Blast away the Blubber cruise!!

Don't Stop Till You Get Enough


One perk of being bedridden with back spasms is being able to watch my favorite teams head for the end zone! My team's mascot won the Mascot Bowl challenge (GO AUBIE!!) and they'll play son is the only student from Alabama to attend his college in seeing Alabama v. Ohio State will be really cool (actually not sure that one is played until later)...

Go teams!!

Now, on that note, eating may be a smidge off, I'll still maintain under 1500 calories, but can't declare there won't be 50 calories of M&Ms in there, it's our tradition to have a bowl out for game days :) I have to let go on holidays and Grumpy's birthday and maybe a sneak today won't be bad...

Also going to get on the treadmill, I know that I had to rest these two days but I think the blood flow the treadmill will give me will really help...if I can move!! Grumpy is off to CVS to get those heat patches I can slap on my lower back muscles...praying that helps me be able to move.

Now, in theme with the title...I'm going to share a grudge. (only because I'm in chronic pain and it's cruise related) When our family travels, we maximize our experiences as much as we can with a limited budget. We don't have cable, we keep our cars over 15 years, we have plenty of what we need but the dollar has value in this family. No way, no how, will we pay $100 cab ride to go 20 minutes for the 5 of us on a port venture...that's what we faced on our last cruise at the St. Maarten I posted that we did haggle down to $50 from $100 and even tipped him a huge amount...I was nailed by a snarky traveler saying that the sign clearly states the rates, she was inferring if you can't pay it then don't I think $50 for 40 (20 each way) minutes of driving is more than a fair fare...just because an island hikes the rates and likely can get that rate when 5 ships are in port does not mean I won't offer a fair rate. And you know the locals would never pay that rate to get around their island...and we were the only ship in port that idea is, if some driver is willing to do business, then I am, too. I was perfectly happy just walking and getting back on ship, but if we could see Maho beach it would be cool..we even all hugged our driver when we left...he admitted the fares were jacked up and they can get it on full days, but even more he shared some of his life story with us and he shared so much about the island with us..he genuinely loved St. Maarten, the good, bad, and ugly...and I asked ahead of our trip if haggling was an option..several cruisers assured me it is done and they had always received lower rates...

oh dear, does it really matter? Are they snarky because they are rule followers and resent I got a better deal, or because they think I am just an abhorrent human being for even offering a deal? I'm all for the economics in this world..a thing is only worth what someone is willing to pay...hence, why I would never pay full price for a cruise..if I can get it at GT rates by waiting...I think that is really it, some people who pay full price just have a little resentment against those who are able to snag their mind those types are crying foul. I guess I just get offended too easily for being called out on not being 'fair'...luckily, with age, that matters less to me :) I encourage all savvy budget gurus to stretch that dollar! :) And highly grateful that Disney can offer GT rates...all those who purchase GT rates on these cruises are likely the dollars that put them in the black for the win for both! :)

I love this Tshirt design from Celebration Shirts...wrote to them asking if we could send in our tshirts and have them put the design on, he/she thought yes but still waiting to hear final word...I would put "All Halls on Deck" and Disney Magic with the year...then we'd paint on little Mickey heads trailing off from the design or something along those lines..

Well, I am not going to put a sticker for yesterday, being fully bedridden leaves me at the mercy of Grumpy and his cooking skills...he cooked up Jack's chicken fingers for lunch and Domino's pizza for dinner...all I had were 2 fingers and 10 fries...probably under 400 calories..but dinner I had 3 medium slices of pan pizza...we eat their pan pizza about one time a year, it's too sinful. Each cheese slice is 270 calories (just checked their site) actually I guess I did stay under 1500 calories...WOW!! I can't believe it! But being sedentary in bed pretty much means it wasn't a losing day...I'm going to put that sticker on anyway!

Back is still messed up but now limited to a very acute 3 inch area instead of the entire back/legs/nerves If I could just cut that part out, I'm sure I'd be able to walk, I took a needed shower and that about killed me...yikes! Back pain is NO fun! I will get on treadmill today, no way I could do it yesterday!

The house is a wreck...funny how no one will clean unless Mom initiates it :) I'm too out of sorts to be barking orders...just thankful they feed me and nothing is burning down :)

Kids really want ziplining instead of seadoos...who would've figured? So, off to search the best zipline course on the three ports we stop...looked on Cruisefish and found that our May 3rd cruise is the least booked next to the April 5th I think I chose wisely...but with the Fantasy being more booked, it still means they technically have more rooms available...still could end up doing May 2nd or May 9th...but really want the new ports, really hate repeating ports if I can help it...
Have you Never been Mellow?

Have you ever tried?

Definition "mellow": very calm and relaxed or made gentle by age or experience.

Grumpy earns his title. I had a really hard time sleeping last night, finally closed my eyes around 4am. Grumpy has to to take Irish to her dance class (2 hours away) for the first time in 5 years because my back is out. He has a routine of getting up and walking our three dogs...yes, too many, but each kid had to have one, right? The girls had a friend spend the night so they were up cackling and howling at the various games they were playing which put him in a foul mood to begin with. I'm soooo easy going, just tell him to let them play they'll retire soon enough because Irish is very responsible and knows she needs rest for the big Saturday practices (3 hours of solid dance).

Leashes are nowhere to be found. May the stomping, slamming doors (he'll say, "I just closed them."), huffing, and puffing commence. He even wakes up Tall Man who I knew was up late because our foster cats kept bugging to get into his room, they adore him and he's too tenderhearted to refuse them despite his allergies. All kids and Grumps are looking for these leashes..I'm offering very kind suggestions as to not send Grumpy into overload. The only reason he held back was the company we had sleeping on the couch. But, he needed to look in the couch cushions where she was sleeping, so he came in and said exasperated and grumpy, "We've looked everywhere, they're just Gone, GONE." In 8 years of 3 dogs, we've never lost all three leashes.

I good-naturedly and not mockingly (which I can if his grumpiness pushes me over the edge) explain that I have a knack for finding things, it's simply a matter of becoming 'one' with the item...I walk through singing, "Now, if I were a leash, where would I hide?" As I go through, the kids are stating, "We've already looked there." I calmly go about my Poirot perusal of the house, gently turning over any nook that could hold three leashes. As I'm exploring Galadriel's bedroom (she was the last to walk them), a vision of "laundry room" goes through my head, I exclaim, "Laundry room!" They tell me no one looked there...I'm on to something, but on my way to the laundry room, I stop to look in the trash can...ALL THREE LEASHES were in the trash can!! Now there are several possible reasons for this...we keep the leashes in a metal bin by the door, it was late when Galadriel walked them and likely she was miffed because it was raining and didn't want to walk them...she had company and the company was hungry and they were going to cook noodles..she easily could have mentally missed the metal bin by the door and just carried them to the trash one believes it was intentional..but we all knew the leash fairy had not come and retrieved them.

My calm and relaxed nature has saved the day. There are sighs of relief coming from Grumpy...Galadriel refusing to believe she tossed them in trash really doesn't matter..they are found! Why in the world a 47 year old man can not tap into his mellow reservoir for something as mundane as finding leashes, I'll never know. I could not resist, "And I found them all while remaining good-natured and kind." To which Grumpy responded, "That's why you're the mom and I'm the dad." Oh malarchy!

When people meet him on the ship, no one believes he is this Grumpy self...because on a Disney cruise ship his personality's as if a whole bucket of mellow molasses has tumped over on him and it all unnerves us a bit. It only comes out if he leaves the ship, hence port excursions are never uneventful with his jekyll and hyde displays of mellow v. Grumpy. Also helps to explain why I go to such detail planning excursions...there can be no room for error or Mr. Grumpy will be a force to be reckoned with, and I refuse to raise my voice on vacation...although our last one, I certainly had one losing it event.
Night Moves

Twenty different turns and twists in last night's 'rest'...

If our health insurance had not drastically taken a nose dive after the passing of a certain bill, I would likely go to the doctor. Last year, with a 5k deductible before our 10k premiums a year insurance pays one dime, I have sworn off medicine...we just can't afford it. We will keep son's lung specialist visits, but other than that I just have to look at health insurance as a joke. We can't afford 15k a year before one dime is paid out. It's nuts! So, here I am self-diagnosing myself..looks like my back strain stemmed from sacroilliac joint inflammation...all the heat I've been putting on it helped the muscles around it but now the joint pain is bad. Moving all last night killed me no matter which direction, finally fell asleep around 2am. I will just have to plug through the pain and get up on that treadmill...I will be a bear to be around the next week, need to drive the 10 hours to get son back to college...and the joint pain makes sense, all the driving I do, getting in and out of car is where that joint has been I over did it on the Yoga Meltdown and downward dogs, all putting stress on that joint...sigh. Will try ice today.

Weight loss is very hard for me if I can't be active...I had a baked potato for dinner last night with just pork in butter/cheese..stayed below my calories but I need to be able to go to store and buy the greens/fruits I need for maximum weight loss...Grumpy is off to buy milk so I can have cereal this morning...ask him to buy fruit and it'll be the package with mold in it...he never looks at the fruit or expiration date on spinach..sigh. He has been a big help and despite the grump with the leashes, he's been very helpful and even knocking out his treadmill time every day! So dang proud of him!

All these excursions are looking more and more expensive..I think we'll just pick one and do cheap cheap at the others...we hate to eat on an island when we have 'paid' for food on the ship, we're not really beachy kind of people..unless we're 'doing' something...we have our own snorkel equipment so I may just try and find places we can snorkel off a quick jaunt to a beach..

It really is just a thrill to see all these places we've never seen before...such a wonderful way to experience our world!:thumbsup2
Tell Me Something Good!

Patient, Heal Thyself!

May be controversial, but I am self diagnosing and instituting my own therapy all thanks to Google and Youtube! Found a video from an orthopedic surgeon listing three top diagnostic steps for iliosacral joint disorders...I was 100% for all then I google iliosacral PT...found about 20 excellent videos that have helped me stabilize and reset my joint...I'm still in pain but I can move better. I'm not advising this for anyone, I am keen on my body and after a traumatic car accident in college and many specialists detailing the damage to my spine, stenosis, deterioration, etc. I get the picture. I was pre-med and went on to work in pharmaceuticals...I don't take self-diagnosing lightly, but with today's system of care...thankful for videos to help me be proactive for my own healing. I suffered from a damaged occipital nerve last June, stemming from excessive driving and muscle tightening around the nerve then cutting it off...the neuralgia that resulted from that was debilitating (another reason the weight came back on...) I went to 4 specialists, had MRI, MRA, CT scan, Xray, blood work, NOT ONE doctor had an answer- they could just tell me what it was not (stroke/blood clot/etc.)...I was beside myself with frustration and pain. A friend of mine who is an anesthesiologist heard from Grumpy about the saga..he immediately diagnosed it...when I looked it up, it was did four doctors miss it, when he nailed it? That lack of diagnosis cost us over $3600..pretty much all our expenses for a family vacation. Insurance did not cover a penny of it. I refuse to go through that again. Thankful for my wits and wisdom to make use of resources available that do tell me something good!

Another excellent reason to get this weight off! The Iliosacral joint is a weigh bearing joint, so the more weight I get off of it, the better it can be to serve this body better! I can see the light at the end of the tunnel :)

Updates on port excursions:

Top 3 so far:

Cozumel: Paradise Beach...$60 for cab there and back..stinks that just one extra person in our family runs the cost of this from $28 to $60...just not fair. $50 in food, $3 entry fee, $15 for each child to use water toys...$200 with tips and all...I guess not so bad, but not totally convinced either.

Cayman: Stingray City..either rent Seadoos or charter a tour through Moby Dick. The jet skis will be $400 for the five of us, but we get to go see Star Fish, be on our own with guides so no major delays or loads of people...and you can go 50 mph..what??:cool1: Not sure I'd crank it up that high, but Tall Man and Irish are indeed speed thrill seekers...better keep them off the same jet ski.

Falmouth: Ziplining...$89 looking at the most expensive with tips to be $500 for the day...just not sure if I can justify this, but this is the one thing the kids asked to do...hmm...need others' testimonials to see if it's really 'worth' it...and a report on our tax return to see if we have extra this year with college expenses and all...

If we end up on the Fantasy and San Juan is a port, we'd likely to ziplining there as well for about the same fee as is found in Jamaica. Hoping since this sailing is a Sunday sailing that the ports might be pretty low on competition and rate deals might pop up for that week. It never hurts to hope :)

So some good news...some budgeting that needs to be figured out...Grumpy just alerted me our first paycheck with new division took out 5x federal taxes than what it was supposed to because W4s were not submitted on time...oh, nice. That alone could have paid for these excursions, he was unusually cheerful and exclaimed "We'll get it back next year." I'm a positive Polly about everything except when it comes to taxes and the government's ability to lay more on you.
Year of the Cat

8 years living on the farm (small 10 acre)...we have rescued/fostered/spayed/neutered over 27 cats. They get dumped off, we find feral mommas with 4-5 kittens invading our barn cats' stash of food...if we had not saved and domesticated all but 3 (just too feral) telling how many poor animals would have been born and suffered...well, this year was no exception. Someone released a black and white long hair that was under a year and pregnant, we found her crying on our playset. We've found homes for 2 of her babies but still had 2 left and her...we've been 'fostering' but no forever homes for them. Now that we have become accustomed, we just can't let them go...until today!! My niece came to visit and fell in love with one gray/white one and she bought her a little collar and all the goodies and carried her home! It just about broke Irish's heart, all the kittens were born in her room and they loved her room. So, looks like we'll keep the other two, pay the fee for the rescue team we foster through and that will leave us with 5 cats, 3 dogs, 3 horses, probably a dozen possums (they are not even afraid of us if we take the trash out, they just stand, yes I mean stand there and stare at us, we can walk right by them, even the cats think they're pets.) and about 10 deer that come to our fence each morning...almost a Dr. Doolittle farm, but no llamas :). We love our animals, but a week away on a cruise is almost enough to make us happy to leave them :) We have the best housesitters or we would not leave! :)

Grumpy's birthday was today! Happy Day! It was our official off diet day, I was soo good and ordered a salad from Longhorn' him ribeye and the kids chicken...guess what, my meal was not included in our carryout bags, so I had 2 slices of bread for our birthday lunch. I'm a bit bitter :) I did only have one piece of cake, honestly not missing sugar!

No cruise updates...but foolishly I dove in and bought Tall Man a one way ticket to Orlando on May 2nd, it was sooo cheap! So, either we're cruising on May 3rd, or we'll have a longer drive to pick him up for his summer break...I'm a bit impulsive if it saves me loads!! :)
Goodbye Yellow Brick Road

The weight loss challenge is never an easy follow this road and reach your Emerald City kind of journey. There will be blips (back spasma, SI inflammation) that take us off the road a's there we forge a new one and stick to the I did pretty well...but just caved (a bit) I best document it...had half banana for breakfast, then went back to Longhorn's to retrieve my salad, I used to work in restaurants so I do have a good bit of empathy for their work. I went in and the hostess recognized me immediately, "Fruit and chicken salad, right?" I smiled and said, "Yes, it didn't quite make it home with us." She went on to say she thought I'd come back for it but eventually told the bartender he should eat it. I remarked, "See! God probably needed to provide a meal for him, these things always work out!" She was a bit taken aback and smiled saying she'd get my salad right away. She came back to let me know it was being made and said that most customers are not so nice, I explained it had been a long day, I had just been out of the house that one day after being bedridden with back I really couldn't make the drive back and it was okay, I get to have it today! :) She again was so kind, she asked if I wanted to eat it there, but I said I had my daughter in the car and I promised her a treat for helping me out with my classes (carrying all my stuff and having to hold an Ipad up during my entire class so a long distance student could participate in the class..he had just moved and we thought it would work to facetime him in the works great but someone has to hold him up so he can see :) ). The hostess then said she would would make my daughter anything she wanted...that was so amazingly generous! People honestly never cease to amaze me with amazing gestures! Knowing we needed to get home (my hip was on fire) I said 2 salads would be was just so nice. My daughter LOVED the salad, she loves mandarin oranges and this salad had huge ones...I loved the salad, happy I was staying on plan :)

My hip got unbearable so I've been laying in bed most the day since returning from teaching...but I seem to be the only one that realizes it's 15 degrees outside and the horses need water hand freezes within 2 hours! So, I get up and fill the buckets while Tall Man and Grumpy carry them out...I could at least do that much. but even trying to lift the bucket out of the sink had me reeling...I'm in bed 4 hours and kids are hungry, Grumpy is going to have to cook something..he loves spaghetti so I told him I had everything and if I ate a small portion, I'd stay under my calories today. :banana: He did an awesome job. But for some reason, Irish didn't eat it...she doesn't particularly like it but if I make it, she does eat it probably mostly out of respect for me making it...hmm..guessing if Grumps makes it all civility is out..hmmm. So at 10pm she and Tall Man decide to heat up a frozen pizza...come on, they mostly taste awful...but how could I resist one slice, it was nowhere near a big slice...probably 1/16th a slice but still I ate it!! UGH! It just put me in a mental I thought I better come here and let it 'go' so I can make tomorrow my new path to losing, not beat myself up and not let this chronic pain which will likely take 2 more weeks to stop bugging me affect my plans..I only ate one cup of the spaghetti dh made...but I should have chosen a fruit if I were hungry not this...

So, I'll sign off for a few weeks for my weigh in at the end of January...if you're out there send good vibes my way to keep me disciplined and my eye on the goal of being healthier. I'll see you on the other end of this road, maybe completely through the dark and scary forest that is always the first month of life changes in eating/living :)
Ain't no Mountain High Enough

ain't no valley low...but by golly there certainly is a river out there causing me a whole lotta trouble! The Schuylkill River. The site of the annual Dad Vail Regatta, the MOST important regatta of the season for Tall Man. Who would have thought they would hold it AFTER school has ended? The Dad Vail takes place on 8th/9th of May...hmmm..I think we were supposed to be cornering Jamaica around that time or on our way to Castaway Cay. :confused3:confused3

I am so happy I double checked on his flight home...I got a great rate and had booked it but it was on a hold of sorts...and I had to book...then I realized Grumpy had some points and there might be enough to get him one way..and there were!! So before I hit 'purchase'...I thought I better double check on the regatta schedule. :scared1:

Now, to be honest, the thought crossed my mind that, "Hey, he'll have fun on his boat, and we'll have fun on ours...he won't mind missing a family vacation!" I really can not believe I even thought's not the same without the whole the 3rd is out, gone, caput. The 9th is out, gone, there any chance we can score a deal on a May 16th cruise?? I'm not feeling it people, I'm really not as convinced as I was about the 3rd...I'm excited about getting 2 more weeks to get to GOAL but at what cost?? AAACK!

I will use this blip in the road to fuel my focus on losing! Today has been great, this past weekend driving Tall Man the 22 hour round trip to school was awful...went over calorie load on both days, not by much but the food choices!! Grilled chicken sandwich from CFA (avoided all fries), then caved and had fries with yes, a cheeseburger from Wendy's...yuck yuck yuck.

Today was whole grain cereal/skim milk, fruit smoothie, brown rice/black eyed peas and grilled chicken...not bad at all...but hip joint is still kicking my tail and I had to rest all day after the 2 days of driving...

AAAGH!! I'm still not over the do I get him home? Will dorms even stay open long enough for him to go to Dad Vail...can't find any dates on calendar for his school to confirm...who said planning a vacation was a breeze? No, not me, ever.

If you need me, call me, no matter where you are (except Schuylkill River!)
No matter how far, don't worry, Tall Man (hmm...getting harder!)
Just call my name, I'll be there in a hurry (somehow!)
You don't have to worry (just focus on winning that race! We'll figure a way to get you to the Big Boat!)

Is there a sinking ship emoticon?? :sail:
Sounds like your making progress towards your goal! I make a similar bean dish,not sure exactly what to call it but, I use apple cider vinegar instead & no tomatoes or cumin, cilantro. 2:1 with olive oil. I have always worked out but stopped about 6 months ago. Not really sure why, I never went a day without a workout prior! I have been doing some yoga though. Hope your back heals quickly! I'm going to Cozumel as well but we are going to Chanknaab so my dd can do the dolphin swim. Have you ever tried Vitapizza? 210 cals, tons of fiber and really good!
Sounds like your making progress towards your goal! I make a similar bean dish,not sure exactly what to call it but, I use apple cider vinegar instead & no tomatoes or cumin, cilantro. 2:1 with olive oil. I have always worked out but stopped about 6 months ago. Not really sure why, I never went a day without a workout prior! I have been doing some yoga though. Hope your back heals quickly! I'm going to Cozumel as well but we are going to Chanknaab so my dd can do the dolphin swim. Have you ever tried Vitapizza? 210 cals, tons of fiber and really good!

I will have to try the apple cider (it's soo good for you and my kids are not fans of tomatoes...this and salsa are about all I can get them to eat them in...but they'd love to try one without them!). The dolphin swim sounds amazing! She will love that! I'm going to have to seek out Vitapizza! We don't own a microwave, but I'm assuming I can bake it! I will make mini pizzas out of whole wheat pita bread with sauce/cheese/olives/onions/spinach when I get a bad craving for it...

I'm excited to have 2 more full weeks to get to my normal weight..that will be nice, thanks for all the tips on food and hope to get back to yoga soon, just not aerobic yoga until my hip heals...:)
'Dream Weaver

Or should I say Fantasy Weaver...while waiting for this hip joint to heal (rest doesn't help and moving doesn't help, anti-inflammatories take about 10% of the edge off, but not sure if it's worth it) I am going to keep track of the IGT/OGT/VGT on upcoming Fantasy sailings..curious how the rates change. I will track 2 adults in a room and 1 child in the room (that third rate varies sometimes) First price is adult rate, second price is third traveler rate (child)

75 days out:
Inside GTY: (Apr 25) $1295/$896
IGT: (April 11) $1176/$798 (April 25) $1295/$896
OGT: (April 11) $1218/$798
VGT: (April 11) $1302/$798

60 days out:
IGT: (Mar 21) $1197 $980*
IGT: (Apr 26) $945 $630 (Magic!) Lowest prices seen, must try and get this next year!
OGT: (Mar 21) $1288 $980*
VGT: (Mar 21) $1379 $980 (The Magic has IGT for $959/$896 for 3/22)
(Mar 28) $1869/$980
VGT: (Apr 18) $1302/$721
VGT: (Apr 25) $1162/$721

*Note these came out about the 50 day mark while the VGT came out about the 60 day mark

45 days out:
IGT: (Feb 28) $1092/$721
IGT: (Apr 11) $1176 $798
OGT: (Feb 28) $1134/$721 (Mar 21) $1288/$980
VGT: (Mar 7) $1379/$980
(Mar 14) $1596/$980
(Mar 21) $1379/$980
VGTY: (Feb 28) for family of five,4D showing up at $1827/$896 total: $6783 (taxes included)

30 days out:
IGT: (Feb 21) $1092/$721
OGT: (Feb 21) $1134/$721
VGT: (Mar 7) $1379/$980
VGT: (Mar 21) $1379/$980
VGT: (Mar 28) $1869/$980

20 days out:
IGT: (Feb 7) $952 $721
IGT: (Feb 21) $1092 $721
IGT: (Mar 15) $959 $896 (Magic)
NOTE: The Disney Magic is showing $910/$560 for Feb 22...a GREAT DEAL!
OGT: (Feb 21) $1134 $721
OGT: (March 15) $1099 $896 (Magic)
VGT: (Feb 14) $1421/$1148

Less than 10 days out
IGT: (Jan 24) $868 $602
IGT: (March 1) $770/$560 WOWZERS!!! Magic of course
9B GTY (Jan 31) $1365/$896 (interesting that OGty opened up within ten days, no Inside or Verandah showing availability)

Current Pricing for our cruise:
IGty: (2 rooms) $4254 $3336 (total $7590)
OGTy: (May 9th) 8C opened up for $6336 None showing for May 16th yet...
VGTy: 4D $7156 1/24 went up to $7296 but likely bc it's only showing 4B

Going to track April cruises to see how GTY pricing fluctuates once GT rates come out:
April 11th (2 adults 2 children..just listing one price so you'll double these)
Inside 11C $1470 $994 GT came out around day 73 for this cruise.
Ocean 9B $1540 $994
Verandah 7A $1624 $994
Verandah 4E $1834 $994
Verandah 4D $1862 $994
Interestingly 4/18 & 4/25 showing prices for 4D at $1995/$ $100 up for first two and $100 down for next two...guess they're trying to make more off rooms that only hold 2? Interesting to follow the changes :)

May 16 showing $1547/$798 for inside right now...hope some deals come out to help our case..still checking on OGty for all five of us but none have popped up, VGTy still sitting at $7000...for a 4D

Interesting to note the April 25th Fantasy cruise has inside for $1295 and $896 close to same rate of the initial VGT offering for the March cruise.

Sadly, and not sure if it's a pattern, but all these first GTs are all for Fantasy B itinerary, none so far for C..which is what we have to stick with due to dates. Update: Itinerary C opened up about 30 days out for those may just take a little longer, and showing for April as well :) at the 60 day mark :)

I am trying very hard to protect the savings we have for this trip, just found out one of our HVAC units exploded (luckily no fire resulted!) but all wires were melded and black...will cost 5k to replace it, it's for our upstairs, so Grumpy moved his home office to Tall Man's bedroom (that still is easy to cool/warm with plug in unit)...why spend 5k to heat 1200 sq. feet if you're only using 50 sq. feet...we're hoping in a few years to get rid of all traditional units and move towards the Mitsubishi systems...only use what rooms you're in..still refusing to go to doctor...just the one visit to tell me to 'take it easy' and do 'physical therapy' would run over 1k (tests and all) and with practically no's not worth it. Just taking an awful long time to heal with joint issue than it does with muscle spasms...:sad2:

Eating stunk this past weekend (traveling) trying to get back with it before my weigh date on the 31 :)
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Le Freak

Freak out! What happens when you get a large sum (vacation hours Grumpy was forced to cash out when he switched positions) deposited in your bank account? You get a letter from the IRS auditing you...oh geez! We've never been audited ever, never had more than a few k in account...guess this 'bolus' set off red flags...oh fun...

SI Joint is crazy painful, it MUST be better in a few weeks, for sure, right? Grumpy is beside himself with this audit, we have no clue what to do...but dealing with IRS just brings out the cynical in you. The Polly positive takes it with a grain of salt, just another 'experience' we can claim we had the pleasure to endure...funny they never audited us when we had 2 mortgages for 3 years and dh worked hundreds of hours of overtime which earned him all that extra vacation time...sigh.

Hoping an OGty pops up at the 75 day mark, I'm starting to think that would be cheaper than 2 GT Inside rooms...I'm highly claustrophobic, would have to book one OGT/one IGT...we all prefer to be in the same room anyhow...sigh...
I'm starting to identify just a wee bit with Scarlett O'Hara...Tomorrow is another day!
Oh boy I feel you on the IRS situation :worried: My dh took a significant amount of $ out of his 401K 3 yrs in a row without telling me. I only just found out about the 3rd time 2 months ago although it happened in 2010. The whole thing was awful. Not the same as an audit but hopefully it will be as painless as possible for you! pixiedust:
Oh boy I feel you on the IRS situation :worried: My dh took a significant amount of $ out of his 401K 3 yrs in a row without telling me. I only just found out about the 3rd time 2 months ago although it happened in 2010. The whole thing was awful. Not the same as an audit but hopefully it will be as painless as possible for you! pixiedust:

Oh no! That is awful! Thank you so much for your encouragement's one of the things I love about Dis! Hoping that your trifecta of 3 years in a row is over and he's learned to not touch it! We had two mortgages for over 3 years, it took everything we had not to dip into our 401k...but the penalties did not make sense...its too tempting in many desperate cases! :(
Joy to the World

Our faith is the center of our family, the past five years' stress took a toll on Grumpy (3 years of 2 mortgages, working 2 jobs, taking only 5 days off a year) who already had a rough start in life (strained adoption, alcoholic parents who cut him out of their lives when he simply explained we could not come to their house with our children if they were drinking, which was daily at 4pm..he did not want his kids exposed to what he grew up with..he only confronted them when they demanded to know why we would not come over to their house except during the day, and that meant he was cut out of the family)...he has wonderful reasons to be bitter and grumpy. But God has been working on him in intangible ways.

This audit is a blessing. After five years of seeing Grumpy struggle, he woke up this morning with such a rare humility, grace tinged countenance that praised God for using this to help grow him closer to God and hopefully closer to his estranged brother (from his mom's first marriage) who is a tax attorney. His siblings were forbidden to communicate with our family under the direction of his severe father...his father passed 2 years ago, but relationships have been cordial since then but non-existent. He's seeking his brother's counsel and sees God using this to help him not worry so much about inconsequential things but heart matters. To see him grow closer to his siblings is a pure is funny...something as daunting as an audit has healing powers. God can truly use anything to further His plan.

This all helps me to renew my goal of weight loss which has languished since the burning pain in my hip prohibits much of anything...I've let it rest for 2.5 weeks and am going to try to commence with piriformis release exercises and mild walking on the treadmill..I tried to do a piriformis release today and my range of motion is 1/3rd of what it was before the injury...a long road to go.

I'm going to sign up for the Castaway Cay 5k...even if I have to walk it, just to complete it after the injury will be a celebratory event :) Plus, I love the new medals they have now for daughters agreed to do it with me, hoping Grumpy and Tall Man will be up for it...they usually like to rest and not engage in too much exercise on our trips.

But, I found another option for Cozumel, not sure if I mentioned it but it's the Amazing Race...we are HUGE fans of the show and they say it's a 4 mile jaunt through town, so I'd get my exercise in while having fun!! :) I just can't find a price for it.

I am grateful for the opportunity to restore my health and plan for this trip...and mostly to witness the heart changes in Grumpy...who knows, maybe by the ed of this we can call him Happy :)
Take It Easy

Don't let the sound of my shriek squeals drive you crazy.

I am so tired of 'taking it easy'...I realize this is more of a pain to heal than back spasms...but come on, I have taken it 'easy' the past 2 weeks. So, today I was determined to move myself towards a healed state. I completed 3 videos of piriformis/gluteus muscle releases/stretches and 2 videos of resetting the pelvic bone, I feel my pelvic bone is pretty stable, have worked hard to make sure I stand with weight evenly distributed and sleep with a pillow between my legs to support a balanced ilium (hip). The piriformis was on fire when I used the lacrosse ball technique to 'release'...I held it for 5-6 minutes and when I stood up, it felt at least 50% better! I was so encouraged that I decided to hit the treadmill...not my 3.8 for 3-4 more like a 2.0 for 1.3 miles...took me 35 minutes to knock that out..

The first 1/3 was more like walking on a bruised hip, sore and only pain shooting through rarely...then the 2/3 mark it started to 'release' or feel the last third the pain was a 1-2 but oddly my body was screaming I went into cool down...ha do you cool down when your max speed is 2.0?? Did that for 2 minutes then walked the time I took my 8th step, the pain was so severe I had to lean over the kitchen counter and catch my breath...Grumpy was nearby so grabbed the ice pack out of the freezer and slapped that thing on, took 2 Aleve and somehow made it to bed...I'm not sure how a muscle can go from warmed up on treadmill to little pain to severe debilitating...I'm thinking maybe I tore a ligament or something around the piriformis, b/c it's definitely piriformis related based on the location of tenderness...I'm just thinking all this out loud to hopefully keep me positive and working it out in my head...for now, I'll rest and hopefully be able to move better in an hour or so.

The weigh in on the 31st will not be what I wanted, but I can see improvements so I'm holding on to that.
I Wanna Be Sedated

I'll admit I know what the Ramones looked like, but can't think of a single one of their songs, but this title fits this week.

I told Grumpy that whiskey might be in our future :) I can't tolerate pain pills, I've overloaded my body with Aleve...surely whiskey would have some effect, right? But, in all raw honesty, I can see's more like 2 steps back and 2.25 steps forward but I'll take it. I can now find positions to rest where pain is 0!! YAHOO! But the instant I try to move or get out and walk, the nerve pain down my leg and resulting stabbing pains in my hip are debilitating...this weigh in may not happen...I will die knowing the result of limited movement and eating whatever the kids can fix or Grumpy can pick up...tonight was ravioli with pesto and salad...not quite diet fare, but reasonable...I just need to get MOVING!! Slow and steady.

Irish was going through pictures of our last cruise, she is so excited for this trip...we were all giggling at her pictures...she could not remove that awkward pimple (none of us noticed it until she pointed it out with, "Oh my gosh! I remember that Pimple! It never went away!!") and the more pictures we saw, the bigger it seemed to grow...we could not help but all crack up laughing...and then they saw their two favorite characters for that cruise Peter Pan and Jack...oh dear me I can't remember his name! The pirate from oh really, I can't remember the title!! See what chronic pain does to a middle aged brain! I know it'll come back...I keep wanting to say Jack Black, or Jack parrot...AHHHHH!!! Jack SPARROW!!! Geez...those two characters were so on spot and amazing...honestly, they would say the whole cruise was made by just seeing these two perform! So huge shout outs to all the cast members who can be in character even when they're dog tired and suffering long really do help us forget our troubles and smile at the little things!

Pirates of the Caribbean!! Okay, my brain is becoming less befuddled...hoping tomorrow will be a good turn of the hip day and all the PT and muscle release exercises I'm doing will start helping it heal...whew! I feel like a wind up doll, and I have just 3 turns of the wind in me each day before my body just falls over and gives up...shooting for 4 turns tomorrow!

Oh no! The Impact font is gone...we'll just have to go with Verdana. Disboards has changed their layout and I really like it...just some adjusting.

Changes in other areas...I rested my hip about 90% this weekend...only got out of bed to try and stretch my legs, then went straight back. I think it helped!! I woke up this morning determined to get back on track (since I refused to weigh in at the end of the month) and start a new 28 day push through the month of February. I was tentative about going back into my workout routine, but with 15 minutes doing muscle relaxation techniques (if anyone ever suffers from this I have a whole list of youtube videos that are wonderful!) and slow/steady stretches I launched into my is my daily strength training workout:

Do each of these 'moves' for 30 seconds each...repeat 2 additional gets tougher each round and you're supposed to up the intensity of each round but I was happy just to make it through...
30 seconds of push ups (I'm on my knees but can manage 15 in 30 seconds)
30 seconds of jumping jacks (I have to modify this one so that my arms do the movement but just push one leg out at a time)
30 seconds of planking (full on plank, not on my knees but on toes and hands, by third round I go to elbows and toes)
30 seconds of burpees (Here I REALLY have to modify, I just simply throw arms up touch shoulders then knees then carefully touch toes then go back's a good stretch and doesn't put so much stress on hip joint)
30 seconds of high knees (jumping up and slapping your hands on knees as high as you can get them, by the third round you're hopping them up one knee to the next)
30 seconds of elbows to knees body twist (alternating opposite elbow to opposite knee)

Complete 3 reps and believe me, your heart will be will be sweating and it only takes 15 minutes!! It uses pretty much all your major muscle groups for maximum efficiency. I'll add in 45 minutes on treadmill and try to go faster than 2.0 this time :)

Breakfast was a fruit smoothie with strawberries, blueberries, raspberries and yogurt/water...yum!

I know I can knock off 15-20 pounds if I can just get back in the groove. My hip is 50% better after taking the whole weekend off, I just can't slip up and re-injure going to rest when I can and move more when I can...I had to come back and rest it after the workout...then I'll go do the treadmill.

Changes are good! I am still keeping track of IGT/OGT/VGT..I am noticing a trend, the lowest rate comes out within the 14 day period..but not for all cruises...some don't show ANY GT pricing within the 14 day period..hopefully with a few more weeks of tracking I'll be able to better predict the trends. If I am able to catch these lower pricings at day could save us $800 more than booking when GTs first come out..that would cover all of our excursions! So, do we book early to be sure we get on the ship and not do excursions or do we take the risk....hmmm...
Take it to the Limit

Am I out of my mind? Or following a leading...hip is on fire, moved wrong yesterday, two steps back...but that doesn't seem to influence my actions when it comes to the plight of animals. The day started normally, rushing to record grades in my writing classes before needing to head out to teach. Right before closing my laptop, my social media feed showed an urgent need for rescue family for 10 week old Beagle. He was at a kill shelter. Oh no. Not a kill shelter. Before I had time to think, my hand had typed "we might can help...." Sure enough after my classes, I get a message from the rescue organization to call. Within an hour, we added a fourth dog to our canine family. Now this is NOT permanent! We are serving purely as a foster home. Just two weeks ago our oldest daughter said she felt the need to help a puppy. She's not in the habit of blurting things out like that..when something is laid on her heart she feels it intensely. I find it no coincidence that this beagle popped up on our radar. Four years ago, our 2 year old very healthy beagle died at our feet in seconds from an undiagnosed heart was her dog and it devastated her. This little one is a chance for her to do something amazing for another Beagle. She needed this opportunity...I'm still in shock we have this new pup, but praying it will be a quick fostering and a dear family will welcome him home. He's adorable! He had the contagious type of mange so we were told he would have to be sequestered from our other pets...which we were fine with, but the vet said he has had enough doses that there is no risk of contagion. We expected to get a puppy with evidence of hair loss and scabs, but he's super healthy and shiny!
He is a wonderful social dog who gets along great with our three...


So if any Disers might need a precious new beagle puppy in their homes...we're loving him for you! :)

I noticed policy changes on Disney cruises posted today...for most 6+ night cruises the paid in full date if you book after March 3rd will be at the 90 day mark not the 75 day...good for those of us needing to book GT...we won't have to wait as long :) I need to read it more closely...

Honestly, GT rates for a family of five are not that much savings as they used to be in the old days....but, if it will cover our expenses/'s worth it to wait :)


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