Beware of the mild-mannered Sun Wheel


Aug 5, 2006
OMG! I rode this yest. and thought I was going to die! We rode in one of the rocking gondolas and I got very very quesy - I thought I was going to hurl. It took me almost an hour before I could walk again - and then I went home. So needless to say - if you get motion sickness - beware of the innocent looking sun wheel! :crazy:

Does anyone know the physiology behind this? I felt weak, shakey, and very nauseated.

Now I'm afraid to do Screamin, mailboomer, and orange stinger. :scared1:
lol im like that on every single farris wheel. I hate those things. My mum loves them, and her and I are going next month to DL, and thats all she can talk about is that wheel. I told her shes going on it alone.

I feel sick too and light headed, but mostly I feel down right scared being up there, and I think that is what makes me sick. I know im strapped in but I just feel unsafe in those things, which is strange cause I LOVE heights. I"ve sky dived, and it didnt bother me, I loved it. But those wheels :scared:

I hope your feeling better now, and the rest of your trip is a 100% Better then that ride. :)
minnietoo said:
OMG! I rode this yest. and thought I was going to die! We rode in one of the rocking gondolas and I got very very quesy - I thought I was going to hurl. It took me almost an hour before I could walk again - and then I went home. So needless to say - if you get motion sickness - beware of the innocent looking sun wheel! :crazy:

Does anyone know the physiology behind this? I felt weak, shakey, and very nauseated.

Now I'm afraid to do Screamin, mailboomer, and orange stinger. :scared1:

I've ridden the sunwheel (rocking side) a few times. It freaks me out when it rolls backwards and it makes me feel as if I'm going to fall. It's worse when I ride with my siblings because they try to rock it even more to freak me out.

California Screamin is awesome! You should ride it at least once! I've never been on the orange stinger, but I do love Maliboomer. Mailboomer appears freaky but it really isn't. It's only scary when it launches but after that it comes back down really slow. Most riders I see are really freaked out or scared at first, but once the ride comes down they have this: "What was I so afraid of??" look on their face.
My teenage daughter go so sick on the SunWheel that we had to get them to stop the ride! She has no problems on Screamin, MBoomer etc....just the SunWheel!
eatmypixiedust said:
I've ridden the sunwheel (rocking side) a few times. It freaks me out when it rolls backwards and it makes me feel as if I'm going to fall. It's worse when I ride with my siblings because they try to rock it even more to freak me out.

California Screamin is awesome! You should ride it at least once! I've never been on the orange stinger, but I do love Maliboomer. Mailboomer appears freaky but it really isn't. It's only scary when it launches but after that it comes back down really slow. Most riders I see are really freaked out or scared at first, but once the ride comes down they have this: "What was I so afraid of??" look on their face.

Can you compare Scramin to the feel of any other ride? So I can judge the exereince? How does Maliboomer compare to TOT?

I want to do everyride at least once - and I only have three left (from both parks): Maliboomer, Sreamin' and Orange Stinger. And now I'm scared :scared:
The first time my H and I went on cal scream I almost threw up so we sat down and had to picked up our insides that we almost lost for a while and then we saw the sun wheel thinking this was a nice and relaxing ride and OMG!!!! I wanted to jump out, I was soooo sick and was so close to throwing up!!! The damm thing was swinging everywhere and moving from side to side. When we got down to where they let people off, the ride operator asked H and I if we wanted to go again and I looked at him and said no and he said oh... come on how about one more time and I told him unless you don't mind cleaning up what I've ate and drank today you better not send me around again so he let us off and then it basically ruined the rest of my day :guilty: because I was still feeling very quesy so we just kindda walked around the rest of the day. I highly suggest if you did not like the sun wheel then don't go on the orange stinger or mailboomer because that does swing and move you up and down.

minnietoo said:
OMG! I rode this yest. and thought I was going to die! We rode in one of the rocking gondolas and I got very very quesy - I thought I was going to hurl. It took me almost an hour before I could walk again - and then I went home. So needless to say - if you get motion sickness - beware of the innocent looking sun wheel! :crazy:

Does anyone know the physiology behind this? I felt weak, shakey, and very nauseated.

Now I'm afraid to do Screamin, mailboomer, and orange stinger. :scared1:
I road screamin in WDW and that ruined my whole day, I felt so queasy all day, I wont do that in Cal or I wont ride the sunwheel thanks for warning me :thumbsup2
Yikes! DW and I rode that once and swore we'd never do it again. BTW, "swore" is the key word in the previous sentence. As in swear. As in "thank goodness there are no kids in this gondola". :rolleyes1
Actually, I think being in one of the non-swinging/rocking gondolas might be OK.
GailT said:
I road screamin in WDW and that ruined my whole day, I felt so queasy all day, I wont do that in Cal or I wont ride the sunwheel thanks for warning me :thumbsup2
Where is this in WDW????
GailT said:
I road screamin in WDW and that ruined my whole day, I felt so queasy all day, I wont do that in Cal or I wont ride the sunwheel thanks for warning me :thumbsup2

Are you sure you don't mean the rockin roll roller coaster they have at MGM? California Screamin is only in DCA. :sunny:
minnietoo said:
Can you compare Scramin to the feel of any other ride? So I can judge the exereince? How does Maliboomer compare to TOT?

I want to do everyride at least once - and I only have three left (from both parks): Maliboomer, Sreamin' and Orange Stinger. And now I'm scared :scared:

California Screamin reminds me of riding in my boyfriend's car but with the top down! J/k. :rotfl: I'm not sure how to describe it.....I guess it feels like you're riding space mountain but in broad daylight and with one quick upside down loop. :confused3

As for Maliboomer, Maliboomer is a baby ride compared to Tower of Terror. Tower of Terror is more intense. You basically sit in an elevator shaft and it takes you to the 13th floor. The doors open and you can see the view of the park and just how high up you are. Then a few seconds later the doors close and you drop very quickly. My stomach literally fell to the floor and I was terrified out of my mind! It goes up and down a couple of times from what I remember. My siblings love it (especially my 10 yr. old sister). You should try it at least once. It's scary but fun. :thumbsup2 I suggest riding with a friend or family member to help you feel a little less frightened.
ok I totally love TOT but I will NOT I mean NOT ever go back on the sunwheel again unless its the non swinging ones...they are ok....I would ride screamin before I will ride the sunwheel again and I havent got the guts up enough to ride screamin yet...I thought I was going to slam into the opposite side of the car and there was people sitting there.... :crazy:
I've done the non-swinging cars twice and I'm looking forward to doing them again later this week. I WILL NOT go on the swinging cars. Neither will my husband or son (they tried them first and my husband said he was going to get really sick). Now my husband won't even go on the non-swinging ones. But the two of them will do California Screamin' as many times as possible.
My motion sickness has gotten much worse as I've gotten older. So I bought some Bonine/Dramamine for our trip - I really want to be able to go on the rides with my boys!

I used pills on an all-day boat fishing trip (and endured a bunch of ribbing from the almost all-male tour), but when the water got real choppy, I was the only one feeling just fine, thank you. :lmao:
Alex2kMommy said:
My motion sickness has gotten much worse as I've gotten older. So I bought some Bonine/Dramamine for our trip - I really want to be able to go on the rides with my boys!

I used pills on an all-day boat fishing trip (and endured a bunch of ribbing from the almost all-male tour), but when the water got real choppy, I was the only one feeling just fine, thank you. :lmao:

I think there is alot of truth in the getting older and motion sickness. I grew up going to amusement parks every summer and went on everything, never quesy, never sick, never scared. But now that I am quite abit older and have had two children, there have been some rides that have made me quesy. One was a ride that just went around in an elipical circle, it was fast but not necessarily swingy or spinney and after I got off, it took a long time to regain full senses and stability, another time was on the tea cup and yes we were spinning alot, I was able to stablize myself by staring at something but never had that happen before????? Our sense of balance is so fragile, I don't think we really know how just a little bump can send it off. My father has vertigo and for years they thought it was an inner ear problem, we actually have tiny hairs that can get crystals thrown into them and if that happens our center of gravity gets all whacked out. Its like when you have the flu and get up really fast and you are spinning and can't stand up. They finally diagnoised him with a degenetive disease that attacks the nervous system and causes him to lose his balance but after watching him, I am careful on what rides I go on, don't want to misplace anything LOL Ok off topic but definitely won't go on the SunWheel if it makes that many people quesy, who wants that feeling all day long.
minnietoo said:
OMG! I rode this yest. and thought I was going to die! We rode in one of the rocking gondolas and I got very very quesy - I thought I was going to hurl. It took me almost an hour before I could walk again - and then I went home. So needless to say - if you get motion sickness - beware of the innocent looking sun wheel! :crazy:

LOL. I'm so glad I'm not the only person who hated this ride. I don't have problems with motion sickness(except Mission Space in Epcot) and I'm not afraid of heights, but the motion of the swinging gondolas was just not comfortable. I was going to ride it alone so a group of people were nice anough to let me join their group. After this ride we where all very happy to be back on the ground and swore to never get on it again. I told my friends that I'm going to DLR with in Dec that the only way they would get me back on this ride would be to drug me first. :crazy:
Those swinging gondolas .. WHEW I was glad to get off that ride. I am a thrill seeker, the faster, the most loops, the higher, the better. The swinging gondolas didn't make me sick or ruin my day, but I sure was glad it was over. DH wouldn't go with me. He doesn't like ferris wheels at all, so I went my my self. The falling feeling was what got me, maybe it was because I wasn't strapped in :confused3 who knows because TOT is one of my favorite rides. Cal Screamin' is one the the smoothest roller coasters I have ever riden. I would guess if you like TOT, the mailboomer will be fine too.

I may go on the SW again, but never again by myself.
I LOVE the SunWheel... swinging cars.

I rode the non-swinging once and I was really bored once I realized the view was the same and the non-swingers offered zero excitment.

You are not going to DIE on it. :thumbsup2

Please attempt to think and act maturely and logically when in publi.... your embellished and purposely increased outward fear and over-reactionsdo sometimes directly and in-directly affect nearby children and other Guests quite often. :rolleyes1

In over 5 years, no deaths on the Sun Wheel.

In several decades at Coney, no deaths on the Wonder Wheel.

So many people (Disney fans, it seems :rolleyes1 ) have freaked out on a simple swinging ride vehicle.

The same people I bet that rode park swings as a kid, far faster and with a much wider swing, that are all potentially more dangerous, unmaintained fo the most part and with several kids right next to them swinging, spinning, doing drop-outs and while swinging sometimes into other kids spinning on the much less safe swingsets in city parks, nation wide.

And then most of the same people jumped off their swing once they were high enough and in the right position and then landed on the cement, asphalt, some dirt, sand or wood chips before they rolled.

It's the same thing, yet the Sun Wheel is professionally maintained, inspected and state mandated, whereas your local park swings and overall playground equipment I bet aren't!

If the Sun Wheel is so horrible, so potentially deadly and DCA is such a ghost town as some agenda-monkeys on many Disney fan sites would like to have everyone believe, why do I always have to wait so long to ride it?
Another^Dimension said:
You are not going to DIE on it. :thumbsup2

It sure felt like I was going to die - I don't remember ever being that sick.

Another^Dimension said:
Please attempt to think and act maturely and logically when in publi.... your embellished and purposely increased outward fear and over-reactionsdo sometimes directly and in-directly affect nearby children and other Guests quite often. :rolleyes1

Huh? this is a joke right?

Another^Dimension said:
In over 5 years, no deaths on the Sun Wheel.
In several decades at Coney, no deaths on the Wonder Wheel.
So many people (Disney fans, it seems :rolleyes1 ) have freaked out on a simple swinging ride vehicle.

It's the same thing, yet the Sun Wheel is professionally maintained, inspected and state mandated, whereas your local park swings and overall playground equipment I bet aren't!

Never thought I would die from falling or a malfunction. Thought I would die from the way it made me feel. :crazy: I swear it did something physiologically to my body - like bottomed out my blood pressure or something. Really - I am not exagerating - I was very very ill.


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