Bouncy, Trouncy, Flouncy, Pouncy-MAY PTR-*5/9 - FRUSTRATIONS & 6 days left*

Thanks for the recommendation on the shows. I want to arm myself with an idea of the showtimes and the best to see. Admittedly, I'm so ignorant about the shows that I don't even know what you mean by LMA???:sad2:

LOL no worries. Lights, Motion, Action. Stunt show at DHS, a big hit with little boys. And big ones too.

Lights, Motors, Action! Extreme Stunt Show follows a movie director, stunt manager and production crew as they work on a "live" film set to capture intense vehicle stunts and pulse-pounding chase scenes for an action-packed spy thriller in the south of France.

The show is a scheduled 33-minute attraction for big kids, teens and adults at the end of the Streets of America area in Disney's Hollywood Studios theme park.

Get a behind-the-scenes look at the filmmaking process, as secrets are revealed in this thrilling combination of complex vehicle stunts choreographed with split-second precision:

* Engines rev
* Tires squeal
* Breaks screech
* Motorcycles fly through rings of fire
* Cars hurdle over trucks
* Fireballs billow 40 feet in diameter
* A professionally-trained stunt person falls from a 5-story bell tower, another appears to be engulfed in flames

Watch the high-speed spy thriller film shot "out of sequence" as the carefully orchestrated stunts play out, increasing in intensity from the first one, a precisely timed "ballet chase," to the frenetic finale: an all-vehicle chase that involves cars, trucks, motorcycles, pyrotechnics and sometimes even high-horsepower jet skis that rocket across a water canal.

The shots are then edited chronologically to create the complete sequence and the extraordinary video is played back on a wall-sized screen.

The Cars

The stunt cars in Lights, Motors, Action! Extreme Stunt Show are highly-modified Opel brand cars. Though they appear stock, they are reinforced with a rally car roll cage for driver safety. They weigh less than half that of a standard production car, but they're twice as powerful. Propelled by a 1300 cc, 150 horsepower motorcycle engine, these cars have a unique gear system: 4 forward gears and 4 reverse gears—useful for quick getaways out of town… backwards!

Show Origins

From France to Florida: The Lights, Motors, Action! Extreme Stunt Show is based on Moteurs… Action! Stunt Show Spectacular that debuted at Walt Disney Studios Paris in March, 2002. The name for the show comes from the French term "Moteurs, Action!" And "action" in this case is an understatement!
See... now for me, walking around FW LATE at night, when everything else was shut down, was one of my all-time favorite memories of my whole first trip to WDW!

I was stoked beyond words that we saw an real live armadillo, and I was constantly looking for snakes but never saw one. The peaceful, quiet atmosphere, yet somehow wild any mysterious was so amazing to me!

Anyway, my favorite ride is also POTC!!! When I as 8 or 9 my grandmother- RIP- would often take me to Disneyland, and that was also her favorite. One time, she bought me a coloring book on the way out and it happened to have a picture of the scene where the guy is getting dunked in the well. I colored that page with all my little 9 year old care, and somehow, as I colored on her living room room floor in Pasadena, I pondered about how wonderful that day had been and how cool PoTC was and how much Disney meant to me. I think from then on it was a done deal that Disney would always be a part of me, and that Grandma would be a part of "my Disney".
Hey i'm joining a little late but I'm here! Can't wait to read more!! popcorn::

Welcome - Welcome ... it's GREAT to have you on-board :love:

LOL no worries. Lights, Motion, Action. Stunt show at DHS, a big hit with little boys. And big ones too.

:worship: WOW!! Thank you for ALL the info you posted about LMA (hey, I NOW know what that means thanks to you). I know when we were there in '08 and went on the Backlot tour we saw a little snippet of that show - unfortunately on that given day we had burned out by the end of the Studio ride and headed back. But knowing all this show entails I wouldn't doubt if my TR includes more than one viewing.

See... now for me, walking around FW LATE at night, when everything else was shut down, was one of my all-time favorite memories of my whole first trip to WDW!

I was stoked beyond words that we saw an real live armadillo, and I was constantly looking for snakes but never saw one. The peaceful, quiet atmosphere, yet somehow wild any mysterious was so amazing to me!

Anyway, my favorite ride is also POTC!!! When I as 8 or 9 my grandmother- RIP- would often take me to Disneyland, and that was also her favorite. One time, she bought me a coloring book on the way out and it happened to have a picture of the scene where the guy is getting dunked in the well. I colored that page with all my little 9 year old care, and somehow, as I colored on her living room room floor in Pasadena, I pondered about how wonderful that day had been and how cool PoTC was and how much Disney meant to me. I think from then on it was a done deal that Disney would always be a part of me, and that Grandma would be a part of "my Disney".

LIESA - Thank You soooo much for sharing sincerely about your memories. It's funny how little things can feel so much different from one kid to the next. But as for PoTC - what a great memory ... I'm glad to know others really feel the magic of this ride (and I'm sure many others at the World). :cloud9:

I'd LOVE to hear more responses like this from my DIS'Friends ... what is the "tale" behind your favorite ride??
My family's touring methods are similar to yours, but we have seen a few parades and shows. Rides are usually our priority though. I like to schedule park days based on a combo of EMH and crowd forecasting, through a site like Tour Guide Mike. I prefer to be in the emptiest park possible each day of my vacation, with the theory that the lines will be shorter and we'll be able to get on more rides.

As for my favorite rides, POTC is also one of my favs, and for similar reasons. I loved the indoor (A/C!) themed que, the thrilling little drop (for a 6 year-old!), and my dad pointing out the hair on the pirate's leg hanging off the bridge.

Space Mountain was also an early favorite, b/c it was my first roller coaster outside of a local fair and that lame dragon that goes in cirles with a few small hills. I was 9 for that trip and was finally tall enough to go on (we are short people!), but my 8 year-old sister was not, so I got to go on with my dad by myself, which was a treat, since my sister usually insisted on sitting with our dad. I just loved SM, it was a roller coaster, but not too scary, didn't even have to close my eyes! It was so exhilerating, freeing even!

Those 2 are probably still some of my favorites today! :love:
My family's touring methods are similar to yours,

As for my favorite rides, POTC is also one of my favs, and for similar reasons.

Space Mountain was also an early favorite, b/c it was my first roller coaster outside of a local fair and that lame dragon that goes in cirles with a few small hills.
Those 2 are probably still some of my favorites today! :love:

I loved hearing that my memories are similar to others ... it's awesome that your dad pointed out the hair on the pirate's leg as well!!

I loved SM as well ... though I'm gonna admit it scared the "crapola" out of me (thanks to my Dis'Friends for that word).

I've never used a site like tour guide mike ... is it worth the time and cost to put together plans through a site like that?:confused3
If you followed through some of my past ruminations you might recall that, even though the winds at the Poly were swirling, the Tonga Toast had an intoxicating effect on Dad ... so much so that his proclamation was, "We're staying HERE next time" ... and yes, we did!! :wizard:
Hmmm ... ok ... so I confess the above pic is out of context for any sane timeline (i.e. O'Hana was NOT in existence back in '83 for our second trip) ... but WHO can resist skewered meat, regardless of the decade Cousin!!

Mom & Dad went ALL OUT for us on trip #2 ... effectively spoiling us for all future trips with a waterfront room just off the beach. For a kid coming back to Disney for the second time (AND getting to go to a WHOLE NEW PARK - yes, Epcot had opened the October before we returned) ... this was RIGHTEOUS:worship:

So ... this is just a little set-up for a few ruminations from trip 2 ... we'll talk snails ... we'll talk money (lots of it, wet and soggy) ... and we'll talk about a ride that I miss profusely!!:3dglasses
Sounds like you went all out for Trip #2! Kinda like what I'm hoping to do in Sept. All the stuff I always wanted to do, but couldn't.

A beachfront room?? Suh-weet!!

EPCOT always been my favorite park. Yes, MK has its charms, but EPCOT--- I don't know what it is about it, so much to do and see.

You must be talking about Horizons?? Never saw it, but would have liked to.

Hey, Rob, it's not too late to make a guess on the ADR game over on my thread. Take a shot at it- I think you're the kind of planner that would do well!! ;)

Ok, going back to read the update- you always ask such thought provoking questions!!
[*]My kiddos are early birds - usually not too good as late owls
[*]They have amazing endurance - usually I'm looking to sit down long before they are
[*]They LOVE spending about an hour in the Disney playgrounds (the Boneyard & HIStK)
Yep, this all sounds quite familiar - we're getting there, but late nights are still infrequent. An ditto on the other two.

In trips past, my kids just weren't interested in sitting through the parades or the shows (except Fantasmic which they love) ... this time around they've told me they want to see some parades and shows ... sooo
- Tell me your strategies
- What are the parades I MUST get them to?
- Which parks, which days, which times?
- Which shows are not to be missed?

We're not really big on parades and shows, either, so I get it. But my DS7 loves Spectromagic and I'm certain will equally love Main St. Electrical Parade - a definite MUST. :thumbsup2 We also really enjoyed FOTLK. Still haven't seen the Nemo show, and my DS has no interest. He finally got talked into Turtle Talk this past weekend and, while he didn't want to participate, he said it was "cool!" so I guess it's a winner. ;) Indiana Jones apparently never gets old for him (I'll resist giving my own editorial comment on that one), and we both dig Lights, Motors, Action!

Y'know, if they could make it without all the sugar on the outside, I might really like it, too!

(for my dad, this was his favorite ride because of the drunk pirates realistic, hair-covered leg hanging over the bridge).
:rotfl2: Is it a dad-thing or what?! My first trip was around age 8 and my dad talked about the drunk pirates and hairy leg for WEEKS after!

So I'd love to know this one thing ... what is the "story" behind your favorite ride ... please share!!
I honestly can't say I have a favorite ride, but the earliest, clearest memory was going with my dad for the first time and riding Space Mountain... we waited 2 hours in line, in the summer heat, to ride... and I loved every second of it! :goodvibes

... and we'll talk about a ride that I miss profusely!!:3dglasses
I've never used a site like tour guide mike ... is it worth the time and cost to put together plans through a site like that?:confused3

You know, I haven't actually used tour guide mike myself, either. Last time I *think* I used the Unofficial Guide book and website, That was free, and good enough for me! :banana: It worked out pretty well for us, I don't think we experienced any long waits during our last trip in December 08, maybe 20-30 minutes tops?
Wow this is a great PTR!!

Our dates overlap! I will definitely keep a look out for you four :)

I am definitely stealing all you're snack reasearch.

Also I love the accounts of you're childhood trips, keep 'em coming! :thumbsup2

R.I.P. River Country :sad2:

As the heat settles into a long afternoon at Magic Kingdom ... there's nothing better than pairing Dole Whip's and Dungeons (ok, please don't draw too deep a connection on that alliteration :confused3) ... Grabbing an icy, tropical, fruity Pineapple Dole Whip with a mid-length wait meandering through the catacombs of Pirates of the Caribbean ... talking about the movies ... pointing out the unique sights in the queue ... its guaranteed to chase the grumpies away!!

You've just finished a rousing day at the Kingdom ... the LINE for the busses is waiting and the flood of humanity is wearing you down. Into view comes The Main Street Bakery ... beeline for the doors and grab the fam a seat. Be the hero!! Go through the line and create a cornucopia of crazy confections Rocky Road Brownies, Strawberry Shortcake, Creamy Cheesecake, Key Lime Pie ... arrive at the table to cheers and happy-joy-joys. Sit down, relax, and relive everyone's favorite memories as the sweet treats do their thang!!

There's an under appreciated wonder at the center of Future World ... the heat of the day doesn't daunt it (nay, it makes it better) ... to pause, to enjoy, to appreciate could very well define a new memory and tradition into your "World tour". To elevate the whole experience, how 'bout a hand-dipped scoop of 'Dulce De Leche', or 'Mint Chocolate Chip' from the Fountainview Cafe (heck, make it a waffle cone on that snack credit), then go and take pictures, laugh, and LOVE seeing your kids rapt in wonder over the Fountain show that runs roughly every 30 minutes.

:offtopic: my kids have been asking me, "Daddy can we go try the gross soda again" ... I had no idea what they were talking about, then I realized they LOVED (even though some were 'gross') laughing over the unusual sodas at "Club Cool". Please - for the sake of all that is good in the world - take your children into this awesome little stop and laugh as you make them try the horrible Italian soda, "Beverly" - yes, I'm a little evil like that :darth:

Adult Enjoyment .... Please, take a moment to your "selves" and venture into Boulangerie Patisserie to blow a snack credit on a chocolate eclair, yes - those are your children setting fire to the mini Eiffel Tower - but don't worry, the CM's will take care of it ... and you're too busy being whisked away to a chocolate, pate a choux, and custard Xanadu ... this is your moment ... Live it!!

Step #1 - grab a Kaki Gori (preferably Rainbow & bonus points if you've taught your kids to say it in an aggressive cool voice), Step 2 - walk to China (hope you wore comfortable shoes), Step 3 - let your kiddos (and you) bask in the wonder of the young acrobats as you build yet one more multi-sensory memory!!

Getting a little tummy craving ... the reservations are a couple of hours away and you know misery lies just around the corner!! Burn a snack credit at Kringla Bakery ... School Bread, a Sweet Pretzel, and (my FAVE addiction) Rice Cream are on the menu ... THANK YOU NORWAY

It's Jungly and Steamy!! Don't try to be the hero on this one ... something healthy (believe it or not) is the BEST choice .... grab some fresh fruit at Harambe Fruit Market and feel good about it!! (oh, walk around the corner to the path by the water and look for the actor dressed as moving leaves .... it will entertain your kids much more than you can)

It's Hollywood Studios time ... you're heading for Fantasmic to get in line 10 hours before the show ... make the time go by quicker by bringin' some snacks to the party. My suggestion? Bounce into 'Starring Rolls' and play the "Cupcake King" (don't worry, I won't promote this as your nickname back home) ... Chocolate Peanut Butter, Chocolate Butterfinger, White Chocolate ... need I say more? ... suddenly the line is nothing more than a snack break!!

And LAST BUT CERTAINLY NOT LEAST ... a treat, my favorite ... a little Disney "kiss" for you:
The cool of the evening is setting in ... you find some way (any way, I don't CARE how you do it - just do it) to get to Port Orleans French Quarter Resort. With Snack Credit in hand, you approach the food court counter saying with reserved glee, "Three Beignets (pronounced 'Ben YAY's') please" ... you are handed three hot, puffed, delicate, sugar-coated wonders!!! Walk out the door, find a bench by the canal (or hop on the boat to Downtown Disney) and experience the reason why I will never ever ever say a negative word about this resort.

So what's my goal ... and what should be yours? Don't take snacks lightly. They are to be enjoyed ... they can be a break ... they can honestly mean the difference between a meltdown and a memory. I hope these words give you some ideas - but moreso serve to invite your own muse to create some new, snack-centered memories


I love your snack stories (snackories?) and snack philosophies (snacklosophies?). I also like to make up words :rotfl:

Needless to say I'm in and anxiously awaiting more! popcorn::
We'd made our way to the Polynesian for trip # 2 ...

:offtopic: So let me ask this while it's on my discombobulated brain ... does anyone else have olfactory ruminations about the amazing smell that penetrates your soul when you walk into the lobby at the Poly? I can close my eyes and feel those first steps into the air conditioned wonder of that tropical paradise ... and each time I "visit" (you know, it's all in my mind :confused3) that scent is a welcome accompaniment.:moped: ok, back to the post.

Have you ever rented one of these (or, if like me, watched them fly with UTTER coolness over the wake of waves behind the big ferry)??

Well ... I decided I HAD to experience this on our second trip while staying in the waterfront room at the Poly :banana: The Banana is there cause DAD SAID YES to my begging incantations!!

So I sprinted as fast as my chubby little pasty-pale legs (we'd JUST arrived the day before - no tan yet) would take me to the dock where we (this is DAD and me) rented the "old school" mouse boats (ALLL ... MY ... FRIENDS ... THESE WERE LOW RIDERS - cue the horns) ... anyone see where this might be headed yet?:eek:

So it was just before my begging was received with an affirmation that I'd watched with excited glee as one hyper-cool kid had hit one of the BIG waves behind the ferry boat and he'd SAAAAAIILLEDD through the air and landed with awesomeness!!

So without hesitation ... I had my plan ... I beelined for that big boat!!

It was just ahead and MAN that wave looked a LOT smaller from the other boat as we crossed from our Crystal Palace breakfast and MK morning ...

I can just imagine how COOL this is gonna be (are we going fast enough? :confused3) and when we hit that wave and fly through the air ... ALL those people on that boat are gonna see me and cheer :boat::cheer2: as I fly through the air ... Oh .... MAN ... here ... it ... COMES ............ Keeeerrrrr'PLUNK!!

What ... happened???

We did NOT go over the wave ... we did NOT fly through the air ... and I did NOT hear any cheers (though I'm fairly certain I saw guests lined up on the boat balconies doing a little :lmao:).

Looking back on the moment ... I guess a Garanimals-clad husky kid and a portly papa should NOT have thought that the resulting dynamic would be the ability to "glide"??

So it was ... the water poured in (I mean that literally, we looked more like a diving submarine as that wave hit ... the waters of Seven Seas Lagoon swallowed us) ... we were the kind of soaked that requires wringing ... and dad was NONE too happy. My mouse boat adventure was cut waaaaaaay short ... and to this day, if I bring it up ... EVERYONE can't help but Laugh ... and Laugh ... and Laugh!! :laughing::laughing::laughing:

The most VIVID memory from my most embarrassing Disney moment?? Dad had his wallet ... in his back pocket ... in our Diving Bell!!

Back in the room - paper currency of all value (1's, 5's, 10's, 20's... ) were standing on edge on the dressers ... on the tv ... on the bathroom counter ... on the nightstand as DAD tried to bring his damp dollars back to a usable state (yeah, we go for the Keys to the Kingdom card now)

I have quite a few more of those "embarrassing moments" and will look forward to sharing them ... but first, let's entertain each other ... fill me in on your Disney downfalls ....
I'll refer you to mine I wrote up on pt. 1 of my PTR. I think you may leak a little when you read it. (do guys do that?)

Here it is:

Yep, this all sounds quite familiar - we're getting there, but late nights are still infrequent. An ditto on the other two. DS7 loves Spectromagic and I'm certain will equally love Main St. Electrical Parade - a definite MUST. :thumbsup2 We also really enjoyed FOTLK. Still haven't seen the Nemo show, and my DS has no interest. He finally got talked into Turtle Talk this past weekend and, while he didn't want to participate, he said it was "cool!" so I guess it's a winner. ;) Indiana Jones apparently never gets old for him (I'll resist giving my own editorial comment on that one), and we both dig Lights, Motors, Action!
Thanks for the tips on the shows and the Parade ... SpectroMagic is def gonna figure into our plans. When the kiddos were 4 I took two of them to Turtle Talk (the other was - sadly - pretty sick with fever that day) and they loved it too!!

You know, I haven't actually used tour guide mike myself, either. Last time I *think* I used the Unofficial Guide book and website, That was free, and good enough for me! :banana: It worked out pretty well for us, I don't think we experienced any long waits during our last trip in December 08, maybe 20-30 minutes tops?

Thanks for the comment and the link ... I'm gonna check that out.

Wow this is a great PTR!!

Our dates overlap! I will definitely keep a look out for you four :)

I am definitely stealing all you're snack reasearch.

Also I love the accounts of you're childhood trips, keep 'em coming! :thumbsup2

I love your snack stories (snackories?) and snack philosophies (snacklosophies?). I also like to make up words :rotfl:

Needless to say I'm in and anxiously awaiting more! popcorn::

Thank You for all the kind words and comments ... I absolutely plan to keep the memories flowing - "snacklosophies" - I might have to adopt that one :thumbsup2

what a great story! In hindsight I'm sure it's mostly funny to you now. Mostly.


I still - admittedly - mumble foul words under my breath when I see those totally uncool, absolutely nerdy kids flying with glee over the wakes in the lagoon (no, I'm over it ... really ... no ... really)

I'll refer you to mine I wrote up on pt. 1 of my PTR. I think you may leak a little when you read it. (do guys do that?)

Here it is:


HEE HEE :rotfl2: "Hoop de VIEW" ... LOVED it Liesa ... my graces wouldn't have been as polished ... kudos!!
For my next few posts I'd like to give my DISfriends a little glimpse of my traveling cohorts ... they're small-fries with big hearts!! :dance3:

First up ... TROUNCY ... Gavin.

A few Gavin Facts:
Born: Feb 19, 2002 (this will be a recurring theme)
Weight at Birth: 3lbs 4ozs
Gavin's lungs were fully formed but he kept pulling this really soothing "act" in the NICU whereby he would just simply cease breathing ... yeah ... for mommy & daddy these were NOT :scared1: good moments ... the cure?? They gave my "couple-o-day old" son caffeine through his IV ... the repercussions are obvious!!

Fave Color: Green
Fave Movie: "I do not know - I'll just tell you one I really like ... I like ... I really like ... what's it called? It has that rainbow rock in it? Oh yeah, shorts" ... yes, that was Gavin's exact quote when asked this question - he's adorably "roundabout" like that.

Fave Food: Spicy hot peppers (I'm convinced the caffeine had something to do with his taste buds)

Fave Dis Ride: Splash Mountain

Fave Dis Memory: "Ethan screaming on Splash Mountain"

Gavin has deep, rich, chocolate brown eyes ... he is the "fair one" of the three - where the other two can peek at the sun & get tan ... Gavin becomes the rock-lobster ... He is best described as a sensitive goofball ... he loves to be the "class clown" though the teachers say he is the most obedient boy in class ... he LOVES to write :thumbsup2 and will often take an hour or more to create a book rather than watching tv.

Gavin's sweetest moments come when he perceives a need in others ... he seems to have a pretty intuitive sense of when a hug is needed ... or a blanket ... or a tissue ... you get the idea ... he loves to feel like he's done something nice for someone else.

What will I be when I grow up: "Mmmmm ... I don't know ... maybe a gym teacher at a school ... or something like that?"

What are you looking forward to most at Disney this year: "I am looking forward to most ... buying you and momma something"

That about says it all!!:love::hug:
So let me ask this while it's on my discombobulated brain ... does anyone else have olfactory ruminations about the amazing smell that penetrates your soul when you walk into the lobby at the Poly?
::yes:: :cloud9:

So it was ... the water poured in (I mean that literally, we looked more like a diving submarine as that wave hit ... the waters of Seven Seas Lagoon swallowed us) ... we were the kind of soaked that requires wringing ... and dad was NONE too happy. My mouse boat adventure was cut waaaaaaay short ...
Oh no!! :rotfl2:

I'll refer you to mine I wrote up on pt. 1 of my PTR. I think you may leak a little when you read it. (do guys do that?)
:lmao: I don't know if the men-folk do, but I did! That's good stuff, there.

What are you looking forward to most at Disney this year: "I am looking forward to most ... buying you and momma something"
Aww, what a sweetie! :goodvibes
:lmao: I don't know if the men-folk do, but I did! That's good stuff, there.

Hey V~

Thanks for BOTH reading my Hoop de View story AND clearing that up for me. :lmao::lmao: I'll to rely on the dudes here to fill us in on the other bit... :laughing:


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