BREXIT......How do you feel Brits? Excited??

I'm a Brit living in Canada ...I'm very sad.
But, many friends and family in England and Scotland are elated.

It will be interesting to see how it moves forward from here.
All of my friends who are economists (including several in the UK) are pretty concerned, as am I, although sadly none of us are particularly surprised as this is what happens when people are allowed to vote on things they do not understand. And yes, I realize that sounds terribly elitist, but I do not believe in governing by referendum because, and again I'm sorry for being so blunt, this is a far more complicated issue than the average person can understand. It is why we elect leaders, and to be derelict in one's leadership at the most important juncture is cowardice, in my opinion. It's a reactionary mistake that will have economic ramifications not only on the economy of the UK but far larger impacts on the US economy than most people realize, ranging from a flight to the US dollar that will hammer our exports to increased inefficiencies in global trade.

I do think this will lead to a breakup of the United Kingdom, as well, and it will be interesting to see if Northern Ireland elects to leave and rejoin Ireland. I think it's safe to assume that Scotland will leave the UK and remain in the EU. If either or both of those happen, the impact on the UK (or, at that point, former UK) economy will be devastating.
Shocked and worried is mainly how I'm feeling. The main platform it seemed to be run on was immigration, but now the economic issues are becoming more obvious. I think we are losing more that most people considered.
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For those who might not know

As an EU citizen
1. Under the E11 Heath insurance scheme, if I need emergency medical treatment while in an EU I dont have to pay
2. When you pay tax in EU countries, your contributions are accumulated. This means that if you spent a few years working in a different country and then go to your home country, you are eligible for benefits.
3. Freedom of work and travel, which means any citizen from a member country does not need a visa or work permit for another member country.

These are just some of the things that UK people have now lost.
I'm disappointed personally. I think we would have been stronger staying in the EU. During this whole period it seemed who ever shouts loudest gets the votes. This isn't the way it should be done.
So who does?

the way it works is
In my home country I have health insurance or in UK they have the NHS. Before you leave your home country for a holiday you fill in a form and get the E11 card. If you need emergency medical treatment on holiday, when you go to the hospital you show the card and they bill your home country. If you dont have the card you have to pay the medical expenses.

It also works if you move to a different country. For example I moved to Germany, and because I had the card I was automaticlly signed up to a German Health Insurance company. I just had to contact them and give them my details
I'm disappointed personally. I think we would have been stronger staying in the EU. During this whole period it seemed who ever shouts loudest gets the votes. This isn't the way it should be done.
I agree with you. Experienced and qualified steady hands manage world economies better, but they aren't as loud and showy. Ugh.
This is going to affect retirement accounts in the US as well as the UK. I wonder when folks (particularly in the US) will realize it's not all a lot of talk that doesn't particularly involve them.
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We live near London. We did not vote this way so are very upset. This will hurt good ground made between North and Southern Ireland that was a long time in the making. Scotland quite rightly is not happy or Gibaltor.

Our pound had taken a nose dive. Our Prime Minister who got us into this hot mess resigned. I feel completely betrayed. I did not vote for this governement. This government gave the EU referundum then he resigned! Errr thanks then...

Room in the US or Canada for a little one? Also consider Ireland north or south or Scotland...
We live near London. We did not vote this way so are very upset. This will hurt good ground made between North and Southern Ireland that was a long time in the making. Scotland quite rightly is not happy or Gibaltor.

Our pound had taken a nose dive. Our Prime Minister who got us into this hot mess resigned. I feel completely betrayed. I did not vote for this governement. This government gave the EU referundum then he resigned! Errr thanks then...

Room in the US or Canada for a little one? Also consider Ireland north or south or Scotland...

There's room in both the US and Canada, but I'd look at Canada. Most people here in the US that are willing to move when a vote doesn't go their way typically threaten to move to Canada, so it might save you a 2nd move. ;)
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So glad someone asked this question. As a US citizen, at first I was like "YAY! The pound has always been stronger than the Euro so this is good for the UK - they won't continue to get crap about not going to Euro". I also though "YAY! Independence is great! We USers did this way back when and look at us now!" And the more I read, the more I remember how very dumb I am about this stuff. My British cousins are not happy about this and are feeling really uneasy about the future.
You know you have an accent right...?

"Dang ol' Brits dang 'ol funny accents knowwhutImean?"

What is weird is my news channel is focusing more on dogs being at the polls and GOT possibly not being able to film because of this vote o_O
There's room in both the US an Canada, but I'd look at Canada. Most people here in the US that are willing to move when a vote doesn't go their way typically threaten to move to Canada, so it might save you a 2nd move. ;)
Funny about Canada! You would think they would be sick of hearing it every four years. I also don't understand why every time a vote doesn't go some peoples way, people threaten to leave. I'd rather die on this hill than move or give up my US citizenship !!!


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