Brooklynn takes Bella to meet Cinderella! Page 242 Downtown Disney

I agree with this - I also think women tend to take those little comments personally, when they probably weren't meant that way - someone just wanted to whine and pout :goodvibes and all of a sudden you think it's your fault! My DD is good at that. I just ask her if she wants a little cheese with that whine and she usually snaps out of it....either that or I feed her something, that usually improves her mood! :thumbsup2

Food is always good for putting someone in a better mood! :thumbsup2

I'm a little late to your report. We leave in just a few short days, so I have been going through trippies with my girls!

They love all your pictures. Thanks for sharing.

You all are a beautiful family!:lovestruc

I hope you have an incredible trip with your family, and I hope you will come back and join us again when you are home. We love adding new DIS friends to our group.


Hope aboard and join us for The Great Movie Ride!













We wish to welcome you to Munchkin Land!




Definitely not in Kansas any more.
Right, wigd?


And from the movie clips at the end.












And with that, it was back outside to take some handprint shots.



Trashcan logo.


A little shopping.



A magical certificate waiting to be given out.




Brooklynn is so not convincing as a Jamaican. :laughing:



I almost got Drew this mug, but I didn't.


On the way out.




Park #2 was finished. Two down, two to go, and plenty of day left.
If I thought the shake would arrive still "as a shake" I would take you up on that offer! :lmao:

I love gingerbread, especially at Christmas time! Yummy!

I will hold onto the hope that you & Kay will do that little trip. ;)

I see we are on here at the same time.

No Not the Snakes!

I am not coming home without that Tinkerbell Minnie in March!
I love the montage at the end of GMR -- we haven't done that for a while, so I went on YouTube to find the montage.

I hope you and Kay get to do a little trip in March. If I don't do a PTR, I will definitely do a TR and not be a bad DISer and abandon it, so I will definitely do my best to give you a Disney fix whether you get to go then or not. :goodvibes
I'm so happy that you posted those pictures of GMR. I haven't been on that ride in SO long. I'll have to put that on my to do list for the next time around!
I love your pictures of the Beach/Yacht club. When I saw it I stopped and took a deep breath in like I could smell the Beach Club.:rotfl::rotfl:

Love of the picture of the girls in the chair. so sweet :love:

That's what teachers write to parents on report cards. The translation is 'Your child talks too much and asks too many questions'! :laughing:

And when they tell you your daughter is strong minded I knew they meant mine was just stubborn.:laughing:

Trashcan logo.


I have many of these. Every place has a different design.
A magical certificate waiting to be given out.


I don't know whether to laugh or cry but I must truly be a teacher at heart when I see this and notice the grammatical error!

when you get some spare time this weekend, stop by my new PTR and give me your ADR opinions!
The picture of Brook and Bella on the chair is just too adorable. Christmas card material for sure.:thumbsup2
So sweet of Brooklyn to say she is thankful for Bella. I bet if Bella could talk she would say the same! Those girls are going to be friends forever.:lovestruc
Great GMR pictures. I have plans to ride it this Sunday before Fantasmic. Now I'm really excited. I leave Saturday so if I don't talk to you before have a wonderful thanksgiving, Memom.
All caught up. Bkfst at Cape May looked outstanding! Trying to decide etween that and Tusker House. Sorry someone took a grumpy pill on ur day. Yay, 2 parks down 2 to go!

Hope aboard and join us for The Great Movie Ride!













We wish to welcome you to Munchkin Land!




Definitely not in Kansas any more.
Right, wigd?



Hi Jill and Memom!!!
I can't believe we missed the :3dglasses great movie ride...we were HS newbies. Next time! I have to plan another trip for 2010! The girls are absolutely adorable!! Gotta go catch up on your tr! :hippie:
We rode the Great Movie Ride on our trip for the first time in years. I really enjoyed it. I had forgotten what it was really like. My son was a little scared, and I had told him there was nothing scary about it. I really didn't remember anything being scary.
We did the movie ride for the first time last week and we really liked it too. We missed it last year. I took everyone's advice last year and only planned one day each for AK and HS, but to me, that just wasn't enough time. I'm still not sure why everyone thinks HS and AK can be done in one day. Maybe if you have already been there and done everything and you know what you want to do and what to skip, but one day is not enough for a first timer. This time we went to HS 2 days and that was MUCH better. With so much of the park being on schedules, it is hard to get it all done. We still haven't conquered TOT and probably never will!:scared1:

Your 4 parks day sounds like a whirlwind of fun though! We never do the park hopper to save money, so we have never done more than one park in a day. I guess you guys have APs though. Wish I could go often enough to need an AP!:worship: But I'll just live vicariously through you for now!

BTW, did you feel your spirit soaring this past Saturday???? Because I thought of you and your family while we were sailing over the orange groves!:cloud9: Tell Brooklynn that the golf ball wasn't a favorite of my DD either! :lmao:
We did the movie ride for the first time last week and we really liked it too. We missed it last year. I took everyone's advice last year and only planned one day each for AK and HS, but to me, that just wasn't enough time. I'm still not sure why everyone thinks HS and AK can be done in one day. Maybe if you have already been there and done everything and you know what you want to do and what to skip, but one day is not enough for a first timer. This time we went to HS 2 days and that was MUCH better. With so much of the park being on schedules, it is hard to get it all done. We still haven't conquered TOT and probably never will!:scared1:

Your 4 parks day sounds like a whirlwind of fun though! We never do the park hopper to save money, so we have never done more than one park in a day. I guess you guys have APs though. Wish I could go often enough to need an AP!:worship: But I'll just live vicariously through you for now!

BTW, did you feel your spirit soaring this past Saturday???? Because I thought of you and your family while we were sailing over the orange groves!:cloud9: Tell Brooklynn that the golf ball wasn't a favorite of my DD either! :lmao:

What were your dates? We were there Nov 7-14. It would be neat if our paths crossed. What days were you in the parks?
Another great update MeMom. :) The Great Movie Ride was a first for me last year and I thought it was pretty cute. Sorry about the grumpy pill. Those happen at my house too. And men say women can get crabby, don't they? LOL! ;)
Hi MeMom

I have been out of action for a while so just caught up! About a week ago I did my back in and was literally bed bound for 2-days before I found the strength to get downstairs. Then on Monday this week I went into hospital for an operation to remove my gall bladder and 4 big gall stones! It was a quick operation and went well but I am very sore and grumpy! It was done keyhole and so I have a hole in my belly button and 3 holes dotted around my tummy. Its been over a week since I had a proper cuddle with Toby! Had a small one today but I could feel it hurting so gave him back to Daddy.

Hope you have a good weekend! xxx
Wow, what fun pics from the Great Movie Ride! Felt like I was there! :)

Haha, sorry Brookie..the Jamaican look is not for you. :laughing:
That's for sure! Kansas doesn't look anything like that!

You don't have little people poking out of the manholes? That's good, because that would be a little scary! :laughing:

If I thought the shake would arrive still "as a shake" I would take you up on that offer! :lmao:

I love gingerbread, especially at Christmas time! Yummy!

I will hold onto the hope that you & Kay will do that little trip. ;)

I see we are on here at the same time.

No Not the Snakes!

I am not coming home without that Tinkerbell Minnie in March!

I like the smell of gingerbread, and I like the gingerbread house at Grand Floridian. :)

Hopes are quickly dwindling for that March trip. I'm really looking for things closer to home now, because I know I will want to do something, even if it is little. I can't go all the way from the first week of January until the first week of July without doing something fun.

MeMom, I love that you took pictures of the movie clips at the end!!! :lmao:

Did you expect any less? That's such a sweet way to say, 'You're such a dork!' :laughing:

I love the montage at the end of GMR -- we haven't done that for a while, so I went on YouTube to find the montage.

I hope you and Kay get to do a little trip in March. If I don't do a PTR, I will definitely do a TR and not be a bad DISer and abandon it, so I will definitely do my best to give you a Disney fix whether you get to go then or not. :goodvibes

That's right - you better not leave us out of this next trip!!!
Where's the smiley that shakes its finger at you?

I will need a fix. I think there's something special about spring, because I'm so ready to get out in the sunshine. I will be dying, dying, dying to see some palm trees, so get some pictures of those for me. :thumbsup2

I'm so happy that you posted those pictures of GMR. I haven't been on that ride in SO long. I'll have to put that on my to do list for the next time around!

I like to do it every once in a while. We usually take a handprints picture, even if we don't ride.

I love your pictures of the Beach/Yacht club. When I saw it I stopped and took a deep breath in like I could smell the Beach Club.:rotfl::rotfl:

Love of the picture of the girls in the chair. so sweet :love:

And when they tell you your daughter is strong minded I knew they meant mine was just stubborn.:laughing:

I have many of these. Every place has a different design.

Maybe you can burn a Yankee Candle that has a beach smell and sit in the sandbox while you look at them. :laughing:

Teachers have to be very careful how they word things. ;)

I don't know whether to laugh or cry but I must truly be a teacher at heart when I see this and notice the grammatical error!

when you get some spare time this weekend, stop by my new PTR and give me your ADR opinions!

I no. I spied that write away, two. :laughing:

I will be at your PTR shortly. :thumbsup2

The picture of Brook and Bella on the chair is just too adorable. Christmas card material for sure.:thumbsup2
So sweet of Brooklyn to say she is thankful for Bella. I bet if Bella could talk she would say the same! Those girls are going to be friends forever.:lovestruc
Great GMR pictures. I have plans to ride it this Sunday before Fantasmic. Now I'm really excited. I leave Saturday so if I don't talk to you before have a wonderful thanksgiving, Memom.

We're going to make calendars for next year, so we'll have those two little sweeties posing all over Disney World as we gather pictures to choose from for that.

I know you are excited and busy tonight. Have a GREAT trip!!! :dance3:


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