Bonnie and Claire's DLRP Trip - Day Two


DIS Veteran
Mar 5, 2005
Saturday June 11th 2005

Cast: Me (23) and my girlfriend Claire (25). In the photos, I'm the blonde with glasses, and she's the brunette.

NOTE: Click the little thumbnail images to see larger versions of the photos! I'm having to post the reports in sections as I have too many images! The board won't let me post more than 20 at once! :(

We had planned to get up early this morning as our breakfast card was for 7.00-7.45, but we accidentally slept in and finally woke up at 7.50. Oops. I wasn't really sure what to do as I hate being late and inconveniencing people, so I got a bit moody with Claire, telling her that she should've let us bring the alarm clock and not just relied on her mobile phone alarm, which I never hear! She said she'd sort things out and headed off to reception to ask if we could change our breakfast card, and when she came back, she said that the reception lady told her the card was valid until 11, so we could use it at any time.

After that little panic, we decided to be brave and go to the swimming pool before breakfast, as it was 8 o'clock and therefore "breakfast rush hour". (Opening hours for the pool were 7.00am-9.45pm but I expect it stays open later in high season.) As I hadn't been swimming in ten years and had been too scared to go, I was incredibly nervous and didn't really feel like it, especially as I was half asleep. We were directed to the changing rooms (which, to my horror, are communal) after showing the man at reception our hotel ID card. We very slowly got changed and put our stuff in a locker. (You will need a 2 Euro coin for this, but the man at Reception changed two 1 Euro coins for us.) I misread the sign about having to have a shower before going in the <em>sauna</em>, and made us have showers, which were freezing cold. I then put a towel around my waist to walk to the pool and I just felt so intimidated, despite the fact that there were very few people about.

I tell you, the feeling of actually getting into the pool was the most bizarre thing I've experienced in a long time. I used to swim several times a week and was a member of a swimming club, so I spent a lot of time in swimming pools, and to get into a pool again for the first time in a decade was just <em>weird</em>, but it felt great. I was very nervous at first and didn't even know if I'd remember how to swim, but I was fine after a few minutes, and also grateful of the cold shower, as the pool water was quite cool. I was also pleased that the pool is all the same depth (just under 5ft) as I wasn't quite ready to not be able to stand on the bottom. The pool also has a jacuzzi and a water slide, so we had a go on those. Claire didn't really enjoy the slide as she didn't like being pushed under water at the end, but I thought it was great (after the first time, as on the first go, I ended up almost choking to death on the chlorinated water going up my nose). The jacuzzi was quite nice, but very warm, which meant that the pool felt absolutely freezing when we returned to it. I was also sad that the outdoor pool was closed off today, but perhaps the weather wasn't warm enough for it.

In any case, we had a nice, long swim, and there were very few people about. It was awkward getting changed afterwards, and we felt kind of damp and gross when we went for breakfast, but still, we've decided to try to go every morning.

We had a late breakfast at the Beaver Creek Tavern (pains au chocolat, bread rolls, cereal, tea, etc.) and then headed towards the Walt Disney Studios Park for about 12pm. We were pleased to see that the only closed attraction was Les Parapluies de Cherbourg. I'd never been to this park before (as it wasn't built on my last visit) and it has quite a different atmosphere to the other park. It felt very unfamiliar and much more modern, which is what I expected, really. We went straight to the Studio Tram Tour queue and took no notice of the little language flags above the queuing area, but by some stroke of luck, ended up in the English/French queue. I quite enjoyed the ride, although we were in the very last car, which didn't rock at all at Catastrophe Canyon. The special effects were incredibly cool, though.

After that, we wandered over to Rock 'n' Rollercoaster starring Aerosmith, and were surprised to find that the queue was so short. We waited for about ten minutes, maybe less. I absolutely loved this ride, and Claire did too. The launch is fantastic – better than Space Mountain: Mission 2, in my opinion – and the countdown screen and flashing lights before the launch really build up the tension. Again, the launch on this really takes your breath away, and I find that a bit scary (but cool), but after that, the ride is great. I couldn't hear a lot of the music, but the ride felt and looked a lot better than Space Mountain: Mission 2.

We then wandered over to the Aladdin ride, Flying Carpets over Agrabah, and saw some of the Lilo and Stitch: Catch the Wave Party on the way, but we didn't really have a very good view. Again, the queue for this ride was small (for a Saturday) and the ride was okay, but made us feel a bit unsafe and dizzy. It's basically just like the Dumbo ride, but with flying carpets, and I think we were both scared that our little carpet would snap off or something! Claire didn't like it when I made the carpet go higher.

At 1.45pm, it was time for the Disney Cinema Parade, which I enjoyed much more than the Wonderful World of Disney Parade in the other park, despite the fact that the family in front of us had two buggies and one of them kept rolling back and bashing into my leg. The mother didn't seem to care that her child was in danger of rolling away as she wasn't looking! I was very amused by Mary Poppins in this parade, as in the Disneyland Park parade, she's a scruffy little thing with soot on her face, but in this one, she's all prim and proper and says something in a posh English accent. (I can't remember what!)

At 2pm, we headed back to the Disneyland Park, and realised how busy it was. The queue for Phantom Manor was huge, and Big Thunder Mountain had a wait time of two hours. I don't know how anyone could even consider queuing for a ride for two hours, regardless of how good it is! We decided to have some lunch at the Cowboy Cookout Barbecue (BBQ chicken, chips, fromage frais and drinks for both of us, which was 25 Euros) and sat outside in the sun, listening to the live music on the little stage, while I pondered why the guy who served us had given us two knives, three forks, and three spoons. However, I was very grateful for the extra fork when mine broke, and then, to my amazement, my spoon broke too. "Do we have a psychic in our midst?" I wondered. Claire said he must've taken one look at me and known that I was a klutz. "But how did he know?" I thought to myself, and I'm still confused about it.

After that, we wandered around Pocahontas' Indian Village and went over to Skull Rock to take photos, where I was approached by two different couples who wanted me to take pictures for them. Claire wondered why nobody asked her, as she was with me and wasn't busy taking pictures herself at that time (so they had to wait for me to finish) but we came to the conclusion that I must look trustworthy or something! Pirates of the Caribbean had a ridiculously long queue, despite the fact that the parade was about to start, so we headed over to Fantasyland and I leapt into the Queen of Hearts' throne for a photo, not realising it was designed for small bottoms, and ended up getting a rather large bruise on my right thigh. Yes, that expression I have in the photo is an expression of PAIN. You can kind of tell that I'm just sort of perched on the arms of the throne and not really sitting <em>in</em> it. Next we moved onto It's A Small World, which was virtually deserted. I enjoyed the ride a lot more than I did last time I was here, for some reason. It seemed brighter and much less annoying! Claire absolutely loved it, and said it made her happy. "I think it's supposed to" was my response to that.

We then queued for ten minutes for Casey Jr's Little Circus Train, which scared the wits out of Claire. She didn't feel safe at all on it, and was very glad to get off at the end. It's funny because it was Mum's favourite ride when we came, and she's too scared to go on the bigger rides. The queue for the Storybook Land Cruise was huge (probably as the parade had just ended), so we went to Fantasia Gelati and queued for quite a long time to get ice creams, which were huge but yummy. (7 Euros + 40 cents for two "cornets triples".)

After spending about six billion years eating our huge ice creams, we decided to queue for Honey, I Shrunk the Audience, which we quite enjoyed, though the part where rats are supposed to run up your legs didn't seem to affect me, and I didn't feel anything at all, despite the fact that everyone else was screaming! (Also, the pre-show is horribly cheesy! I never want to be subjected to that again!) After the show, we wandered around until about 7pm, and then tried Pirates of the Caribbean again. The wait time was only about ten minutes this time, and the ride was just as good as I remembered it. I absolutely love the atmosphere in that ride. As it was nearing 7.30 and the park was due to close at 8 o'clock, we didn't really know what to do next, as the popular rides had big queues. We really wanted to go on Big Thunder Mountain, but by the time we got over there, it was 7.50 and the wait time was 40 minutes. Regardless, the cast member seemed to be letting people into the queue, so we decided to go for it. It seemed to take forever to get to the front of the queue, and we finally got onto the ride at about 8.20, despite the fact that the park was closed! The ride was even better than I remembered it, and it's definitely my favourite ride so far. It has just the ride combination of ascents and drops, turns and twists, and the fact that it's an outdoor ride makes it even better. The views and theming are great.

We spent about ten minutes taking photos of Frontierland after the ride had ended, and finally left the park at 8.45. This surprised me, as I imagined they would try to get people out before 8 o'clock, but there was still a queue for Big Thunder Mountain when we left.

We hadn't booked to have dinner anywhere, and as it was a Saturday, we worried that we wouldn't be able to get a table. We finally got back to the hotel at about 9.20pm and Claire managed to book a table for us at the Beaver Creek Tavern for tonight (10pm), and at King Ludwig's Castle for tomorrow night (8pm). We had a small rest back in our room, and then went over to the restaurant. We had one of the set menus (Menu Decouverte, for 21 Euros each), and the choice of starters was a bit odd, so we decided to have the smoked duck (eep) with green beans, salad and croutons. I had never tried duck before, and I must say that smoked duck is not my cup of tea, but the salad was nice. For the main course, we chose the baked salmon with herbs, wild rice and courgettes, which was absolutely lovely. For dessert, we had Yellowstone Sundaes, which were also quite nice, though I was feeling a bit full by that point! All in all, it was a very nice meal and the restaurant had a lovely atmosphere and very friendly staff. It also wasn't all that expensive (for Disney, anyway) and we were very impressed with it.

Time for bed now, as it's late and we're feeling very sleepy!

Really interesting again Bonnie especially the info about the SL pool which will come in handy. I've never seen that Queen of Hearts throne before - whereabouts is it?
Looking forward to part trois!!!
It's just outside Alice's Curious Labyrinth! Just to the right of the entrance, I think. :goodvibes
Once again, I have to say that the way you've done the little photos makes your report look wonderful. And it's a great read too!!

Well done going swimming!! :Pinkbounc
Bonnie said:
It's just outside Alice's Curious Labyrinth! Just to the right of the entrance, I think. :goodvibes
Thanks - it must be new? I couldn't have missed it every time could I???
this is really good Bonnie, I thought the pool looked small .It's really good how you got those thumbnails in the report.
Hi Bonnie

I really liked your trip reports. I went on the same days (10th and 11th June) as you. I thought Saturday was very busy and loads of the rides had long queues. I think the Big Thunder Mountain queue was busy on Saturday because it did not open until the afternoon as they had been having technical problems!

Did you notice most of the FASTPASS machines were not open??

I did the parks the other way round. Went to Studios Park on 10th and then to Disneyland Park on 11th. I also disagree with you about the parades as I thought the Studios Park parade was very disappointing because there were not many floats and Disneyland Park parade was better, but it was my first time so I suppose it was a different experience.

I got awful marks from the mice tails on Honey I Shrunk the Audience but luckily they disappeared after a few hours.

On Friday we queued for Disneyland Railroad for about an hour from Frontierland to Fantasyland, it would have been quicker to walk!!

You said you posted the postcards on the Friday, when did they reach their destination? because I posted my postcards on Saturday and one of them got to its destination yesterday and another was received today!!

Where was the Parapluies De Cherbourg in Walt Disney Studios Park? I do not remember seeing them. Did u watch Cinemagique and Animagique??

I was expecting to be really scared on Phantom Manor but the only thing that scared was one of the men who works there. When you go into the main manor and then another door opens into the room that seems to move, there was a man with really googly eyes and because it was dark they really stood out and I screamed!! Then he came up behind me and scared me again! Did you see him?? Other than that I was not scared by Phantom Manor at all!
Humbug, it's very strange to hear that there were so few floats in the WDS parade on the 10th. Maybe there were more when we saw it on the 11th? I definitely remember more than five! I think my bad mood contributed to my lack of enjoyment of the WWoD parade, because I saw it again later in the week and thoroughly enjoyed it. :) But you'll hear about that in Part Five!

I didn't know BTM was having technical problems on the morning of the 11th! I'm pleased I didn't know, or I might've gone off the idea of going on it! Yes, I did notice that the FastPass machines were closed on the first couple of days we were there, though they opened up again on the Sunday (12th) and we got to try them out for the first time. Again, you'll hear about that later!

As for our postcards, one of the ones to the UK arrived yesterday, and another today. I also sent one to Australia and it arrived on Wednesday! Very strange...

I can't remember where Les Parapluies de Cherbourg is, but it had green boards around it. Apparently they're rebuilding the entire set.

I think I saw that guy on Phantom Manor... was he the black guy with REALLY spooky, wide eyes? If so, I was on the alert as I'd been warned about him, and I tried to stay near the centre of the room so he wouldn't scare me! But again, more about Phantom Manor in tomorrow's report... :wizard:
Bonnie said:
It was definitely there when I went in 1998! I have a photo of it from then! :sunny:
Well that's 3 things already you've taken photos of that I've never noticed - there's always something "new" at DLP!!! :sunny:
Also, I never knew the Parapluies de Cherbourg actually did anything apart from shower you with water!!! It's opposite RocknRollerCoaster and round the corner from the Backlot Express.
Hi Bonnie , Great report, love the pics.

I'm a bit worried about the pool though what does " quite cool " mean?
I hoped it would be warm, so that we could all go in it. If your interpretation of "quite cool" is the same has mine, it will be out of the question:cold: :sad: . Is there no shallow end for the kids, or the likes of me, I'm only 5'3" :scared:
Really good report Bonnie :flower: .

Its great getting to read about visits at different times of year. We,ve only ever been in March and then the following year in February - so some of the rides are closed.

Just now we are trying to plan when we next visit, and reports like this really help. For instance we have never been on Storybook cruise or Casey jnrs, as they are always closed at this time of year, as is autotopia. I suppose its a case of balancing out going at a quieter time of year and never having to queue :love: [or rarely] and being really cold :sad2: , or going at a busier time of year having to queue :sad2: , more of the attractions being open :love: , and being warmer :sunny: .

So brilliant - keep the info coming, your making our decision easier by the day.
Great report again Bonnie - I really like your photos!
Excellent report, Bonnie! And the photos really add so much. Thanks for taking the time to write this all up.
:flower: :) :flower: :) :flower: :) :flower:
Dee - Don't worry, it warmed up after a while! I think it was something like 28 degrees celsius (at least that number rings a bell) and it wasn't cold as such. It just felt a little cool to start off, but I think swimming pools usually do! Plus it was a hot day, so it was nice really! Claire is 5'3" tall and didn't have a problem with the depth, and she's not a very confident swimmer. It came up to her chin and I seem to remember the exact depth was 4'7". There are also a lot of ledges around the pool, and steps and things, and I noticed a lot of children in those areas. There were some very young children in the pool (and armbands are provided, too) so I can't imagine you'd have a problem. :) It seems like a very child-friendly pool to me.

Thanks for the lovely comments, everyone! I'm pleased you like the photos and things. I'm going to get started on Day Three shortly. :)
Bonnie said:
Humbug, it's very strange to hear that there were so few floats in the WDS parade on the 10th. Maybe there were more when we saw it on the 11th? I definitely remember more than five! I think my bad mood contributed to my lack of enjoyment of the WWoD parade, because I saw it again later in the week and thoroughly enjoyed it. :) But you'll hear about that in Part Five!

I didn't know BTM was having technical problems on the morning of the 11th! I'm pleased I didn't know, or I might've gone off the idea of going on it! Yes, I did notice that the FastPass machines were closed on the first couple of days we were there, though they opened up again on the Sunday (12th) and we got to try them out for the first time. Again, you'll hear about that later!

As for our postcards, one of the ones to the UK arrived yesterday, and another today. I also sent one to Australia and it arrived on Wednesday! Very strange...

I can't remember where Les Parapluies de Cherbourg is, but it had green boards around it. Apparently they're rebuilding the entire set.

I think I saw that guy on Phantom Manor... was he the black guy with REALLY spooky, wide eyes? If so, I was on the alert as I'd been warned about him, and I tried to stay near the centre of the room so he wouldn't scare me! But again, more about Phantom Manor in tomorrow's report... :wizard:

Yes it was the black guy with really spooky eyes!!

Maybe I was exaggerating a bit about there being 5 floats in the Cinema Parade but there were not many.


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