Biggest Loser 9 Spring challenge -- Part 2! HERE WE ARE! :)

So the past 2 days I have been completely off plan and binging to boot. The first night I was up half the night wishing I could puke. I am back on plan today thanks to you all. I have some quotes I wrote down that I finally went back and read through....It is a journey, not a destination...If you break one dish it's no reason to break them all...etc.

I have determined that I need to set some new goals. I looked at my goals that I had written down back at the start of this and determined that I have accomplished them all...I think that's a problem....I don't have something to work towards except my weight goal which is so arbitrary.

So...I need some ideas people. I am already working towards running a 5K...what else should I set as a goal?

Thanks for all your help and support!


try to have at least 90oz of water, and walking 5000 steps a day, if that is too little double that. And remember to say something really positive about yourself everyday to yourself. Once you believe in yourself, YOU ARE
Are you staying on plan this week or taking a week off between challenges?

I am staying on plan, no time to waste. :) I have done enough of that!
I thought I was going to stay on plan this week, but I KILLED that idea Saturday. Won't share the details since I already did on the summer challenge, but I am working like a mad dog to undo that damage before Friday's weigh in!

I am seeing some HUGE numbers posted here for weight loss this challenge, (I was pretty proud of mine ;) so I can't WAIT to hear how many pounds we lost as a group since January!

Shannon, you are the lucky keeper of some cool news! :lovestruc

Happy Tuesday everyone!
Are you staying on plan this week or taking a week off between challenges?
Well.... I don't really think of it as a "plan" any more.... it is just my lifestyle. So I am sticking with it this week. Sure, some weeks I am more "on plan" than other weeks (like vacations... ;)) but I am in this for the long haul and it never occurred to me to "take the week off" just because this challenge is ending. Like we try to keep reminding ourselves.... this isn't a "DIET".... this is a HEALTHY LIFESTYLE!..............P
Linda HUGE CONGRATS TO YOU!!!!! :cheer2::cheer2: Thanks for sharing your story. :goodvibes

Maiziezoe :sick:not good!! Feel better soon - got it?!:hug:

Staying on plan here - it's a healthy lifestyle. :thumbsup2

I pulled on some capris yesterday that were snug - okay tight - at the end of March and they fit great!!! I even wore them again today. Shhhhh!

Went to my endo, all looks good. Need to get a blood draw. Since I went off my lexapro I have had more energy but she said I need to watch myself...I'm at the 3 week mark and that's when people notice they might still need it. I don't want that! It's too much $ and makes me sleepy. Yuck.

It's hot hot here! I got some plants at Wal-Mart (which by the way I now fill one of my prescriptions there - was $102 at CVS, now $63 at Wal-Mart using my AAA discount - I never knew there was a AAA discount so wanted to share that) so I'll be out later getting them in the ground.

DD's last day of school tomorrow, then she'll be a middle schooler.:scared: I'm not liking that but there's not much I can do except celebrate her changes and growth. And scrapbook my little baby.:goodvibes
OK, so I think I figured something out?! This is really strange though! I was SOOOO off plan over the weekend. Ate and drank everything in sight! Yesterday I got back with it! I walked in the morning and at night and mostly ate on plan. This morning I did the 3 mile pilates walk. I am only up .4 from Friday! Been good today! I ate my big meal ( a chicken parm sub) at 1pm. I have to go back to work later so I will eat a WW meal for supper i about an hour.

So what I figured out...I think I was too focused last week. I thought the pounds would fall off like crazy last week with all the work I did, but instead it's falling off this week. I may have also built up a bunch of muscle last week. May not have eaten enough to go along with my workouts. I'm more relaxed this week despite it being PMS time and accomplished a lot yesterday and have had a busy day today too! I may have a loss before our first weigh in on Friday! I'm not even going to try for 150 but will try for that for next Friday! Giving my body somewhat of a break is making me relax more and my body is doing the rest for me!

DD1 will be home very shortly and I need to cool her off and have her relax until she goes to soccer evals. It's in the 90s here right now! Got the ac cranking!

Enjoy the rest of your day! Can't wait to see the BL list and see who wins the show tonight!
Oh, I am such a dork. In my confusion, I posted this to the OTHER thread:

Are you staying on plan this week or taking a week off between challenges?

I had my month "off" already, so I'm just trying to stay in the groove to lose/maintain now. I am not actually losing or maintaining FOR the challenge, but rather using the challenges as tools to help me get/keep what I really want, which for me doesn't change if there's a break between challenges. :) Not that I'd judge anyone for relaxing a little between the challenges. Sometimes a little rest from focusing so hard on something can be very rejuvenating as well.

I had a hard time getting my long run in this weekend and ended up doing it yesterday. It was the next to last weekend before the half marathon, so last chance for a good long run. When I left the house it was 85º and I did pretty well for the first...oh, 7 or so miles. It was warm, but I had water and clif shot blocks (not my favorite, but did the job) but by the time I got back it was over 90º, sunny and I had had to walk large chunks of the last two miles because my heart rate kept getting too high and taking forever to come back down from that. I was hoping for 12, but decided that 11.5 was going to have to be good enough. Turns out, I picked a day that ended up with record high temperatures to do my last long run for this half. :sad2:

It would have been better if I'd gotten out an hour earlier, BUT my oldest son was leading the all-school morning assembly that day and so that ate into the morning considerably. At least it is done and I survived it without any lasting ill effect. I did need some serious rehydration and electrolytes after that, though!

I'm starting to get excited for the LIVE finale tonight!
I have been MIA for the last while, and not getting much time on the boards. I finished this challenge with a gain for the last week and a gain overall. Now its time to continue my wake up call. Its a bit late but its time to write a letter to myself. For me the journey starts fresh NOW. Quit looking back to Jan 2009 when I first started, because I need to get out of the comfort zone/rut and move FORWARD.

Dear Shannon,
You are a smart lady who doesn't want to fail. Well, you need to start knowing in your heart all the bits of advice you know in your brain. Its your heart that controls what you do, its so much more powerful than the brain. The only person who can make you a failure is you, so quit setting yourself up to fail. Don't tell yourself, one day doesn't matter - you have to admit that for you, everyday matters, every decision matters. Not just for the weight but for your own mental health. Its okay to make mistakes but remind yourself: just because you break one dish, you don't throw the rest on the floor.
Stop worrying about being trapped in your job and your town. You aren't trapped, you will eventually find something good enough to get out of where you are at. Remember you are only there because it fits your family for now.
Stop feeling like a failure for dropping some of your tasks; you took on too many things and it wasn't working, now you are doing the ones that are important to you.
Keep doing the BL challenges, and stay active on the thread. You know it motivates you. You know you lost weight in the past and will lose in the future. You need to make progress on your goal. You've proven you can maintain, you've stayed in a 5lb window for a year. For 9 months you kept at the same weight but at least had body shape changes. Well now for 3 months you've gone nowhere. You had a personal low in March, and now you've thrown it away by letting yourself stop trying. Sure life gets stressful and busy, but stop making excuses. Don't slide back into all those bad old habits.
Losing weight will not make your children or husband love you more or less. But they will love seeing you feeling better. Get your energy levels up!
Stop feeling guilty about being a lousy parent sometimes. Your kids know you aren't perfect, and they DON'T CARE! Take the time to take care of yourself, your kids want you healthy and more importantly they want you HAPPY!
You're a perfectionist at heart and you spend many years learning that sometimes "good enough" is all you need. Well, now its time to stop aiming to be just "good enough". When it comes to your own health, don't aim for just good enough, aim to really feel GOOD!
You have figure out how to turn off your brain and go to sleep at night. 1 and 2am is not the time to be think about everything you should have done, or really need to do. If you don't sleep, you are dragging yourself through the day feeling unable to actually get things done, and then setting yourself up to think about them again that night. STOP THE CYCLE.
So what are you going to do to make changes?
1 - Start a journal. Use it to release stress. Write down something good everyday. Quit bottling every thing up inside. Write down what's stressing you out and what you can do to change it.
2 - Try the C25K. You might like it, you might not. Try it and see. And if you really don't like it, then quit and try something else. The only failure when it comes to exercising is NOT exercising. Everything else is a success.
3 - Try the WW online thing again, and if you aren't enjoying using it, then give it up and quit paying for it. It either will work for you or it won't.
4 - Convince your heart that YOU ARE WORTH IT!
I have been MIA for the last while, and not getting much time on the boards. I finished this challenge with a gain for the last week and a gain overall. Now its time to continue my wake up call. Its a bit late but its time to write a letter to myself. For me the journey starts fresh NOW. Quit looking back to Jan 2009 when I first started, because I need to get out of the comfort zone/rut and move FORWARD.

Dear Shannon,
You are a smart lady who doesn't want to fail. Well, you need to start knowing in your heart all the bits of advice you know in your brain. Its your heart that controls what you do, its so much more powerful than the brain. The only person who can make you a failure is you, so quit setting yourself up to fail. Don't tell yourself, one day doesn't matter - you have to admit that for you, everyday matters, every decision matters. Not just for the weight but for your own mental health. Its okay to make mistakes but remind yourself: just because you break one dish, you don't throw the rest on the floor.
Stop worrying about being trapped in your job and your town. You aren't trapped, you will eventually find something good enough to get out of where you are at. Remember you are only there because it fits your family for now.
Stop feeling like a failure for dropping some of your tasks; you took on too many things and it wasn't working, now you are doing the ones that are important to you.
Keep doing the BL challenges, and stay active on the thread. You know it motivates you. You know you lost weight in the past and will lose in the future. You need to make progress on your goal. You've proven you can maintain, you've stayed in a 5lb window for a year. For 9 months you kept at the same weight but at least had body shape changes. Well now for 3 months you've gone nowhere. You had a personal low in March, and now you've thrown it away by letting yourself stop trying. Sure life gets stressful and busy, but stop making excuses. Don't slide back into all those bad old habits.
Losing weight will not make your children or husband love you more or less. But they will love seeing you feeling better. Get your energy levels up!
Stop feeling guilty about being a lousy parent sometimes. Your kids know you aren't perfect, and they DON'T CARE! Take the time to take care of yourself, your kids want you healthy and more importantly they want you HAPPY!
You're a perfectionist at heart and you spend many years learning that sometimes "good enough" is all you need. Well, now its time to stop aiming to be just "good enough". When it comes to your own health, don't aim for just good enough, aim to really feel GOOD!
You have figure out how to turn off your brain and go to sleep at night. 1 and 2am is not the time to be think about everything you should have done, or really need to do. If you don't sleep, you are dragging yourself through the day feeling unable to actually get things done, and then setting yourself up to think about them again that night. STOP THE CYCLE.
So what are you going to do to make changes?
1 - Start a journal. Use it to release stress. Write down something good everyday. Quit bottling every thing up inside. Write down what's stressing you out and what you can do to change it.
2 - Try the C25K. You might like it, you might not. Try it and see. And if you really don't like it, then quit and try something else. The only failure when it comes to exercising is NOT exercising. Everything else is a success.
3 - Try the WW online thing again, and if you aren't enjoying using it, then give it up and quit paying for it. It either will work for you or it won't.
4 - Convince your heart that YOU ARE WORTH IT!

:hug:, Shannon, you ARE WORTH IT! And you can do this. :flower3: You just have to start following our own advice! ;)

And thank you, thank you for all that you do as our weightkeeper! We couldn't do a BL challenge without you. :flower2:
Here we celebrate our progress and recognize our superstars.

-after 3 weeks of no reporting, you are dropped from the challenged – can re-start at any time, though :goodvibes
-if anybody knows they will miss weighing in, just PM and let me know and you’ll be marked excused :goodvibes

First some stats

Reporting in week 20 !
Congrats to Corinnak & 50sjayne & princessbride6205 for reporting in & maintaining! :cool1:
(staying within 2 lbs of their maintain weight is successfully maintaining!)

Current Participants-------------37
not reporting in for 1 week------ 3
not reporting in for 2 weeks------ 3
not reporting in for 3 weeks------ 1
Excused------------------------- 0
weigh ins----------------------- 30
gains---------------------------- 12
maintains------------------------ 2
losses-------------------------- 16
first time or returning weigh-ins---- 0

Biggest Loser 9 Spring Challenge Week 20!
total group loss = 20.5 pounds!
Average percentage of weight lost 0.32 %
Total group weight loss so far 1289.4 pounds!

Retention Rate (compared to the 135 weighins for our start weigh-in on Jan 1st)
(30+3+0)/ 135 = 24% :goodvibes (this includes the Losers and Maintainer and Excused people!)

Before the weekly superstar list comes the disclaimer. I am human and I make mistakes. If you have any questions please contact me. For your reference this is the magic percentage of weight lost formula - weight loss for the week divided by weight for last week times 100, that gives us the percentage. Now let me test that with my numbers for week 1, click, click, click goes the calculator. Yes, that agrees with the percentage on the magic spreadsheet. (btw if its been more than 1 week between weigh-ins, then the % loss is divided by the number of weeks, to keep everybody on the same basis)

Now let's get to the good stuff. Who were our superstars of week 20? This time I’ve done a TOP 10 LIST! That criteria may change from week to week. Hey I'm in charge here and I get paid nothin' to do this so you better take what you can get!;);):rotfl: (and if there’s something you want to know, just ask me!)

The WISH Biggest Loser 9 Spring Challenge Week 20 Superstars!!
#10- 0.47% - mikamah
#9- 0.52% - teapot
#8- 0.66% - Graciesmom77
#7- 0.82% - jennz
#6- 1.42% - maiziezoe
#5- 1.75% - flipflopmom
#4- 1.89% - happysmyly
#3 – 2.15% - pjlla
#2- 2.18% - Rose&Mike
and now

The WISH Biggest Loser 9 Spring Challenge
Week 20 Biggest Loser!!

#1- 2.34% - lisah0711

Quote from Dare2Dream: How is your week going? Are you OP (on program)? Are you exercising? Drinking that water? You know what to do to make the magic happen. Get on the wagon. We are all here to help you on the journey. We can do this one day at a time. One bite at a time.

Have a healthy day!

Congratulations lisah0711 !!!
What a great week you had. Keep up the good work. We have a very special clippie reserved for our weekly Biggest Loser. Wear it with pride this week! :goodvibes:

This is our weekly reigning Biggest Loser clippie. We have the large version


or use this
followed by

or we have a medium version


or use this
followed by

and we have a small version


or use
followed by

Thanks to ohMom-Molli for these clippies. They were used for a previous BL but we can recycle. Don't they look great!

How this works: you set your goal for what to lose in the challenge. Then I calculate your weight loss in the challenge divided by your goal to get a % to goal.
Anybody can change their goal at anytime (or add a goal) – all you have to do is send me a PM.
Since the goals are an individual thing, the list is just in alphabetical order to make it easier for everybody to find their own name. If there are any questions or suggestions please let me know. This is something new for BL9 :goodvibes

We have done 20 out of 20 weeks, so the challenge is 100% complete.
DisneyFam5 57
happysmyly 103
heatherlynn444 11
jbm02 50
jenanderson 79
kimara 96
Kitchensinkguy 79
lisah0711 93
lovedvc 55
LuvBaloo -13
maiziezoe 95
MickeyMagic 35
mikamah 5
MrIncrediDad 55
my3princes -17
NancyIL 55
NC Tink 73
redwalker -38
Rose&Mike 110
sahbushka 105
Tasha+Scott 64
tigger813 77
Worfiedoodles 72

We have completed another challenge. Some of us were super successful on the scale, and others not so much, BUT we all learned, we all did better than if we weren’t trying and we are all WINNERS!:goodvibes:

This is the first challenge with official maintainers!:woohoo:
BIG congrats to those who made it to maintainer status. You are inspiring to the rest of us!
Corinnak, 50sjayne, PrincessBride6205 & seashell724!

Now onto our LOSERS:
Here’s some numbers to look at how we did:
Average % loss of those who finished the challenge: 7.4%
Average % loss of everybody who participated: 4.0%
(Those who finished on average did better, so sticking with it does help!)

TOTAL WEIGHT LOST FOR THE ENTIRE GROUP (including those who switched to Maintainer status!)
1289.4 pounds!
608 pounds of that came from the 36 people to finish the challenge!
You are all AWESOME!​

Out of the 36 Losers still active at the end:
We had 4 gains and 32 losses!

There are many ways of measuring success other than the scale!
One measure of success is reporting in! We have 15 people who reported in every week (either with a weight or telling me they’d be away & getting marked excused!
Perfect Attendance:

:dance3::cheer2::cool1:Now let’s send out some cheers for our top active losers! I want all of you to feel proud that you stuck with this!!!!
With 5 – 7% lost:

With 7 – 9% lost:

With 9 – 12% lost:
NC Tink

And now our top 7 losers!
#7 – 14.50% - Rose&Mike
#6 – 14.75% - sahbushka
#5 – 15.62% - kimara
#4 – 16.83% - flipflopmom
#3 – 17.93% - jenanderson
#2 – 18.21% - maiziezoe

Congrats Lisa!

And a huge congrats to Carmiedog!!!!!! WoW!!!!!! That's amazing!

I finally got perfect attendance at something! LOL! Hey and lost 7-9% I'm thrilled!

And congrats to all of us:1289.4 lbs is amazing!!!!!!

Home from work now! 4 massages today! I think I've done my exercise for the day! It was hot in there tonight so I got a good workout giving a massage! Finishing up my water! Over 120 oz. today (60 was Crystal Light raspberry iced tea).

BL just started so I'm going to sit back and relax the rest of the night! Meeting my neighbor for a 5:30 stroll again in the morning before another day truly begins! 2 massages scheduled and dancing for DD2. Glad I already made turkey chop suey for supper tomorrow! Just need to put some extra light Italian cheese on top and bake!

Enjoy your night and congrats to all!

We're ready for the summer!!!!!!
Wahoo!!! :cool1:
We met our goal--so cool that half the total weight lost was from those of us that finished :)
Huge congrats to everyone on that list--maintainers and losers! We lost a huge amount of weight between all of us. I want to thank you all for helping me to reach my goal--it was 37.5 lbs and I ended up losing 38.5--and I couldn't have done it without you. And I'm so glad that the challenges continue--cause I'll be in these for quite some time til this is all gone and then some as a maintainer. :) Thank you all so much!!!

I was talking to Kimara on the phone--they packed up her computer today--so she's without it til Friday--when she unpacks it at her new house--we were both excited to be in the 'top 10' (even though it wasn't organized that way). She sends her congratulations to everyone--especially to Carmiedog!

Wow, Carmiedog--22%?!?!?!!!!! That is so very impressive!! I do hope you'll post what are the things that helped you the most to accomplish such a huge % of weight loss. I would love to hear what the top losers consider to be their 'keys to success'... I know that there won't be any secrets exposed--that it's most likely about consistently good choices--but I'm curious :) Mine would be lots of water and the at least 5 fruits/veggies a day thing - well, and exercise 6 days a week... so no surprises there...

Congrats again to everyone of us that is still here--we have done a great thing--time passed and we chose to use it wisely :) Let's continue down this road in the summer challenge!! See you there!! Thanks again--you're all wonderful!!!
:) Liz
Congrats Losers:goodvibes

my3princes and kitchensinkguy didn't make the perfect attendence list, but I'm sure we did have it. Oh well, It's been great having the support.

Onto the next challenge
What?!? I was just checking in during BL commercial, and all I can say right now is WHAT?!?!!?
Congrats Losers:goodvibes

my3princes and kitchensinkguy didn't make the perfect attendence list, but I'm sure we did have it. Oh well, It's been great having the support.

Onto the next challenge
Congratulations to all the people who have participated in the COW in one way or another.

COW ending May 13th

With 11 out of 28 points

With 20 out of 28 points

With 21 out of 28 points

With 25 out of 28 points

COW ending May 20

with 11 out of 28 points

With 17 out of 28 points

With 22 out of 28 points

With 23 out of 28 points

Thank you any who did a COW whether you sent me the results or not. I want to thank those of you who sent me notes or told me how much they liked the COW.

I am looking forward to the SUmmer BL Challenge. I am taking a break from the COW for the summer. I don't have anything planned for the summer except for a weekend trip to the Boy Scout Jamboree. I really want to just take care of myself and get my sewing things organized and caught up. I want to do some charity knitting and sewing. I also plan to get some things done for my AP calc classes. I am building a website for my calc kids and that is going to take some work.

Congrats to all the winners. I didn't make the % list but I did make the 100% send in rate. Nice to make 100% for something.

See you on the next thread
Wow. We ALL need a huge round of applause. Everyone who is still here, lose, stay, or gain. I love Bob Harper's sign: "Stand up and finish what you started." We HAVE.

I was hoping for maybe the #9 or #10 spot. #1 is a complete surprise!

Thank you so much to Dona for COW. It is a terrific tool to keep on track.

And a huge thank you to Shannon. Shannon, you are such a great cheerleader. Your congrats and encouragement always mean a lot.

THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU for the sharing, motivation, and wise words.

See everyone at the next challenge!


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