Bill & Ted show... disappointing... again


Earning My Ears
Aug 13, 2001
Well the "Employee Preview" of the Bill and Ted show has come and gone, looks like "RODDY" blew it again.

The show had no point, no conflict, and no real conclusion. It's filled with bad one liners and dancing.

It's sad... :(

Once "The Best Stage live stage show in Orlando" -1997 Florida Visitor Like-a-Pro.
Now a waste of time...
Un-Funny, Un-Original, Un-Watchable -I'm glad I didn't have to PAY to see it.

The only saving point of the show was "Jay and Silent Bob" who had more stage time then Bill and Ted. "Crazy" Eddie from CHARACTERS ( plays "JAY" and HE is great.

It should have been the Jay and Silent Bob show. :p

Oh, well... Better luck next year. I wish Universal would bring back J.S. -The Writer/Director 95'-98'! HE knew how to write!!
Oh I want to say so muchmore, but I will refrain...

Pringle, I agree.
I started seeing Bill and Ted back in '97. I will say that '97 and '98 were REALLY great years. '99's was a bit of a dissapointment, but 2000 was great again.

Haven't gotten a chance to sneak off and see the show this year yet. Hopefully soon.
What was '97 about?

I only started seeing the show since '98, which I thought was their best one. Actually, that's not fair to say because it was my first time seeing the show and I didn't know what it was about and all the characters that popped out surprised the hell out of me.

If I remember correctly, '98 had a Phantom of the Themepark story and was lead by Joe Pesci, X-Files, and T.J. Hooker. Guest appearances were made by Gay Zorro, South Park, Jack and Rose from the Titanic, the Wedding Singer, and the feature car was the DeLorean from BTTF. The bad guy then was Michael Meyers from Halloween H20. Then, the closing number was Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinski and the gang doing Grease.

I thought 1999 was alright but not as fun. I think I remember it being called the Shagadelic Menace and that one had Wild Wild West, Michael Jackson, Jenifer Lopez, Buffy, Austin Powers, Jar Jar Binks, and Darth Maul. The feature car then was the Austin Powers Shaguar and the closing number was Time Warp with Marilyn Manson.

Last year's was pretty creative and I liked it alot. The guy that played Mr. Burns was really good and I was glad they surprised us with having a cartoon guy as the villain. I remember the plot for that was that Mr. Burns was going to steal Bill and Ted's time machine powers to get rid of the pop groups and tv shows of the time and replace them with contemporary easy listening stuff. The feature car there was the Scooby Doo Mystery Machine and had Charlie's Angels, Elian Gonzales, Janet Reno, The Rock, Britney Spears, Slim Shady, X-Men, and Mission Impossible. The closing number was Bye Bye Bye and the guys that played nsync were pretty good.

Can anbody remember the other shows before then? Was it always about slamming the year's newsmakers?

And if you already saw or will see this year's show NO SPOILERS please. I think part of the fun of the Bill and Ted's show is finding out who will show up.
98's was the best.

I still laugh when i think about Moulder and Scully getting out of the DeLorean and "investigating" everything, including picking up pieces of mulch and examining them.

And then titanic: "What did you do with the heart of the sea?"
"i threw it.. overboard"
"Well what did you do that for, you stupid b****!? <PUNCH>"

I think you sour pusses are being too hard on Michael Roddy and the show in general. Think about seems the only time we laugh is when Tonya Harding and Nancy Kerrigan ***** fight. or when Monica Lewinksy appears on stage with Bill Clinton sniffing a cigar. The current political/world climate calls for an ultra-sensitive show. I watched the season premiere of 'Saturday Night Live' last week and I thought it not that funny too, what with all references to George W., Cheney, and Al Gore gone.
In conclusion I thought the show cute, and somewhat funny, I even laughed out loud a few times. I am not easily amused, crap is crap. Did anyone see Scary Movie that was CRAP!
I am also not a great fan of Michael take this post for what it's worth. Go enjoy HHN and enjoy 'Bill and Ted's'.
Okay, I"ve been a fan of the Bill and Ted show the last four years. Each year has been great- although '99 was the weakest. Still good, though.

This year's Bill and Ted show is AWFUL. HORRIBLE. ATROCIOUS. It goes on and on.

The jokes aren't funny, the music numbers are uninspired- and for the love of god, how many years can we use Michelle and Jim from American Pie and Jennifer Lopez?? (she's got a big butt... we get it! AGAIN!)

Folks, it's REALLY bad.
I think I saw last year's show maybe two dozen times- I still know most of the lines from the show. I can't say for certain if I'd even want to sit through the current version again.

I will, however, say that Lord Farquad's make-up is spectacular though.
I have seen a lot of the B&T shows...while I found it enjoyable it is the WORST I have ever seen it. The guy who plays Jay is GREAT he looks and sounds and has mannerisms JUST LIKE him....but what the hell was the deal with the dancing flying dude at the beginning? The sex in the city chicks were annoying and they should have done something more with the whole Moulin Rouge thing. Overall I'd give it a 6 out of 10. I'll post a whole new thread about my impressions of the rest of the event.
You peeps are killing me!! I respect all of your opinions, don't get me wrong.........yes J-Lo your butt is big......but as far as the American Pie cast again.......AM Pie 2 made a lot of money for Uni, and the teen crowds love the J-Lo reference again (come on they are teens, which must I remind you Rex Reeds and Rona Baretts out there, is what HHN is marketed for, the demographics tell us!)
I watched two of the performances last night, and both got standing ovations. Yes, as painful as it is the crowd's seem to love the show! And that's all that matters, cut and dry. All be it that most of the audiance is probably on 'something', if they like it and tell their friends, Uni makes money, bottom line. Hey as painful as it is to admit, true brilliance is in the eye of the beholder!
Be well....God Bless You....And God Bless Our GREAT Nation!
I totally agree there are some out there that enjoy it. I gave a standing O myself because I know the cast works hard and the show creators spend a LOT of time and energy on the production and I applaud thier efforts. You will DEFINATLY get a reaction out of folks who have NEVER seen the production before. However in comparing it to previous years performances it came up a little short :)... I still enjoyed the hell out of it and plan to see it several more times. I also video taped the event.
Just want to tell Pringle to play fair . . .

Since he uses the name "Pringle", I can only assume he is involved in the Movie "Characters" which features "Pringle Pup". I have friends in the movie and yes, I respect the (alluded to) J.S. who is the writer director for said film and also one of the initial creators of many of the Universal B&T shows.

When JS left it caused a rift amongst the actors who had been involved in many B&T shows . . some sided with him, some sided with "Roddy" (as Pringle calls him) . . and some of us know that to pick on an individual is childish. If you don't like B&T's show . . that's cool . . .but don't make it so personal. Sounded to me like you wanted to grind an ax, not review a theme park show.

What's the matter Pringle . . didn't he cast you?

Of course, that's only my opinion . . I could be wrong.

for the record . . not my favorite B&T of all time . . but far from the worst. And, it's okay, he didn't cast me either . . .

Okay, it's 5 minutes later and I want to apologize if it sounds like I'm picking on Pringle . . I'm really not meaning to. But even though the general consensus seems to be displeased about this years show . . .comments sould be made about the SHOW . . not the people. You may not know how many cuts have to be made before that show opens every year. I do, I've done one, previously. Everyone puts their opinions in, from cast, to director, to SM, to Tom Williams . . and time plays a huge factor. No one individual is ever at fault or responsible for B&T. It is it's own entity.
BILL & TED have returned for the tenth time - and it seems that the time-travelling duos latest exploits have some detractors.
As one of the creative team behind this year's event - I enjoy the opportunity to entertain audiences. This year is the most important - a year that is ending in crisis. Bill & Ted has been designed to entertain for 15-20 minutes, an extended SNL skit - that uses Bill & Ted as a through line. Michael is successful at Universal because he delivers what is asked in creative ways.
Things have changed in the 3 years since J.S. willingly left the studio.

Bill & Ted has grown in popularity - still an audience favorite. If Pringle wants more out of his entertainment offerings, I encourage him to visit other outlets.

This year's show and Halloween event have met with audience approval - thus far. Bill & Ted has recieved Standing ovations. No one person is responsible for this - it is the combined efforts of the Writer, the Director, the very talented actors (especially Jay and Silent Bob), the Technicians (audio - lighting - effects).

Listening to pringle - I feel that he has a bone to pick with "RODDY".

What is humorous or pathetic is that there seems to be this competition between Jason Surrell and Michael Roddy that is fabricated by people who really don't know them.

I invite Pringle to step outside his pup costume and understand that the world is a bigger place than a theme park show. If he can do something better - please do so - the world needs all the entertainment it can get.
I don't understand the problem here.

If the original poster wants to say the show sucks and the actor sucks, he has the right to say whatever he wants.

If your opinion is different, then write your own review of the show.

There is no need for all of the personal insults and bickering!!!!!

There is no way to prove if a message board user has a personal agenda behind their opinion of a show. I'm sure that we will see many reviews of the show the next few weeks. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. You guys need to take it easy and chill!!
And for the person that didnt know what the dancing/flying guy was at the beginning, it was a knock off of a recent Music Video.. you may not get it if your not in the demo--just like the younger crowd may not have catched the whole Charleton Heston thing..

Something to please every taste..

By the way, if you are one for details-- pay attention to the Honda from the Fast and the Furious. The car alarm goes off at the end of the show, and those annoying alarm warning-chirps go off during the loud explosions.. funny..
Bill and Ted this year were great as usual. That was the most I've laughed at any of their shows all( I've seen all of them except 99 and 00).
This years Bill and Ted Show is just ok and gets a C minus. I am kind of dissapointed in Michael Roddy myself for this show. I know he is a bussy man, and writes alot of story lines for most of the Halloween event, but he did not spend enough time on this years script. And believe me I am one of the biggest Bill and Ted Show fans on the planet. I saw last years show almost 20 times. But this years show is unoriginal. Basically this is the same plot and story line of last years show, but watered down. This show has so many problems I dont no where to begin. As I watch this show I notice there is a basic Bill and Ted Show script formula Roddy is using. Two groups of Characters walk in the audience at the begining of the show and ask were they are, and one says the Bill and Ted Show, and the other says who are they, and the she replise two washed up characters from the 80's. Then the anouncer comes on and says this show contains phro techniqus. Then We will Rock You plays. Then the Show either begins with a dance number (Wild Wild West, Moulin Rouge) or a Character that does a monolague. Then the Telephone Booth enters the stage and the Bad Guy gives his plan to capture pop icons. Then a hero comes down from the sky and says two words. Then Bill and Ted come from the garage in a Car from a summer movie. Then all of the Heros make there entrances. The Bad Guys leave and then come Back with more Bad Guys. Then the Bad Guys order a dance number with two lady Dancers in a dancing Cat Fight. Then the Good guys come back and a game show finally votes off the bad guy. Then the Show ends with a Dance Finally.

And this is the same plot used over and over again. For the last two years it has worked very good. The Star Wars Austin Powers Plot, and the X-men Mr. Burns Plot worked good but this years plot is unoriginal. All of the characters from Shrek are not funny in this show. Shrek does a little Rock spoof that is horrorable and reminds me of last years show were the Rock whooped some butt. That was awsome seeing the Rock last year. This years Shrek succks. And the Gingerbread guy is anoying and Unfunny. The American Pie Subplot is the same thing from two years ago. And it offers nothing. They start the show with those American Pie Characters then they disapear. The Bad Guys are also boring as hell in this show. Lord Farquad and Thade form planet of the apes are unfunny and makes me wish Burns or Dr. Evil would come out of the phone booth instead. And what the heck is with the Mummy. He is there for one scene and disapears offering no laughs or nothing. The show is better having a cental boss bad guy. Not three guys working together. Whose the brains in this outfit? The Ja-lo vs Christina dance off was boring and a rip off off last years more funny dance off of Brittney vs Lil kim. And Ja-lo's dress is from two years ago. And Christian Agular has not come out with a record this year, so I dont know why she's in this. I think a better dance off would be N-Sync vs Backstreet Boys and a drunking AJ. Harry Potter offered nothing to the show. He did not do any thing for the plot. The Weekest Link thing at the end is a rip off of last years Survivor vote off. I think Ann Robinson from the weekest link should have been a bad guy and Cut down all of the characters in the show. Last year we had the Crocadile Hunter to kind of guide us through the show, this year there is non of that. Its just a bunch of little skits that are thrown together for the heck of it. Chris Walkin does his Fat Boy slim dance the disapears for the whole show. The Moulin Rouge girls show up in the begining then disapear for the whole show. Dr. Lector, Jay-Lo, Christina Agualara, the Mummy, the Mummy girl all show up and then disapear for the whole show offering nothing to the plot. Last year you would have the slasher from Scary Movie show up and then come back later as rapper Eminem. Which Brings me to the shows biggest disapointment, the shows finally. Last year we had the funny Elen Gonzales and Janet Reno Dance. We also had Slim Shady, the Funny Crocidile Hunter doing it to the Discovery Chanel, and a special suprise apearence by N-sync that dazzeled the crowd. This year the shows finally having all the characters on stage singing songs to the 80's that make no sence at all. Queen, AC DC, its Raining Men, Get your freak on? Okay the Moddona thing was cool. But what character was singing get your freak on? I was expecting the Gingerbread man to take off his costume and be Missy Elliot to sing the song. No such luck though. This show's ending does not gell together like last years show. And worst of all Bill and Ted are Hardly in this show. Even though they were not in the Star Wars show that much, they had a cool plot idea to get them back so that show worked. But this year they are missed.

Now for the good parts of the show there is not much. Jay and Silent Bob are awsome and are a crowd pleaser. The Gay Duo are awsome, but they should of had the bad guys question if they are straight of not, just like in the cartoon on SNL. And of course the costumes are awsome like always. Then the rest of the show runs its C-minus cource.

Next years movies are Star Wars episode two, The Matrix Reloded, Austin Powers 3 Goldmember, and Spiderman. Lets see if Roddy does the same script of two years ago with the same characters and same plot,
JacksBack, I pretty much agree with you on this. I do have to give the cast and crew praise for the technical quality of the production, but as far as the story goes I'd have to rate this as being pretty poor. It did entertain me, but it bothered me knowing that the show could be so much more than it was. I think one of the reasons it's been getting standing ovations is that it does a really nice job of stimulating the audience, perhaps even overstimulating. The lights, pyrotechnics, and music seem to have been kicked up a notch or two this year, and it's hard not to get excited by that kind of stuff when it's done well. Even though the audience of the show I saw rarely laughed during the show, they applauded wildly at the end after the slam-bang finale. The Star-Spangled Banner didn't hurt either, I'm sure :).

I'm going back to HHN in a couple of weeks, and I'll probably give it another shot. I like lights and explosions :D.
Show was OK at best.

If you've NEVER seen a B&T Show then you'll enjoy it. But it does NOT hold its own to past years.

1997 - was the BEST!!:D

Star Trek cast meets SEINFELD!!! That was Awesome!


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