Big age span!

Jordan's MOM

DIS Veteran
Jun 23, 2001
Our DS will be 10 next month. We are also adopting a baby girl fron South America that we hope to have in hands by the end of the year. On our next DW trip in Nov.2003, they will be 11 and 1. DS is so excited to take his new sister on her first Dumbo ride and introduce her to all the characters. I know however this trip will be much different. DS does all the trill rides. I plan to bite the bullet and stay in a monorail resort to make it easier to get back to the room. We alway go during the slowest times so crowds and heat are not a big issue. Who has had
kids with this much age differece at WDW? What works well? Do you split up sometimes? Thanks for all your help. I will keep reading these toddler post because we waited to take DS to WDW untill he was school age. Won't happen with this kid.

Jordan's mom advice for you...just couldn't resist telling you that our group heading down in two weeks includes our three kids....youngest is 5...and my aunt who's 90!
5 to 90....any advice?!!
DS can still do all the thrill rides. Just use the baby swap which is available on all the height-restricted rides. Since the one yr old will be in a carriage she can take naps while you enjoy the parks. Just make sure you have a carriage that reclines and has a sunshade.
my wife & I take the kids separately at least 1 day each vacation (DDs ages 7 & 3). I really like doing that; it gives our daughters "focus time" that they normally would not have on vacation. I usually take the oldest and my wife will usually take our youngest. The kids love it, even though they won't see the other parent until dinner and each other...

When I do this, I always allow my oldest daughter to structure the time herself. She will choose what rides we will do, what shows we shall see, what souveigners we will buy and bring back to her best friends... OOOPS! That was a different topic... :-)

When the 4 of us are together, we make it a practice to use the "baby swap" line. We have had no problems at all and it always seems to work out well... :D

Yes, the age span is wider than mine, but I am sure you will have a very memorable time with your existing family and your new baby! I have such respect for people who adopt from abroad as it is giving a child a wonderful life that they will likely not see in their home country (especially a third world country...).

I like the idea of staying at a monorail resort - most convenient for sure!! And going at a "quieter" time of year.

Very excited for you! Hope you cherish every minute!!

I have a 16,9,8,4 , so yes i have taken them at that age and we all stayed together, i would My husband and i took turns staying with the littler ones while the other rode a ride, we would go get fruit or ice cream to keep them happy. Congrats on your new family member! i wish you a very mickey vacations!
Allstar resort Dec 95"
holiday inn sunspree Oct98"
Westgate lakes Sept 2000
hotel Royal plaza resort Feb 2001 (Sisters vacations)
Wyndham Palace and spa Sept 2001 ( Hubby an I)
Westgate lakes May 2002
CRS,CBR,POR June 2002
Hey there SandraC~the~1st! Excellent thread you started. I'll bet there are lots of families in the age difference situation.

Our children are 6 years apart. dd is 8 and ds is 2. Both kids get on everything that they are tall enough to go on. While ds doesn't get Space Mtn. He enjoys people watching and playing with the parent that stays with him, while dd goes on the BIG rides with the other parent. We tend to alternate. dd still enjoys Fantasyland, so ds gets to have a blast too. Your ds can enjoy the best of both worlds ~ big rides and introducing his sister to rides she can go on (BTW, a one year old can go on LOTS of rides!)

I agree with Dr. Happy about the separate times with the kids. Last year we planned more time apart, but we ended up all wanting to do the same things at the same time. Since ds loves hanging out with me, dd doesn't get as much time with me as she did before he was born. So last year we managed a few dinners together at the food court at CBR. It gave ds and dh "boys night out" while dd and I had excellent "girl talk". We would meet up around dessert time and swap! I would take ds for a swim after his dinner while dh had dinner while dd enjoyed dessert. dh and dd hung out at the pool together alot too.

CONGRATS! On your new daughter! You are a special family and I hope you have a wonderful time! Sandra
you guys have such good ideas.Both for this next trip and for the years to come. Keep then comming. We are so excited to add to our Disney Family!!

Jordan's mom
Our Kids were almost 11 and 2 1/2 on our trip. We only xeparated for very short times. Once at MGM so DS and I could do ToT, RnR and ST. Then at MK so we could do SpM SplM and BTMRR. There iss so much at WDW that appeals to the young and old. DS and DD had a blast in all the play areas together and even at the character meals.
We went two years ago with my next to youngest (2yo at the time) and Grandma who was 87 - there were about 13 of us. What a blast!!! My main advice is to DO IT ALL!! Grandma went on every ride she could, including Buzz Lightyear (we actually got her out of her wheelchair and into the ride vehicle w/o stopping the ride! Lots of CM help - they were great!!)
I do have one regret, and that's that I kept Grandma from riding some of the things that had the "warning signs" about people with back trouble, etc. She REALLY wanted to go on the KS and I didn't think it was a good idea (I was pg and not riding these either). I'm sorry we didn't do it because she said when we got home that was one of the things she was disappointed about. She passed away about 6 months ago and I guess she's getting to do whatever she wants now.
I agree with a lot of what's been said already. There are seven years between my oldest and youngest sons (with one in between). On our last trip in Dec. 2000, my husband took our older two boys on the faster rides my youngest, then 3 and a half, couldn't do (roller coasters, ToT, etc.) while he and I did things my older two didn't mind missing, like Little Mermaid, Bear in the Big Blue House which is now Playhouse Disney I believe, or just window shopping or getting an ice cream. We also did many, many things all together (most of the shows, Great Movie Ride, all Fantasyland rides, Pirates, Jungle Cruise, HM, most Epcot rides, etc.). You'll be surprised just how much your little one will be able to do, pretty much anything without a height restriction (my youngest was only 14 mos. the first time the five of us went together and he did just about everything then too). If you do the 3D shows, I'd recommend covering your daughter's ears at the louder parts, and don't even try to get her to wear the glasses either. The effects won't even bother her without them! and many of the tactile effects can't be felt if she's sitting on your lap. We never actually split up for an entire day, because we just found it pretty easy to pick and choose those times when we would temporarily separate to do different things. You can bring walkie-talkies to communicate (yes, I know there can be problems using these, but we bought a very good pair with multiple channels and experienced very little interference). These make it even easier to find each other after doing your thing separately, or you can just arrange a meeting spot and agree to both be there at whatever time you decide. Have a wonderful time and best of luck with the new addition to your family!
First I want you to congratulate you on giving that blessed little one an obviously loving family. Our DD was born this past July and our then 12 year old was a bit reluctant to meet her but since the day they actually met, they have been totally in love. My DD totally idolizes her brother and my DS is really great with her. They have a lot of fun together.
We are driving from SD this summer to stay at the CBR and I too am a bit worried about it but we plan to take an afternoon break every day. My DH and I are planning to take turns taking our DS to some of the attractions while the other two just rest and play. We are also going to hire a sitter one afternoon so we can enjoy a waterpark just the three of us. I know it's spendy to do that but we think it's important. Again, congrats on your new baby.
Enjoy your magical trip!
We went last November and are returning this November my DD was 17 and DS just turned 3. We had such a great time. We lived the parks through the 3 year old. Had so much fun and not once had a problem with the age difference. DD and I went on TOT while DH watched the baby and she went on Rock n Roll Rollercoster while DH and I waited. Everything else we did together. You will have so much fun. Michelle
We went last August with 17yo ds, 9yo dd and 2yo dd. They all got to do the things they wanted. We traded off and took turns with the youngest one. We didn't find this to be a problem at all. We made sure we spent time together as a whole family but we also made sure that the older kids got to ride the thrill rides that they wanted to. I wouldn't worry about the age difference. My kids enjoyed going with the little one because it gave them an excuse to ride on things they would have otherwise thought they were "too old for ". Congratulations on the addition to your family!


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