Black friday buddies 2010 unite! BACK FROM THE TRENCHES POST YOUR WAR STORIES!

I had a pretty successful trip! We hit Walmart at 10:15, and got out with everything we wanted at 12:05 (we have a great Walmart)--the steam mop, some new towels, sleep pants, and some video games and movies. Then we headed over to our local Premium Outlets Mall and scored $3 shirts at Anne Taylor. Then Toys R Us (where we didn't find any deals but had fun looking around), and on to the mall. This afternoon I dropped back by Walmart and grabbed a Tomtom GPS, which I love!

Our only bad experience was at the mall. My sisters desperately wanted the gift bags at Victoria's Secret so we got there two hours early and were the fifth, sixth and seventh in line--that is, until ten minutes before opening (when there were about 100 people in line) and three women cut right in front of us. Normally I say something, even when I shouldn't, but they were tall and built like linebackers, and one of the cutters yelled at someone in line who was staring at them for cutting in line so rudely. They were horrifying. They went up to the doors and started rattling them, yelling "Open up, b****!" because they were "tired of standing"... five minutes before they were set to open. :thumbsup2:rolleyes: Well, I suppose I should say it was interesting instead of bad. I guess I shouldn't be surprised if people act like that, but I was.

PJs were EVERYWHERE last night, and this leads me to my Pajamas in Public PSA:

Ladies, when you wear pajama pants in public, you should sew up the button flies (if you're wearing men's PJ pants), and if you don't, PLEASE wear underpants. That is all.

(And yes, that was one of the women who cut in line.)
Seriously, though. All in all, a great Black Friday!

I guessed that BEFORE I read it!!!! No surprise there at all!!!
I had a pretty successful trip! We hit Walmart at 10:15, and got out with everything we wanted at 12:05 (we have a great Walmart)--the steam mop, some new towels, sleep pants, and some video games and movies. Then we headed over to our local Premium Outlets Mall and scored $3 shirts at Anne Taylor. Then Toys R Us (where we didn't find any deals but had fun looking around), and on to the mall. This afternoon I dropped back by Walmart and grabbed a Tomtom GPS, which I love!

Our only bad experience was at the mall. My sisters desperately wanted the gift bags at Victoria's Secret so we got there two hours early and were the fifth, sixth and seventh in line--that is, until ten minutes before opening (when there were about 100 people in line) and three women cut right in front of us. Normally I say something, even when I shouldn't, but they were tall and built like linebackers, and one of the cutters yelled at someone in line who was staring at them for cutting in line so rudely. They were horrifying. They went up to the doors and started rattling them, yelling "Open up, b****!" because they were "tired of standing"... five minutes before they were set to open. :thumbsup2:rolleyes: Well, I suppose I should say it was interesting instead of bad. I guess I shouldn't be surprised if people act like that, but I was.

PJs were EVERYWHERE last night, and this leads me to my Pajamas in Public PSA:

Ladies, when you wear pajama pants in public, you should sew up the button flies (if you're wearing men's PJ pants), and if you don't, PLEASE wear underpants. That is all.

(And yes, that was one of the women who cut in line.)

Seriously, though. All in all, a great Black Friday!

Every time you post, I have to say it, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the baby pic in your signature!!
Well I'm glad some of you did so well. My bf was a total FAIL. More like EPIC fail!

Went to TrU at midnight to get a MP3 player and a Wii game... the wair was over an hour to get into the electronics section. So we left. :headache:

Got to Wally World at 12:30. I had about 10 items on my list. Nothing major. Sheets, a few wii games, some 2 dollar movies. They only had one thing I wanted left. :mad::headache:

Decided to go get in line at Target. 3 hours we waited. It was AWFUL! They came out at about 3:30 to announce that they had 50 of the TV's I wanted. Since we were around 75th in live I figured there was SOME hope. Once they finally opened the doors and we pushed our way in I only saw about 25 of the TV's. Figures. I get up there. I actually have my hand on one and I'm starting to drag it away when some crazy kid (20 something) throws himself onto the pile to grab one like he was crowd surfing at a rock concert. This knocks me over a little - but my hand was still on the box. Then out of no where this woman shoves me in my bad shoulder. I fall on my butt and end up letting go of the box so I wouldn't take the 10 other people around me down too. She jerked it away and ran. Literally. By the time I got back up again (all of 10 seconds) there were none left. I thought about going after her - but our Target isn't in the best neighborhood and I didn't wanna end up getting stabbed over a stupid TV. We were back in the car heading home by 4:04am. :sad1:


My hubs is currently waiting at Walmart for the 37" Vizio they have going on sale at 6am. But has anyone heard any good cyber monday sales for TV's?
I had a more low key Black Friday. I got a great deal on a GPS this past week in Amazon for the IL's, so I was only going for lower ticket items. I got to Target around 7:40 and got the playdough and slippers for the kids and some movies and pajamas. The playdough and slippers were the only things I would have been disappointed on and I got the second to last playdough.

I then went to a local sporting good shop in the mall and got a sweatshirt for DH's grandfather and then to Macy's where I got some nice deals.

Later in the afternoon I went to Old Navy and got a few things.

My BEST DEAL was that evening. We had been thinking of upgrading cell phones but thought the one we wanted was too expensive but I decided to call around since it was Black Friday. Sam's Club had an awesome sale. We were able to get two Samsung Epics (AWESOME PHONE) for 99 apiece. I couldn't believe it. They are going for at least 200-250 everywhere else. That was the best score I could have gotten.:banana:
had to head to nj to shop since i live in ny and there is no walmart here, i also wanted to hit sams club ( only in nj) so my mom and i headed out at 10;30pm and went to walmart. as soon as we walked in 6 cops ran past us with several female employees in their 60s (also running) i asked one of the employees what was going on and she said they were already having a fight in line for tvs. i asked why she had to go and she said she was a "first responder to incidents" at least they were prepared. by 11:15 all the dvds and video game pallets were being torn into by customers (i waited about ten minutes and said i will get nothing and joined the masses in finding my $1.96 dvds and 10 ds games.all the 5am electronic pallets were torn into at 12:30 and items in peoples carts. i missed that because i was in another part of store. i got my cheap towels, my five dollar sweat shirts, and assorted other little things and left by 1:15. problem was kohls was my next stop and they didnt open til 3:00. so i swung by the mall and went to aero (got pj gifts) disney store (sweatsuits) and headed towards kohls (waited on line in the rain for 20 minutes) got ihome for hubby, jewelry, clothes, and missed out on the boots:mad: for me. headed back to a different walmart for ds and camera for 4:30. i joined the ds line (opened at 5:00) on the dot had ds by 5:05. joined mom on line for camera waited 1hr as cashier in sporting goods rang up carts full of stuff while handing out each camera. gave up and left. headed to sams , got my first trampoline:yay: no employee had heard of it and i almost left empty handed but found it in the meat dept. hit radio shack got camera for $5 more, got tree at kmart. retuned home 9:05 am. still tired and achy and my mom wants to know what time we are shopping today:confused3
Well I'm glad some of you did so well. My bf was a total FAIL. More like EPIC fail!

Went to TrU at midnight to get a MP3 player and a Wii game... the wair was over an hour to get into the electronics section. So we left. :headache:

Got to Wally World at 12:30. I had about 10 items on my list. Nothing major. Sheets, a few wii games, some 2 dollar movies. They only had one thing I wanted left. :mad::headache:

Decided to go get in line at Target. 3 hours we waited. It was AWFUL! They came out at about 3:30 to announce that they had 50 of the TV's I wanted. Since we were around 75th in live I figured there was SOME hope. Once they finally opened the doors and we pushed our way in I only saw about 25 of the TV's. Figures. I get up there. I actually have my hand on one and I'm starting to drag it away when some crazy kid (20 something) throws himself onto the pile to grab one like he was crowd surfing at a rock concert. This knocks me over a little - but my hand was still on the box. Then out of no where this woman shoves me in my bad shoulder. I fall on my butt and end up letting go of the box so I wouldn't take the 10 other people around me down too. She jerked it away and ran. Literally. By the time I got back up again (all of 10 seconds) there were none left. I thought about going after her - but our Target isn't in the best neighborhood and I didn't wanna end up getting stabbed over a stupid TV. We were back in the car heading home by 4:04am. :sad1:


My hubs is currently waiting at Walmart for the 37" Vizio they have going on sale at 6am. But has anyone heard any good cyber monday sales for TV's?

That's awful! I can't believe they didn't have a better system. Our Target comes out with tickets just before the doors open and go down the line passing them out to the people who want the TV's. Then just a minute before they let everyone else in, they say "everyone with a ticket, step out of line, stay in single file and follow me" then everyone proceeds single file to the TV's while a guard watches. Very civil.

I was kicking myself that I didn't go. Iwas thinking there would be like 10-15 tv's and people started lining up at 4pm on Thankgiving. I was not going to stand in line that long. Then , yesterday when I'm at Target, I asked how many they had and they had 71 of them! People that got i nline as late as 2am got one! I would have gladly done 2hrs in line for a TV --- but was not willing to do 2 hours only to be disapointed. Oh, well.

I ended up going to Walmart at 3pm and had my hand on the last 42" Emerson priced at $398. My dilemma was that I was by myself and I needed help to get it in my cart, but I didn't want to leave it alone to go get a salesperson to help me. Finally I saw a salesperson and I mad a dart for them to help me..and sure enough a couple comes up and grabs it. The salesperson felt bad for me, so he went and asked his manager if there were more or if they could substitute something else for me. So the manager comes back and says they had one that someone bought this morning, took home, found it didn't fit where they needed it, and returned it with the box open. He would sell it to me for $20 off since the box was open. I was going to bargain for more off, but man was hovering next to us asking if the TV was already sold. So I didn't want to push it. They took it out andmade sure it was fine and everything was there. So I ended up getting a bigger TV for $80 more. So, that made me feel better that I didn't wait in line.
Overall I had a good BF experience.

Shopped BF sales online Wednesday night/Thursday throughout the day at Newegg, Walmart, Best Buy, Radio Shack, and Lowe's. And all of those except lowes are Sunshine Rewards merchants so I also scored a % back of my shopping.

Left home about 10:45 and headed to Walmart. Arrived around 11:30. Mom and I separated and headed to each side of the store. We both only wanted small stuff so no real panic. We ended up with everything on our lists except the $9 griddle which neither of us ever saw except in people's carts. Everything was super at walmart. They didn't let us touch anything until midnight. Just one or two employees guarding lots of stuff, but everyone was obedient. Lines were forming for 5 am stuff, but wasn't interested. Had everything we wanted, found each other, and got it in the right carts by 12:40, but then in line to check out until 1:30 *sigh*

Headed to next town to hit Old Navy, but pulled in CVS on a whim. Got all of their "Free" stuff and had a WONDERFUL checker who rang up our orders in like 5 different orders to help us get most of the stuff free today. He would ring up like 3 things, get their ECB's, and then ring up the next 3 and use the ECB's from first order to pay, etc. I ended up making one charge to my debit card for $9 and walked out with $10 in ECB's. and then headed to next town.

Walked in Old Navy and had my jeans in my hands in 5 minutes. Then waited in the line from hell. It was soooo long, but had friendly people in front of us and visited the entire time.

Left Old Navy at 3:50, went to Mall, and arrived at JC Penny at 4 on the dot. Walked right in with crowd, got 2 of their griddles for $19.99 with $10 mail in rebates so was thrilled (and we got the free snow globes!).

Was out of JC Penny's by 4:15 and headed to Target. The line was still going in so we jumped in and headed in. Again, we only wanted smaller items so no big deal. Mom bought a good bit there, I only got 2 movies and 6 of the iTunes gift cards (will give 1 each to my dds for stocking stuffers) and the rest will just keep through the year as we buy a lot on iTunes and thought the savings was worth stocking up.

After Target decided to head to Kmart just to see what was going on. I really wanted the 2gb memory card (bought a child on my list a mp3 player and 2gb is the largest sd card it will hold). Kmart was insane in my opinion. Made everyone that wanted ANYTHING out of electronics line up. Had the entire electronics blocked off (they did not do this last year). Even if you wanted something not on sale, you had to be in the line. I was not waiting in the long line for 1 2g sd card. Mom bought a few other things though. Checked out in jewelery which was not too bad.

Decided we were tired of shopping. Went to ihop for breakfast. Mentioned to Mom (since I knew she was in the market) that Target sales Kindles. We decided to go back by Target to see if they had any - they didn't.

She (Mom) needed a new tag for her dog, so we went in Pet Smart and got that.

Told Mom that Staples also sales Kindles so we went to the town that has a Staples on the way home (adds about 5 miles to the trip). They had 2 left (how many she wanted). We got those, the hd, and some flash drives (actually she got all this, I didn't need any of it).

Mom realizes she needs a few regular household items from Walmart while we are so close so we went in there.

Then headed home. We were back at my house around 9:50 (so almost 12 hours later).

I hugged and visited with my DD10 (who my brother was nice enough to bring home for me so I wouldn't have to drive half awake to go get her) and then headed to bed. Slept until 8 pm! Woke up, fixed chili dogs for supper at dd's request. Back asleep by 10, slept until 6 this morning.

But all in all, I'm pleased with our purchases. I'll be digging everything out of my trunk later and recording who I bought what so I can see who the couple people left that I need to purchase anything for are.
I had a great time, but I wasn't after anything really big or going anywhere that's usually crazy. I got my Best Buy shopping done online on Thanksgiving morning, along with Lowes and the video games I wanted from Amazon.

We went to an outlet mall near here for their midnight opening, to hit Gymboree (our worst experience, just a bad setup; they had the line winding around the store in such a way that made it almost impossible to shop), the Disney Store, Tommy Hilfiger, Ekco, Nautica, Torrid, The Children's Place, and a few other little stores that had early morning percent-off offers. Around 3 we stopped for breakfast at a bar in the mall that had a late-night buffet, then we headed back towards home to go to JCPenneys for the Mickey snowglobe and a couple things on my mom's list, Joanns for the pottery wheel my DD asked for and a load of by-the-yard fabrics, Lowes for one thing my mom couldn't get online, and Parisian for their doorbuster on girls' Christmas dresses because they're one of very few places where I can buy matching dresses for my girls (2yo & 9yo). I didn't get home until 10am and slept until dinner, but it was a lot of fun!
Well I'm glad some of you did so well. My bf was a total FAIL. More like EPIC fail!

Went to TrU at midnight to get a MP3 player and a Wii game... the wair was over an hour to get into the electronics section. So we left. :headache:

Got to Wally World at 12:30. I had about 10 items on my list. Nothing major. Sheets, a few wii games, some 2 dollar movies. They only had one thing I wanted left. :mad::headache:

Decided to go get in line at Target. 3 hours we waited. It was AWFUL! They came out at about 3:30 to announce that they had 50 of the TV's I wanted. Since we were around 75th in live I figured there was SOME hope. Once they finally opened the doors and we pushed our way in I only saw about 25 of the TV's. Figures. I get up there. I actually have my hand on one and I'm starting to drag it away when some crazy kid (20 something) throws himself onto the pile to grab one like he was crowd surfing at a rock concert. This knocks me over a little - but my hand was still on the box. Then out of no where this woman shoves me in my bad shoulder. I fall on my butt and end up letting go of the box so I wouldn't take the 10 other people around me down too. She jerked it away and ran. Literally. By the time I got back up again (all of 10 seconds) there were none left. I thought about going after her - but our Target isn't in the best neighborhood and I didn't wanna end up getting stabbed over a stupid TV. We were back in the car heading home by 4:04am. :sad1:


My hubs is currently

waiting at Walmart for the 37" Vizio they have going on sale at 6am. But has anyone heard any good cyber monday sales for TV's?

Awww... Sorry to hear that. Takes the whole fun out of the season. :hug:

Next year, if you see a BF deal from Target that you REALLY want, go in on the night before Thanksgiving about an hour before closing time and buy it. Most things are out and being stocked at that time. The TVs will be on display, to look at, but the others will be in the back room boxed up. They will still have the higher price on them. Ask a clerk to get you one of the TV's. Pay the full price and leave.

Then go back on Friday later in the day after the madness is over and get a price adjustment. I've done this for 2 years now. No standing in line. Works like a charm. Bring someone with you. If the store won't give you the PA, then return the items and have the person with you say, "I want to buy those." Either way, you'll get the items because the store will want to sell them. You aren't out anything if it doesn't work. But like I said, it's worked for me no problem.
I wound up buying everything I wanted online. Most all of Walmart's TV's and electronics were online with free shipping to need to wait in crazy lines at all hours of the day. Amazon matched the price on all the DVDs I wanted....and I have a Prime no tax or shipping. Ordered the Shark Steam mop at Kohls...the deluxe version that I really wanted....

I did head out at 4am to Target to check the deals.....found 2 items I had wanted for under $20 total....but the line to check out was about 2 hours long...wrapped around the entire store. I just left. Went over to Walmart on the way seemed empty....guess that is because most people came much earlier for the 12am deals....which were wiped out. Walked out with nothing. Got back in bed at 5am.

I had wanted to go to the mall....Kohls, Macys....but I had picked up a shift at I could not go. Instead I spent the day working at Epcot. I think I had more fun working than I would have shopping! :)
I think we did pretty good. Now, we werent out for too much and nothing really big. I did get online Thanksgiving morning and found the PS3 bundle my son wanted for $299 and the Wii bundle my daughter wanted for $149 so I ordered both of those online.
We went to Walgreens at 10:45 and got most of all the "free" stuff they had in ad,a few of the half price toys, and a Wii game.
We then headed to Wal Mart at 11:15, got there and it was pretty dead, we were able to walk around pretty good and get a good idea of where the things were that we wanted. DH decided to stand next to the 12" bike for DD3 and I waited by the Disney princess bed set for her. We got those, actually I bought 2 princess bed sets so we had an extra. We also got 3 hand mixers, 1 set of tupperware, sewing maching, 2 build a bear in box, 1 princess bedroom set that had hamper, blanket, pillow, night light and another light, 1 set of princess PJs, princess slippers, 2 of the little kids princess activity table with 2 chairs, 3 big tupperwear storage containers, wet vac, a vew blue rays, and I cant remember what else. The only things I wanted to get here was the bike, bed set and sewing machine.

We went home and woke up at 9am Friday, went shopping at 11:30am and still got several good deals then. Got to use our $10 off any $10 or more itm at Elder Beerman twice and got a great deal each time, got 3 of the 3 wick candles at BBW for $20 because of coupon, got 6 rolls of hallmarks wrappng paper for only $2.51 with $10 off $10 purchase, also got a Mickey countdown til Christmas and b day card for DD10 for change at Hallmark with a different coupon. Did the 10 items for $10 at Claires and they also had some great extra 75% off clearance deals, spent just over $20, got the free watch and $10 gift card.
Then we went to Hibbit Sports and got some CRAZY good deals there, we got shoes, rain coats, Nike Soccer Balls for only $1.97! b-ball net, pumps, soccer cones, and more for no more than $35 with coupons of course!

And then last we went to CVS and scored most of their "free" stuff, with coupons for most of that, so they basically paid us for several of the items.DH also picked up a popcorn maker he wanted for $8 I think.

Luckily DH is more of a shopper than I am, he kept saying man we are getting great deal and to think, we were done with Christmas shopping before going out. LOL

We stayed up until 3am wrapping presents and getting DD10s birthday stuff together. We got so much to do in the short 23 days before WDW!:cool1:
This year my bf was great. My dh and I did get in line at 4pm at Target. We felt like the lady in the Target commercial because we were the first ones in line. :rotfl2: Most people came around midnight. I love the way the Target blocked the entrance from the people coming from the parking lot from running past people who had waited all night. We got our tv and was out to TRU got the toy our DD wanted but they had sold out of the game our DS wanted. So we went to Wal-mart and had them price match TRU and got it for the same price. We were so surprised that Wal-mart still had the HP laptops left so we got one. This year felt so much better than last year. Last year we got in line at 7pm at best buy and waited in the cold and rain not to get anything we wanted because this guy paid 7 people to show up before the store opened to buy laptops for him. It was so awful.:headache:
I got up and drove my husband to work at Target at 2:30am, arrived at 3:30am and the line was down the side of the building, down the curb along side the parking lot and down the entrance almost to the red light:scared1::scared1::scared1: I figured at this point I am getting NOTHING, so I go up to where the shopping carts blocked the way and watched as a guy shoved a woman and a police officer told him she wasn't standing for that and he had the choice of leaving with her or going home. :rotfl: well he left then I wandered in when the line got shorter about 4:30am.
I went back to electronics just to give it a shot and found out that none of the xbox 360 had been sold yet because they lost the key to the cage they were in :laughing: so I waited around and got the last one :woohoo::woohoo:, snagged the $79 camera,that everyone was ignoring, for my parents, got a $2 DVD, a robe for my dad one of the dirt devil stick vacs for $9 for my mom and a new bedding set for me and my husband. The only thing I missed out on was a $3 hand mixer. Got in line to check out at 5am, didn't check out till 6am:scared1:
Went to Gamestop which was EMPTY got my husband 6 xbox 360 games for $70 with their buy 2 used games get 1 free, Walked out with my loot at 6:30am.
Went to Kohls around 6:50am walked in and saw the line backed around the store but grabbed my waffle maker and griddle, walked to the other side of the store and those cash registers were barren so I used those and walked out about 7am. went back to Target and saw my husband for a little while then went home around 8am.
so all in all my day was awesome and it was my first time doing Black Friday in years!
I had two roles on BF, one as a shopper and worker. BTW did most of mine online on Thursday (thanks to Amazon and Disney). I got to Target at 3:30 am there was a long line I was probably 100 plus back, not thinking I would get want I wanted. It was all very organized, employees came around to hand out maps, answer questions and give out numbers of items in stock. I got everything on my list and then some! Ran by Kohls got my DD3 a new Christmas dress. Back home at 5:30 am took a little nap, then back to Kohl's to work at 9 am. Worked until 5:30 pm. It was crazy and I have a new appreciation for those who work on BF. I am working there part-time, as a second job. I am going back in tonight, wonder what it will be like?

BTW Does anyone know if Amazon refund if a price goes down and you have already purchased one?
We got to Belk at 3:45am and the line was wrapped around the building-- we figured we wouldn't score a gift card, so we left and went to Target. Another huge line, but we didn't want any big ticket items there, so we just stayed in the car til everyone got in, and we casually shopped around. I got some fleece sleep pants and a stick vac.

Then we headed to WalMart, were there at 4:45 or so. My husband got the $69 BlueRay but later discovered it isn't compatible with Netflix, so we took it back today. The $2 movies we wanted (Bourne series) were already gone, but my husband managed to get the Lord of the Rings trilogy that he wanted.

After that we hit the mall; NY & Co had 60% off the entire store until 10am so I got some pants, then bought some stuff at Macys.

We were finished shopping by 11am, had lunch, and then saw Harry Potter.

A good day!
I had a pretty good BF. I got to Target at about 8:45 on Thanksgiving night thinking there might be a line but NOBODY was there at all. I thought about checking out another Target and I had to go home to get the Ad.(Rly did not need to do since the price adjust didn't need ad but whatever) We got back around 9:15 and we are now second in line.

Within an hr or so there is about 15 ppl and we are all there for the $298 TV. It wasn't rly busy till past 1am and some crowds showed up. About an hr before opening there was probably 150 or so in line and 40 TVs to go around.

Our Target doesn't do tickets...After another person got trampled this year at a Target I am hoping they decide to next year. They were fairly good about it though and they have a smaller side door that they let ppl in single file one at a time.

I went to get a cpl DvDs and Mom/Nephew ran off to try and snag two of the TVs. While she was trying to to load one of the TVs someone took her cart so she had to get another one. Luckily a nice lady we talked to all night in line held the TV while Mom got a new cart. All the TVs were gone in a matter of seconds.

After I got DvDs I wanted to get a sandwich maker but they were all out and they had someone bringing more but I wasn't going to wait. That was my only disappointment was not getting that.

The place was a madhouse but I now have a 40" flat screen in my room on my new stand. Looks nice and I snagged the Blu-ray player from Costco. I streamed a little bit of pandora and netflix last night to check it out but it was work setting up the stand and getting it mounted and I was MADDDD tired and had to work today since I took yest. off.

The only disappointment was that I didn't get the $7.99 LOTR trilogy and sadly I was right there and probably could of got one but didn't even rly think of it till it was too late.

I am going to go after work and see about a rain check. Its not a huge deal because tbh I don't even like the movies all that much but I am a sucker for savings and 6 discs/3 movies on Blu-Ray for $8 is a must buy for me. Plus I bought all 3 on DVD from Walmart. So if I don't get I won't freak out. :)

After Target we hit up Gamstop and bought a cpl used Wii's for $100 a piece. Then went over to Best Buy and grabbed the Blu-Ray player for the living room TV.

We then went home to sleep. Went back out around noon to check out some other sales. We got back to Target and I bought some of the $3 games they had. Then Walmart and got some new movies.

So overall I am fairly happy. I can't wait to check out some Blu-ray movies on my new TV. Its great finally being able to stream netflix in my room. I will be looking on cyber Monday for some blu ray movies for rly cheap but other then that I think I am set for a while now.

I had fun camping out though and even most ppl say how those ppl are suckers etc. I think I might do it next year just to have something to do. Next year I will be more prepared with entertainment and a sleeping bag. One thing that was a real bummer was having no power outlet outside of Target.

Anyway thats my long story. :)
Did anyone get the 198.00 Emachines laptop from Wamart?

I stopped by our Walmart tonight and they still had the 298 and 398 Laptops but no 198.00 ( didn't think they would but DD wanted me to ask) The guy in electronics said the 198.00 did not have a wireless adapter built in! I got the one last year and it did but if this is true I see a lot of these being returned!
We started out at Target and got there about 3 am. Line wasn't too bad, we were about 1/4 of the way down the building from the doors. Our Target doesn't do ticket or armbands or anything. No one gave out maps or said anything. I knew where the tvs were because I have a foster child who told me where to look. When the doors opened there was a mad dash for the electronics section (TV's that were on sale were stacked at the end of the women's clothing aisle). We were able to get one of the $298 tvs without any hassle at all. I picked up some of the $3.99 movies, the $9.99 HDMI cable, and some new garland. There was no line to speak of to check out and we were out of the store by 4:30 am.

After a quick stop at home to drop the tv off we hit the mall. There was plenty of parking when we got there. Went through the JC Penney entrance and got the free snow globe. Bought a peridot ring for DD (her birthstone). From there I went to the Disney store and bought some new t-shirts for me for $8/each. Then off to VS for new bras for DD and I (buy 1 get one half off). We got the free tote there too. DD and her friend did quite a bit of shopping in the mall. DEB was 50% of the entire store, and Express was 40% off.

After the mall I dropped the girls off to get some sleep (they had to work later that day). I went to Walmart and got some of the $2 and $5 DVDs, an HP wireless printer for $44, the new James Patterson book for $14 (for DH - he loves the Alex Cross series).

I did a lot of my shopping on-line on Thanksgiving so I really didn't need much on BF.
Did anyone nab one of the doorbuster sony e readers?
I got everything I went for but the Emachines laptop from Walmart. Oh well!


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