!
Caught up on your trip!

I wonder if you could bring your reciept back and get the pearl. They stamp them wiht a big red stamp when they give you the pearl. It might work. Provided you have hte reciept still...
Hey that is a good idea, I didn’t even think of that and of course only have the running charges I keep for my TR, oh well next time I will save it!

I hope you all had a wonderful trip!
Hello Everyone!

I hope everyone is enjoying the weekend, we only got about 2” of snow from this latest storm, yay!
We are suppose to hit 40 this week, I know for some of you out there that is cold but for us, it is a virtual heatwave! We have not seen 40 degrees since sometime last year, sad but true!

14 days until we take off for WDW! I got our magic bands and DME info in the mail and that is really all I have done to prepare! Oh, I did stock up on my gift cards and I didn’t toss any in the garbage, a plus for me! I will pack next weekend.

I would like to finish this TR before we go. How does everyone feel about the phase 1 SW opening? I think it is a great way to do it. We will miss the opening by 3 days, we leave on 8/26. I am watching a thread for possible AP previews while we are there. I would love for that to happen!! I never get AP emails so I have to really watch social media and the thread on here!

Day 4, Part 2. “ I can’t keep my elbows off the table.”

When I left off, we were enjoying a Mickey pretzel by the beautiful Chinese theatre. We picked a good spot to sit on a bench, the SW show was going on behind us and we could see all the SW characters coming and going.
D and I were going to see the Frozen sing along shortly, we had FP+, Andi, who is so over Frozen, wanted nothing to do with it.:confused3

Andi went off to do her own thing and we got in line for the show. I was happy D was with and I finally could see this show!

My verdict, I really liked it. The two historians, were a hoot! They really made the show. They ad lib really well! Someone’s phone rang and man, did they get a lot of mileage out of that!

We had good seats except the lady next to us felt the need to talk really loud through out the whole show and sing obnoxiously every chance she could. Other than that, it was a fun show and definitely worth seeing at least once!
The park was feeling very busy at this time, we caught up with Andi and headed towards The Muppets. There was an actual line to get in, a first for me! We enjoyed the show as always! D liked it and remembered it from her last trip. It is so odd that Pizza Rizzo remains closed. It was so busy around this area and people were trying to go there to eat!
We leisurely strolled around as able with the large crowds until our lunch reservation. We had a later lunch scheduled at 50’s Prime Time. D had been to Sci-Fi before and I thought this trip she should experience PT, after all she was born in the 50’s!
It was very busy in the waiting area, we checked in and only waited about 5-10 minutes before our cousin was calling us. We had a nice waiter named Joey. He was into the role, sort of, he was super busy so it was a little abbreviated. He did throw the napkins and silverware on the table and told us to get going and set the table. He also was quick to yell at me often about my elbows on the table.

I love the vanilla Diet Coke here! We ordered onion rings to share and D and I ordered Mom’s Favorites to share. This is a sampling of fried chicken, pot roast, and meatloaf. It is served with mashed potatoes and green beans. Andi got a Cesar salad. D was enjoying the decorations in the restaurant.
The onion rings were very good and the only food item I got a picture of, I failed on dining reporting for this meal. The verdict, we loved our meal. D and I enjoyed everything on Mom’s Favorites and we were members of the clean plate club and got our stickers! This is funny because when I was young, my parents are from the clean plate philosophy, and I never was part of that club growing up haha! I was super picky and I ate like a bird every meal, per my parents! They would have been so proud!:rotfl:
Joey, was a nice waiter except he forgot to add my AP discount and I reminded him twice. It just wasn’t worth the effort after the second time so I didn’t get the discount this meal.

We decided to skip our ToT fast pass, I was worried about my back, it was getting more sore as the day went on and D won’t ride it so we decided to head out.

We got back to the room by 4pm and watched our giraffes, yes they are ours!
We decided to cancel our plans to head over to AK for nighttime Pandora. We were to tired and unfortunately I was really sore.
Andi decided to head over to DS on her own. She said it was not real crowded there that evening. She got herself a Blaze cheese pizza for dinner. D and I had a Mickey Premium Bar for our dinner.

It was a nice relaxing evening at AKL, this resort is so easy to just hang out at, as you will find out in my next post! Stay tuned for Day 5. “My first ever resort day”

Food totals for Day 4
Pretzel=$7.00 a price increase of $2.00 in less than 2 years yikes!
50’s PT =$75.38
Zawadi market=$17.44
Blaze Pizza=$7.14
I would like to finish this TR before we go. How does everyone feel about the phase 1 SW opening? I think it is a great way to do it. We will miss the opening by 3 days, we leave on 8/26. I am watching a thread for possible AP previews while we are there. I would love for that to happen!! I never get AP emails so I have to really watch social media and the thread on here!
It isn't surprising to me. It has sounded like really low attendance, so it makes sense to get the thing open to draw people in. And hopefully spread out some of the crowd. You will get some who will just want to be there because and some will wait for both to be open. I wish they were doing fast passes. I wonder how long they will keep it that way...

And fingerscrossed on the AP previews!

We decided to cancel our plans to head over to AK for nighttime Pandora. We were to tired and unfortunately I was really sore.
You seemed to be doing fairly well, though!
We are supposed
to hit 40 this week, I know for some of you out there that is cold but for us, it is a virtual heatwave! We have not seen 40 degrees since sometime last year, sad but true!

We are supposed to hit 63 Thursday. Woo! Hoo!

Stay tuned for Day 5. “My first ever resort day”

OMG! I LOVE resort days and honestly, they are a must for me on every trip.8-)
I would like to finish this TR before we go. How does everyone feel about the phase 1 SW opening? I think it is a great way to do it. We will miss the opening by 3 days, we leave on 8/26. I am watching a thread for possible AP previews while we are there. I would love for that to happen!! I never get AP emails so I have to really watch social media and the thread on here!
I’m excited for the news, but kind of worried that a lot of people are going to push their trips up to August making August extra busy. We’ll be there the 10th-18th.
Those little aliens caused some jerking that flared up the old back a little!

Oh no!! Those rascally little aliens!!

The verdict is she really loved it and was glad she rode it.

Yay!! I'm still surprised by how fun Slinky is

We are suppose to hit 40 this week, I know for some of you out there that is cold but for us, it is a virtual heatwave! We have not seen 40 degrees since sometime last year, sad but true!

I'm so glad you guys are getting some warmer weather, you deserve it! It was randomly in the mid-60s here yesterday, and then back to the 40s today. I'm just ready for some consistency.

How does everyone feel about the phase 1 SW opening? I think it is a great way to do it. We will miss the opening by 3 days, we leave on 8/26. I am watching a thread for possible AP previews while we are there. I would love for that to happen!! I never get AP emails so I have to really watch social media and the thread on here!

Raeven and I will be dealing with it in September - we thought we were going to get lucky and miss it, now we're a little worried about our DHS day.
I am hoping for AP previews...we were planning to upgrade DH in June just in case of previews in late summer (back in the good ol' days when we thought it was coming in late fall, LOL), but now I'm in AP limbo with him b/c what if the sign ups to AP previews are before we go in June now...will they let people with vouchers only and not activated APs sign up? So we're not sure what to do. We did decide to go back NEXT June as well, with all of us, so we can see both rides and the completed land.

We had good seats except the lady next to us felt the need to talk really loud through out the whole show and sing obnoxiously every chance she could.

Why do people feel the need to do that :sad2: I'd be lying if I said we never quoted Haunted Mansion or Tower, and I sing along with Yo Ho during Pirates, but we are quiet about it, and really just whisper it to each other.

It is so odd that Pizza Rizzo remains closed.

Right?? What a waste of a refurb!

Joey, was a nice waiter except he forgot to add my AP discount and I reminded him twice. It just wasn’t worth the effort after the second time so I didn’t get the discount this meal.

This has happened to me so many times, I get tired of asking, especially when we're in a hurry to go

It was a nice relaxing evening at AKL, this resort is so easy to just hang out at

I agree!! Both times I've been here (at Jambo and Kidani) it was so hard to leave the resort, especially after a midday break!
How does everyone feel about the phase 1 SW opening? I think it is a great way to do it. We will miss the opening by 3 days, we leave on 8/26. I am watching a thread for possible AP previews while we are there. I would love for that to happen!! I never get AP emails so I have to really watch social media and the thread on here!

We have a tentative September trip planned and we are excited! I don’t know if I even want to ride the ride, it sounds like it might give me motion sickness, but we loved being at the opening of Pandora so just to say we were there is exciting.

My verdict, I really liked it. The two historians, were a hoot! They really made the show. They ad lib really well! Someone’s phone rang and man, did they get a lot of mileage out of that!

There’s a set of historians that I absolutely love. They have a YouTube channel and they are hilarious. They make the show a must do for every trip for us.

We had a nice waiter named Joey. He was into the role, sort of, he was super busy so it was a little abbreviated. He did throw the napkins and silverware on the table and told us to get going and set the table. He also was quick to yell at me often about my elbows on the table.

I wonder if this is the same one we had. Kinda sounds like it.

This is funny because when I was young, my parents are from the clean plate philosophy, and I never was part of that club growing up haha! I was super picky and I ate like a bird every meal, per my parents! They would have been so proud!:rotfl:

My parents were the same! I usually did good but my sister would be sitting under the table an hour after dinner because she wasn’t allowed to leave until she ate everything.

It was a nice relaxing evening at AKL, this resort is so easy to just hang out at, as you will find out in my next post! Stay tuned for Day 5. “My first ever resort day”

Honestly I love relaxing on vacation. It took me many trips to feel that way but I did a lot of it on our recent trip and for the first time I didn’t feel like I needed a vacation after my vacation just to recover!
I am actually kind of excited for how they are opening SWL! I think the no FPs will actually be good in terms of crowd management and kind of levels the playing field for everyone. I'm just hoping the line won't still be 6 hours long but it probably will be! lol I'll keep my fingers crossed for you for an AP preview! I'm hoping that since I plan on getting DH and I APs for this year we will get to experience some sort of AP benefit for SWL too but I'm not holding my breath! lol

I haven't been to Prime Time in so long! Seems like you had a great lunch there!

I felt the same way about the animals when DH and I stayed at AKL! It kind of made me just want to hang out there and watch our animals rather than head out to a park haha can't wait to hear about your resort day!


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