Bob: Does anyone know what happened?

Kevin, Please don't feel like you owe us any explanation. We have been here because we care about you all, that is what friends do.
Take care, Melissa

Meilissa said and I am agreeing....we don't need an explination.

Thank you to everyone for sharing with us what you have.
Meilissa said and I am agreeing....we don't need an explination.

Thank you to everyone for sharing with us what you have.

Indeed - we are very lucky that we are being included as friends , so thankyou for that
The feeling of friendship and love is evident.....and greatly appreciated.

We are all looking for answers...or at the very least...a reason.

I believe that understanding what happened to Bob will allow us all to process the information and move ahead.

We have always chosen to be upfront and honest and I believe Bob would want us to continue.

My reason for posting was to let you all know that we currently dont know anymore than we have already shared.

I didnt want you to think that we had "closed the loop" for any reason.

Thanks again,
Thank you for continuing to share with us.

I don't think anything is wrong with trying to understand death by giving it a cause, nor do I feel we are owed an explanation. Everyone processes death in different ways (some ask questions, some don't) and we should try to be as understanding as possible as to everyones differences.

Again, I am thankful the team has shared as much as they have, and am glad they are aware of how concerned we are for them and Bawb's family.
thanks for giving an update Kevin. I hope you and Bawbs family are doing ok. You are all in my thoughts and prayers.
Thanks Kev (can I call you Kev? ;) ) We appreciate the info. I know what you mean, we (humans) need to create reason in our mind in order to justify such a terrible event. I don't know if its part of the healing process of what, but sometimes things just happen and its hard to accept. We miss you guys and look forward to your return. Take all the time you need we will be waiting when you get back.

To the DIS Unplugged Podcast Crew and friends:

As a relatively new listener, I've really enjoyed listening to the podcasts and also thoroughly enjoyed the segments with "Bawb". While I'm new to this particular Disney family, I am a current part-time CM with a Disney Store and a lifelong Disney World visitor and fan. When I came to the site this morning hoping to see a new podcast to download, I was shocked to see the memorial on the homepage. In short, it hit me like a ton of bricks. Even though I've never met any member of the crew I felt like I somehow knew Bawb thru our common love for Disney. His sense of humor, his delivery and timing and yes, his accent were all great personality traits that made him stand out on the show. I could always sense his passion for Disney with how he spoke on some of the different topics and issues he covered. Finally being able to put a face to the name made it easier and it made it more difficult given the circumstances.

What I mean is that (and I'm sure I'm not alone in this) I've never dealt very well with loss. My personal choice over the years has been to shut myself off from that loss and internalize it. Not sure that's the best way, but it's made life easier for me in difficult times. But at the same time, you never really get over those losses. I'm always reflective when it comes to loved ones I've lost over the years and always wonder what if...

But I too believe that GOD has a plan and had one for Bawb. It was his time and though it's so difficult to understand and to even somehow cope with, life must go on. I didn't know Bob personally but would like to think that he would want all of us to continue to enjoy life to its fullest, given the times I was privileged to hear him on the shows.

My heartfelt condolances go out to the podcast crew, family members, and friends of Mr. Varley. Though this is the most difficult of times for all involved, I know you all will summon the strength to move on in his spirit. GOD has a plan for all of us and I think and hope that Mr. Varley's spirit will live on in his family members and friends. I'm sure he touched many, many lives not only thru the podcasts, but those with whom he came into contact with.

May that spirit be with you all always.

Brian in Austin
I did not know "Bawb" either. I have listened to and enjoyed the podcasts, though.
I wish his family the best. That includes the podcast family.

BTW, Bawb, if you can see this, tell Walt hello from all of us
this is so sad to hear. Our hearts go out to all his friends and family. I'm sure he has found Walt and thanked him for providing such joy to his life and ours as well. We will miss him on the podcast. God bless!
when my best friend passed away three summers ago it was very sudden and unexpected. She was 29 and was hit by a car while riding on a vespa type scooter. From what I understand she was killed instantly... I was living about 3 hours away from her and got the news over the phone late one evening. It was surreal to say the least and I just couldn't get my head around it.. I kept thinking it was a joke.

As the reality of the situation sank in, I found myself wanting to know every detail I could about what happened... but was afraid to ask for fear of upsetting anyone. I wanted to know how it happened, when it happened, who the person was who hit her, etc..etc. I don't know if I'm in the minority here but I guess knowing all of these things would somehow make me feel a little less helpless and a little more able to deal with it. I still to this day do not have all the answers and I know that even if I did, it wouldn't make it any easier.

Of course I think the podcast crew should only share with us what they see fit... but I do realize that there are probably people who, like me with my friend, are full of questions that feel like they need answered. No matter what gets revealed or not... I just hope everyone who misses bob out there can find ways to get through this confusing and hard time. :grouphug:
As the reality of the situation sank in, I found myself wanting to know every detail I could about what happened... but was afraid to ask for fear of upsetting anyone. I wanted to know how it happened, when it happened, who the person was who hit her, etc..etc. I don't know if I'm in the minority here but I guess knowing all of these things would somehow make me feel a little less helpless and a little more able to deal with it.

After being a nurse for 20 years this is a completely normal question people ask. It is part of closure and the healing process. Unfortunately we dont always have the answear to the question. So no you are not in the minority but are in the majority. :hug: about your best friend.
After my husband died I needed details. I talked with the Dr. when we were considering a lawsuit. In the end it didn't make any difference because he was still gone.
I am one who likes to know the details as well. I don't know why it just makes me feel better. It helps to get over the shock and "why" question.
I am one who likes to know the details as well. I don't know why it just makes me feel better. It helps to get over the shock and "why" question.

I am the same way . . . but some people on the Boards thought it was none of our business and we shouldn't even ask. I thought I must be really weird for wanting to know. So glad to hear I'm not the only one. I sure miss that guy!!!
I am the same way . . . but some people on the Boards thought it was none of our business and we shouldn't even ask. I thought I must be really weird for wanting to know. So glad to hear I'm not the only one. I sure miss that guy!!!

I don't think anyone meant to seem that harsh. I think the point might have been that Diana and the rest of the Varley family are entitled to their privacy, and are under no obligation to share every detail of their lives with the DIS Board, no matter how much like family we feel.

I know I keep wondering what happened myself. I think that sort of questioning goes right along with the denial.

Let's everybody be kind to one another. :grouphug:

I agree with DVC Kathy. As upset as everyone is imagine how the family must be feeling. Diana lost her husband, the kids lost their father.

If they decide to share that is wonderful, if they decide to keep it to themseleves I hope everyone understands.
I agree with DVC Kathy. As upset as everyone is imagine how the family must be feeling. Diana lost her husband, the kids lost their father.

If they decide to share that is wonderful, if they decide to keep it to themseleves I hope everyone understands.

Excellent point, as upset as we all are, it isn't anything to the loss Diana and her children are dealing with. They need to do what is right for them and what they feel comfortable with period.


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