Bring Snacks or Buy


Dreaming of Disney Cruising!
Aug 26, 1999
I was thinking of packing a small box with snacks & such and either shipping it or take it on the plane with me. It won't be heavy stuff, but more like snack size bags of doritoes, teddy grahams, gold fish, bread, pb&j, etc. I was thinking these would be cheaper at home versus buying them at a grocery store or a Target near WDW.

What do you think? How much (if any) more expensive are things like these near Disney versus home? Is it worth doing this or should we just wait and buy everything there? We'll stop to pick up milk and water on the way to the resort.
We usually shop at the Wal-Mart Supercenter and we find the prices to be pretty similar to what we pay here in rural Arkansas at our Wal-Mart. Personally, I wouldn't bother shipping anything. However, we have on several occasions used for grocery delivery and we have always been thrilled with them. It's a wonderful service. We do that when we don't have a car or don't want to waste time going to the store, etc. They will even deliver your perishable items like milk, fruit, frozen foods, etc. We love them! If you have a car and some extra time, though, just make a grocery stop yourself. I've heard that Goodings has very high prices, so don't stop there. Like I said, the Wal-Mart Supercenter is a good choice.
I agree that you shouldn't ship things if you plan to stop for groceries anyway. After you've been at WDW for a day or two, any of the grocery stores near WDW will seem like a bargain (except for Goodings).

Just have your list written and fill up that Florida cart!!!
I bring certain "kid" snacks with me (like gummy worms), because I like to have them divided up into snack sized zip-lock bags in advance. Also, stores often have good sales on treats like fruit roll ups, so I buy them in advance if there is a good sale, then put them in zip-lock bags for the trip (takes up much less room than the boxes.)

I wouldn't ship anything. We brought stuff with us but we drove and are from Canada. Last year our dollar wasn't that good and it was cheaper for us to buy and bring with us. We also have to have snacks for the long drive. Mind you we still did buy things in the park, but in moderations. This Feb. trip have to try one of those dole whips and stop again at the bakery in MK for the ice cream sandwich. Just can't get them like that at home. Bought bread at the Super Walmart and the price was the same as if we had bought it in Canada without the exchange. I think if your buying off site the prices are about the same.

Good luck

:Pinkbounc :bounce: :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce:
We found the prices at Publix to be good, very similar or better than sales at our grocery stores locally. We actually didn't think the prices were all that bad at the resort stores (for alot of items--some were very pricey though). We did bring a few "favorite" snacks and bought the rest at Publix.

Have a great trip!!!!!!!!!!
I don't think you'll find the prices much higher, if any, then your local grocer. If you're planning to stop anyways, I'd just buy things then.

We never stop, but always bring junk/snack food with us for those late nights =)
Thanks for your help. I just was not sure how much more it would be to purchase these items closer to WDW versus bringing them from home.
Personnaly, I plan to bring or ship snacks (it was only about $10 last year to fedex a big box of breakfast foods, snacks, and diapers) for our upcoming trip. We will make a grocery stop, too, to pick up milk, bread, and other drinks, but I just don't want to have to spend the time wandering around a store I am unfamiliar with to find everything. I figure the $10 is well worth it for the time saving and peace of mind that I haven't forgotten something and would have to take extra time to return to the store.

That's my problem - time.

Cost - we've found groceries to be similarly priced (except maybe at the gift store on site or Goodings).

But the time to swing by to pick up fruit snacks and granola bars isn't worth the stop.

Now, if you need to pick up something heavy (we stop for bottled water), it might be a better deal to combine stuff.

The other problem I have is branding. Things that I'm used to buying at home aren't necessarily national brands.
Originally posted by CTillberg
Personnaly, I plan to bring or ship snacks (it was only about $10 last year to fedex a big box of breakfast foods, snacks, and diapers) for our upcoming trip. We will make a grocery stop, too, to pick up milk, bread, and other drinks, but I just don't want to have to spend the time wandering around a store I am unfamiliar with to find everything. I figure the $10 is well worth it for the time saving and peace of mind that I haven't forgotten something and would have to take extra time to return to the store.

We did this in Jan and found it very helpful. I shipped: snacks, camera, nail clippers, tweezers, sippy, bottle, blanket, baby toys/stuff, crackers, spoon, etc.

We still had a grocery stop for baby food and diapers.

It was nice to not have to lug it on the plane and know it would be there. We are picked up by a town car and only have a certain amount of time in the grocery store.

Whatever works best for YOU.
I stock up on snack foods and pack them in a suitcase. I figure that we'll eat the food and then will have room for anything we buy. I not only save money (maybe), but I don't have to take the time shopping. I still stop for perishables, but that's a quick trip to the grocery store.

Obviously don't pack anything that will break open, is liquid, etc. I pack in a hardside suitcase and am careful to cushion the items with clothes, etc.



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