Bread Disaster!! UPDATED!!


Pudge controls the weather.
Jul 13, 2009
I absolutely adore the bread at Kona Cafe, so I was elated when I saw the recipe over on Allears.

What an unmitigated disaster that was. I made it just as that recipe says. I checked the rise at like 3 hours and it had only risen a little. I let it go another hour and it wasn't any bigger so I figured I'd just go with it. I took it out of the bowl and divided it up as per the recipe and baked it. 325 degrees and 15 minutes my butt!! I put it in for that long, still totally raw in the middle, another 10 minutes, still raw, another 10 minutes, and I gave up. I ended up with 4 dense little dough balls that were bland as all get out.

Has anyone else had luck with that recipe? Did you have to change it? This was nothing like what was served at Kona, the only good thing that came out of the day was the honey butter!
Did you forget the yeast? (I've done that:rolleyes1) Or have liquid too hot/cold? (both will stop yeast working)
Double check the recipe with the one posted in OUR Disney recipe thread right here, there is an index that makes finding the recipe very easy.

with that being said there could be a few problems : Your yeast is old/expired, your liquid was too hot and you killed the yeast or you forgot to add the yeast into the mix.

I have made this bread and it has always come out just fine.
I'll double check the recipe but I definitely put the yeast in. The liquid was just barely warm to the touch.

The recipe in that thread you sent me to is entirely different than the one I followed. The one I followed also wasn't for a bread machine.
Right amount/type of flour? Was it left to rise out of any draughts? My MIL always wraps her dough in an old dressing gown (in its bowl;)) to avoid problems of poeple opening doors/windows thoughtlessly.

All ingredients at room temperature? (Eggs need to be out of the fridge for at least 20 mins)
My suspicion is that your water wasn't warm enough to start the yeast. The second thing it could be - does the recipe call for a bit of sugar in the yeast water?

!5 minutes is not long enough to bake bread, but your problem started way before the baking stage.
You don't always need to bloom yeast. If you followed the recipe as written and the liquid was the correct temp (I always check mine with an instant read ) then I would buy some new yeast and try again.
If you get quick action yeast you just stir it in
Honestly unless anyone can tell me they've had luck with this particular recipe, I won't be trying it again. It's not worth it to me. I just figured this was the place to come to see if anyone tried this version or if someone has another recipe that isn't for a bread machine that works.
Actually I retract that. If I had enough flour I'd try it again only because I am currently snowed in.
I did some research - it looks like the correct proportion is 2 TABLESPOONS of yeast to 4 cups of flour, not 2 tsp.
Hm, that could explain why I got a little bit of a rise. Maybe if I stay stuck in my winter wonder hell I'll try it again.

I just bought the new Disney cookbook and the recipe is in there. If you want i can scan it and email it to you. Just PM me and let me know.


So since Flick was so kind as to send me the recipe from the book, I decided to try again. The recipe was similar but had key differences. It was 2 TABLESPOONS of yeast so the poster that said that was correct. Most of the measurements were the same, except the juice and the yeast, but the method was the big difference. I got a much better result this time, but unfortunately, they're just not as good as what Kona actually serves. I'm just going to chalk that up to pixie dust, and now at least I know that there is a version that works, and doesn't give me an inedible brick of bread, but good (not great) fluffy (but not as fluffy) dinner roll tasting bread. Thank you to everyone that helped. I'm going to contact Allears and tell them what they have posted is totally wrong, so that no one else has to go through what I did with it.

So since Flick was so kind as to send me the recipe from the book, I decided to try again. The recipe was similar but had key differences. It was 2 TABLESPOONS of yeast so the poster that said that was correct. Most of the measurements were the same, except the juice and the yeast, but the method was the big difference. I got a much better result this time, but unfortunately, they're just not as good as what Kona actually serves. I'm just going to chalk that up to pixie dust, and now at least I know that there is a version that works, and doesn't give me an inedible brick of bread, but good (not great) fluffy (but not as fluffy) dinner roll tasting bread. Thank you to everyone that helped. I'm going to contact Allears and tell them what they have posted is totally wrong, so that no one else has to go through what I did with it.

Could you post the corrected recipe in our recipe thread please


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